  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
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纯真的松球  ·  Laravel 台灣翻譯文件 | ...·  3 月前    · 
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2.腾讯审核认证通过后,返回给 App_id,App_key

3.客户把 App_id,App_key 给到自己的网站后台

4.用户 a 在登录的时候选择 QQ 登录,这个时候,客户的网站会组织好请求参数,向腾讯发起授权登录请求

5.腾讯收到授权登录请求之后,它会进行核对,是否放行,然后经过一些列通过之后,返回 code 给到商户

6.商户收到 code,发起获取用户信息

7.腾讯通过 code 确认认证之后,返回给相应的权限信息





Laravel passport 的对应表是
OAuth_clients 认证客户端

OAuth_auth_codes 认证 code 表
后来商户再次发起获得用户相关权限信息,这个时候,服务端需要分配 token 值,那么这个时候,就需要一个 token 存储表

OAuth_access_tokens 通过认证 token 表,这个授权 token 表,他也会有过期时间,过期了,我们需要发起刷新 token,那么我们就需要一个刷新 token 表

OAuth_refresh_tokens 刷新 token 表

这里 4 个表就可以完成一套 auth2.0 的授权操作了。
那么 Laravel passport 它还有一个表

OAuth_personal_access_clients 个人授权客户端



假设我现在后台,我需要给小程序 A 一个接口分配一个密钥对,支付宝小程序一个密钥对,或者是我给第三方接入我们的数据密钥对,那么我们现在就可以用 Laravel passport 来做了

1.第一个后台创建客户端,比如给小程序用的,支付宝小程序,第三方小明 A

2.将这些信息分别发给他们对应的开发者,那样我们就能很好的区分出来,这些 token 属于谁的来源



5.注意的是个人授权,需要把他的客户端 id 进行设置下 Passport::personalAccessClientId (2);
那样创建的会员 token 才能在指定的位置,个人授权是没用刷新 token 的,所以就只能看到 3 个表个数据

客户端,token 表,个人客户端关系表


默认的密钥放在 /storage/ 下

 public static function keyPath ($file)
        $file = ltrim ($file, '/\\');
        return static::$keyPath
            ? rtrim (static::$keyPath, '/\\') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file
            : storage_path ($file);

Passport 密钥的加载路径,这可以通过使用 Passport::loadKeysFrom 方法来实现

 Passport::loadKeysFrom ('/secret-keys/OAuth');


// 有效期
Passport::tokensExpireIn (now ()->addDays (15));
// 过期刷新时间
Passport::refreshTokensExpireIn (now ()->addDays (30));


namespace Laravel\Passport;
use Mockery;
use DateInterval;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use DateTimeInterface;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
class Passport
     * Indicates if the implicit grant type is enabled.
     * @var bool|null
    public static $implicitGrantEnabled = false;
     * Indicates if Passport should revoke existing tokens when issuing a new one.
     *指示 Passport 在颁发新令牌时是否应吊销现有令牌。
     * @var bool
    public static $revokeOtherTokens = false;
     * Indicates if Passport should prune revoked tokens.
     *指示 Passport 是否应删除吊销的令牌。
     * @var bool
    public static $pruneRevokedTokens = false;
     * The personal access token client ID.
     *个人访问令牌客户端 ID。
     * @var int
    public static $personalAccessClientId;
     * The default scope.
     * @var string
    public static $defaultScope;
     * All of the scopes defined for the application.
     * @var array
    public static $scopes = [
     * The date when access tokens expire.
     * @var \DateTimeInterface|null
    public static $tokensExpireAt;
     * The date when refresh tokens expire.
     * @var \DateTimeInterface|null
    public static $refreshTokensExpireAt;
     * The date when personal access tokens expire.
     * @var \DateTimeInterface|null
    public static $personalAccessTokensExpireAt;
     * The name for API token cookies.
     *API 令牌 cookie 的名称。
     * @var string
    public static $cookie = 'Laravel_token';
     * Indicates if Passport should ignore incoming CSRF tokens.
     *指示 Passport 是否应忽略传入的 CSRF 令牌。
     * @var bool
    public static $ignoreCsrfToken = false;
     * The storage location of the encryption keys.
     * @var string
    public static $keyPath;
     * The auth code model class name.
     * @var string
    public static $authCodeModel = 'Laravel\Passport\AuthCode';
     * The client model class name.
     * 客户端模型类
     * @var string
    public static $clientModel = 'Laravel\Passport\Client';
     * The personal access client model class name.
     * @var string
    public static $personalAccessClientModel = 'Laravel\Passport\PersonalAccessClient';
     * The token model class name.
     * @var string
    public static $tokenModel = 'Laravel\Passport\Token';
     * Indicates if Passport migrations will be run.
     *指示是否将运行 Passport 迁移。
     * @var bool
    public static $runsMigrations = true;
     * Indicates if Passport should unserializes cookies.
     *指示 Passport 是否应该反序列化 cookie。
     * @var bool
    public static $unserializesCookies = false;
     * Enable the implicit grant type.
     * @return static
    public static function enableImplicitGrant ()
        static::$implicitGrantEnabled = true;
        return new static;
     * Binds the Passport routes into the controller.
     * @param  callable|null $callback
     * @param  array $options
     * @return void
    public static function routes ($callback = null, array $options = [])
        $callback = $callback ?: function ($router) {
            $router->all ();
        $defaultOptions = [
            'prefix' =>'OAuth',
            'namespace' =>'\Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers',
        $options = array_merge ($defaultOptions, $options);
        Route::group ($options, function ($router) use ($callback) {
            $callback (new RouteRegistrar ($router));
     * Instruct Passport to revoke other tokens when a new one is issued.
     * 指示 Passport 在发布新令牌时撤消其他令牌。
     * @deprecated since 1.0. Listen to Passport events on token creation instead.
     * @return static
    public static function revokeOtherTokens ()
        return new static;
     * Instruct Passport to keep revoked tokens pruned.
     *指示 Passport 保留已撤销的撤销令牌。
     * @deprecated since 1.0. Listen to Passport events on token creation instead.
     * @return static
    public static function pruneRevokedTokens ()
        return new static;
     * Set the client ID that should be used to issue personal access tokens.
     *设置应该用于颁发个人访问令牌的客户端 ID。
     * @param  int $clientId
     * @return static
    public static function personalAccessClientId ($clientId)
        static::$personalAccessClientId = $clientId;
        return new static;
     * Set the default scope (s). Multiple scopes may be an array or specified delimited by spaces.
     * @param  array|string $scope
     * @return void
    public static function setDefaultScope ($scope)
        static::$defaultScope = is_array ($scope) ? implode (' ', $scope) : $scope;
     * Get all of the defined scope IDs.
     *获取所有已定义的范围 ID。
     * @return array
    public static function scopeIds ()
        return static::scopes ()->pluck ('id')->values ()->all ();
     * Determine if the given scope has been defined.
     * @param  string $id
     * @return bool
    public static function hasScope ($id)
        return $id === '*' || array_key_exists ($id, static::$scopes);
     * Get all of the scopes defined for the application.
     * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
    public static function scopes ()
        return collect (static::$scopes)->map (function ($description, $id) {
            return new Scope ($id, $description);
        })->values ();
     * Get all of the scopes matching the given IDs.
     *获取与给定 ID 匹配的所有范围。
     * @param  array $ids
     * @return array
    public static function scopesFor (array $ids)
        return collect ($ids)->map (function ($id) {
            if (isset (static::$scopes [$id])) {
                return new Scope ($id, static::$scopes [$id]);
        })->filter ()->values ()->all ();
     * Define the scopes for the application.
     * @param  array $scopes
     * @return void
    public static function tokensCan (array $scopes)
        static::$scopes = $scopes;
     * Get or set when access tokens expire.
     * @param  \DateTimeInterface|null $date
     * @return \DateInterval|static
    public static function tokensExpireIn (DateTimeInterface $date = null)
        if (is_null ($date)) {
            return static::$tokensExpireAt
                ? Carbon::now ()->diff (static::$tokensExpireAt)
                : new DateInterval ('P1Y');
        static::$tokensExpireAt = $date;
        return new static;
     * Get or set when refresh tokens expire.
     * @param  \DateTimeInterface|null $date
     * @return \DateInterval|static
    public static function refreshTokensExpireIn (DateTimeInterface $date = null)
        if (is_null ($date)) {
            return static::$refreshTokensExpireAt
                ? Carbon::now ()->diff (static::$refreshTokensExpireAt)
                : new DateInterval ('P1Y');
        static::$refreshTokensExpireAt = $date;
        return new static;
     * Get or set when personal access tokens expire.
     * @param  \DateTimeInterface|null $date
     * @return \DateInterval|static
    public static function personalAccessTokensExpireIn (DateTimeInterface $date = null)
        if (is_null ($date)) {
            return static::$personalAccessTokensExpireAt
                ? Carbon::now ()->diff (static::$personalAccessTokensExpireAt)
                : new DateInterval ('P1Y');
        static::$personalAccessTokensExpireAt = $date;
        return new static;
     * Get or set the name for API token cookies.
     *获取或设置 API 令牌 cookie 的名称。
     * @param  string|null $cookie
     * @return string|static
    public static function cookie ($cookie = null)
        if (is_null ($cookie)) {
            return static::$cookie;
        static::$cookie = $cookie;
        return new static;
     * Indicate that Passport should ignore incoming CSRF tokens.
     * @param  bool $ignoreCsrfToken
     * @return static
    public static function ignoreCsrfToken ($ignoreCsrfToken = true)
        static::$ignoreCsrfToken = $ignoreCsrfToken;
        return new static;
     * Set the current user for the application with the given scopes.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable|\Laravel\Passport\HasApiTokens $user
     * @param  array $scopes
     * @param  string $guard
     * @return \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Authenticatable
    public static function actingAs ($user, $scopes = [], $guard = 'API')
        $token = Mockery::mock (Passport::tokenModel ())->shouldIgnoreMissing (false);
        foreach ($scopes as $scope) {
            $token->shouldReceive ('can')->with ($scope)->andReturn (true);
        $user->withAccessToken ($token);
        if (isset ($user->wasRecentlyCreated) && $user->wasRecentlyCreated) {
            $user->wasRecentlyCreated = false;
        App ('auth')->guard ($guard)->setUser ($user);
        App ('auth')->shouldUse ($guard);
        return $user;
     * Set the storage location of the encryption keys.
     * @param  string $path
     * @return void
    public static function loadKeysFrom ($path)
        static::$keyPath = $path;
     * The location of the encryption keys.
     * @param  string $file
     * @return string
    public static function keyPath ($file)
        $file = ltrim ($file, '/\\');
        return static::$keyPath
            ? rtrim (static::$keyPath, '/\\') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file
            : storage_path ($file);
     * Set the auth code model class name.
     * @param  string $authCodeModel
     * @return void
    public static function useAuthCodeModel ($authCodeModel)
        static::$authCodeModel = $authCodeModel;
     * Get the auth code model class name.
     * @return string
    public static function authCodeModel ()
        return static::$authCodeModel;
     * Get a new auth code model instance.
     * @return \Laravel\Passport\AuthCode
    public static function authCode ()
        return new static::$authCodeModel;
     * Set the client model class name.
     * @param  string $clientModel
     * @return void
    public static function useClientModel ($clientModel)
        static::$clientModel = $clientModel;
     * Get the client model class name.
     * @return string
    public static function clientModel ()
        return static::$clientModel;
     * Get a new client model instance.
     * @return \Laravel\Passport\Client
    public static function client ()
        return new static::$clientModel;
     * Set the personal access client model class name.
     * @param  string $clientModel
     * @return void
    public static function usePersonalAccessClientModel ($clientModel)
        static::$personalAccessClientModel = $clientModel;
     * Get the personal access client model class name.
     * @return string
    public static function personalAccessClientModel ()
        return static::$personalAccessClientModel;
     * Get a new personal access client model instance.
     * @return \Laravel\Passport\PersonalAccessClient
    public static function personalAccessClient ()
        return new static::$personalAccessClientModel;
     * Set the token model class name.
     * @param  string $tokenModel
     * @return void
    public static function useTokenModel ($tokenModel)
        static::$tokenModel = $tokenModel;
     * Get the token model class name.
     * @return string
    public static function tokenModel ()
        return static::$tokenModel;
     * Get a new personal access client model instance.
     * @return \Laravel\Passport\Token
    public static function token ()
        return new static::$tokenModel;
     * Configure Passport to not register its migrations.
     * @return static
    public static function ignoreMigrations ()
        static::$runsMigrations = false;
        return new static;
     * Instruct Passport to enable cookie serialization.
     * @return static
    public static function withCookieSerialization ()
        static::$unserializesCookies = true;
        return new static;
     * Instruct Passport to disable cookie serialization.
     * @return static
    public static function withoutCookieSerialization ()
        static::$unserializesCookies = false;
        return new static;
use phpseclib\Crypt\RSA;

ras 生产密钥对

$rsa->createKey ($this->input ? (int) $this->option ('length') : 4096);


 protected $signature = 'passport:client
            {--personal : Create a personal access token client}
            {--password : Create a password grant client}
            {--client : Create a client credentials grant client}
            {--name= : The name of the client}
            {--redirect_uri= : The URI to redirect to after authorization }
            {--user_id= : The user ID the client should be assigned to }';
 public function handle (ClientRepository $clients)
        if ($this->option ('personal')) {
            $this->createPersonalClient ($clients);
        } elseif ($this->option ('password')) {
            $this->createPasswordClient ($clients);
        } elseif ($this->option ('client')) {
            $this->createClientCredentialsClient ($clients);
        } else {
            $this->createAuthCodeClient ($clients);

拿 personal 实例

  public function createPersonalAccessClient ($userId, $name, $redirect)
        return tap ($this->create ($userId, $name, $redirect, true), function ($client) {
            // 创建好客户端之后,再来创建一个 OAuth_personal_access_clients 这个表,添加刚才的客户端 ID
            $accessClient = Passport::personalAccessClient ();
            $accessClient->client_id = $client->id;
            $accessClient->save ();
public function create ($userId, $name, $redirect, $personalAccess = false, $password = false)
      //Laravel\Passport\Client 对应这个表 OAuth_clients
        $client = Passport::client ()->forceFill ([
            'user_id' =>$userId,
            'name' =>$name,
            'secret' =>Str::random (40),
            'redirect' =>$redirect,
            'personal_access_client' =>$personalAccess,
            'password_client' =>$password,
            'revoked' =>false,
        $client->save ();
        return $client;

密码创建,就没有多创建个 OAuth_personal_access_clients 这个表,添加刚才的客户端 ID

    public function createPasswordGrantClient ($userId, $name, $redirect)
        return $this->create ($userId, $name, $redirect, false, true);

题外话 tap,类似回调函数,传递匿名函数和参数
使用给定值调用给定的 Closure,然后返回值。

 function tap ($value, $callback = null)
        if (is_null ($callback)) {
            return new HigherOrderTapProxy ($value);
        $callback ($value);
        return $value;


如果你不想使用 Passport 的默认迁移,需要在 AppServiceProvider 的 register 方法中调用 Passport::ignoreMigrations 方法。你可以使用 PHP artisan vendor:publish --tag=passport-migrations 导出默认迁移。

$this->loadViewsFrom (__DIR__.'/../resources/views', 'passport');
        $this->deleteCookieOnLogout ();
        if ($this->App->runningInConsole ()) {
            $this->registerMigrations ();
            $this->publishes ([
                __DIR__.'/../database/migrations' =>database_path ('migrations'),
            ], 'passport-migrations');
            $this->publishes ([
                __DIR__.'/../resources/views' =>base_path ('resources/views/vendor/passport'),
            ], 'passport-views');
            $this->publishes ([
                __DIR__.'/../resources/JS/components' =>base_path ('resources/JS/components/passport'),
            ], 'passport-components');
            $this->commands ([



public function all ()
        // 授权所需的路线
        $this->forAuthorization ();
        // 检索和发出访问令牌的路由
        $this->forAccessTokens ();
        // 刷新令牌
        $this->forTransientTokens ();
        // 管理客户端所需的路由
        $this->forClients ();
        // 管理个人访问令牌所需的路由
        $this->forPersonalAccessTokens ();


 $router->get ('/clients', [
                'uses' =>'ClientController@forUser',
                'as' =>'passport.clients.index',
   public function forUser (Request $request)
        $userId = $request->user ()->getKey ();// 取得用户的 id
        // 取得该认证后的用户生效的客户端 DI,
        return $this->clients->activeForUser ($userId)->makeVisible ('secret');
 public function activeForUser ($userId)
        return $this->forUser ($userId)->reject (function ($client) {
            return $client->revoked;// 如果是真的话,将会被移除
        })->values ();
 public function forUser ($userId)
        return Passport::client ()
            ->where ('user_id', $userId)
            ->orderBy ('name', 'asc')->get ();
$collection = collect ([1, 2, 3, 4]);
$filtered = $collection->reject (function ($item) {
    return $item >2;
$filtered->all ();
   $router->post ('/clients', [
                'uses' =>'ClientController@store',
                'as' =>'passport.clients.store',
 public function store (Request $request)
        $this->validation->make ($request->all (), [
            'name' =>'required|max:255',
            'redirect' =>['required', $this->redirectRule],
        ])->validate ();
        return $this->clients->create (
            $request->user ()->getKey (), $request->name, $request->redirect
        )->makeVisible ('secret');
->makeVisible ('secret'); 表示显示 secret,尽管你在 secret 也要
    $router->put ('/clients/{client_id}', [
                'uses' =>'ClientController@update',
                'as' =>'passport.clients.update',
 public function update (Request $request, $clientId)
        $client = $this->clients->findForUser ($clientId, $request->user ()->getKey ());
        if (! $client) {
            return new Response ('', 404);
        $this->validation->make ($request->all (), [
            'name' =>'required|max:255',
            'redirect' =>['required', $this->redirectRule],
        ])->validate ();
        return $this->clients->update (
            $client, $request->name, $request->redirect
 public function update (Client $client, $name, $redirect)
        $client->forceFill ([
            'name' =>$name, 'redirect' =>$redirect,
        ])->save ();
        return $client;
 $router->delete ('/clients/{client_id}', [
                'uses' =>'ClientController@destroy',
                'as' =>'passport.clients.destroy',
Laravel\Passport\Token 对应这个表 OAuth_access_tokens


     $router->get ('/scopes', [
                'uses' =>'ScopeController@all',
                'as' =>'passport.scopes.index',
  public static function scopes ()
        return collect (static::$scopes)->map (function ($description, $id) {
            return new Scope ($id, $description);
        })->values ();

取得个人的 tokens

  $router->get ('/personal-access-tokens', [
                'uses' =>'PersonalAccessTokenController@forUser',
                'as' =>'passport.personal.tokens.index',
public function forUser (Request $request)
        $tokens = $this->tokenRepository->forUser ($request->user ()->getKey ());
        return $tokens->load ('client')->filter (function ($token) {
            return $token->client->personal_access_client && ! $token->revoked;
        })->values ();
      // 最后返回所有的 token 表数据,然后关联了客户端表,判断客户端是否无效,无效的话过滤掉,然后最后返回
 public function client ()
        return $this->belongsTo (Passport::clientModel ());
 public function forUser ($userId)
        return Passport::token ()->where ('user_id', $userId)->get ();
  $router->post ('/personal-access-tokens', [
                'uses' =>'PersonalAccessTokenController@store',
                'as' =>'passport.personal.tokens.store',
 public function store (Request $request)
        $this->validation->make ($request->all (), [
            'name' =>'required|max:255',
            'scopes' =>'array|in:'.implode (',', Passport::scopeIds ()),
        ])->validate ();
        return $request->user ()->createToken (
            $request->name, $request->scopes ?: []
 $router->delete ('/personal-access-tokens/{token_id}', [
                'uses' =>'PersonalAccessTokenController@destroy',
                'as' =>'passport.personal.tokens.destroy',
 public function destroy (Request $request, $tokenId)
        $token = $this->tokenRepository->findForUser (
            $tokenId, $request->user ()->getKey ()
        if (is_null ($token)) {
            return new Response ('', 404);
        $token->revoke ();
        return new Response ('', Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);
 public function findForUser ($id, $userId)
        return Passport::token ()->where ('id', $id)->where ('user_id', $userId)->first ();
 public function revoke ()
        return $this->forceFill (['revoked' =>true])->save ();
 return (new Response ('Refreshed.'))->withCookie ($this->cookieFactory->make (
            $request->user ()->getKey (), $request->session ()->token ()


// 授权客户端访问用户的帐户
  $this->router->post ('/token', [
            'uses' =>'AccessTokenController@issueToken',
            'as' =>'passport.token',
            'middleware' =>'throttle',
  $router->get ('/tokens', [
                'uses' =>'AuthorizedAccessTokenController@forUser',
                'as' =>'passport.tokens.index',
 public function forUser (Request $request)
        $tokens = $this->tokenRepository->forUser ($request->user ()->getKey ());
        return $tokens->load ('client')->filter (function ($token) {
            return ! $token->client->firstParty () && ! $token->revoked;
        })->values ();
            $router->delete ('/tokens/{token_id}', [
                'uses' =>'AuthorizedAccessTokenController@destroy',
                'as' =>'passport.tokens.destroy',
 public function destroy (Request $request, $tokenId)
        $token = $this->tokenRepository->findForUser (
            $tokenId, $request->user ()->getKey ()
        if (is_null ($token)) {
            return new Response ('', 404);
        $token->revoke ();
        return new Response ('', Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);
 $this->router->group (['middleware' =>['Web', 'auth']], function ($router) {
            $router->get ('/authorize', [
                'uses' =>'AuthorizationController@authorize',
                'as' =>'passport.authorizations.authorize',
            $router->post ('/authorize', [
                'uses' =>'ApproveAuthorizationController@approve',
                'as' =>'passport.authorizations.approve',
            $router->delete ('/authorize', [
                'uses' =>'DenyAuthorizationController@deny',
                'as' =>'passport.authorizations.deny',
public function authorize (ServerRequestInterface $psrRequest,
                              Request $request,
                              ClientRepository $clients,
                              TokenRepository $tokens)
        return $this->withErrorHandling (function () use ($psrRequest, $request, $clients, $tokens) {
            $authRequest = $this->server->validateAuthorizationRequest ($psrRequest);
            $scopes = $this->parseScopes ($authRequest);
            $token = $tokens->findValidToken (
                $user = $request->user (),
                $client = $clients->find ($authRequest->getClient ()->getIdentifier ())
            if ($token && $token->scopes === collect ($scopes)->pluck ('id')->all ()) {
                return $this->approveRequest ($authRequest, $user);
            $request->session ()->put ('authRequest', $authRequest);
            return $this->response->view ('passport::authorize', [
                'client' =>$client,
                'user' =>$user,
                'scopes' =>$scopes,
                'request' =>$request,
 $router->post ('/authorize', [
                'uses' =>'ApproveAuthorizationController@approve',
                'as' =>'passport.authorizations.approve',