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import os import os.path from typing import Any , Callable , cast , Dict , List , Optional , Tuple , Union from PIL import Image from .vision import VisionDataset def has_file_allowed_extension ( filename : str , extensions : Union [ str , Tuple [ str , ... ]]) -> bool : """Checks if a file is an allowed extension. Args: filename (string): path to a file extensions (tuple of strings): extensions to consider (lowercase) Returns: bool: True if the filename ends with one of given extensions return filename . lower () . endswith ( extensions if isinstance ( extensions , str ) else tuple ( extensions )) def is_image_file ( filename : str ) -> bool : """Checks if a file is an allowed image extension. Args: filename (string): path to a file Returns: bool: True if the filename ends with a known image extension return has_file_allowed_extension ( filename , IMG_EXTENSIONS ) def find_classes ( directory : str ) -> Tuple [ List [ str ], Dict [ str , int ]]: """Finds the class folders in a dataset. See :class:`DatasetFolder` for details. classes = sorted ( entry . name for entry in os . scandir ( directory ) if entry . is_dir ()) if not classes : raise FileNotFoundError ( f "Couldn't find any class folder in { directory } ." ) class_to_idx = { cls_name : i for i , cls_name in enumerate ( classes )} return classes , class_to_idx def make_dataset ( directory : str , class_to_idx : Optional [ Dict [ str , int ]] = None , extensions : Optional [ Union [ str , Tuple [ str , ... ]]] = None , is_valid_file : Optional [ Callable [[ str ], bool ]] = None , ) -> List [ Tuple [ str , int ]]: """Generates a list of samples of a form (path_to_sample, class). See :class:`DatasetFolder` for details. Note: The class_to_idx parameter is here optional and will use the logic of the ``find_classes`` function by default. directory = os . path . expanduser ( directory ) if class_to_idx is None : _ , class_to_idx = find_classes ( directory ) elif not class_to_idx : raise ValueError ( "'class_to_index' must have at least one entry to collect any samples." ) both_none = extensions is None and is_valid_file is None both_something = extensions is not None and is_valid_file is not None if both_none or both_something : raise ValueError ( "Both extensions and is_valid_file cannot be None or not None at the same time" ) if extensions is not None : def is_valid_file ( x : str ) -> bool : return has_file_allowed_extension ( x , extensions ) # type: ignore[arg-type] is_valid_file = cast ( Callable [[ str ], bool ], is_valid_file ) instances = [] available_classes = set () for target_class in sorted ( class_to_idx . keys ()): class_index = class_to_idx [ target_class ] target_dir = os . path . join ( directory , target_class ) if not os . path . isdir ( target_dir ): continue for root , _ , fnames in sorted ( os . walk ( target_dir , followlinks = True )): for fname in sorted ( fnames ): path = os . path . join ( root , fname ) if is_valid_file ( path ): item = path , class_index instances . append ( item ) if target_class not in available_classes : available_classes . add ( target_class ) empty_classes = set ( class_to_idx . keys ()) - available_classes if empty_classes : msg = f "Found no valid file for the classes { ', ' . join ( sorted ( empty_classes )) } . " if extensions is not None : msg += f "Supported extensions are: { extensions if isinstance ( extensions , str ) else ', ' . join ( extensions ) } " raise FileNotFoundError ( msg ) return instances
[docs] class DatasetFolder ( VisionDataset ): """A generic data loader. This default directory structure can be customized by overriding the :meth:`find_classes` method. Args: root (string): Root directory path. loader (callable): A function to load a sample given its path. extensions (tuple[string]): A list of allowed extensions. both extensions and is_valid_file should not be passed. transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in a sample and returns a transformed version. E.g, ``transforms.RandomCrop`` for images. target_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in the target and transforms it. is_valid_file (callable, optional): A function that takes path of a file and check if the file is a valid file (used to check of corrupt files) both extensions and is_valid_file should not be passed. Attributes: classes (list): List of the class names sorted alphabetically. class_to_idx (dict): Dict with items (class_name, class_index). samples (list): List of (sample path, class_index) tuples targets (list): The class_index value for each image in the dataset def __init__ ( self , root : str , loader : Callable [[ str ], Any ], extensions : Optional [ Tuple [ str , ... ]] = None , transform : Optional [ Callable ] = None , target_transform : Optional [ Callable ] = None , is_valid_file : Optional [ Callable [[ str ], bool ]] = None , ) -> None : super () . __init__ ( root , transform = transform , target_transform = target_transform ) classes , class_to_idx = self . find_classes ( self . root ) samples = self . make_dataset ( self . root , class_to_idx , extensions , is_valid_file ) self . loader = loader self . extensions = extensions self . classes = classes self . class_to_idx = class_to_idx self . samples = samples self . targets = [ s [ 1 ] for s in samples ]
[docs] @staticmethod def make_dataset ( directory : str , class_to_idx : Dict [ str , int ], extensions : Optional [ Tuple [ str , ... ]] = None , is_valid_file : Optional [ Callable [[ str ], bool ]] = None , ) -> List [ Tuple [ str , int ]]: """Generates a list of samples of a form (path_to_sample, class). This can be overridden to e.g. read files from a compressed zip file instead of from the disk. Args: directory (str): root dataset directory, corresponding to ``self.root``. class_to_idx (Dict[str, int]): Dictionary mapping class name to class index. extensions (optional): A list of allowed extensions. Either extensions or is_valid_file should be passed. Defaults to None. is_valid_file (optional): A function that takes path of a file and checks if the file is a valid file (used to check of corrupt files) both extensions and is_valid_file should not be passed. Defaults to None. Raises: ValueError: In case ``class_to_idx`` is empty. ValueError: In case ``extensions`` and ``is_valid_file`` are None or both are not None. FileNotFoundError: In case no valid file was found for any class. Returns: List[Tuple[str, int]]: samples of a form (path_to_sample, class) if class_to_idx is None : # prevent potential bug since make_dataset() would use the class_to_idx logic of the # find_classes() function, instead of using that of the find_classes() method, which # is potentially overridden and thus could have a different logic. raise ValueError ( "The class_to_idx parameter cannot be None." ) return make_dataset ( directory , class_to_idx , extensions = extensions , is_valid_file = is_valid_file )
[docs] def find_classes ( self , directory : str ) -> Tuple [ List [ str ], Dict [ str , int ]]: """Find the class folders in a dataset structured as follows:: directory/ ├── class_x │ ├── xxx.ext │ ├── xxy.ext │ └── ... │ └── xxz.ext └── class_y ├── 123.ext ├── nsdf3.ext └── ... └── asd932_.ext This method can be overridden to only consider a subset of classes, or to adapt to a different dataset directory structure. Args: directory(str): Root directory path, corresponding to ``self.root`` Raises: FileNotFoundError: If ``dir`` has no class folders. Returns: (Tuple[List[str], Dict[str, int]]): List of all classes and dictionary mapping each class to an index. return find_classes ( directory )
def __getitem__ ( self , index : int ) -> Tuple [ Any , Any ]: Args: index (int): Index Returns: tuple: (sample, target) where target is class_index of the target class. path , target = self . samples [ index ] sample = self . loader ( path ) if self . transform is not None : sample = self . transform ( sample ) if self . target_transform is not None : target = self . target_transform ( target ) return sample , target def __len__ ( self ) -> int : return len ( self . samples )
IMG_EXTENSIONS = ( ".jpg" , ".jpeg" , ".png" , ".ppm" , ".bmp" , ".pgm" , ".tif" , ".tiff" , ".webp" ) def pil_loader ( path : str ) -> Image . Image : # open path as file to avoid ResourceWarning (https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/issues/835) with open ( path , "rb" ) as f : img = Image . open ( f ) return img . convert ( "RGB" ) # TODO: specify the return type def accimage_loader ( path : str ) -> Any : import accimage try : return accimage . Image ( path ) except OSError : # Potentially a decoding problem, fall back to PIL.Image return pil_loader ( path ) def default_loader ( path : str ) -> Any : from torchvision import get_image_backend if get_image_backend () == "accimage" : return accimage_loader ( path ) else : return pil_loader ( path )
[docs] class ImageFolder ( DatasetFolder ): """A generic data loader where the images are arranged in this way by default: :: root/dog/xxx.png root/dog/xxy.png root/dog/[...]/xxz.png root/cat/123.png root/cat/nsdf3.png root/cat/[...]/asd932_.png This class inherits from :class:`~torchvision.datasets.DatasetFolder` so the same methods can be overridden to customize the dataset. Args: root (string): Root directory path. transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in an PIL image and returns a transformed version. E.g, ``transforms.RandomCrop`` target_transform (callable, optional): A function/transform that takes in the target and transforms it. loader (callable, optional): A function to load an image given its path. is_valid_file (callable, optional): A function that takes path of an Image file and check if the file is a valid file (used to check of corrupt files) Attributes: classes (list): List of the class names sorted alphabetically. class_to_idx (dict): Dict with items (class_name, class_index). imgs (list): List of (image path, class_index) tuples def __init__ ( self , root : str , transform : Optional [ Callable ] = None , target_transform : Optional [ Callable ] = None , loader : Callable [[ str ], Any ] = default_loader , is_valid_file : Optional [ Callable [[ str ], bool ]] = None , super () . __init__ ( root , loader , IMG_EXTENSIONS if is_valid_file is None else None , transform = transform , target_transform = target_transform , is_valid_file = is_valid_file , self . imgs = self . samples
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