  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
Description Examples of how to use SQL to store, query, and create JSON documents in Oracle Database. For full details on these statements, the associated blog post How to Store, Query, and Create JSON Documents in Oracle Database (https://blogs.oracle.com/sql/how-to-store-query-and-create-json-documents-in-oracle-database) SQL General / JSON Contributor Chris Saxon (Oracle) Created Wednesday February 20, 2019 Statement
The recommended data type to store large JSON documents is BLOB.

Create a Table to Store JSON

create table departments_json (  
  department_id   integer not null primary key,  
  department_data blob not null  
Table created.
This stops you inserting any text you want in the JSON column.

Add an IS JSON constraint to the table

alter table departments_json   
  add constraint dept_data_json   
  check ( department_data is json )
Table altered.
...any attempts to do so throw an exception.
insert into departments_json   
  values ( 100, utl_raw.cast_to_raw ( 'Random junk' ) )
ORA-02290: check constraint (SQL_HLHMAXBYXUBXJAWJKCZITOSAQ.DEPT_DATA_JSON) violated ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 1721
More Details: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-02290 Statement
To insert text into a BLOB column, you need to convert it to binary. Calling utl_raw.cast_to_raw does this for you.

Inserting JSON in a BLOB

insert into departments_json   
  values ( 110, utl_raw.cast_to_raw ( '{  
  "department": "Accounting",  
  "employees": [  
      "name": "Higgins, Shelley",  
      "job": "Accounting Manager",  
      "hireDate": "2002-06-07T00:00:00"  
      "name": "Gietz, William",  
      "job": "Public Accountant",  
      "hireDate": "2002-06-07T00:00:00"  
}' ))
1 row(s) inserted.
This loads the departments and their associated employees. There is one row/department with employee details in an array.
insert into departments_json (  
  department_id, department_data  
  select d.department_id,  
         json_object (  
           'department' value d.department_name,  
           'employees'  value json_arrayagg (  
             json_object (  
               'name'     value last_name || ', ' || first_name,   
               'job'      value job_title,  
               'hireDate' value hire_date  
           returning blob  
  from   hr.departments d, hr.employees e, hr.jobs j  
  where  d.department_id = e.department_id  
  and    e.job_id = j.job_id  
  group  by d.department_id, d.department_name
11 row(s) inserted.
With the IS JSON constraint in place, you can access values by listing their path.

Simple Dot-Notation Access

select d.department_data.department   
from   departments_json d
DEPARTMENTAdministrationMarketingPurchasingHuman ResourcesShippingITPublic RelationsSalesExecutiveFinanceAccounting
11 rows selected. Statement
Note you need to alias the column name to use dot-notation access. Or you'll get an ORA-00904 error.
select department_data.department   
from   departments_json d
ORA-00904: "DEPARTMENT_DATA"."DEPARTMENT": invalid identifier
More Details: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-00904 Statement
You can also use dot-notation in your where clause to find documents with given values.

Simple Dot-Notation Access in Where

select *  
from   departments_json d  
where  d.department_data.department = 'Accounting'
DEPARTMENT_IDDEPARTMENT_DATA110[unsupported data type] Statement
You can get values for array elements by stating their index with dot-notation.

Simple Dot-Notation Access with Arrays

select d.department_data.employees[0].name  
from   departments_json d  
where  department_id = 110
EMPLOYEESGietz, William Statement
Using asterisk for the array index returns all the matching value as an array.

Simple Dot-Notation Access with Arrays

select d.department_data.employees[*].name  
from   departments_json d  
where  department_id = 110
EMPLOYEES["Gietz, William","Higgins, Shelley"] Statement
If you don't have an IS JSON constraint on your data, you can still access values with dot-notation. To do this you first need to wrap the column in TREAT ... AS JSON function. This option was added in Oracle Database 18c.


with j_data as (  
  select treat (   
           d.department_data as json   
         ) as department_data  
  from   departments_json d  
  where  department_id = 110  
  select j.department_data.department  
  from   j_data j  
  where  department_data is json
alter table departments_json  
  add constraint dept_data_json  
  check ( department_data is json )
Table altered.
You can also use JSON_value to access values in your document. This has more formatting and error handling options than dot-notation.


select json_value (   
         '$.employees[1].hireDate' returning date   
       ) hire_date  
from   departments_json d  
where  department_id = 110
HIRE_DATE07-JUN-02 Statement
By default the JSON* functions have the clause NULL ON ERROR.

JSON_value Error Clause

select json_value (   
       ) not_here  
from   departments_json d  
where  department_id = 110
NOT_HERE - Statement
To return an error instead, set this clause to ERROR ON ERROR.

JSON_value Error Clause

select json_value (   
           error on error  
       ) not_here  
from   departments_json d
ORA-40462: JSON_VALUE evaluated to no value
More Details: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-40462 Statement
JSON_value can only return single-valued attributes. To return objects or arrays instead, use JSON_query.


select json_query (   
           returning varchar2 pretty  
           with wrapper   
       ) employees  
from   departments_json d  
where  department_id = 110
EMPLOYEES[ "name" : "Gietz, William", "job" : "Public Accountant", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00" "name" : "Higgins, Shelley", "job" : "Accounting Manager", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00" Statement
You can convert JSON document to relational rows-and-columns using JSON_table.


select j.*   
from   departments_json d, json_table (  
         d.department_data, '$' columns (  
           department path '$.department',   
           nested path '$.employees[*]'  
           columns (  
             name path '$.name',   
             job  path '$.job'   
       ) ) ) j  
where  d.department_id = 110
DEPARTMENTNAMEJOBAccountingGietz, WilliamPublic AccountantAccountingHiggins, ShelleyAccounting Manager
2 rows selected. Statement
Oracle Database 18c simplified the syntax for JSON_table. As long as the names of the columns you're returning match the attribute names, just list the path to these.

JSON_table Simplified

select j.*   
from   departments_json d, json_table (  
         d.department_data, '$' columns (  
           nested employees[*]  
           columns (  
       ) ) ) j  
where  d.department_id = 110
DEPARTMENTNAMEJOBAccountingGietz, WilliamPublic AccountantAccountingHiggins, ShelleyAccounting Manager
2 rows selected. Statement
You can use both simplified and extended syntax in the same JSON_table call.

JSON_table Simplified with Extended

select j.*   
from   departments_json d, json_table (  
         d.department_data, '$' columns (  
           nested employees[*]  
           columns (  
             hire_date date path '$.hireDate'  
       ) ) ) j  
where  d.department_id = 110
DEPARTMENTNAMEJOBHIRE_DATEAccountingGietz, WilliamPublic Accountant07-JUN-02AccountingHiggins, ShelleyAccounting Manager07-JUN-02
2 rows selected. Statement
Before 19c, if you wanted to change a single value in a document, you had to replace the whole thing! This changes just the department to "Finance and Accounting".

Updating JSON

update departments_json  
set    department_data = utl_raw.cast_to_raw (   
  "department": "Finance and Accounting",  
  "employees": [  
      "name": "Higgins, Shelley",  
      "job": "Accounting Manager",  
      "hireDate": "2002-06-07T00:00:00"  
      "name": "Gietz, William",  
      "job": "Public Accountant",  
      "hireDate": "2002-06-07T00:00:00"  
where  department_id = 110 
1 row(s) updated.
From 19c you can update a document using JSON_mergepatch. With this, you only need to specify the attributes you're changing.


update departments_json  
set    department_data = json_mergepatch (   
           "department" : "Finance and Accounting"  
where  department_id = 110 
1 row(s) updated.
DEPARTMENTAdministrationMarketingPurchasingHuman ResourcesShippingITPublic RelationsSalesExecutiveFinanceFinance and Accounting
11 rows selected. Statement
If you want to update part of an array, you still need to replace the whole thing!

JSON_mergepatch with Arrays

update departments_json  
set    department_data = json_mergepatch (   
         '{ "employees" :  
      "name" : "Gietz, William",  
      "job" : "Public Accountant",  
      "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00"  
      "name" : "Higgins, Shelley",  
      "job" : "Accounting Manager",  
      "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00"  
      "name" : "Chen, John",  
      "job" : "Accountant",  
      "hireDate" : "2005-09-28T00:00:00"  
      "name" : "Greenberg, Nancy",  
      "job" : "Finance Manager",  
      "hireDate" : "2002-08-17T00:00:00"  
      "name" : "Urman, Jose Manuel",  
      "job" : "Accountant",  
      "hireDate" : "2006-03-07T00:00:00"  
where  department_id = 110 
1 row(s) updated.
EMPLOYEES[{"name":"Gietz, William","job":"Public Accountant","hireDate":"2002-06-07T00:00:00"},{"name":"Higgins, Shelley","job":"Accounting Manager","hireDate":"2002-06-07T00:00:00"},{"name":"Chen, John","job":"Accountant","hireDate":"2005-09-28T00:00:00"},{"name":"Greenberg, Nancy","job":"Finance Manager","hireDate":"2002-08-17T00:00:00"},{"name":"Urman, Jose Manuel","job":"Accountant","hireDate":"2006-03-07T00:00:00"}] Statement
You can create indexes using JSON functions. This allows you to efficiently search for documents with given values.

JSON Function-based Indexes

create index dept_department_name_i on   
  departments_json (   
    json_value (   
      department_data, '$.department'   
        error on error  
        null on empty  
Index created.

Enable Execution Plan Stats for the Queries

alter session set statistics_level = all
Statement processed.
Run the query to see how the database uses in the index in the plan.
select *  
from   departments_json d  
where  json_value (   
         '$.department' error on error null on empty   
) = 'Accounting'
DEPARTMENT_IDDEPARTMENT_DATA110[unsupported data type] Statement
The function-based index enabled nice efficient access of this document, using just 3 consistent gets.

JSON_value Index Plan

with plan_table as (  
  select * from v$sql_plan_statistics_all  
  where sql_id = '7q6v5ky2j7y3d'  
select id "Id",  
  lpad(' ',2*level) || operation || ' ' || options , 40 ) "Operation",  
  object_name "Name",  
  last_starts "Starts",  
  cardinality "E-Rows",   
from plan_table  
connect by prior id = parent_id   
start with id = 0
no data found
Remove the index to see how it compares to a JSON search index.
drop index dept_department_name_i
Index dropped.
Added in 12.2, a JSON search index support "any" query against your document. So you can use this for ad-hoc queries.

JSON Search Index

create search index dept_json_i on   
  departments_json ( department_data )  
  for json
Index created.
The function-based index is much more effective than a search index. To find the Accounting department, the search index needed 30 consistent gets. The JSON_value index needed just 3!
with plan_table as (  
  select * from v$sql_plan_statistics_all  
  where sql_id = 'dyp69gwj7q9fa'  
select id "Id",  
  lpad(' ',2*level) || operation || ' ' || options , 40 ) "Operation",  
  object_name "Name",  
  last_starts "Starts",  
  cardinality "E-Rows",   
from plan_table  
connect by prior id = parent_id   
start with id = 0
3 rows selected.
select sql_id, sql_text from v$sql 
where  sql_text like '%json_textcontains%' 
and    sql_text not like '%not this%'
no data found
select json_serialize ( department_data returning varchar2 pretty ) 
from   departments_json d 
where  json_textcontains ( department_data, '$', 'Public' ) 
JSON_SERIALIZE(DEPARTMENT_DATARETURNINGVARCHAR2PRETTY){ "department" : "Public Relations", "employees" : "name" : "Baer, Hermann", "job" : "Public Relations Representative", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00" "department" : "Accounting", "employees" : "name" : "Gietz, William", "job" : "Public Accountant", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00" "name" : "Higgins, Shelley", "job" : "Accounting Manager", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00"
2 rows selected.
with plan_table as ( 
  select * from v$sql_plan_statistics_all 
  where sql_id = '8txzkvt3paf5q' 
select id "Id", 
  lpad(' ',2*level) || operation || ' ' || options , 40 ) "Operation", 
  object_name "Name", 
  last_starts "Starts", 
  cardinality "E-Rows",  
from plan_table 
connect by prior id = parent_id  
start with id = 0
3 rows selected. Statement
JSON_exists enables you to find all the documents that contain a given attribute. This searches for documents that have hireDate within an employee object.


select department_id   
from   departments_json d  
where  json_exists (  

11 rows selected. Statement
There are no documents that have a salary attribute under employees.


select *   
from   departments_json d  
where  json_exists (  
no data found
Creating a JSON search index with the parameters DATAGUIDE ON enables the JSON Data Guide. You can rebuild existing indexes if you want to add this.

JSON Data Guide

alter index dept_json_i   
  rebuild parameters ( 'dataguide on' )
Statement processed.
With the data guide in place, you can expose scalar attributes as virtual columns.

JSON Data Guide

exec dbms_json.add_virtual_columns ( 'departments_json', 'department_data' )
Statement processed.
DEPARTMENT_DATA$department is a virtual column. This returns values for the attributes $.department.
select column_name from user_tab_columns 
where  table_name = 'DEPARTMENTS_JSON'
3 rows selected. Statement
The generated columns are case-sensitive. So you need to wrap the virtual columns in quotes to access them.
select "DEPARTMENT_DATA$department" department_name  
from   departments_json  
where  department_id = 110
DEPARTMENT_NAMEAccounting Statement
You can give data guide columns "friendly" names by calling dbms_json.rename_column. You need to re-generate the virtual columns afterwards for this to come into effect.

Rename Data Guide Columns

  dbms_json.rename_column (   
    'departments_json', 'department_data',   
    '$.department', dbms_json.type_string,   
  dbms_json.add_virtual_columns (   
    'departments_json', 'department_data'   
Statement processed.
The virtual column now has the "friendly" name, DEPARTMENT_NAME.
select column_name from user_tab_columns 
where  table_name = 'DEPARTMENTS_JSON'
3 rows selected. Statement
The data guide doesn't add columns for array attributes. To display these, you can build a view on the column. This explodes the document into relational rows-and-columns, just like JSON_table.

Data Guide Documents-to-Rows

  dbms_json.create_view (   
    'department_employees', 'departments_json',   
    dbms_json.get_index_dataguide (  
Statement processed.
As with the virtual columns, by default the view's JSON attributes have columns named "JSONCOL$attrname".
select * from department_employees  
where  department_id = 110
DEPARTMENT_IDDEPARTMENT_DATA$jobDEPARTMENT_DATA$nameDEPARTMENT_DATA$hireDateDEPARTMENT_NAME110Public AccountantGietz, William2002-06-07T00:00:00Accounting110Accounting ManagerHiggins, Shelley2002-06-07T00:00:00Accounting
2 rows selected. Statement
The JSON_dataguide function returns the "schema" for the JSON documents stored in a column. This allows you to see what the attributes are and their data types.


select json_dataguide ( department_data )   
from   departments_json
JSON_DATAGUIDE(DEPARTMENT_DATA)[{"o:path":"$.employees","type":"array","o:length":4096},{"o:path":"$.employees.job","type":"string","o:length":32},{"o:path":"$.employees.name","type":"string","o:length":32},{"o:path":"$.employees.hireDate","type":"string","o:length":32},{"o:path":"$.department","type":"string","o:length":16}] Statement
Added in 12.2, you can create JSON documents using JSON_object, JSON_array, JSON_objectagg, and JSON_arrayagg. This query returns: * A document per department_name (from the GROUP BY) * This contains an array of the employees in each department (JSON_arrayagg) * Each employee has their details in a JSON object within the array, created using JSON_object

Generate JSON

select json_object (  
         'department' value d.department_name,  
         'employees' value json_arrayagg (  
           json_object (  
             'name'     value first_name || ', ' || last_name,   
             'job'      value job_title,  
             'hireDate' value hire_date  
from   hr.departments d  
join   hr.employees e  
on     d.department_id = e.department_id  
join   hr.jobs j  
on     e.job_id = j.job_id  
where  d.department_id = 110  
group  by d.department_name
JSON_OBJECT('DEPARTMENT'VALUED.DEPARTMENT_NAME,'EMPLOYEES'VALUEJSON_ARRAYAGG(JSON_OBJECT('NAME'VALUEFIRST_NAME||','||LAST_NAME,'JOB'VALUEJOB_TITLE,'HIREDATE'VALUEHIRE_DATE))){"department":"Accounting","employees":[{"name":"Shelley, Higgins","job":"Accounting Manager","hireDate":"2002-06-07T00:00:00"},{"name":"William, Gietz","job":"Public Accountant","hireDate":"2002-06-07T00:00:00"}]} Statement
From 19c, you can pass * (asterisk) to JSON_object. This returns a document using all the table's columns.

JSON_object Simplified

select json_query ( json_object ( * ) , '$' pretty )  
from   hr.departments  
where  department_id = 110
JSON_QUERY(JSON_OBJECT(*),'$'PRETTY){ "DEPARTMENT_ID" : 110, "DEPARTMENT_NAME" : "Accounting", "MANAGER_ID" : 205, "LOCATION_ID" : 1700 Statement
You need to ignore whitespace and attribute order when comparing JSON documents. So to see if two documents are the same, you had to first convert them to traditional rows-and-columns. Then use set operations to see if all the attributes and values match.

Comparing JSON Documents

with doc1_rows as (  
  select t.*   
  from   departments_json, json_table (  
      nested employees[*]  
        columns (  
          name , job   
  where  department_id = 110  
), doc2_rows as (  
  select *   
  from   json_table ( '{  
  "employees" :  
      "name" : "Gietz, William",  
      "job" : "Public Accountant",  
      "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00"  
      "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00",  
      "name" : "Higgins, Shelley",  
      "job" : "Accounting Manager"  
  "department" : "Accounting"  
}' columns  
    nested employees[*]  
    columns (  
      name , job   
), all_rows as (   
  select d.*, -1 tab  
  from   doc1_rows d  
  union  all  
  select d.*, 1 tab  
  from   doc2_rows d  
  select department, name, job  
  from   all_rows  
  group  by department, name, job  
  having sum ( tab ) <> 0
no data found
18c made document comparison easier by adding JSON_equal. Just pass the two documents to this. It will then return true if they're the same, false if they're not.

Simplified JSON Comparison with JSON_equal

select case   
        when json_equal ( department_data,  
'{"employees" :  
      "name" : "Gietz, William",  
      "job" : "Public Accountant",  
      "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00"  
      "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00",  
      "name" : "Higgins, Shelley",  
      "job" : "Accounting Manager"  
  "department" : "Accounting"  
}' ) then 'EQUAL' else 'DIFFERENT' end matching  
from   departments_json  
where  department_id = 110
You can use the PRETTY clause of JSON_query to return a pretty-printed document.

Pretty-Printing Documents

select json_query (   
         department_data, '$' pretty  
from   departments_json  
where  department_id = 110
JSON_QUERY(DEPARTMENT_DATA,'$'PRETTY){ "department" : "Accounting", "employees" : "name" : "Gietz, William", "job" : "Public Accountant", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00" "name" : "Higgins, Shelley", "job" : "Accounting Manager", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00" Statement
Starting in Oracle Database 19c, you can use JSON_serialize to convert documents between VARCHAR2, CLOB, and BLOB. This also has a PRETTY clause, which returns pretty-printed documents.


select json_serialize (   
         department_data returning varchar2(10000) pretty   
from   departments_json  
where  department_id = 110
JSON_SERIALIZE(DEPARTMENT_DATARETURNINGVARCHAR2(10000)PRETTY){ "department" : "Accounting", "employees" : "name" : "Gietz, William", "job" : "Public Accountant", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00" "name" : "Higgins, Shelley", "job" : "Accounting Manager", "hireDate" : "2002-06-07T00:00:00" SQL and PL/SQL Discussion forums
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