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I am trying to use the bellow script written by @petebankhead to concatenate several images in my QuPath project:
Link to original script: Merge images along the channels dimension in QuPath v0.2.0

* Merge images along the channels dimension in QuPath v0.2.0. * This shows how multiple images can be combined by channel concatenation, * optionally applying color deconvolution or affine transformations along the way. * It may be applied to either brightfield images (with stains set) or fluorescence images. * The result can be written to a file (if 'pathOutput' is defined) or opened in the QuPath viewer. * Writing to a file is *strongly recommended* to ensure the result is preserved. * Opening in the viewer directly will have quite slow performance (as the transforms are applied dynamically) * and there is no guarantee the image can be reopened later, since the representation of the * transforms might change in future versions... so this is really only to preview results. * Note QuPath does *not* offer full whole slide image registration - and there are no * plans to change this. If you require image registration, you probably need to use other * software to achieve this, and perhaps then import the registered images into QuPath later. * Rather, this script is limited to applying a pre-defined affine transformation to align two or more * images. In the case where image registration has already been applied, it can be used to * concatenate images along the channel dimension without any addition transformation. * In its current form, the script assumes you have an open project containing the images * OS-2.ndpi and OS-3.ndpi from the OpenSlide freely-distributable test data, * and the image type (and color deconvolution stains) have been set. * The script will apply a pre-defined affine transform to align the images (*very* roughly!), * and write their deconvolved channels together as a single 6-channel pseudo-fluorescence image. * You will need to change the image names & add the correct transforms to apply it elsewhere. * USE WITH CAUTION! * This uses still-in-development parts of QuPath that are not officially documented, * and may change or be removed in future versions. * Made available due to frequency of questions, not readiness of code. * For these reasons, I ask that you refrain from posting the script elsewhere, and instead link to this * Gist so that anyone requiring it can get the latest version. * @author Pete Bankhead import javafx.application.Platform import org.locationtech.jts.geom.util.AffineTransformation import qupath.lib.images.ImageData import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageChannel import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServer import qupath.lib.images.servers.ImageServers import qupath.lib.roi.GeometryTools import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform import java.awt.image.BufferedImage import java.util.stream.Collectors import static qupath.lib.gui.scripting.QPEx.* import qupath.lib.images.servers.TransformedServerBuilder // Define a transform, e.g. with the (also unfinished) 'Interactive image alignment' command // Note: you may need to remove .createInverse() depending upon how the transform is created //def os3Transform = GeometryTools.convertTransform(new AffineTransformation([-0.989, 0.067, 121405.675, // -0.067, -0.989, 80740.763] as double[])).createInverse() // Define a map from the image name to the transform that should be applied to that image def transforms = [ 'AB-0083_1.0.4_R000_Cy3_CD3e_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), // Identity transform (use this if no transform is needed) 'AB-0083_1.0.4_R000_Cy5_Ki67_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_1.0.4_R000_Cy7_CD8a_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_1.0.4_R000_DAPI__FINAL_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_1.0.4_R000_FITC_PanCK_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_2.0.4_R000_Cy3_CD68_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_2.0.4_R000_Cy7_PD1_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_2.0.4_R000_DAPI__FINAL_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_2.0.4_R000_FITC_Vimentin_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_3.0.4_R000_Cy3_GRNZB_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_3.0.4_R000_Cy5_HLA-DRA_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_3.0.4_R000_Cy7_CD45_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_3.0.4_R000_DAPI__FINAL_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_3.0.4_R000_FITC_NaKATPase_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_4.0.4_R000_Cy7_CD31_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_4.0.4_R000_DAPI__FINAL_F.ome.tif': new AffineTransform(), 'AB-0083_3.0.4_R000_FITC_NaKATPase_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif_Overlay': new AffineTransform() // Define an output path where the merged file should be written // Recommended to use extension .ome.tif (required for a pyramidal image) // If null, the image will be opened in a viewer //String pathOutput = null String pathOutput = buildFilePath(PROJECT_BASE_DIR, 'AB-0083_merged.ome.tif') // Choose how much to downsample the output (can be *very* slow to export large images with downsample 1!) double outputDownsample = 1 // Loop through the transforms to create a server that merges these def project = getProject() def servers = [] def channels = [] int c = 0 for (def mapEntry : transforms.entrySet()) { // Find the next image & transform def name = mapEntry.getKey() def transform = mapEntry.getValue() if (transform == null) transform = new AffineTransform() def entry = project.getImageList().find {it.getImageName() == name} // Read the image & check if it has stains (for deconvolution) def imageData = entry.readImageData() def currentServer = imageData.getServer() def stains = imageData.getColorDeconvolutionStains() // Nothing more to do if we have the identity trainform & no stains if (transform.isIdentity() && stains == null) { channels.addAll(updateChannelNames(name, currentServer.getMetadata().getChannels())) servers << currentServer continue } else { // Create a server to apply transforms def builder = new TransformedServerBuilder(currentServer) if (!transform.isIdentity()) builder.transform(transform) // If we have stains, deconvolve them if (stains != null) { builder.deconvolveStains(stains) for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) channels << ImageChannel.getInstance(name + "-" + stains.getStain(i).getName(), ImageChannel.getDefaultChannelColor(c++)) } else { channels.addAll(updateChannelNames(name, currentServer.getMetadata().getChannels())) servers << builder.build() println 'Channels: ' + channels.size() // Remove the first server - we need to use it as a basis (defining key metadata, size) ImageServer<BufferedImage> server = servers.remove(0) // If anything else remains, concatenate along the channels dimension if (!servers.isEmpty()) server = new TransformedServerBuilder(server) .concatChannels(servers) .build() // Write the image or open it in the viewer if (pathOutput != null) { if (outputDownsample > 1) server = ImageServers.pyramidalize(server, outputDownsample) writeImage(server, pathOutput) } else { // Create the new image & add to the project def imageData = new ImageData<BufferedImage>(server) setChannels(imageData, channels as ImageChannel[]) Platform.runLater { getCurrentViewer().setImageData(imageData) // Prepend a base name to channel names List<ImageChannel> updateChannelNames(String name, Collection<ImageChannel> channels) { return channels .stream() .map( c -> { return ImageChannel.getInstance(name + '-' + c.getName(), c.getColor()) ).collect(Collectors.toList())

All the images come from a CellDIVE system which registered the images together, therefore a transformation matrix is not needed while merging the channels. Based on the instructions of the script and some comments on the GitHub page, I thought I set up my script correctly, but I am getting the below error:

INFO: Starting script at Thu Dec 05 11:48:34 EST 2024
ERROR: Cannot invoke method readImageData() on null object in Concate_Images.groovy at line number 107
    java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Unknown Source)
    java.base/java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(Unknown Source)
    java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
    java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

I tried using other methods to get the image data based on what I could find in the JavaDocs and other scripts I have, but I don’t think those commands were correct for what this script is trying to accomplish (those commands probably need current server information rather than getting information for images that are not open). I’m a bit stuck and I don’t know if this is a compatibility issue (script was written for v2.0, but someone did use this script in 2023, unsure of which QuPath version) or if I did not set up the list of images correctly? Thank you much in advance for any help!

Gah! It was a dumb name mistake that I did not catch!

AB-0083_3.0.4_R000_FITC_NaKATPase_FINAL_AFR_F.ome.tif_Overlay did not exist in this project and was throwing everything off.

Thank you, Sara!