Example: For the fraction
the number 33 is the numerator and
99 is the denominator.
First, find the greatest common factor of the two numbers.
GCF = 33
GCF Calculator
Second, divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCF.
Numerator is found from 33/33 = 1
Denominator is found from 99/33 = 3
The fraction
reduced to the simplest form is
Another Example: This time we'll look at the fraction
. The number 6 is the numerator and 10 is the denominator.
It's pretty easy to see that both the numerator and the denominator are both even numbers. So, we know they are both divisible by 2. Let's divide both the numerator and
the denominator by 2.
Doing this gives us a numerator of 3 and a denominator of 10. This would be the simplest form for the fact that one of the numbers is a prime number and does not divide
The fraction
reduced to the simplest form is
For the next example, let's convert the fraction
in simplest form. The numerator is 12 and the denominator is 20.
Just like in the previous example, the numerator and the denominator are both even numbers. Just like the last one, both the numerator and
the denominator are even and divisible by 2. But, you may notice that they're also divisble by 4. Since 4 is a larger factor, let's divide both by that number.
Our new numbers are 3 and 5. This would be the simplest form. At least one of the numbers is a prime number and does not divide further. Both the 3 and the 5 are prime numbers.
The fraction
reduced to the simplest form is
For the next fraction, let's convert the fraction
in simplest form. The numerator is 15 and the denominator is 20.
In this fraction the numerator and the denominator are not both even numbers. But, you may notice that 15 and 20 are both divisible by 5. The greatest common factor for both numbers is 5
, let's divide both by that number.
Our new numbers are 3 and 4. This new fraction representing the same ratio is
The numerator, 3, is a prime number and this new fraction is the simplest form.
How to use this Simplify Calculator
It's pretty simple. Take the fraction you're looking to simplify. Insert the numerator in the top box as it's labeled. Then insert the
denominator in the bottom box. After selecting the button, the answer will be presented as a fraction in it's simplest form.
Use this calculator to practice
what to look for when you may have a fraction that is easy to simplify. As a tip, if both numbers are even, and neither of them are 2, then you can simplify it further.