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Legacy of Persia is the 3rd flavor pack for Crusader Kings III . It was announced on 2023-10-11 [1] and released on 2023-11-09 [2] alongside patch 1.11 "Peacock".

  • 1 DLC features
  • 2 Videos
  • 2.1 Cinematic trailers
  • 2.2 Tutorials
  • 3 Dev diaries
  • 4 References
  • DLC features [ 编辑 | 编辑源代码 ]

    The lands of Persia are well-populated, rich in resources and often a crossroads of empire. Join the struggle for medieval dominance in this historically important and fascinating region in Legacy of Persia, a new Flavor Pack for Crusader Kings III.

    Icon CK3b.png The Iranian Intermezzo

    • The Abbasid Caliphate is on the decline, and strong-willed Iranian rulers are set upon independence and a new future for the region. Will you forge a new Empire, subjugate the faltering Caliphate for your own benefit, or see a resurgent Caliphate bring order to the region?

    Icon CK3b.png More Historical Flavor

    • New decisions, interactions and buildings for rulers in the Persian region, as well as special content highlighting the importance of clan leadership and protecting the frontier regions.

    Icon CK3b.png Changes to Iranian Cultures

    • New Iranian traditions include innovative Court Scholars, unique Men-at-Arms, and powerful new buildings to bring riches out of barren lands.

    Icon CK3b.png New Art and Music

    • Persian characters get new clothing, Persian buildings get a redesign and the UI can take on a more Iranian appearance in this Flavor Pack. There are also 8 new music tracks, some cued to events and some to set the mood.

    Videos [ 编辑 | 编辑源代码 ]

    Cinematic trailers [ 编辑 | 编辑源代码 ]

    YouTube可能会收集个人数据。 隐私政策
    Legacy of Persia - Release trailer . The Abbasid Caliphate is on the decline, and strong-willed Iranian rulers are set upon independence and a new future for the region. Will you forge a new Empire, subjugate the faltering Caliphate for your own benefit, or see a resurgent Caliphate bring order to the region?
    YouTube可能会收集个人数据。 隐私政策
    Legacy of Persia - Announcement trailer . The Abbasid Caliphate struggles to maintain its grip on the eastern core of its empire. Disputed successions, cultural disharmony and poor circumstances conspire to undermine one of the great realms of the Middle Ages.

    Tutorials [ 编辑 | 编辑源代码 ]

    Tutorial videos

    Dev diaries [ 编辑 | 编辑源代码 ]

    主条目: Developer diaries

    References [ 编辑 | 编辑源代码 ]

  • Forum: CK3 Dev Diary #136 - Our Vision for Persia , 2023-10-11.
  • Forum, Dev Diary #140 - Legacy of Persia & 1.11 'Peacock' Free Update , 2023-11-09.