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  • 标签化管理网页链接

  • 或者从 GitHub 上下载最新的开发版本:
if(!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
  • 载入 ggpubr
#> Loading required package: ggplot2

ggpubr 的官方文档在 http://www.sthda.com/english/rpkgs/ggpubr ## 样例数据集

数据: ToothGrowth 数据集

#>    len supp dose
#> 1  4.2   VC  0.5
#> 2 11.5   VC  0.5
#> 3  7.3   VC  0.5
#> 4  5.8   VC  0.5
#> 5  6.4   VC  0.5
#> 6 10.0   VC  0.5

http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/comparing-means-in-r 包含了均值方法比较的详细描述,这里我们汇总常见的均值比较方法:

t.test() 比较两组 (参数) Wilcoxon检验 wilcox.test() 比较两组 (非参数) ANOVA aov() or anova() 比较多组 (参数) Kruskal-Wallis kruskal.test() 比较多组 (非参数) 添加p值的函数

这里我们展示 ggpubr 包中可以使用的用于添加p值的R函数:

  • compare_means()
  • stat_compare_means()
  • compare_mean()


    compare_means(formula, data, method="wilcox.test", paired=FALSE, 
                  group.by=NULL, ref.group = NULL, ...)
    formula : x~group 形式的公式, x 是一个数值向量, group 是有1个或者多个组别的因子。比如 formula = TP53 ~ cancer_group 。也可以使用多个响应变量,比如 formula = c(TP53, PTEN) ~ cancer_group data : 包含变量的数据框
  • method: 检验的类型。默认是 wilcox.test 。允许的值包括: t.test wilcox.test
  • anova kruskal.test paired : 逻辑值,是否执行配对检验。仅能用于 t.test wilcox.test group.by : 在执行检验前对数据集进行分组的变量。指定后,会根据该变量分不同子集进行检验。 ref.group : 一个字符串,指定参考组。指定后,对于一个给定分组变量,每个分组水平都会和参考组进行比较。 ref.group 可以使用 .all ,这会对所有组别基于一个全局的均值进行两两比较。 ## stat_compare_means()

    这个函数扩展了 ggplot2 ,可以对指定 ggplot 图形添加均值比较的p值。


    stat_compare_means(mapping = NULL, 
                       comparisons = NULL,
                       hide.ns = FALSE,
                       label = NULL,
                       label.x = NULL,
                       label.y = NULL)
    mapping : 由 aes() 创建的映射集合 comparisons : 一个长度为2的向量列表。向量中元素都是x轴的两个名字或者2个对于感兴趣,要进行比较的整数索引 hide.ns : 逻辑值,如果 TRUE ,隐藏不显著标记 ns label : 指定标签类型的字符串。允许值包括 p.signif (显示显著性水平), p.format (显示p值) label.x, label.y : 数值。用于摆放标签位置的坐标,如果太短,会循环重复。
  • …: 其他传入 compare_means() 的参数,例如 method , paired , ref.group


compare_means(len ~ supp, data = ToothGrowth)
#> # A tibble: 1 x 8
#>   .y.   group1 group2      p p.adj p.format p.signif method  
#>   <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
#> 1 len   OJ     VC     0.0645 0.064 0.064    ns       Wilcoxon

默认执行 method="wilcox.test" ,你可以指定 method = "t.test" 进行t检验。 返回一个包含下面列的数据框:

  • .y: 用于检验的y变量
  • p: p值
  • p.adj: 矫正p值,默认矫正方法 p.adjust.method="holm"
  • p.format: 格式化p值
  • p.signif: 显著性水平
  • 方法: 用于比较组别的统计检验


p <- ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x="supp",
               y = "len", color = "supp",
               palette = "jco", add = "jitter")
# 添加p值
p + stat_compare_means()
# 改变方法
p + stat_compare_means(method = "t.test")

注意,p值标签位置可以使用 label.x , label.y , hjust , vjust 参数进行矫正。

默认p值标签显示是将 compare_means() 返回数据框的 method p 列粘连到一起。你可以使用 aes() 函数进行组合。

aes(label = ..p.format..) 或者 aes(label = paste0("p = ", ..p.format..)) : 显示p值但不显示方法 aes(label = ..p.signif..) : 仅显示显著性水平 aes(label = paste0(..method.., "\n", "p =", ..p.format..)) 使用在方法和p值中插入换行符


p + stat_compare_means(aes(label = ..p.signif..),
                       label.x = 1.5, 
                       label.y = 40)


p + stat_compare_means(label = "p.signif", label.x = 1.5, label.y = 40)
paired = TRUE) #> # A tibble: 1 x 8 #> .y. group1 group2 p p.adj p.format p.signif method #> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 len OJ VC 0.00431 0.0043 0.0043 ** Wilcoxon

使用 ggpaired() 函数可视化:

ggpaired(ToothGrowth, x="supp", y="len",
         color="supp", line.color="gray",
         line.size=0.4, palette = "jco") + 
    stat_compare_means(paired = TRUE)
compare_means(len ~ dose, data = ToothGrowth,
              method = "anova")
#> # A tibble: 1 x 6
#>   .y.          p    p.adj p.format p.signif method
#>   <chr>    <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr> 
#> 1 len   9.53e-16 9.50e-16 9.5e-16  ****     Anova


# 默认方法为 method = "kruskal.test"
ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len",
          color = "dose", palette = "jco") + 
# 将方法改为anova
ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len",
          color = "dose", palette = "jco") + 
    stat_compare_means(method = "anova")
  • 成对比较,如果分组变量包含超过两个水平,配对检验会自动执行。
# 执行成对比较
compare_means(len ~ dose, data = ToothGrowth)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 8
#>   .y.   group1 group2            p      p.adj p.format p.signif method  
#>   <chr> <chr>  <chr>         <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
#> 1 len   0.5    1      0.00000702   0.000014   7.0e-06  ****     Wilcoxon
#> 2 len   0.5    2      0.0000000841 0.00000025 8.4e-08  ****     Wilcoxon
#> 3 len   1      2      0.000177     0.00018    0.00018  ***      Wilcoxon
# 可视化: 指定你想要比较的组别
my_comparisons <- list(c("0.5","1"), c("1", "2"),
                       c("0.5", "2"))
ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x="dose", y="len",
          color="dose", palette = "jco") +
    stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons) + #添加成对p值
    stat_compare_means(label.y = 50) # 添加全局p值
#> Warning in wilcox.test.default(c(4.2, 11.5, 7.3, 5.8, 6.4, 10, 11.2, 11.2, :
#> cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning in wilcox.test.default(c(4.2, 11.5, 7.3, 5.8, 6.4, 10, 11.2, 11.2, :
#> cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning in wilcox.test.default(c(16.5, 16.5, 15.2, 17.3, 22.5, 17.3, 13.6, :
#> cannot compute exact p-value with ties

如果你想要指定精确的y轴位置,使用 label.y 参数:

ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x="dose", y="len",
          color="dose", palette = "jco") +
    stat_compare_means(comparisons = my_comparisons,
                       label.y=c(29, 35, 40)) +
    stat_compare_means(label.y = 45)
#> Warning in wilcox.test.default(c(4.2, 11.5, 7.3, 5.8, 6.4, 10, 11.2, 11.2, :
#> cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning in wilcox.test.default(c(4.2, 11.5, 7.3, 5.8, 6.4, 10, 11.2, 11.2, :
#> cannot compute exact p-value with ties
#> Warning in wilcox.test.default(c(16.5, 16.5, 15.2, 17.3, 22.5, 17.3, 13.6, :
#> cannot compute exact p-value with ties
  • 基于参考组的多重成对比较
# 基于参考组
compare_means(len ~ dose, data = ToothGrowth,
              ref.group = "0.5", 
              method = "t.test")
#> # A tibble: 2 x 8
#>   .y.   group1 group2        p    p.adj p.format p.signif method
#>   <chr> <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr> 
#> 1 len   0.5    1      1.27e- 7 1.30e- 7 1.3e-07  ****     T-test
#> 2 len   0.5    2      4.40e-14 8.80e-14 4.4e-14  ****     T-test
# 可视化
ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x="dose", y="len",
          color="dose", palette = "jco") + 
    stat_compare_means(method="anova", label.y=40) + 
    stat_compare_means(label="p.signif", method="t.test",
                       ref.group = "0.5")
  • 以所有值为基准(base-mean)进行多个成对比较


# Comparison of each group against base-mean
compare_means(len ~ dose,  data = ToothGrowth, ref.group = ".all.",
              method = "t.test")
#> # A tibble: 3 x 8
#>   .y.   group1 group2           p      p.adj p.format p.signif method
#>   <chr> <chr>  <chr>        <dbl>      <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr> 
#> 1 len   .all.  0.5    0.000000290 0.00000087 2.9e-07  ****     T-test
#> 2 len   .all.  1      0.512       0.51       0.51     ns       T-test
#> 3 len   .all.  2      0.000000425 0.00000087 4.3e-07  ****     T-test
ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len",
          color = "dose", palette = "jco")+
  stat_compare_means(method = "anova", label.y = 40)+      # Add global p-value
  stat_compare_means(label = "p.signif", method = "t.test",
                     ref.group = ".all.")                  # Pairwise comparison against all


# Load myeloma data from GitHub
myeloma <- read.delim("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kassambara/data/master/myeloma.txt")
# 执行检验
compare_means(DEPDC1 ~ molecular_group,  data = myeloma,
              ref.group = ".all.", method = "t.test")
#> # A tibble: 7 x 8
#>   .y.    group1 group2                      p     p.adj p.format p.signif method
#>   <chr>  <chr>  <chr>                   <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr> 
#> 1 DEPDC1 .all.  Cyclin D-1       0.288          1.00e+0 0.29     ns       T-test
#> 2 DEPDC1 .all.  Cyclin D-2       0.424          1.00e+0 0.42     ns       T-test
#> 3 DEPDC1 .all.  MMSET            0.578          1.00e+0 0.58     ns       T-test
#> 4 DEPDC1 .all.  MAF              0.254          1.00e+0 0.25     ns       T-test
#> 5 DEPDC1 .all.  Hyperdiploid     0.0000000273   1.90e-7 2.7e-08  ****     T-test
#> 6 DEPDC1 .all.  Proliferation    0.0000239      1.20e-4 2.4e-05  ****     T-test
#> 7 DEPDC1 .all.  Low bone disease 0.00000526     3.20e-5 5.3e-06  ****     T-test


ggboxplot(myeloma, x="molecular_group", y="DEPDC1",
          color="molecular_group", add="jitter",
          legend="none") + 
    rotate_x_text(angle = 45) + 
    geom_hline(yintercept = mean(myeloma$DEPDC1),
               linetype=2) + # 添加base mean的水平线
     stat_compare_means(method = "anova", label.y = 1600)+        # Add global annova p-value
  stat_compare_means(label = "p.signif", method = "t.test",
                     ref.group = ".all.")                      # Pairwise comparison against all
  • 根据某个变量分组后两个独立样本的比较


compare_means(len ~ supp, data = ToothGrowth,
              group.by = "dose")
#> # A tibble: 3 x 9
#>    dose .y.   group1 group2       p p.adj p.format p.signif method  
#>   <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
#> 1   0.5 len   OJ     VC     0.0232  0.046 0.023    *        Wilcoxon
#> 2   1   len   OJ     VC     0.00403 0.012 0.004    **       Wilcoxon
#> 3   2   len   OJ     VC     1       1     1.000    ns       Wilcoxon


# 根据 "dose" 变量分面绘制箱线图
p <- ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x = "supp", y = "len",
          color = "supp", palette = "jco",
          add = "jitter",
          facet.by = "dose", short.panel.labs = FALSE)
# Use only p.format as label. Remove method name.
p + stat_compare_means(label = "p.format")
# Or use significance symbol as label
p + stat_compare_means(label =  "p.signif", label.x = 1.5)


p <- ggboxplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len",
          color = "supp", palette = "jco",
          add = "jitter")
p + stat_compare_means(aes(group = supp))
# 仅显示p值
p + stat_compare_means(aes(group = supp), label = "p.format")
# 使用显著性标记
p + stat_compare_means(aes(group = supp), label = "p.signif")
  • 分组后配对样本比较
compare_means(len ~ supp, data = ToothGrowth,
              group.by = "dose", paired = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 3 x 9
#>    dose .y.   group1 group2      p p.adj p.format p.signif method  
#>   <dbl> <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
#> 1   0.5 len   OJ     VC     0.0330 0.066 0.033    *        Wilcoxon
#> 2   1   len   OJ     VC     0.0137 0.041 0.014    *        Wilcoxon
#> 3   2   len   OJ     VC     1      1     1.000    ns       Wilcoxon

可视化,按分组变量 dose 分面创建一个多面板箱线图:

p <- ggpaired(ToothGrowth, x="supp", y="len",
               color="supp", palette = "jco",
               line.color = "grey", line.size =0.4,
               facet.by = "dose", short.panel.labs = FALSE)
# Use only p.format as label. Remove method name.
p + stat_compare_means(label = "p.format", paired = TRUE)
  • 条形图和线图(一组变量)
# 条形图加均值标准误
ggbarplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len", add = "mean_se")+
  stat_compare_means() +                                         # Global p-value
  stat_compare_means(ref.group = "0.5", label = "p.signif",
                     label.y = c(22, 29))                   # compare to ref.group
# 线图加均值标准误
ggline(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len", add = "mean_se")+
  stat_compare_means() +                                         # Global p-value
  stat_compare_means(ref.group = "0.5", label = "p.signif",
                     label.y = c(22, 29))  
  • 条形图和线图(两组变量)
ggbarplot(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len", add = "mean_se",
          color = "supp", palette = "jco", 
          position = position_dodge(0.8))+
  stat_compare_means(aes(group = supp), label = "p.signif", label.y = 29)
ggline(ToothGrowth, x = "dose", y = "len", add = "mean_se",
          color = "supp", palette = "jco")+
  stat_compare_means(aes(group = supp), label = "p.signif", 
                     label.y = c(16, 25, 29))


今天突来兴趣,留档一些python常见的错误和思维 下面内容感兴趣可以看,不然就只看一图读懂:在说错误之前,先来看一下在python中的哪些是可变数据和哪些是不可变数据吧 列表list 字典dict 2.不可变数据类型 整型int 浮点型float 字符串型string
mongodb 延迟 提交 mongodb超时参数

最近在做一个测试,需要把一个庞大的mongodb数据缓慢的取出来进行统计。今天主要记录一下mongodb的游标使用,通过游标来去对数据进行遍历。实例代码:js语言1.游标的获取var cursor = db.collection.find({});2.游标的使用打开游标 cursor.hasNext() 判断游标是否已经取到尽头