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Most Jython code that uses Java integration will be based on a stable Jython release, and these only come in Python 2.x versions. GraalVM’s Python runtime, in contrast, is only targeting Python 3.x. GraalVM does not provide a full compatibility with these earlier 2.x versions of Jython. Thus, a significant migration step will have to be taken to migrate all your code to Python 3.

For Jython-specific features, follow this document to learn about migration to GraalVM’s Python runtime.

Note that some features of Jython have a negative impact on runtime performance, and are disabled by default. To make migration easier, you can enable some features with a command line flag on GraalVM: --python.EmulateJython .

Importing Java Packages

There are certain features of Jython’s Java integration that are enabled by default on GraalVM’s Python runtime. Here is an example:

>>> import java.awt as awt
>>> win = awt.Frame()
>>> win.setSize(200, 200)
>>> win.setTitle("Hello from Python!")
>>> win.getSize().toString()
>>> win.show()

This example works exactly the same on both Jython and Python on GraalVM. However, on GraalVM only packages in the java namespace can be directly imported. Importing classes from packages outside the java namespace also requires the --python.EmulateJython option to be active.

Additionally, importing Java packages as Python modules is only supported under very specific circumstances. For example, this will work:

import java.lang as lang

This will not work:

import javax.swing as swing
from javax.swing import *

Instead, you will have to import one of the classes you are interested in directly:

import javax.swing.Window as Window

Basic Object Usage

Constructing and working with Java objects and classes is done with natural Python syntax. The methods of Java objects can also be retrieved and passed around as first class objects (bound to their instance), the same as Python methods:

>>> from java.util import Random
>>> rg = Random(99)
>>> rg.nextInt()
>>> boundNextInt = rg.nextInt
>>> boundNextInt()

Java-to-Python Types: Automatic Conversion

Method overloads are resolved by matching the Python arguments in a best-effort manner to the available parameter types. This also happens during when data conversion. The goal here is to make using Java from Python as smooth as possible. The matching allowed here is similar to Jython, but GraalVM’s Python runtime uses a more dynamic approach to matching — Python types emulating int or float are also converted to the appropriate Java types. This allows, for example, to use Pandas frames as double[][] or NumPy array elements as int[] when the elements fit into those Java primitive types.

Special Jython Modules

The jarray module which is used to create primitive Java arrays is supported for compatibility.

>>> import jarray
>>> jarray.array([1,2,3], 'i')

Note that its usage is equivalent of constructing the array types using the java.type function and filling the array.

>>> import java
>>> java.type("int[]")(10)

The code that only needs to pass a Java array can also use Python types. However, implicitly, this may entail a copy of the array data, which can be deceiving when using Java arrays as output parameters:

>>> i = java.io.ByteArrayInputStream(b"foobar")
>>> buf = [0, 0, 0]
>>> i.read(buf) # buf is automatically converted to a byte[] array
[0, 0, 0] # the converted byte[] array got lost
>>> jbuf = java.type("byte[]")(3)
>>> i.read(jbuf)
[98, 97, 122]

Other modules than jarray are not supported.

Exceptions from Java

Catching all kinds of Java exceptions comes with a performance penalty and is only enabled with the --python.EmulateJython option.

>>> import java
>>> v = java.util.Vector()
...    x = v.elementAt(7)
... except java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException as e:
...    print(e.getMessage())
7 >= 0

Java Collections

Java arrays and collections implementing java.util.Collection can be accessed using the [] syntax. Empty collections are considered false in boolean conversions. Their length is exposed by len builtin function.

>>> from java.util import ArrayList
>>> l = ArrayList()
>>> l.add("foo")
>>> l.add("baz")
>>> l[1] = "bar"
>>> del l[1]
>>> len(l)
>>> bool(l)
>>> del l[0]
>>> bool(l)

Java iterables implementing java.lang.Iterable can be iterated using for loop or iter builtin function and are accepted by all builtins that expect iterables.

>>> [x for x in l]
['foo', 'bar']
>>> i = iter(l)
>>> next(i)
>>> next(i)
>>> next(i)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> set(l)
{'foo', 'bar'}

Iterators can be iterated as well.

>>> from java.util import ArrayList
>>> l = ArrayList()
>>> l.add("foo")
>>> i = l.iterator()  # Calls the Java iterator methods
>>> next(i)

Map collections implementing java.util.Map can be accessed using [] notation. Empty maps are considered false in boolean conversions. Iteration of maps yields the keys, consistent with dict.

>>> from java.util import HashMap
>>> m = HashMap()
>>> m['foo'] = 5
>>> m['foo']
>>> m['bar']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: bar
>>> [k for k in m]
>>> bool(m)
>>> del m['foo']
>>> bool(m)

Inheritance from Java

Inheriting from a Java class or implementing an interface is supported with some syntactical differences from Jython. A class inheriting from a Java class can be created using an ordinary class statement where declared methods will override/implement the superclass methods when they match in name. Super calls are performed using a special attribute self.__super__. The created object won’t behave like a Python object but like a foreign Java object. Its Python-level members can be accessed using its this attribute. Example:

import atexit
from java.util.logging import Logger, Handler
class MyHandler(Handler):
    def __init__(self):
        self.logged = []
    def publish(self, record):
logger = Logger.getLogger("mylog")
handler = MyHandler()
# Make sure the handler is not used after the Python context has been closed
atexit.register(lambda: logger.removeHandler(handler))
# The python attributes/methods of the object have to be accessed through 'this' attribute
for record in handler.this.logged:
    print(f'Python captured message "{record.getMessage()}" at level {record.getLevel().getName()}')

Embedding Python into Java

The other way to use Jython is to embed it into Java applications. Where above GraalVM’s Python runtime offered some measure of compatibility with existing Jython code, nothing is offered in this case. Existing code using Jython depends directly on the Jython package (for example, in the Maven configuration), because the Java code has references to Jython internal classes such as PythonInterpreter.

For GraalVM’s Python runtime, no dependency other than on the GraalVM SDK is required. There are no APIs particular to Python that are exposed, and everything is done through the GraalVM API.

It is important to note that as long as your application is executed on GraalVM with the Python language installed, you can embed Python in your programs. For more details, refer to the Embed Languages guide.