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Learn more: PMC Disclaimer BCL6 was highly expressed in no responsive ABC-DLBCL patients after Ibrutinib treatment. b ROC curve for discriminating no response or response through BCL6 expression. c C481S BTK HBL-1 cells were treated with 0–8 uM Ibrutinib or combination with 17.5 uM FX1. d MTT-based assessment of the IC 50 value of Ibrutinib compared with Ibrutinib combining FX1. Values were calculated mean ± SD ( n = 3, and ** P < 0.01)


Even though patients of DLBCL respond sensitively to first-line treatment, approximately 40% of patients still could not benefit from it [ 4 ]. Ibrutinib is an inhibitor of BTK, showed obvious efficacy in rel/ref DLBCL, especially ABC subtype [ 11 ]. A phase I study of Ibrutinib combined rituximab, ifosfamide, carboplatin, and etoposide (R-ICE) for patients with rel/ref DLBCL reported the high rate of overall response of 90%, including 11 patients achieved complete remission (CR) and 7 patients partial remission (PR) [ 19 ]. And another phase III study indicated Ibrutinib and rituximab plus cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone (R-CHOP) improved event-free survival (EFS), progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS) in ABC DLBCL patients [ 20 ]. Increasing clinical trials investigate Ibrutinib curative effect on DLBCL. We knew that Ibrutinib was approved to be used for several B-cell malignancies in FDA in 2013 [ 10 ]. However, the emergence of Ibrutinib resistance has limited its efficacy [ 21 , 22 ], so it’s important to study the mechanism of Ibrutinib resistance in DLBCL.

In this study, three microarray expression profile datasets were analyzed to further study mechanism of Ibrutinib resistance. First, a total of 237 common DEGs between Ibrutinib sensitive and resistant cell lines were identified through two expression profiles, including 100 upregulated and 137 downregulated genes. Second, GO analysis was performed to study functional roles, including biological process, molecular functions and cellular component. The upregulated DEGs were correlated with transcription and downregulated DEGs were signal transduction and negative regulation of apoptotic process. Third, signal pathway enrichment analysis showed that upregulated DEGs were mainly enriched in cell cycle and downregulated DEGs were mainly enriched in cytokines-based pathways. What is more, PPI network was conducted to illustrate interactions among the DEGs at the protein level, of which, a total of 7 genes- BCL6 , IL10 , IL2RB , IRF4 , CD80 , PMDR1 , GZMB - were selected as hub genes with the threshold of MCC score > 10,000. And through predicting miRNA associated with hub genes, we found that miR-30 family may be related to Ibrutinib resistance in ABC-DLBCL. From the cBioportal database, we found that BCL6 showed the highest level of genetic alterations among above hub genes. Using another expression profile, we found that BCL6 highly expressed in no responsive ABC-DLBCL patients, and the AUC of ROC curve was 0.67.

BCL6 , a transcription repressor, plays an important role of initiation and maintenance of germinal center reactions [ 23 , 24 ], which has been identified as one of predictors of outcome in several cancers, such as DLBCL and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) [ 25 , 26 ]. It was reported that BCL6 is associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) resistance in Philadelphia chromosome positive (Ph+) ALL and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells [ 27 , 28 ]. And another study showed overexpression of BCL6 inhibited the sensitivity of methotrexate in children with B-ALL by promoting ZEB1 expression [ 29 ]. What is more, Julie et al. found association between BCL6 overexpression and etoposide resistance in DLBCL cell lines [ 30 ]. Cardenas et al. reported that BCL6 expresses in most ABC-DLBCL at a low level [ 31 ]. It was interesting that BCL6 was upregulated in Ibrutinib-resistant ABC-DLBCL cell lines in our study. And BCL6 had the highest MCC score in Ibrutinib-resistant PPI network and linked with another hub genes. So using another gene profile validated that BCL6 highly expressed in no responsive ABC-DLBCL patients after Ibrutinib treatment. And in vitro experiment was carried out to validate if BCL6 inhibitor can enhance the sensitivity of Ibrutinib in C481S BTK HBL-1 cells. FX1, a BCL6 inhibitor, destroyed the formation of BCL6 repression complex and suppressed ABC-DLBCL cell lines with IC 50 of 35 uM [ 31 ]. FX1 used in our study was lower than its IC 50 , which can increase sensitivity of Ibrutinb in C481S BTK HBL-1 cells. Thus, our finding that BCL6 may be involved in drug resistance is consistent with previous studies. What is more, BCL6 maybe the potential target to improve Ibrutinib sensitivity in C481S BTK HBL-1 cells.

BCL6 inhibits expression of various target genes via binding gene promoters. BCL6 not only destroys interactions between T and B cells by CD80 and PD-L1 but also inhibits B cell differentiation across decreasing expression of PRDM1 and IRF4 [ 32 37 ]. Above studies are consistent with the upregulation of BCL6 , and downregulation of other hub genes in our present study. PRDM1 / BLIMP1 encodes a transcriptional repressor, which is necessary for differentiation of B cells into plasma cells [ 38 ]. Studies reported that PRDM1 acts as a tumor suppressor gene in ABC-DLBCL in vivo mouse models [ 39 , 40 ]. As previously described, PRDM1 is frequently inactivated by genetic alterations, including genetic deletions or mutations or transcriptional repression in ABC-DLBCL [ 38 , 41 ]. Parekh et al. found that different genetic alterations within PRDM1 had adverse prognostic factors [ 42 ]. And inactivation of PRDM1 can upregulate expression of C-MYC and downregulate expression of p53 pathway molecule in ABC-DLBCL [ 42 , 43 ]. These results suggest that inactivation of PRDM1 is closely linked to development of ABC-DLBCL.

IRF4 was essential for regulating gene transcription and mitochondrial homeostasis in plasma cells [ 44 ]. IRF4 activates or is repressed by BCL6 , and co-expresses with PRPM1 affecting plasma cells development [ 45 47 ]. However, most studies found that it does not express PRDM1 protein though the presence of IRF4 in ABC-DLBCL, suggesting other regulatory mechanisms between them [ 40 ]. Abnormal expression of IRF4 is linked to several blood malignancies. For example, expression of IRF4 is related to poor survival outcomes in peripheral T-cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) [ 48 , 49 ]. What is more, studies showed IRF4 dysregulation is associated with resistance to immunomodulatory compounds in Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia and myeloma [ 50 , 51 ]. A previous study has reported that Ibrutinib downregulates IRF4 and consequently synergizes with lenalidomide in killing ABC DLBCL [ 52 ]. Another study indicated mutation of IRF4 may explain the rel/ref phenotype of ABC-DLBCL [ 5 ]. Therefore, the role of IRF4 in ABC-DLBCL need further explore.

Lin et al. identified that upregulation of miR-30 family can directly downregulate BCL6 in B-lymphocytes and lymphoma cells [ 53 ]. Current studies found miR-30 family played a significant role in various tumors. Zhang et al. proved miR-30d could inhibit autophagy thereby promoting cell apoptosis [ 54 ]. The higher expression of miRNA-30c had better outcome with tamoxifen treatment in breast cancer [ 55 ]. Another investigation found that overexpression of miR-30b and miR-30c have better outcome after TKIs treatment in non-small cell lung cancer [ 56 ]. Interestingly, miR-30 family is considered as oncogenic miRNA, too. For instance, Gaziel-Sovran et al. reported that miR-30b and miR-30d promoted invasion of melanoma cells leading to generated IL10 and reduced immune cells activation and recruitment [ 57 ]. Taken together, miR-30 family has complex functions in various cancers. However, the role of miR-30 family in Ibrutinib resistance of ABC-DLBCL has not been reported. Our study showed that miR-30 family may mediate Ibrutinib resistance in ABC-DLBCL, which is worthy of further exploration.


In summary, the present study has analyzed DEGs based on two microarray expression ( {"type":"entrez-geo","attrs":{"text":"GSE138126","term_id":"138126"}} GSE138126 and {"type":"entrez-geo","attrs":{"text":"GSE93985","term_id":"93985"}} GSE93985 ). BCL6 was identified as the core gene for Ibrutinib resistance in ABC-DLBCL. Using another expression profile ( {"type":"entrez-geo","attrs":{"text":"GSE93984","term_id":"93984"}} GSE93984 ) showed that BCL6 highly expressed in no responsive ABC-DLBCL patients after Ibrutinib treatment. Further study found that BCL6 inhibitor may increase the sensitivity of C481S BTK HBL-1 cells to Ibrutinib therapy. And miRNA target prediction results showed that miR-30 family were involved in Ibrutinib resistance in ABC-DLBCL. And miR-30 family can directly downregulate BCL6 which was reported before [ 53 ]. The BCL6 maybe a potential target overcoming Ibrutinib resistance in ABC-DLBCL.


We thank Prof. Zhu for providing the C481S BTK HBL-1 cells.

Author contributions

JL, YH, and YZ contributed equally to this work and are co-first authors. JH and JL conceived and designed the study; YZ and YH found and analyzed the data, YC and JW carried experiments, LW and PJ wrote the paper, JH reviewed the paper.


This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81870135, 81470326, U2005204, 82000142), the Construction Project of the Fujian Medical Center of Hematology (Min201704), the Cooperation Project of University and Industry in Fujian Province (2017Y4005), Startup found of scientific research, Fujian medical university (2019QH1022, 2019QH2012, 2019QH2016).

Availability of data and materials

{"type":"entrez-geo","attrs":{"text":"GSE138126","term_id":"138126"}} GSE138126 , {"type":"entrez-geo","attrs":{"text":"GSE93985","term_id":"93985"}} GSE93985 , and GSE9394 were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database.

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Conflict of interest

There is no conflict of interest to disclose.

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All authors agree to submit articles for publication.

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All authors agree with publication.

Ethical approval

The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by all data are from public database on the internet.


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Jiazheng Li, Yan Huang and Yun Zhang contributed equally as co-first authors.


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