  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /forward.jsp(10,12) PWC6061: Expecting "jsp:param" standard action with "name" and "value" attributes


<%@page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@page errorPage="error.jsp" %>
            <% double i=Math.random();
问题源码< jsp :include pa ge="helloWorld. jsp " flush="true"> <!-- 动态加载一个文件,即在 jsp 页面运行时才将文件引入。 --> < jsp : pa ram name="hello" value ="Hello Action Element"/> <!-- 名称-值 对的形式为其他标记提供参数,必须和其他动作标记一起使用 在学习 JSP 过程过,出现了如下报错: 关键说明是: Expect ing jsp : pa ram standard action with “name” and “ value attributes 出错地点在 JSP 文件的22行。 检查22行发现代码为 < jsp :forward pa ge="viewMessages. jsp "> </body> </html> 此处... 严重: Standard Wr app erValve [ jsp ]: PWC1406 : Servlet . service () for servlet jsp threw exception java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax. servlet . Servlet Request.get Servlet Context()Ljavax/ servlet / Servlet Context; 原因:使用 jsp 动作时不规范: 错误(末尾丢失斜杠):< jsp :include pa ge="…/top_model. jsp " flush=“true”> 错误:< jsp :include pa ge="…/top_model. jsp " flush=“true”/> <br />错误信息如下:<br />org.a pa che.jasper.JasperException: /index. jsp (14,0) Expect ing " jsp : pa ram " standard action with "name" and " value " attributes <br />     org.a pa che.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler. jsp Error(DefaultErrorHandler.java:40)<br />     org.a org.a pa che.jasper.JasperException: / pa ge/back/list_article. jsp (177,6) Expect ing " jsp : pa ram " standard action with "name" and " value " attributes org.a pa che.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler. jsp Err 在用jstl做 jsp 的时候报这个错误 严重: Servlet . service () for servlet DoIndex threw exceptionorg.a pa che.jasper.JasperException: &lt;h3&gt;Validation error messages from TagLibraryValidator for c in /index. jsp &lt;/h3... type Exception report message /doreg. jsp (line: 11, column: 0) Expect ing " jsp : pa ram " standard action with "name" and " value " attributes description The server encountered an...