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Source code for mmcv.utils.registry

import inspect
import warnings
from functools import partial
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from .misc import deprecated_api_warning, is_seq_of
[docs]def build_from_cfg(cfg: Dict, registry: 'Registry', default_args: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Any: """Build a module from config dict when it is a class configuration, or call a function from config dict when it is a function configuration. Example: >>> MODELS = Registry('models') >>> @MODELS.register_module() >>> class ResNet: >>> resnet = build_from_cfg(dict(type='Resnet'), MODELS) >>> # Returns an instantiated object >>> @MODELS.register_module() >>> def resnet50(): >>> resnet = build_from_cfg(dict(type='resnet50'), MODELS) >>> # Return a result of the calling function Args: cfg (dict): Config dict. It should at least contain the key "type". registry (:obj:`Registry`): The registry to search the type from. default_args (dict, optional): Default initialization arguments. Returns: object: The constructed object. if not isinstance(cfg, dict): raise TypeError(f'cfg must be a dict, but got {type(cfg)}') if 'type' not in cfg: if default_args is None or 'type' not in default_args: raise KeyError( '`cfg` or `default_args` must contain the key "type", ' f'but got {cfg}\n{default_args}') if not isinstance(registry, Registry): raise TypeError('registry must be an mmcv.Registry object, ' f'but got {type(registry)}') if not (isinstance(default_args, dict) or default_args is None): raise TypeError('default_args must be a dict or None, ' f'but got {type(default_args)}') args = cfg.copy() if default_args is not None: for name, value in default_args.items(): args.setdefault(name, value) obj_type = args.pop('type') if isinstance(obj_type, str): obj_cls = registry.get(obj_type) if obj_cls is None: raise KeyError( f'{obj_type} is not in the {registry.name} registry') elif inspect.isclass(obj_type) or inspect.isfunction(obj_type): obj_cls = obj_type else: raise TypeError( f'type must be a str or valid type, but got {type(obj_type)}') try: return obj_cls(**args) except Exception as e: # Normal TypeError does not print class name. raise type(e)(f'{obj_cls.__name__}: {e}')
[docs]class Registry: """A registry to map strings to classes or functions. Registered object could be built from registry. Meanwhile, registered functions could be called from registry. Example: >>> MODELS = Registry('models') >>> @MODELS.register_module() >>> class ResNet: >>> resnet = MODELS.build(dict(type='ResNet')) >>> @MODELS.register_module() >>> def resnet50(): >>> resnet = MODELS.build(dict(type='resnet50')) Please refer to https://mmcv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/understand_mmcv/registry.html for advanced usage. Args: name (str): Registry name. build_func(func, optional): Build function to construct instance from Registry, func:`build_from_cfg` is used if neither ``parent`` or ``build_func`` is specified. If ``parent`` is specified and ``build_func`` is not given, ``build_func`` will be inherited from ``parent``. Default: None. parent (Registry, optional): Parent registry. The class registered in children registry could be built from parent. Default: None. scope (str, optional): The scope of registry. It is the key to search for children registry. If not specified, scope will be the name of the package where class is defined, e.g. mmdet, mmcls, mmseg. Default: None. def __init__(self, name, build_func=None, parent=None, scope=None): self._name = name self._module_dict = dict() self._children = dict() self._scope = self.infer_scope() if scope is None else scope # self.build_func will be set with the following priority: # 1. build_func # 2. parent.build_func # 3. build_from_cfg if build_func is None: if parent is not None: self.build_func = parent.build_func else: self.build_func = build_from_cfg else: self.build_func = build_func if parent is not None: assert isinstance(parent, Registry) parent._add_children(self) self.parent = parent else: self.parent = None def __len__(self): return len(self._module_dict) def __contains__(self, key): return self.get(key) is not None def __repr__(self): format_str = self.__class__.__name__ + \ f'(name={self._name}, ' \ f'items={self._module_dict})' return format_str
[docs] @staticmethod def infer_scope(): """Infer the scope of registry. The name of the package where registry is defined will be returned. Example: >>> # in mmdet/models/backbone/resnet.py >>> MODELS = Registry('models') >>> @MODELS.register_module() >>> class ResNet: The scope of ``ResNet`` will be ``mmdet``. Returns: str: The inferred scope name. # We access the caller using inspect.currentframe() instead of # inspect.stack() for performance reasons. See details in PR #1844 frame = inspect.currentframe() # get the frame where `infer_scope()` is called infer_scope_caller = frame.f_back.f_back filename = inspect.getmodule(infer_scope_caller).__name__ split_filename = filename.split('.') return split_filename[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def split_scope_key(key): """Split scope and key. The first scope will be split from key. Examples: >>> Registry.split_scope_key('mmdet.ResNet') 'mmdet', 'ResNet' >>> Registry.split_scope_key('ResNet') None, 'ResNet' Return: tuple[str | None, str]: The former element is the first scope of the key, which can be ``None``. The latter is the remaining key. split_index = key.find('.') if split_index != -1: return key[:split_index], key[split_index + 1:] else: return None, key
@property def name(self): return self._name @property def scope(self): return self._scope @property def module_dict(self): return self._module_dict @property def children(self): return self._children
[docs] def get(self, key): """Get the registry record. Args: key (str): The class name in string format. Returns: class: The corresponding class. scope, real_key = self.split_scope_key(key) if scope is None or scope == self._scope: # get from self if real_key in self._module_dict: return self._module_dict[real_key] else: # get from self._children if scope in self._children: return self._children[scope].get(real_key) else: # goto root parent = self.parent while parent.parent is not None: parent = parent.parent return parent.get(key)
def build(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.build_func(*args, **kwargs, registry=self) def _add_children(self, registry): """Add children for a registry. The ``registry`` will be added as children based on its scope. The parent registry could build objects from children registry. Example: >>> models = Registry('models') >>> mmdet_models = Registry('models', parent=models) >>> @mmdet_models.register_module() >>> class ResNet: >>> resnet = models.build(dict(type='mmdet.ResNet')) assert isinstance(registry, Registry) assert registry.scope is not None assert registry.scope not in self.children, \ f'scope {registry.scope} exists in {self.name} registry' self.children[registry.scope] = registry @deprecated_api_warning(name_dict=dict(module_class='module')) def _register_module(self, module, module_name=None, force=False): if not inspect.isclass(module) and not inspect.isfunction(module): raise TypeError('module must be a class or a function, ' f'but got {type(module)}') if module_name is None: module_name = module.__name__ if isinstance(module_name, str): module_name = [module_name] for name in module_name: if not force and name in self._module_dict: raise KeyError(f'{name} is already registered ' f'in {self.name}') self._module_dict[name] = module def deprecated_register_module(self, cls=None, force=False): warnings.warn( 'The old API of register_module(module, force=False) ' 'is deprecated and will be removed, please use the new API ' 'register_module(name=None, force=False, module=None) instead.', DeprecationWarning) if cls is None: return partial(self.deprecated_register_module, force=force) self._register_module(cls, force=force) return cls
[docs] def register_module(self, name=None, force=False, module=None): """Register a module. A record will be added to `self._module_dict`, whose key is the class name or the specified name, and value is the class itself. It can be used as a decorator or a normal function. Example: >>> backbones = Registry('backbone') >>> @backbones.register_module() >>> class ResNet: >>> backbones = Registry('backbone') >>> @backbones.register_module(name='mnet') >>> class MobileNet: >>> backbones = Registry('backbone') >>> class ResNet: >>> backbones.register_module(ResNet) Args: name (str | None): The module name to be registered. If not specified, the class name will be used. force (bool, optional): Whether to override an existing class with the same name. Default: False. module (type): Module class or function to be registered. if not isinstance(force, bool): raise TypeError(f'force must be a boolean, but got {type(force)}') # NOTE: This is a walkaround to be compatible with the old api, # while it may introduce unexpected bugs. if isinstance(name, type): return self.deprecated_register_module(name, force=force) # raise the error ahead of time if not (name is None or isinstance(name, str) or is_seq_of(name, str)): raise TypeError( 'name must be either of None, an instance of str or a sequence' f' of str, but got {type(name)}') # use it as a normal method: x.register_module(module=SomeClass) if module is not None: self._register_module(module=module, module_name=name, force=force) return module # use it as a decorator: @x.register_module() def _register(module): self._register_module(module=module, module_name=name, force=force) return module return _register