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No connection module found:Need an input port of continuous discipline electrical, and an output port of discrete discipline logic

Hi All,

I am new to this AMS simulations, I am facing issues during the elaboration

`include "disciplines.vams"
(* cds_ams_schematic *)

output [2:0] o;
logic [2:0] o;
output [6:0] D;
logic [6:0] D;

electrical AVDD;
electrical AVSS;
electrical IBIAS;
electrical VSUP;
electrical PBKG;
electrical VREF;

electrical net2;
electrical net7;

integer library_binding = "PUNEETH_BQFXX";
I0 ( .VIN_N(
net2 ), .AVSS( AVSS ), .D1( D[1] ), .D3( D[3] ), .VIN_P( VSUP ), .D2(
D[2] ), .D4( D[4] ), .D5( D[5] ), .D6( D[6] ), .PBKG( PBKG ), .IBIAS(
IBIAS ), .AVDD( AVDD ), .DO( D[0] ) );

vsource #(.type("dc"), .dc(4)) (*
integer library_binding
= "analogLib";

ncelab: *E,CUVNCM (./source/digital/verilog.vams,40|28): No connection module found:Need an input port of continuous discipline electrical, and an output port of discrete discipline logic, at instance FLASH_ADC_TB.I0.
net2 ), .AVSS( AVSS ), .D1( D[1] ), .D3( D[3] ), .VIN_P( VSUP ), .D2(
ncelab: *E,CUVNCM (./source/digital/verilog.vams,40|41): No connection module found:Need an input port of continuous discipline electrical, and an output port of discrete discipline logic, at instance FLASH_ADC_TB.I0.
D[2] ), .D4( D[4] ), .D5( D[5] ), .D6( D[6] ), .PBKG( PBKG ), .IBIAS(
ncelab: *E,CUVNCM (./source/digital/verilog.vams,41|0): No connection module found:Need an input port of continuous discipline electrical, and an output port of discrete discipline logic, at instance FLASH_ADC_TB.I0.
D[2] ), .D4( D[4] ), .D5( D[5] ), .D6( D[6] ), .PBKG( PBKG ), .IBIAS(
ncelab: *E,CUVNCM (./source/digital/verilog.vams,41|13): No connection module found:Need an input port of continuous discipline electrical, and an output port of discrete discipline logic, at instance FLASH_ADC_TB.I0.
D[2] ), .D4( D[4] ), .D5( D[5] ), .D6( D[6] ), .PBKG( PBKG ), .IBIAS(
ncelab: *E,CUVNCM (./source/digital/verilog.vams,41|26): No connection module found:Need an input port of continuous discipline electrical, and an output port of discrete discipline logic, at instance FLASH_ADC_TB.I0.
D[2] ), .D4( D[4] ), .D5( D[5] ), .D6( D[6] ), .PBKG( PBKG ), .IBIAS(

My ncelab command : ncelab worklib.FLASH_ADC_TB -snapshot FLASH_ADC_TB:snapshot -MESSAGES -timescale 1ns/100ps -iereport ConnRules_5V_basic cds_globals -discipline logic -DRESOLUTION

I have defined Connect rules properly, i even declared the output as logic and wires as electrical but still i am wrong somewhere please help me out.

Thanks in advance!!!!!

Maybe you've not compiled your connect modules and connect rules? Also, you might find it easier using irun rather than the three-step (ncvog/ncelab/ncsim approach).

I suggest you contact customer support - this will be much easier to figure out if we can see your data.



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