  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Sending a log from an application must be pretty basic. But I can’t find any examples.
I hope someone has a simple example of getting a log from an application running in nodejs.
A simple “Hello world” :slight_smile:


In your nodejs app just pop this in for starters

const { createLogger, transports, format } = require("winston");
const LokiTransport = require("winston-loki");
const l_log = createLogger({
    transports: [new LokiTransport({
        host: "",
        labels: { app: 'honeyshop'},
        json: true,
        format: format.json(),
        replaceTimestamp: true,
        onConnectionError: (err) => console.error(err)
      new transports.Console({
        format: format.combine(format.simple(), format.colorize())
  l_log.info({ message: `Hello World`, labels: { 'origin': 'api' } })

Hi @yosiasz and thank you for your reply.

In your example, the host is on the same machine as the node app is running.
I would prefer not to set up grafana system myself. Rather use the Grafana Cloud Free account ( Grafana Cloud | Observability platform overview ).

As Dan Mihai Dinu writes in his post - winston-loki does not work when sending logs to the hosted grafana service.

Bummer, it doesn’t work. After a good hour of debugging, I noticed that winston-loki works fine with local instances of Grafana Loki, but it doesn’t authenticate properly to send requests to Grafana Cloud Logs

From the screenshot in his article, I see that the version he is patching is winston-loki 6.0.5.
The latest version is now 6.0.6 and I don’t know if the problem is fixed or not. And I’m not sure if his patch for version 6.0.5 will work on 6.0.6.

To me, this seems like a bug. But I’m not sure whether it is in Grafana cloud or winston-loki.

You are correct @terchris . Bummer indeed. I think you are going to be the one to lead us where no person has gone before :wink:

So the main question is why would it not work when it is a remote host?
Also can one bypass winston-loki and hit loki using it’s own api?

# example of usage grafana/loki api when you need push any log/message from your python scipt
import requests
import json
import datetime
import pytz
host = 'somehost'
curr_datetime = datetime.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('Asia/Yekaterinburg'))
curr_datetime = curr_datetime.isoformat('T')
msg = 'On server {host} detected error'.format(host=host)
# push msg log into grafana-loki
url = 'http://host-where-loki-run:3100/api/prom/push'
headers = {
    'Content-type': 'application/json'
payload = {
    'streams': [
            'labels': '{source=\"Name-of-your-source\",job=\"name-of-your-job\", host=\"' + host + '\"}',
Based on the article by Dan Mihai Dinu I have tested sending data to grafana cloud using postman.

It works just fine. There is a undocumented part in his article. That is the first parameter in values. In my example, when I tested yesterday, I set it to “1669731652002000001”,
It is the UNIX timestamp ( https://www.unixtimestamp.com/)

Also note that the URL contains the userid and password. Mine looks like this:
https://333666:[email protected]/loki/api/v1/push

This is the body of my message:

"streams": [ "stream": { "level": "info", "app": "urbalurba" "values": [ "1669731652002000001", "{\"timestamp\":\"2022-11-15T12:08:57.322Z\",\"logMessage\":\"Updated merge\",\"jobname\":\"webpage_info2merge\",\"idName\":\"bamble.kommune.no\",\"counter\":null,\"totalCount\":null,\"level\":\"info\",\"message\":\"Updated merge\"}"

Cool. Not sure what you are trying to point out in your last post. Anyways I would Implement what worked in postman in the code for nodejs

Meaning a POST also adding user name and token in the url

Or I believe createLogger has one option for that: basicAuth

In my previous post I was just pointing out that it is possible to send log directly to grafana cloud using the API.

I could implement my own function to just send my log directly to grafana cloud using that API. Then there would be no need for winston-loki at all.
But I’m sure that the internal workings of winston-loki is more complex than just a wrapper to that API. So it is better to solve the problem in the winston-loki.

I do not have the skills to fix the winston-loki :frowning:


But I’m sure that the internal workings of winston-loki is more complex than just a wrapper to that API

Are you 100% sure? :wink:

Check this out

logger.add(new LokiTransport({
  host: '',
  json: true,
  basicAuth: 'username:password',
  labels: { job: 'winston-loki-example' }

So I spun up a cloud loki

then using the basicAuth setting I used the user and password as follows

transports: [new LokiTransport({
        host: "https://your_cloud_url_from_above",
        labels: { app: 'kumbamboom'},
        json: true,
        basicAuth: 'user_from_above:password_from_above',
        format: format.json(),
        replaceTimestamp: true,

Thanks @yosiasz
Based on your input and Winston-loki not working with Grafana Cloud Loki · Issue #108 · JaniAnttonen/winston-loki · GitHub I created this simple code. I think that my problem was that I had my parameters wrong (URL and probably password). There are probably return codes that can be inspected to help in case it does not work. I was looking for a simple code to test- I could not find one so I created it.

/* The siplest test ever to see if grafana cloud and winston is working A small node app that sends a log message to Grafana Cloud Loki using the winston-loki transport. To you by terchris and friends. import winston from "winston"; import LokiTransport from "winston-loki" // https://grafana.com/orgs/urbalurba (change urbalurba to your own org) // in the Loki card. Click on the Details button. On the next page you will se the Grafana Data Source settings. // Create a password and replace the const variables below with your own values. const GRAFANA_HOST = "https://logs-prod-eu-west-0.grafana.net"; const MY_APP_NAME = "urbalurba"; const GRAFANA_USERID = "333666"; const GRAFANA_PASSWORD = "eyJr1234567890FjYzZlOTg2NTE5ZDIyY12345678900ODdlZjAx1234567890IsIm4iOiJ1234567890iwi1234567890cyM30="; // start leave this as is const GRAFANA_BASICAUTH = GRAFANA_USERID + ":" + GRAFANA_PASSWORD; const logger = winston.createLogger({ level: 'debug', transports: [ new LokiTransport({ host: GRAFANA_HOST, labels: { app: MY_APP_NAME }, json: true, basicAuth: GRAFANA_BASICAUTH, format: winston.format.json(), replaceTimestamp: true, onConnectionError: (err) => console.error(err) new winston.transports.Console({}), // end leave this as is // send some log messages logger.info("Starting test"); logger.debug("sending debug message"); logger.warn("sending warn message"); logger.error("sending error message"); logger.info("done testing"); // To see the logging in grafana cloud, go to Explore https://urbalurba.grafana.net/explore (change urbalurba to your own org) // At the top there is a dropdown. Select the one with the Loki logo (in my case grafanacloud-urbalurba-logs) // In the "Select label" dropdown select "app" and in the "Select value" dropdown select "urbalurba" (change urbalurba to your own app name) // Click on the "Run Query" button in the upper right corner. You should see the log messages you sent above.

@architectinprogress I was facing the same issue, look at the timestamp in nanoseconds that you send and see that the endpoint matches the one needed for Loki!
Note: by default, Grafana only looks 6h ago.
POST https://<username>:<api_key>@<subdomain>.grafana.net/loki/api/v1/push

"streams": [ "stream": { "level": "info", "app": "bees" "values": [ "1692536838000000000", "{\"level\":\"info\",\"message\":\"Hello bananas!\"}"