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Comparison of cosine similarity performances between VGG16 and ResNet50

Table of contents 📝

  • My goals
  • Technologies
  • Project composition
  • Description
  • Sources
  • Estimated reading time : ⏱️ 5min

    My goals 🎯

  • Learn how to extract extract feature vector
  • Compute similarity between images
  • Make data augmentation to increase dataset
  • Technologies 🖥️

    Programming languages:

    - Python (framework TensorFlow)

    Project composition 📂

    ├── README.md ├── data │   ├── flowerpot.jpg │   ├── vase.jpg │   └── vase2.jpg.csv ├── notebooks │   └── extract_features.ipynb └── report    ├── augmented_img │ ├── vaseAI0.jpg │ ├── vaseAI1.jpg │ └── ..    └── cos_sim ├── resnet50 │ ├── vase_flowerpot.jpg │ ├── vase_vase.jpg │ └── vase_vase2.jpg └── vgg16 ├── vase_flowerpot.jpg ├── vase_vase.jpg ├── vase_vase2.jpg ├── vase_vaseAI0.jpg ├── vase_vaseAI1.jpg └── ..

    Description 📋

    This project aims to deepen knowledges in CNNs , especially in features extraction and images similarity computation. I decided to work with 2 pre-trained CNN (on ImageNet): the VGG16 and the ResNet50 and to compare their cosine similarity performances. You can choose to load models:
    - to make predictions ( include_top = True : the model will be composed of all layers: 'feature learning block' + 'classification block')
    - to extract features ( include_top = False : the classification block is omitted)

    [Figure 1]: Architecture of the VGG16 (left) and ResNet50 (right)

    In a first time, I wondered which model could predict an image whith the most accuracy . Here I chose to compare their performances for a vase image: the ResNet50 was the best with 99.89% accuracy against 95.06% for the VGG16. The idea in this part was to manipulate and to understand how prediction works .

    [Figure 2]: Comparison of predictions (VGG16/ResNet18)

    Then I decided to visualize features maps from main blocks in the VGG16. These feature maps output from each block are collected in a single pass to create an image. There are 5 main blocks in the image (e.g. block1, block2, etc.) that end in a pooling layer for the VGG16. You can choose blocks to visualize by the layers index: idx = [2, 5, 9, 13, 17] # [block1, block2, block3, block4, block5] . Figure 3 highlights that quality-level features extraction is proportional with the network depth

    [Figure 3]: Visualization of the 5 main blocks from the VGG16

    Now let's focus on features vector extraction . Removing the last layer of the model enables to extract a feature vector as explained previously. Then, the input images is preprocessed (reshaping, RGB->BGR conversion, zero-centering with dataset). The global process on the Figure 4 depicts how to compute similarity between two images. Images were stored on AWS S3 and I used an notebook instance in AWS SageMaker. A features vector was extracted for each image, then the latter compared with cosine similarity . It computes the cosine of the angle between both features vectors with the compute_similarity_img() function.

    [Figure 5]: Cosine similarity using VGG16

    I decided to increase the dataset and to compare results with data augmentation as shown in Figure 6. For the data augmentation, I used a ImageDataGenerator object to set up data augmentation parameters. It generated batches of tensor image data with real-time data augmentation:

    gen = ImageDataGenerator(
        rotation_range=30, # Int: degree range for random rotations
        width_shift_range=0.1, # Float: fraction of total width, if < 1, or pixels if >= 1
        height_shift_range=0.1, # Float: fraction of total height, if < 1, or pixels if >= 1
        shear_range=0.15, # Float: shear Intensity (shear angle in counter-clockwise direction in degrees)
        zoom_range=0.1, # Float: range for random zoom
        channel_shift_range=10., # Float: range for random channel shifts
        horizontal_flip=True # Boolean: randomly flip inputs horizontally