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  • 2. Quick start for experts
    • 2.1. Enable the Poplar SDK
    • 2.2. Create and enable a Python virtual environment
    • 2.3. Install the TensorFlow 2 wheels and validate
    • 2.4. Clone the Graphcore examples
    • 2.5. Run the application
    • 2.6. Exit the virtual environment
    • 3. Quick start for beginners
      • 3.1. Enable the Poplar SDK
      • 3.2. Create and enable a Python virtual environment
      • 3.3. Install the TensorFlow 2 wheels and validate
        • 3.3.1. TensorFlow 2 wheel
        • 3.3.2. Keras wheel
        • 3.3.3. TensorFlow 2 Addons wheel
        • 3.4. Clone the Graphcore examples
        • 3.5. Define environment variable
        • 3.6. Run the application
        • 3.7. Exit the virtual environment
        • 3.8. Try out other applications
        • 4. Next steps
          • 4.1. Documentation
          • 4.2. Running applications in Docker
          • 4.3. Tutorials, examples and applications
          • 4.4. Other support
          • 5. Trademarks & copyright
          • Appendixes

          • A. Install examples and tutorials for older Poplar SDK versions
            • A.1. Clone the Graphcore tutorials
            • A.2. Clone the Graphcore examples
            • Search help

              Note: Searching from the top-level index page will search all documents. Searching from a specific document will search only that document.

            • Find an exact phrase: Wrap your search phrase in "" (double quotes) to only get results where the phrase is exactly matched. For example "PyTorch for the IPU" or "replicated tensor sharding"
            • Prefix query: Add an * (asterisk) at the end of any word to indicate a prefix query. This will return results containing all words with the specific prefix. For example tensor*
            • Fuzzy search: Use ~N (tilde followed by a number) at the end of any word for a fuzzy search. This will return results that are similar to the search word. N specifies the “edit distance” (fuzziness) of the match. For example Polibs~1
            • Words close to each other: ~N (tilde followed by a number) after a phrase (in quotes) returns results where the words are close to each other. N is the maximum number of positions allowed between matching words. For example "ipu version"~2
            • Logical operators. You can use the following logical operators in a search:
            • + signifies AND operation
            • | signifies OR operation
            • - negates a single word or phrase (returns results without that word or phrase)
            • () controls operator precedence
            • 3. Quick start for beginners

              This section provides more detail on the steps described in the Quick start for experts section.

              Complete any necessary setup to use your IPU system (see Section 1.1, IPU systems ) before the following steps.

              3.1. Enable the Poplar SDK

              It is best if you use the latest version of the Poplar SDK.

              On some systems you must explicitly enable the Poplar SDK before you can use PyTorch or TensorFlow for the IPU, or the Poplar Graph Programming Framework. On other systems, the SDK is enabled as part of the login process.

              Table 3.1 defines whether you have to explicitly enable the SDK and where to find it.

              Table 3.1 Systems that need the Poplar SDK to be enabled and the SDK location


              where [poplar_ver] is the software version number of the Poplar SDK and [build] is the build information.

              Gcore Cloud

              The SDK has been enabled as part of the login process.

              To enable the Poplar SDK:

              For SDK versions 2.6 and later, there is a single enable script that determines whether you are using Bash or Zsh and runs the appropriate scripts to enable both Poplar and PopTorch/PopART.

              Source the single script as follows:

              $ source [path_to_SDK]/enable

              where [path_to_SDK] is the location of the Poplar SDK on your system.
