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That depends on the version of Squid you have chosen to try. The list of current versions released can be found at http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/ . Each version has a page of release bundles. Usually you want the release bundle that is listed as the most current.

You must download a source archive file of the form squid-x.y.tar.gz or squid-x.y.tar.bz2 (eg, squid-2.6.STABLE14.tar.bz2).

Alternatively, the main Squid WWW site www.squid-cache.org , and FTP site ftp.squid-cache.org have these files.

Context diffs are usually available for upgrading to new versions. These can be applied with the patch program (available from the GNU FTP site or your distribution).

🔗 Do you have pre-compiled binaries available?

You must run the configure script yourself before running make . We suggest that you first invoke ./configure –help and make a note of the configure options you need in order to support the features you intend to use. Do not compile in features you do not think you will need.

% tar xzf squid-2.6.RELEASExy.tar.gz
% cd squid-2.6.RELEASExy
% ./configure --with-MYOPTION --with-MYOPTION2 etc
% make
% make check
% make install

Squid will by default, install into /usr/local/squid. If you wish to install somewhere else, see the –prefix option for configure.

🔗 What kind of compiler do I need?
  • To compile Squid 4 and later, you will need a C++11-compliant compiler. Most recent Unix and Linux distributions come with pre-installed compilers that support C++11.
  • Squid 6 will require a C++17-compliant compiler. These are generally available on modern unix and linux distributions
  • If you are uncertain about your system’s C compiler, The GNU C compiler is widely available and supplied in almost all operating systems. It is also well tested with Squid. If your OS does not come with GCC you may download it from the GNU FTP site. In addition to gcc and g++, you may also want or need to install the binutils package and a number of libraries, depending on the feature-set you want to enable.

    Clang is a popular alternative to gcc, especially on BSD systems. It also generally works quite fine for building Squid. Other alternatives which are or were tested in the past were Intel’s C++ compiler and Sun’s SunStudio. Microsoft Visual C++ is another target the Squid developers aim for, but at the time of this writing (April 2014) still quite a way off.

    Please note that due to a bug in clang’s support for atomic operations, squid doesn’t build on clang older than 3.2.

    You will need the automake toolset for compiling from Makefiles.

    You will need Perl installed on your system.

    Each feature you choose to enable may also require additional libraries or tools to build.

    The easiest way to understand the dependencies for a full Squid installation is to check the Dockefiles for the containers used to run the project’s CI/CD

    🔗 How do I cross-compile Squid ?

    Use the ./configure option –host to specify the cross-compilation tuplet for the machine which Squid will be installed on. The autotools manual has some simple documentation for this and other cross-configuration options - in particular what they mean is a very useful detail to know.

    Additionally, Squid is created using several custom tools which are themselves created during the build process. This requires a C++ compiler to generate binaries which can run on the build platform. The HOSTCXX= parameter needs to be provided with the name or path to this compiler.

    🔗 How do I apply a patch or a diff?

    You need the patch program. You should probably duplicate the entire directory structure before applying the patch. For example, if you are upgrading from squid-2.6.STABLE13 to 2.6.STABLE14, you would run these commands:

    cp -rl squid-2.6.STABLE13 squid-2.6.STABLE14
    cd squid-2.6.STABLE14
    zcat /tmp/squid-2.6.STABLE13-STABLE14.diff.gz | patch -p1

    If your patch program seems to complain or refuses to work, you should get a more recent version, from the GNU FTP site, for example.

    Ideally you should use the patch command which comes with your OS.

    🔗 configure options

    The configure script can take numerous options. The most useful is –prefix to install it in a different directory. The default installation directory is /usr/local/squid/. To change the default, you could do:

    % cd squid-x.y.z
    % ./configure --prefix=/some/other/directory/squid

    Some OS require files to be installed in certain locations. See the OS specific instructions below for ./configure options required to make those installations happen correctly.

    % ./configure --help

    to see all available options. You will need to specify some of these options to enable or disable certain features. Some options which are used often include:

    --prefix=PREFIX         install architecture-independent files in PREFIX
    --enable-dlmalloc[=LIB] Compile & use the malloc package by Doug Lea
    --enable-gnuregex       Compile GNUregex
    --enable-xmalloc-debug  Do some simple malloc debugging
                            Detailed trace of memory allocations
                            Show malloc statistics in status page
    --enable-async-io       Do ASYNC disk I/O using threads
    --enable-icmp           Enable ICMP pinging and network measurement
    --enable-delay-pools    Enable delay pools to limit bandwidth usage
    --enable-useragent-log  Enable logging of User-Agent header
                            Kill parent on shutdown
                            Make cachemgr.cgi default to this host
    --enable-htpc           Enable HTCP protocol
    --enable-forw-via-db    Enable Forw/Via database
    --enable-cache-digests  Use Cache Digests
                            see http://www.squid-cache.org/Doc/FAQ/FAQ-16.html

    These are also commonly needed by Squid-2, but are now defaults in Squid-3.

    --enable-carp           Enable CARP support
    --enable-snmp           Enable SNMP monitoring
                            Select language for Error pages (see errors dir)
    cache_cf.c: In function `parseConfigFile':
    cache_cf.c:1353: yacc stack overflow before `token'

    You may need to upgrade your gcc installation to a more recent version. Check your gcc version with gcc -v

    If it is earlier than 2.7.2, you might consider upgrading. Gcc 2.7.2 is very old and not widely supported.

    🔗 CentOS
    # You will need the usual build chain
    yum install -y perl gcc autoconf automake make sudo wget
    # and some extra packages
    yum install libxml2-devel libcap-devel
    # to bootstrap and build from bzr needs also the packages
    yum install libtool-ltdl-devel

    The following ./configure options install Squid into the CentOS structure properly:


    Many versions of Ubuntu and Debian are routinely build-tested and unit-tested as part of our BuildFarm and are known to compile OK.

    The Linux system layout differs markedly from the Squid defaults. The following ./configure options are needed to install Squid into the Debian / Ubuntu standard filesystem locations:`

        --prefix=/usr \
        --localstatedir=/var \
        --libexecdir=${prefix}/lib/squid \
        --datadir=${prefix}/share/squid \
        --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
        --with-default-user=proxy \
        --with-logdir=/var/log/squid \

    Plus, of course, any custom configuration options you may need.

    For Debian Jesse (8), Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10), or older squid3 packages; the above squid labels should have a 3 appended.

    Remember these are only defaults. Altering squid.conf you can point the logs at the right path anyway without either the workaround or the patching.

    As always, additional libraries may be required to support the features you want to build. The default package dependencies can be installed using:

    aptitude build-dep squid

    This requires only that your sources.list contain the deb-src repository to pull the source package information. Features which are not supported by the distribution package will need investigation to discover the dependency package and install it.

    The usual one requested is libssl-dev for SSL support.

    However, please note that Squid-3.5 is not compatible with OpenSSL v1.1+. As of Debian Squeeze, or Ubuntu Zesty the libssl1.0-dev package must be used instead. This is resolved in the Squid-4 packages.

    should be all you need.

    However, if you wish to integrate patching of Squid with patching of your other FreeBSD packages, it might be easiest to install Squid from the Ports collection. As of FreeBSD 12.2, the available ports are:

    /usr/ports/www/squid3 - Squid 3.5.28 /usr/ports/www/squid3 - Squid 4.10

    To install squid-4:

    cd /usr/ports/www/squid
    make install clean
     This section needs re-writing. Is has very little in compiling
      Squid and much about installation.

    In order to compile Squid, you need to have Cygwin fully installed.

    The usage of the Cygwin environment is very similar to other Unix/Linux environments, and -devel version of libraries must be installed.

    Squid will by default, install into /usr/local/squid. If you wish to install somewhere else, see the –prefix option for configure.

    Now, add a new Cygwin user - see the Cygwin user guide - and map it to SYSTEM, or create a new NT user, and a matching Cygwin user and they become the squid runas users.

    Read the squid FAQ on permissions if you are using CYGWIN=ntsec.

    When that has completed run:

    squid -z

    If that succeeds, try:

    squid -N -D -d1

    Squid should start. Check that there are no errors. If everything looks good, try browsing through squid.

    Now, configure cygrunsrv to run Squid as a service as the chosen username. You may need to check permissions here.

    🔗 Compiling with MinGW

    In order to compile squid using the MinGW environment, the packages MSYS, MinGW and msysDTK must be installed. Some additional libraries and tools must be downloaded separately:

  • OpenSSL: Shining Light Productions Win32 OpenSSL
  • libcrypt: MinGW packages repository
  • db-1.85: TinyCOBOL download area

    Before building Squid with SSL support, some operations are needed (in the following example OpenSSL is installed in C:\OpenSSL and MinGW in C:\MinGW):

  • Copy C:\OpenSSL\lib\MinGW content to C:\MinGW\lib
  • Copy C:\OpenSSL\include\openssl content to C:\MinGW\include\openssl
  • Rename C:\MinGW\lib\ssleay32.a to C:\MinGW\lib\libssleay32.a
  • Unpack the source archive as usual and run configure.

    The following are the recommended minimal options for Windows:

    Squid-3 : (requires Squid-3.5 or later, see porting efforts section below)


    Then run make and install as usual.

    Squid will install into c:\squid. If you wish to install somewhere else, change the –prefix option for configure.

    When that has completed run:

    squid -z

    If that succeeds, try:

    squid -N -D -d1
  • squid should start. Check that there are no errors. If everything looks good, try browsing through squid.
  • Now, to run Squid as a Windows system service, run squid -n, this will create a service named “Squid” with automatic startup. To start it run net start squid from command line prompt or use the Services Administrative Applet.

    Always check the provided release notes for any version specific detail.

    🔗 RedHat, RHEL on which Squid is known to compile.

    If you have a problem not listed above with a solution, mail us at squid-dev what you are trying, your Squid version, and the problems you encounter.

    🔗 I see a lot warnings while compiling Squid.

    Warnings are usually not usually a big concern, and can be common with software designed to operate on multiple platforms. Squid 3.2 and later should build without generating any warnings; a big effort was spent into making the code truly portable.

    🔗 undefined reference to __inet_ntoa

    Probably you have bind 8.x installed.

    UPDATE: That version of bind is now officially obsolete and known to be vulnerable to a critical infrastructure flaw. It should be upgraded to bind 9.x or replaced as soon as possible.

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