  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
00002 # 00003 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 00004 # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 00005 # You may obtain a copy of the License at 00006 # 00007 # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 00008 # 00009 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 00010 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 00011 # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 00012 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 00013 # limitations under the License. 00014 00015 """Tools for manipulating DBRefs (references to MongoDB documents).""" 00016 00017 from bson.son import SON 00018 from copy import deepcopy 00019 00020 00021 class DBRef (object): 00022 """A reference to a document stored in MongoDB. 00023 """ 00024 00025 def __init__ (self, collection, id, database=None, _extra={}, **kwargs): 00026 """Initialize a new :class:`DBRef`. 00027 00028 Raises :class:`TypeError` if `collection` or `database` is not 00029 an instance of :class:`basestring`. `database` is optional and 00030 allows references to documents to work across databases. Any 00031 additional keyword arguments will create additional fields in 00032 the resultant embedded document. 00033 00034 :Parameters: 00035 - `collection`: name of the collection the document is stored in 00036 - `id`: the value of the document's ``"_id"`` field 00037 - `database` (optional): name of the database to reference 00038 - `**kwargs` (optional): additional keyword arguments will 00039 create additional, custom fields 00040 00041 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 00042 Now takes keyword arguments to specify additional fields. 00043 .. versionadded:: 1.1.1 00044 The `database` parameter. 00045 00046 .. mongodoc:: dbrefs 00047 """ 00048 if not isinstance(collection, basestring): 00049 raise TypeError( "collection must be an instance of basestring" ) 00050 if database is not None and not isinstance(database, basestring): 00051 raise TypeError( "database must be an instance of basestring" ) 00052 00053 self. __collection = collection 00054 self. __id = id 00055 self. __database = database 00056 kwargs.update(_extra) 00057 self. __kwargs = kwargs 00058 00059 @property 00060 def collection (self): 00061 """Get the name of this DBRef's collection as unicode. 00062 """ 00063 return self. __collection 00064 00065 @property 00066 def id (self): 00067 """Get this DBRef's _id. 00068 """ 00069 return self. __id 00070 00071 @property 00072 def database (self): 00073 """Get the name of this DBRef's database. 00074 00075 Returns None if this DBRef doesn't specify a database. 00076 00077 .. versionadded:: 1.1.1 00078 """ 00079 return self. __database 00080 00081 def __getattr__ (self, key): 00082 return self. __kwargs [key] 00083 00084 def as_doc (self): 00085 """Get the SON document representation of this DBRef. 00086 00087 Generally not needed by application developers 00088 """ 00089 doc = SON([( "$ref" , self. collection ), 00090 ( "$id" , self. id )]) 00091 if self. database is not None : 00092 doc[ "$db" ] = self. database 00093 doc.update(self. __kwargs ) 00094 return doc 00095 00096 def __repr__ (self): 00097 extra = "" .join([ ", %s=%r" % (k, v) 00098 for k, v in self. __kwargs .iteritems()]) 00099 if self. database is None : 00100 return "DBRef(%r, %r%s)" % (self. collection , self. id , extra) 00101 return "DBRef(%r, %r, %r%s)" % (self. collection , self. id , 00102 self. database , extra) 00103 00104 def __cmp__ (self, other): 00105 if isinstance(other, DBRef): 00106 return cmp([self. __database , self. __collection , 00107 self. __id , self. __kwargs ], 00108 [other.__database, other.__collection, 00109 other.__id, other.__kwargs]) 00110 return NotImplemented 00111 00112 def __hash__ (self): 00113 """Get a hash value for this :class:`DBRef`. 00114 00115 .. versionadded:: 1.1 00116 """ 00117 return hash((self. __collection , self. __id , 00118 self. __database , self. __kwargs )) 00119 00120 def __deepcopy__ (self, memo): 00121 """Support function for `copy.deepcopy()`. 00122 00123 .. versionadded:: 1.10 00124 """ 00125 return DBRef(deepcopy(self. __collection , memo), 00126 deepcopy(self. __id , memo), 00127 deepcopy(self. __database , memo), 00128 deepcopy(self. __kwargs , memo)) All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines