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1.Feng, S., Sun, H., Yan, X., Zhu, H., Zou, Z., Shen, S. and Liu, H.X., 2023. Dense reinforcement learning for safety validation of autonomous vehicles. Nature 615, 620–627 (2023). (Cover Article) (Tsinghua Press Release: https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/info/1175/102314.htm, 光明日报:https://tech.gmw.cn/2023-04/12/content_36491293.htm, Nature News, Nature Podcast, Nature Videos, TechXplore, ScienceDaily, More Media Coverage:https://nature.altmetric.com/details/144188044/news)

2.Feng, S., Yan, X., Sun, H., Feng, Y. and Liu, H.X., 2021. Intelligent driving intelligence test for autonomous vehicles with naturalistic and adversarial environment. Nature Communications, 12, 748 (2021). (Featured Article) (TechXplore: https://techxplore.com/news/2021-02-intelligence-autonomous.html)

3.Yan, X., Zou, Z., Feng, S., Zhu, H., Sun, H. and Liu, H.X, 2023. Learning naturalistic driving environment with statistical realism. Nature Communications, 14, 2037 (2023). (Featured Article)

4.Feng, S., Feng, Y., Yu, C., Zhang, Y. and Liu, H.X., 2020. Testing scenario library generation for connected and automated vehicles, Part I: Methodology. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2972211.

5.Feng, S., Feng, Y., Sun, H., Bao, S., Zhang, Y. and Liu, H.X., 2020. Testing scenario library generation for connected and automated vehicles, Part II: Case studies. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2988309.

6.Feng, S., Feng, Y., Sun, H., Zhang, Y. and Liu, H.X., 2020. Testing scenario library generation for connected and automated vehicles: An adaptive framework. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.3023668.

7.Feng, S., Sun, H., Zhang, Y., Zheng, J., Liu, H.X. and Li, L., 2019. Tube-based discrete controller design for vehicle platoons subject to disturbances and saturation constraints. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 28(3), pp.1066-1073.

8.Feng, S., Song, Z., Li, Z., Zhang, Y. and Li, L., 2021. Robust Platoon Control in Mixed Traffic Flow Based on Tube Model Predictive Control. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. DOI: 10.1109/TIV.2021.3060626.

9.Pei, H., Zhang, Y., Zhang, Y. and Feng, S.*, 2021. Optimal cooperative driving at signal-free intersections with polynomial-time complexity. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 23 (8), 12908-12920.

10.Pei, H., Feng, S.*, Zhang, Y*. and Yao, D., 2019. A Cooperative Driving Strategy for Merging at On-Ramps Based on Dynamic Programming. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68(12), pp.11646-11656.

11.Feng, S., Feng, Y., Yan, X., Shen, S., Xu, S. and Liu, H.X., 2020. Safety assessment of highly automated driving systems in test tracks: A new framework. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, p.105664.

12.Feng, S., Zhang, Y., Li, S.E., Cao, Z., Liu, H.X. and Li, L., 2019. String stability for vehicular platoon control: Definitions and analysis methods. Annual Reviews in Control, 47, pp.81-97.

13.Feng, S., Wang, X., Sun, H., Zhang, Y. and Li, L., 2018. A better understanding of long-range temporal dependence of traffic flow time series. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 492, pp.639-650.

14.Feng, S., Ke, R., Wang, X., Zhang, Y. and Li, L., 2017. Traffic flow data compression considering burst components. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 11(9), pp.572-580.

15.Liu, L., Feng, S.*, Feng, Y., Zhu, X. and Liu, H.X., 2021. A learning-based stochastic driving model for autonomous vehicle testing. Transportation Research Record. DOI: 10.1177/03611981211035756.

16.Sun, H., Feng, S.*, Yan, X. and Liu, H.X., 2021. Corner case generation and analysis for safety assessment of autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Record. DOI: 10.1177/03611981211018697.