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Hi, we've encountered some strange behavior with the
If we edit the previously reported file without fixing the issue, it stops reporting the issue. However, if we clean the cache, it gets back to normal, but I'm not sure we're supposed to clean the cache before every
There is one interesting detail that I think may be a clue though.
It stops being unstable if we change the code so that it doesn't import
, but initializes
in place:
package somepackage
-import "reproduction/logger"+import ""-var log = logger.NewLogger()+var log = logrus.New()
func SomeFunc() {
log.Warnf("SOME OTHER TEXT %v") // this line is supposed to be reported by govet printf linter
Version of golangci-lint
$ golangci-lint --versiongolangci-lint has version 1.56.2 built with go1.22.0 from 58a724a on 2024-02-15T12:52:06Z
linters: disable-all: true enable: - govet
Go environment
$ go version && go envgo version go1.22.0 darwin/arm64GO111MODULE=''GOARCH='arm64'GOBIN=''GOCACHE='/Users/gabolaev/Library/Caches/go-build'GOENV='/Users/gabolaev/Library/Application Support/go/env'GOEXE=''GOEXPERIMENT=''GOFLAGS=''GOHOSTARCH='arm64'GOHOSTOS='darwin'GOINSECURE=''GOMODCACHE='/Users/gabolaev/go/pkg/mod'GONOPROXY=''GONOSUMDB=''GOOS='darwin'GOPATH='/Users/gabolaev/go'GOPRIVATE=''GOPROXY=',direct'GOROOT='/opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.22.0/libexec'GOSUMDB=''GOTMPDIR=''GOTOOLCHAIN='auto'GOTOOLDIR='/opt/homebrew/Cellar/go/1.22.0/libexec/pkg/tool/darwin_arm64'GOVCS=''GOVERSION='go1.22.0'GCCGO='gccgo'AR='ar'CC='cc'CXX='c++'CGO_ENABLED='1'GOMOD='/Users/gabolaev/d/reproduction/go.mod'GOWORK=''CGO_CFLAGS='-O2 -g'CGO_CPPFLAGS=''CGO_CXXFLAGS='-O2 -g'CGO_FFLAGS='-O2 -g'CGO_LDFLAGS='-O2 -g'PKG_CONFIG='pkg-config'GOGCCFLAGS='-fPIC -arch arm64 -pthread -fno-caret-diagnostics -Qunused-arguments -fmessage-length=0 -ffile-prefix-map=/var/folders/k1/pd5ymz911jl6gdx0zgj85cym0000gq/T/go-build3537487068=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches -fno-common'
Verbose output of running
$ # golangci-lint cache clean
$ golangci-lint run -vINFO [config_reader] Config search paths: [./ /Users/gabolaev/d/reproduction /Users/gabolaev/d /Users/gabolaev /Users /] INFO [lintersdb] Active 6 linters: [errcheck gosimple govet ineffassign staticcheck unused] INFO [loader] Go packages loading at mode 575 (files|compiled_files|deps|exports_file|imports|name|types_sizes) took 80.6465ms INFO [runner/filename_unadjuster] Pre-built 0 adjustments in 671.333µs INFO [linters_context/goanalysis] analyzers took 22.21121ms with top 10 stages: buildir: 4.840833ms, fact_deprecated: 1.047916ms, ctrlflow: 868.047µs, errcheck: 710.334µs, SA9002: 663.334µs, printf: 639.212µs, SA4020: 559.833µs, SA4019: 559.667µs, unused: 544.792µs, ineffassign: 540.792µs INFO [runner] processing took 998ns with stages: max_same_issues: 333ns, skip_dirs: 167ns, nolint: 125ns, sort_results: 125ns, max_from_linter: 42ns, diff: 42ns, exclude-rules: 41ns, max_per_file_from_linter: 41ns, severity-rules: 41ns, autogenerated_exclude: 41ns, path_prettifier: 0s, skip_files: 0s, path_shortener: 0s, path_prefixer: 0s, uniq_by_line: 0s, exclude: 0s, filename_unadjuster: 0s, source_code: 0s, fixer: 0s, cgo: 0s, identifier_marker: 0s INFO [runner] linters took 95.207125ms with stages: goanalysis_metalinter: 94.983417ms INFO File cache stats: 0 entries of total size 0B INFO Memory: 3 samples, avg is 32.2MB, max is 39.6MB INFO Execution took 184.939709ms
A minimal reproducible example or link to a public repository