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马彬教授等人在High Power Laser Science and Engineering发表《The Influence of Space Environmental Factors on the Laser-induced Damage Thresholds in Optical Components》


王占山和程鑫彬团队在《Royal Society Open Science》杂志上发表题为“Rapid species discrimination of similar insects using hyperspectral imaging and lightweight edge artificial intelligence”的文章

精密光学工程技术研究所王占山和程鑫彬团队王绪泉、马志远等人在《Royal Society Open Science》杂志上发表题为“Rapid species discrimination of similar insects using hyperspectral imaging and lightweight edge artificial intelligence”的文章。昆虫物种的鉴别是生态学和生物多样性研究的一个重要方面。基于人类视觉经验和生化分析的传统方法无法兼顾准确性和及时性。利用计算机视觉和机器学习进行形态识别有望解决这...

  • 【学术报告】Woojoo Lee:Photoemission Spectroscopy in Quantum Materials Research

    In this lecture, I'll introduce photoemission spectroscopy and its applications in quantum materials research. The lecture begins with an introduction to electronic band structure, the basic working principles of photoemission spectroscopy, and its early use in material research. Later, I'll present state-of-the-art photoemission equipment and recent studies using these tools. The goal of this lecture is to provide a comprehensive overview of photoemission spectroscopy in condensed matter physics.

  • 【学术报告】Igor Chestnov:Macroscopic Condensates of Excitons Polaritons

    This lecture will review the recent progress in investigating a spontaneous build-up of macroscopic coherence in non-resonantly pumped semiconductor microcavities. Because of the strong interaction between excitons and cavity mode, the hybrid particles called polaritons appear. Inheriting high mobility and strong interactions from their constituents, these particles demonstrate superfluid behavior accompanied by spontaneous nucleation of vortices. I will describe experimental approaches for creation and manipulation of such peculiar structures including spatial confinement techniques. In addition, I will present a theoretical framework capable of explaining a number of recent experimental findings.

  • 【学术报告】Junho Choi:Optical Spectroscopy In 2D Quantum Materials Research

    This lecture will provide an introductory overview of optical spectroscopy techniques and their applications in the study of two-dimensional (2D) quantum materials. As the field of 2D materials has rapidly expanded, understanding their unique optical and electronic properties has become important for advancing quantum science. We will begin with a basic review of key concepts in linear and nonlinear optical spectroscopies. Participants will gain insights into recent breakthroughs in the field, including moiré excitons and twist angle dependent tunable optical properties in twisted semiconducting bilayers. This session is designed for undergraduate students who are new to the field of 2D quantum materials and seek a comprehensive introduction to the application of optical spectroscopy in this cutting-edge area of research.

  • 【学术报告】杨隋:软超材料 从结构对称控制到光场应用


  • 【学术报告】马爱文:度量衡——认识人生的另一个维度


  • 【学术报告】陈沐谷:多目超透镜: 成像与感测


  • 【学术报告】诸佳俊:如何在Nature系列期刊发表高影响力论文

    本报告将介绍Nature系列期刊,并从题材、内容、编辑等方面举例讲述Nature、Nature研究型期刊(如Nature Nanotechnology),Nature Communications对文章要求的异同,重点对Nature及其旗下的刊物构架、视野与目标内容以及例文进行解析;报告还将详细介绍编辑预审的流程和在不同阶段编辑的判断依据;同时也将讲解论文撰写技巧,包括故事线与话题选择、论文各部分撰写要点、立意拔高解析等内容;同时将介绍论文投稿的注意事项(附信设计、审稿流程剖析、审稿意见回复)、投稿后事宜(稿件接收后事宜、拒稿后反驳)等。

  • 【学术报告】沈元壤:现代光科学之里程碑


  • 【学术报告】张建中:光纤传感器 材料-制备-应用


  • VR虚拟漫游研究所

    Virtual Tour Research Institute
