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于同济大学完成建筑学本科、硕士与博士学业,曾赴日本研修,法国留学。同济大学教授、博导、建筑系副主任( 2011-2021)、景观学系主任(2021.4-至今),同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司原作设计工作室主持设计师,国家一级注册建筑师。

产、学、研相结合,近年在工业景观修复和城市水系生态化、生活化改造方面建构了跨越城乡规划、建筑学、风景园林的 “大环境观”设计体系,逐步建立了以大江大河滨水公共空间为对象的景观基础设施规划和设计的理论和方法,并做出大量有影响力的设计作品。

亚洲建筑师协会建筑奖金奖、罗莎芭芭拉国际景观大奖和世界建筑节 WAF年度景观大奖获得者,杨浦滨江南段公共空间总设计师,2019上海城市空间艺术季总建筑师;兼任住房和城乡建设部科学技术委员会建筑设计专业委员;中国风景园林学会理事、中国建筑学会理事、竞赛工作委员会委员、科普工作委员会委员、建筑改造和城市更新专业委员会副主任;上海市建筑学会常务理事、建筑创作学术部主任;上海市历史风貌区和优秀历史建筑保护委员会委员等职。2018年荣获“上海市杰出中青年建筑师”;“上海市勘察设计行业改革开放40周年突出贡献奖-勘察设计之星”称号;2019年度上海市重点工程实事立功竞赛建设功臣;2022年中国建筑学会“最美科技工作者”。


1. 城市建成环境再生

2. 城市基础设施复合使用

3. 工业景观修复和城市水系生态化生活化转型


1. 本科:《建筑评论》,《复合设计(二)》,《设计基础 Ⅲ》,《毕业设计(四年制本科)》,《毕业设计(五年制本科)》《景观规划与设计(二)》…

2. 硕士:《建筑批评学》,《设计前沿》














2018-2022,国家自然科学基金重点项目: 城市滨水工业文化遗产廊道从生产岸线向生活岸线的转型研究——以上海黄浦江两岸为例(项目负责人)











[1] 章明、张姿. 芥子之境——原作的建构实验[M]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2021.

[2] 章明、张姿. 关系的建筑学——原作2010-2021创作实践[M]. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2022.
















[16]秦曙,章明*,张姿.从工业遗地走向艺术水岸 2019上海城市空间艺术季主展区5.5 km滨水岸线的更新实践中公共空间公共性的塑造和触发[J].时代建筑,2020(01):80-87.






参加 2020-2022RIBA中国百位建筑师展

法国里昂 “中国建筑遗产”展

德国 Aedes建筑中心展









2019年度WAF世界建筑节城市景观类别奖(Category Winner)

2019年度WAF世界建筑节年度景观大奖(Landscape of the Year)



2020自然建造Architecture China Award评委会特别项目奖

2021第11届Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize(罗莎·芭芭拉国际景观奖)罗莎·芭芭拉大众奖(Winner of the Rosa Barba Audience Prize)







中国建筑学会( 2009-2019)建筑创作大奖(2项)


联系方式 :

Email: [email protected]


PhD, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

Director of the Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University

Chief Architect (Landscape) of Tongji University Architectural Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd(TJAD)

Brief Introduction:

Completed undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies in architecture at Tongji University and studied abroad in Japan and France. Professor, doctoral supervisor, deputy director of the Department of Architecture (2011-2021), director of the Department of Landscape Architecture (April 2021-present) at Tongji University, chief architect (landscape) of Tongji University Architectural Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd, and a national first-class registered architect.

Combining production, learning, and research, in recent years, a “macro-environmental view” design system that spans urban and rural planning, architecture, and landscape architecture has been constructed in the field of industrial landscape restoration and ecological and livable transformation of urban water systems. A theory and method for landscape infrastructure planning and design with large rivers and riverside public spaces as objects have been gradually established, and a large number of influential design works have been produced.

Winner of the Asian Architects Association Architecture Award Gold Medal, Rosa Barbara International Landscape Award, and World Architecture Festival WAF Landscape Award of the Year. Chief designer of the southern section of Yangpu Riverside Public Space. The chief architect of Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2019. Concurrently serving as a member of the Architectural Design Professional Committee of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. Director of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture. Director of the Chinese Architectural Society. Member of the Competition Work Committee. Member of the Science Popularization Work Committee. Deputy Director of the Professional Committee on Building Renovation and Urban Renewal. Executive Director of Shanghai Architectural Society. Director of the Academic Department of Architectural Creation. Member of Shanghai Historical Style District and Excellent Historical Building Protection Committee. In 2018, he was awarded “Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Architect in Shanghai”. “Shanghai Survey and Design Industry Reform and Opening Up 40th Anniversary Outstanding Contribution Award-Survey and Design Star” title; 2019 Shanghai Key Project Practical Achievement Competition Construction Merit;2022 Most Beautiful Science and Technology Worker by the Chinese Architecture Society

1. Research

Regeneration of the urban built environment

Compound use of urban infrastructure

Industrial landscape restoration and ecological and livable transformation of urban water systems

2. Teaching

Undergraduate: Architectural Review, Composite Design (II), Design Fundamentals III, Graduation Design (Four-Year Undergraduate), Graduation Design (Five-Year Undergraduate),“Landscape planning and Design (II)”..

Master's: Architectural Criticism, Design Frontier...

3. Academic and social Post

1) Member of the Architectural Design Professional Committee of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

2) Director of the Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture

3) Member of the Science Popularization Work Committee and Science Popularization Work Committee of the Chinese Architectural Society

4) Competition Work Committee of the Chinese Architectural Society

5) Director of the First Council of the Academic Committee on Architectural Criticism of the Chinese Architectural Society

6) Deputy Director of the Professional Committee on Building Renovation and Urban Renewal of the Chinese Architectural Society

7) Member of Shanghai Expert Committee on Protection of Historical Style Districts and Excellent Historical Buildings

8) Director of the Academic Department of Architectural Creation, Shanghai Architectural Society

9) Member of Shanghai Special Committee on Development of Coastal Areas along One River and One River

4. Publications (Refer to APA Format)


[1] Zhang, M., & Zhang, Z. (2021). The Realm of Mustard Seed - The Construction Experiment of Original Works. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press.

[2] Zhang, M., & Zhang, Z. (2022). The Architecture of Relationships - Original Works 2010-2021 Creative Practice. Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press.


[1] Zhang, M., Ju, X., & Zhang, Z. (2022). Six Dimensions of Urban Waterfront Space Creation under the Eight-in-One Concept. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 38(05), 31-38.

[2] Zhang, M., Zhang, J., & Qin, S. (2021). The Medium of Scenery - Four Narratives of Yangpu Riverside Rainwater Garden. Chinese Landscape Architecture, 37(07), 49-54.

[3] Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., & Ding, K. (2018). Intersection and Simple Diversity Generated by Juxtaposition - Xianyang Civic Cultural Center. Architectural Journal(04), 43-45.

[4] Zhang, M., Zhang, J., & Fan, P. (2019). Overlapping Growth - Tongji Original Design Practice's Exploration of Shanghai Urban Stock Renewal. Architectural Journal(07), 6-13.

[5] Zhang, M., Zhang, Z., & Qin, S. (2017). Anchoring and Drifting - Shanghai Yangpu Riverside Public Space Phase I. Time + Architecture(01), 108-115.

[6] Zhang, M., Wang X., & Qin S. (2018). The Use of Infrastructure - Design of Yangshupu Water Plant Trestle Bridge. Time + Architecture(02), 80-85.

[7] Zhang M., Zhang Z., Zhang J., Qin S., & Wang X. (2019). The Revival of the Shore - The Revival of the Waterfront Public Space in the Southern Section of Yangpu Riverside in Shanghai. Architectural Journal(08), 16-26.

[8] Zhang M. (2019). Special Feature: Born to Water - Reconstruction of the Built Environment on the Huangpu River Waterfront. Architectural Journal(08), 1.

[9] Zhang M., Zhang Z., Zhang J., & Qin S. (2020). Hilly City and its Responsive System - Shanghai Yangpu Riverside Green Hill. Architectural Journal(01), 1-7.

[10] Zhang M., & Mo L.H.Z. (2020). Another Map of Criticism - Critical Thinking and Architectural Creation. Architectural Journal(S2), 120-125.

[11] Zhang Z., Wang X.N., & Zhang M.* (2022). Touchable Scenery - Changing the Existing Model of Sinopec's First Gas Station Infrastructure. Architectural Journal,No.647(10), 24-29.

[12] Zhang Z., Zhang M.*, & Zhang H. (2018). Anxious Watcher - Renovation Notes on Huijian Community Center (Former Sichuan Petroleum Drilling and Mining Equipment Factory Cinema). Architectural Journal(10), 78-85.

[13] Ju X., Zhang M.*, & Qin S. (2020). Green Hill - Renovation and Transformation of Shanghai Yangpu Riverside Original Tobacco Company Machine Repair Warehouse. Time + Architecture(01), 92-99.

[14] Qin S., Zhang M.*, & Zhang Z. (2020). From Industrial Wasteland to Artistic Waterfront: Shaping and Triggering Publicity in Public Spaces during the Renewal Practice of 5.5 km Waterfront Line in the Main Exhibition Area of Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2019.Time + Architecture(01), 80-87.

5. Honors and Awards

2018 Asian Architects Association Architecture Award Gold Medal

2019 Asian Architects Association Architecture Award Gold Medal

2020 Asian Architects Association Architecture Award Honorable Mention

2021 Asian Architects Association Architecture Award for Sustainability Special Award and Honorable Mention for Social and Public Cultural Architecture

2019 WAF World Architecture Festival Category Winner for Urban Landscape

2019 WAF World Architecture Festival Landscape of the Year

2020 WAF World Architecture Festival Jury Special Recommendation Project Award

2019 Hong Kong Institute of Architects Cross-Strait Four Regions Architectural Design Awards Silver and Excellence


2020 Natural Construction Architecture China Award Jury Special Project Award

2021 Winner of the Rosa Barba Audience Prize at the 11th Rosa Barba International Landscape Prize

2022 Asian Architects Association Architecture Award Nomination for Public Facilities Integrated Development Project

2017-2018 China Architectural Design Award (Architectural Creation) Gold Medal

2017-2018 China Architectural Design Award (Architectural Creation) First Prize

2019 Ministry of Education Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Excellent Architectural Engineering Design First


2019 National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Industry Excellent (Public) Architectural Design First Prize

2019 National Excellent Engineering Survey and Design Industry Excellent (Public) Architectural Design Second Prize (3 items)

Chinese Architectural Society (2009-2019) Architectural Creation Grand Prize (2 items)

2021 Sanlian Humanities City Award - Ecological Contribution Award

6. Contact

Email: [email protected]