  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

I am really new to grafana and trying to develop a dashboard with postgres. But getting the following error in grafana.

SQL Query:

SELECT Count(*) as count,
tm.category::VARCHAR ,
Time_bucket(‘1 weeks’, ts.updation_time) AS TIME
FROM tasks ts
INNER JOIN tasks_metadata tm
ON ts.task_id = tm.task_id
AND ts.project_id = tm.project_id
AND ts.status = ‘open’
GROUP BY tm.category, TIME;

Issue :

Column metric must be of type UNKNOWN, TEXT, VARCHAR, CHAR. metric column name: category type: VARCHAR but datatype is

Grafana version : 6.3.3

Can somebody please help me with this ??

"maxDataPoints": 960, "datasourceId": 10, "rawSql": "SELECT Count(*) as count, \n tm.category ,\n\t Time_bucket('4 weeks', ts.updation_time) AS TIME \nFROM tasks ts \n INNER JOIN tasks_metadata tm \n ON ts.task_id = tm.task_id \n AND ts.project_id = tm.project_id \n AND ts.status = 'open' \n AND $__timeFilter(ts.updation_time)\nGROUP BY tm.category, TIME\nORDER BY TIME;\n\n", "format": "time_series" "response": { "results": { "A": { "error": "Column metric must be of type UNKNOWN, TEXT, VARCHAR, CHAR. metric column name: category type: VARCHAR but datatype is <nil>", "refId": "A", "meta": { "sql": "SELECT Count(*) as count, \n tm.category ,\n\t Time_bucket('4 weeks', ts.updation_time) AS TIME \nFROM tasks ts \n INNER JOIN tasks_metadata tm \n ON ts.task_id = tm.task_id \n AND ts.project_id = tm.project_id \n AND ts.status = 'open' \n AND ts.updation_time BETWEEN '2019-07-03T09:32:49.269Z' AND '2019-10-01T09:32:49.269Z'\nGROUP BY tm.category, TIME\nORDER BY TIME;\n\n" "series": null, "tables": null "message": "Column metric must be of type UNKNOWN, TEXT, VARCHAR, CHAR. metric column name: category type: VARCHAR but datatype is <nil>"

I have resolved the problem by rewriting the query with null check. I think the null values are creating some problem. The updated query is :

SELECT Count(*) as count, 
     tm.category ,
	   Time_bucket('4 weeks', ts.updation_time) AS TIME  
FROM   tasks ts 
       INNER JOIN tasks_metadata tm 
               ON ts.task_id = tm.task_id 
                  AND ts.project_id = tm.project_id 
                  AND ts.status = 'open' 
                  AND $__timeFilter(ts.updation_time)
                  AND tm.category is not null
GROUP  BY tm.category, TIME

Is it an expected behavior ? Table schema is given below :

CREATE TABLE public.tasks_metadata
    task_id character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    project_id character varying(25) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    planned_finish_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
    priority integer,
    task_name character varying(500) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL,
    category character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    sub_category character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    CONSTRAINT tasks_metadata_pkey PRIMARY KEY (task_id, project_id)
