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Search Job APIs

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The Search Job API provides third-party scripts and applications access to your log data through access key/access ID authentication.


Search Job APIs are not yet built with OpenAPI specifications and therefore not included in our Swagger docs . Instead, refer to the below documentation.

Refer to Getting Started for Sumo Logic API Authentication, Endpoints, and Security.

Our APIs are built with OpenAPI . You can generate client libraries in several languages and explore automated testing.

To access our API documentation, navigate to the appropriate link based on your Sumo deployment. Deployment types differ based on geographic location and account creation date. If unsure, see How to determine your endpoint .


The Search Job API is available to Enterprise accounts.

Account Type Account Level
Cloud Flex Legacy Enterprise
Sumo Logic Credits Trial, Enterprise Operations, Enterprise Security, Enterprise Suite

Endpoints for API access

Sumo Logic has deployments that are assigned depending on the geographic location and the date an account is created. For API access, you must manually direct your API client to the correct Sumo Logic API URL.

See Sumo Logic Endpoints for the list of the URLs.

An HTTP 301 Moved error suggests that the wrong endpoint was specified.

Session Timeout

While the search job is running you need to request the job status based on the search job ID. The API keeps the search job alive by either polling for status every 20 to 30 seconds or gathering results. If the search job is not kept alive by API requests, it is canceled. When a search job is canceled for inactivity, you will get a 404 status.

You must enable cookies for subsequent requests to the search job. A 404 status (Page Not Found) on a follow-up request may be due to a cookie not accompanying the request.

There's a query timeout after eight hours, even if the API is polling and making requests. If you are running very few queries, you may be able to go a little longer, but you can expect most of your queries to end after eight hours.

So, a 404 status is generated in these two situations:

  • When cookies are disabled.
  • When a query session is canceled.
  • You can start requesting results asynchronously while the job is running and page through partial results while the job is in progress.

    Search Job Result Limits

    Data Tier Non-aggregate Search (messages)
    Continuous Can return up to 10 million records per search.
    Frequent Can return up to 10 million records per search.
    Infrequent Can return up to 10 million records per search.

    Flex Licensing model can return up to 10 million records per search.

    If you need more results, you'll need to break up your search into several searches that span smaller blocks of the time range needed. For example, if your search runs for a week and returns 70 million records, consider breaking it into at least seven searches, each spanning a day.

    Rate limit throttling

  • A rate limit of four API requests per second (240 requests per minute) applies to all API calls from a user.
  • A rate limit of 10 concurrent requests to any API endpoint applies to an access key.
  • If a rate is exceeded, a rate limit exceeded 429 status code is returned.

    A limit of 200 active concurrent search jobs applies to your organization.

    When searching the Frequent Tier , a rate limit of 20 concurrent search jobs applies to your organization.

    When searching the Flex data , a rate limit of 200 concurrent search jobs applies to your organization.

    Once you reach the limit of 200 active searches, attempting an additional search will return a status code of 429 Too Many Requests , indicating that you've exceeded the permitted search job limit.

    This limit applies only to Search Job API searches, and does not take into account searches run from the Sumo UI, scheduled searches, or dashboard panel searches that are running at the same time. If the search job is not kept alive by API requests every 20-30 seconds, it is canceled.

    You can reduce the number of active search jobs by explicitly deleting a search after you receive the results. Manual deletion of searches helps maintain a low count of active searches, of reaching the Search Job API throttling limit. See Deleting a search job for details.

    Process flow

    The following figure shows the process flow for search jobs.

  • Request. You request a search job, giving the query and time range.
  • Response. Sumo Logic responds with a job ID. If there’s a problem with the request, an error code is provided (see the list of error codes following the figure).
  • Request. Use the job ID to request search status. This needs to be done at least every 20-30 seconds so the search session is not canceled due to inactivity.
  • Response. Sumo Logic responds with job status. An error code (404) is returned if the request could not be completed. The status includes the current state of the search job (gathering results, done executing, etc.). It also includes the message and record counts based on how many results have already been found while executing the search. For non-aggregation queries, only the number of messages is reported. For aggregation queries, the number of records produced is also reported. The search job status provides access to an implicitly generated histogram of the distribution of found messages over the time range specified for the search job. During and after execution, the API can be used to request available messages and records in a paging fashion.
  • Request. You request results. It’s not necessary for the search to be complete for the user to request results; the process works asynchronously. You can repeat the request as often as needed to keep seeing updated results, keeping in mind the rate limits. The Search Job API can return up to 10 million records per search query.
  • Response. Sumo Logic delivers JSON-formatted search results as requested. The API can deliver partial results that the user can start paging through, even as new results continue to come in. If there’s a problem with the results, an error code is provided (see the list of error codes following the figure).
  • Errors

    Generic errors that apply to all APIs

    Code Error Description
    301 moved The requested resource SHOULD be accessed through returned URI in Location Header.
    401 unauthorized Credential could not be verified.
    403 forbidden This operation is not allowed for your account type.
    404 notfound Requested resource could not be found.
    405 method.unsupported Unsupported method for URL.
    415 contenttype.invalid Invalid content type.
    429 rate.limit.exceeded The API request rate is higher than 4 request per second or your organization has exceeded the 200 active concurrent search job limit.
    500 internal.error Internal server error.
    503 service.unavailable Service is currently unavailable.

    Errors when creating the search query (#2 in the process flow )

    Code Error Description
    400 generic Generic error.
    400 invalid.timestamp.to The 'to' field contains an invalid time.
    400 invalid.timestamp.from The 'from' field contains an invalid time.
    400 to.smaller.than.from The 'from' time cannot be larger than the 'to' time.
    400 unknown.timezone The 'timezone' value is not a known time zone. See this Wikipedia article for a list of time zone codes.
    400 empty.timezone The 'timezone' cannot be blank.
    400 no.query No 'query' parameter was provided.
    400 unknown.time.type Time type is not correct.
    400 parse.error Unable to parse query.

    Error when requesting status (#3 in the process flow )

    Code Error Description
    404 "jobid.invalid" "Job ID is invalid."

    Errors when paging through the result set (#5 in the process flow )

    Code Error Description
    400 "jobid.invalid" "Job ID is invalid."
    400 "offset.missing" "Offset is missing."
    400 "offset.negative" "Offset cannot be negative."
    400 "limit.missing" "Limit is missing."
    400 "limit.zero" "Limit cannot be 0."
    400 "limit.negative" "Limit cannot be negative."
    400 "no.records.not.an.aggregation.query" "No records; query is not an aggregation"

    GET Methods

    Get the current Search Job status

    GET /v1/search/jobs/{SEARCH_JOB_ID}

    Use the search job ID to obtain the current status of a search job (step 4 in the process flow).

    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .

    To view all available endpoints, see Sumo Logic Endpoints .

    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    searchJobId String Yes The ID of the search job.


    The result is a JSON document containing the search job state, the number of messages found so far, the number of records produced so far, any pending warnings and errors, and any histogram buckets so far.

    Sample session

    curl -v --trace-ascii - -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -H 'Accept: application/json'
    --user <ACCESSID>:<ACCESSKEY> https://api.sumologic.com/api/v1/search/jobs/37589506F194FC80
    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .

    To view all available endpoints, see Sumo Logic Endpoints .

    This is the formatted result document:


    Notice that the state of the sample search job is DONE GATHERING RESULTS. The following table includes possible states.

    State Description
    NOT STARTED Search job has not been started yet.
    GATHERING RESULTS Search job is still gathering more results, however results might already be available.
    GATHERING RESULTS FROM SUBQUERIES Search job is gathering results from the subqueries, before executing the main query.
    FORCE PAUSED Query that is paused by the system. It is true only for non-aggregate queries that are paused at the limit of 100k. This limit is dynamic and may vary from customer to customer.
    DONE GATHERING RESULTS Search job is done gathering results; the entire specified time range has been covered.
    DONE GATHERING HISTOGRAM Search job is done gathering results needed to build a histogram; the entire specified time range needed to build the histogram has been covered.
    CANCELLED The search job has been canceled. Note the spelling has two L letters.

    More about results

    The messageCount and recordCount values indicate the number of messages and records found or produced so far. Messages are raw log messages and records are aggregated data.

    For queries that do not contain an aggregation operator, only messages are returned. If the query contains an aggregation, for example, count by _sourceCategory , then the messages are returned along with records resulting from the aggregation (similar to what a SQL database would return).

    The pendingErrors and pendingWarnings values contain any pending error or warning strings that have accumulated since the last time the status was requested.

    Errors and warnings are not cumulative. If you need to retain the errors and warnings, store them locally.

    The histogramBuckets value returns a list of histogram buckets. A histogram bucket is defined by its timestamp, which is the start timestamp (in milliseconds) of the bucket, and a length, also in milliseconds, that expressed the width of the bucket. The timestampplus length is the end timestamp of the bucket, so the count is the number of messages in the bucket.

    The histogram buckets correspond to the histogram display in the Sumo Logic interactive analytics API. The histogram buckets are not cumulative. Because the status API will return only the new buckets discovered since the last status call, the buckets need to be remembered by the client, if they are to be used. A search job in the Sumo Logic backend will always execute a query by finding and processing matching messages starting at the end of the specified time range, and moving to the beginning. During this process, histogram buckets are discovered and returned.

    Fields are not returned in the specified order and are all lowercase.

    Paging through the messages found by a search job

    GET /v1/search/jobs/{SEARCH_JOB_ID}/messages?offset={OFFSET}&limit={LIMIT}

    The search job status informs the user about the number of found messages. The messages can be requested using a paging API call (step 6 in the process flow). Messages are always ordered by the latest _messageTime value.

    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .

    To view all available endpoints, see Sumo Logic Endpoints .

    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    searchJobId String Yes The ID of the search job.
    offset Int Yes Return message starting at this offset.
    limit Int Yes The number of messages starting at offset to return. The maximum value for limit is 10,000 messages or 100 MB in total message size, which means the query may return less than 10,000 messages if you exceed the size limit.

    Sample session

    curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -H 'Accept: application/json'
    --user <ACCESSID>:<ACCESSKEY> 'https://api.sumologic.com/api/v1/search/jobs/37589506F194FC80/messages?offset=0&limit=10'
    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .

    To view all available endpoints, see Sumo Logic Endpoints .

    This is the formatted result document (click to expand)
    "_format":"plain:atp:o:0:l:29:p:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS ZZZZ",
    "_raw":"2013-01-28 13:09:10,333 -0800 INFO [module=SERVICE] [logger=util.scala.zk.discovery.AWSServiceRegistry] [thread=pool-1-thread-1] FINISHED findRunningInstances(ListBuffer((Service: name: elasticache-1, defaultProps: Map()), (Service: name: userAndOrgCache, defaultProps: Map()), (Service: name: rds_cloudcollector, defaultProps: Map()))) returning Map((Service: name: elasticache-1, defaultProps: Map()) -> [], (Service: name: userAndOrgCache, defaultProps: Map()) -> [], (Service: name: rds_cloudcollector, defaultProps: Map()) -> []) after 1515 ms",
    "_format":"plain:atp:o:0:l:29:p:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS ZZZZ",
    "_raw":"2013-01-28 13:04:09,529 -0800 INFO [module=SERVICE] [logger=com.netflix.config.sources.DynamoDbConfigurationSource] [thread=pollingConfigurationSource] Successfully polled Dynamo for a new configuration based on table:raychaser-chiapetProperties",

    More about results

    The result contains two lists, fields and messages .

    • fields contains a list of all the fields defined for each of the messages returned. For each field, the field name and field type are returned.
    • messages contains a list of maps, one map per message. Each map maps from the fields described in the fields list to the actual value for the message.

    For example, the field _raw contains the raw collected log message.

    _messageTime is the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the timestamp extracted from the message itself.

    _receipttime is the number of milliseconds since the epoch of the timestamp of arrival of the message in the Sumo Logic system.

    The metadata fields _sourceHost , _sourceName , and _sourceCategory , which are also featured in Sumo Logic, are available here.

    Page through the records found by a Search Job

    GET /v1/search/jobs/{SEARCH_JOB_ID}/records?offset={OFFSET]&limit={LIMIT}

    The search job status informs the user as to the number of produced records, if the query performs an aggregation. Those records can be requested using a paging API call (step 6 in the process flow), just as the message can be requested.

    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .

    To view all available endpoints, see Sumo Logic Endpoints .

    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    searchJobId String Yes The ID of the search job.
    offset Int Yes Return records starting at this offset.
    limit Int Yes The number of records starting at offset to return. The maximum value for limit is 10,000 records.

    Sample session

    curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -H
    'Accept: application/json' --user <ACCESSID>:<ACCESSKEY>

    This is the formatted result document:


    The returned document is similar to the one returned for the message paging API. The schema of the records returned is described by the list of fields as part of the fields element. The records themselves are a list of maps.

    POST Methods

    Create a search job

    POST /v1/search/jobs

    To create a search job (step 1 in the process flow ), send a JSON request to the search job endpoint. JSON files need to be UTF-8 encoded following RFC 8259 .

    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .

    To view all available endpoints, see Sumo Logic Endpoints .


    Header Value
    Content-Type application/json
    Accept application/json

    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    query String Yes The actual search expression. Make sure your query is valid JSON format following RFC 8259 , you may need to escape certain characters.
    from String Yes The ISO 8601 date and time of the time range to start the search.

    For example, to specify July 16, 2017, use the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm :ss , or 2017-07-16T00:00:00 .

    Can also be milliseconds since epoch.

    to String Yes The ISO 8601 date and time of the time range to end the search.

    For example, to specify July 26, 2017, use the form YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm :ss , or 2017-07-26T00:00:00 .

    Can also be milliseconds since epoch.

    timeZone String Yes The time zone if from/to is not in milliseconds. See this Wikipedia article for a list of time zone codes.

    Note Alternatively, you can use the parameter timezone instead of timeZone.

    byReceiptTime Boolean No Define as true to run the search using receipt time . By default, searches do not run by receipt time.
    autoParsingMode String No This enables dynamic parsing . Values are:

    AutoParse - Sumo Logic will perform field extraction on JSON log messages when you run a search.

    Manual - (Default value) Sumo Logic will not autoparse JSON logs at search time.

    Note Previously, the supported values for this parameter were performance , intelligent , and verbose . These values still function, but are deprecated. Sumo Logic recommends the use of the new supported values: AutoParse and Manual .

    Status codes

    Code Text Description
    202 Accepted The search job has been successfully created.
    400 Bad Request Generic request error by the client.
    415 Unsupported Media Type Content-Type wasn't set to application/json.

    Response headers

    Header Value
    Location https://api.sumologic.com/api/v1/search/jobs/&#60;SEARCH_JOB_ID&#62 ;


    A JSON document containing the ID of the newly created search job. The ID is a string to use for all API interactions relating to the search job.

    Example error response:

    "status" : 400,
    "id" : "IUUQI-DGH5I-TJ045",
    "code" : "searchjob.invalid.timestamp.from",
    "message" : "The 'from' field contains an invalid time."

    Sample session

    The following sample session uses cURL. The Search Job API requires cookies to be honored by the client. Use curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt options to receive, store, and send back the cookies set by the API.

    curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -H 'Content-type: application/json'
    -H 'Accept: application/json' -X POST -T createSearchJob.json
    --user <ACCESSID>:<ACCESSKEY> https://api.sumologic.com/api/v1/search/jobs
    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .

    To view all available endpoints, see Sumo Logic Endpoints .

    The createSearchJob.json file looks like this:

    "query": "| count _sourceCategory",
    "from": "2019-05-03T12:00:00",
    "to": "2019-05-03T12:05:00",
    "timeZone": "IST",
    "byReceiptTime": true

    The response from Sumo Logic returns the Search Job ID as the “Location” header in the format: https://api.sumologic.com/api/v1/search/jobs/[SEARCH_JOB_ID] .

    DELETE Methods

    Delete a search job

    DELETE /v1/search/jobs/{SEARCH_JOB_ID}

    Although search jobs ultimately time out in the Sumo Logic backend, it's a good practice to explicitly cancel a search job when it is not needed anymore.

    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .

    To view all available endpoints, see Sumo Logic Endpoints .

    Request parameters

    Parameter Type Required Description
    searchJobId String Yes The ID of the search job.

    Sample session

    curl -b cookies.txt -c cookies.txt -X DELETE
    -H 'Accept: application/json' --user <ACCESSID>:<ACCESSKEY>
    Which API endpoint should I use?

    To determine which Sumo Logic API endpoint you should use, find the deployment pod referenced in your browser's Sumo Logic service URL.

    If you see https://service.us2.sumologic.com , for example, that means you're running on the US2 pod and need to use the API endpoint https://api.us2.sumologic.com/api/ . For the service URL https://service.eu.sumologic.com , you'd need to use the API endpoint https://api.eu.sumologic.com/api/ , and so on. The only exception is the US1 pod ( https://service.sumologic.com ), which uses the API endpoint https://api.sumologic.com/api/ .