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  • 标签化管理网页链接

对于使用过springcloud config的同学都知道,spring cloud分为config client和config server,那么spring配置中心是如何通过client和server获取到git中的配置信息呢?

git中配置文件更新后,config server端马上可以获取到更新后的内容,而config client端不能马上获取更新后的内容,对于配置了bus的项目,需要触发 http://localhost:8001/actuator/bus-refresh 才可以使得客户端更新配置。这又是为什么呢?

Config Client 配置加载过程


在spring boot项目启动时,有一个 prepareContext 的方法,它会回调所有实现了 ApplicationContextInitializer 的实例,来做一些初始化工作。

public ConfigurableApplicationContext run(String... args) {
    prepareContext(context, environment, listeners, applicationArguments, printedBanner);
  return context;


PropertySourceBootstrapConfiguration 实现了 ApplicationContextInitializer 接口,其目的就是在应用程序上下文初始化的时候做一些额外的操作。

根据默认的 AnnotationAwareOrderComparator 排序规则对 propertySourceLocators 数组进行排序

获取运行的环境上下文 ConfigurableEnvironment

遍历 propertySourceLocators时

  • 调用 locate 方法,传入获取的上下文 environment
  • source 添加到 PropertySource 的链表中
  • 设置 source 是否为空的标识标量 empty
  • source 不为空的情况,才会设置到 environment
  • 返回 Environment 的可变形式,可进行的操作如 addFirst addLast
  • 移除 propertySources 中的 bootstrapProperties
  • 根据 config server 覆写的规则,设置 propertySources
  • 处理多个 active profiles 的配置信息
  • @Override
    public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {
        List<PropertySource<?>> composite = new ArrayList<>();
        // 对propertySourceLocators数组进行排序,根据默认的AnnotationAwareOrderComparator
        boolean empty = true;
        // 获取运行的环境上下文
        ConfigurableEnvironment environment = applicationContext.getEnvironment();
        for (PropertySourceLocator locator : this.propertySourceLocators) {
            // 回调所有实现PropertySourceLocator接口实例的locate方法
            Collection<PropertySource<?>> source = locator.locateCollection(environment);
            if (source == null || source.size() == 0) {
            List<PropertySource<?>> sourceList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (PropertySource<?> p : source) {
                sourceList.add(new BootstrapPropertySource<>(p));
            logger.info("Located property source: " + sourceList);
            // 将source添加到数组
            // 表示propertysource不为空
            empty = false;
        // 只有propertysource不为空的情况,才会设置到environment中
        if (!empty) {
            MutablePropertySources propertySources = environment.getPropertySources();
            String logConfig = environment.resolvePlaceholders("${logging.config:}");
            LogFile logFile = LogFile.get(environment);
            for (PropertySource<?> p : environment.getPropertySources()) {
                if (p.getName().startsWith(BOOTSTRAP_PROPERTY_SOURCE_NAME)) {
            insertPropertySources(propertySources, composite);
            reinitializeLoggingSystem(environment, logConfig, logFile);
            setLogLevels(applicationContext, environment);


    这个方法会调用子类的 locate 方法,来获得一个 PropertySource ,然后将 PropertySource 集合返回。

    接着它会调用 ConfigServicePropertySourceLocator locate 方法。

    static Collection<PropertySource<?>> locateCollection(PropertySourceLocator locator,
                                                          Environment environment) {
        // 调用locate方法
        PropertySource<?> propertySource = locator.locate(environment);
        if (propertySource == null) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        if (CompositePropertySource.class.isInstance(propertySource)) {
            Collection<PropertySource<?>> sources = ((CompositePropertySource) propertySource)
            List<PropertySource<?>> filteredSources = new ArrayList<>();
            for (PropertySource<?> p : sources) {
                if (p != null) {
            return filteredSources;
        else {
            return Arrays.asList(propertySource);


    这个就是 Config Client 的关键实现了,它会通过 RestTemplate 调用一个远程地址 获得配置信息, getRemoteEnvironment

    然后把这个配置 PropertySources ,然后将这个信息包装成一个 OriginTrackedMapPropertySource ,设置到 Composite 中。

    @Retryable(interceptor = "configServerRetryInterceptor")
    public org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource<?> locate(
        org.springframework.core.env.Environment environment) {
        ConfigClientProperties properties = this.defaultProperties.override(environment);
        CompositePropertySource composite = new OriginTrackedCompositePropertySource(
        RestTemplate restTemplate = this.restTemplate == null
            ? getSecureRestTemplate(properties) : this.restTemplate;
        Exception error = null;
        String errorBody = null;
        try {
            String[] labels = new String[] { "" };
            if (StringUtils.hasText(properties.getLabel())) {
                labels = StringUtils
            String state = ConfigClientStateHolder.getState();
            // Try all the labels until one works
            for (String label : labels) {
                // 获取远程Environment。通过该方法获取config server的配置
                Environment result = getRemoteEnvironment(restTemplate, properties,
                                                          label.trim(), state);
                if (result != null) {
                    // result.getPropertySources() can be null if using xml
                    if (result.getPropertySources() != null) {
                        for (PropertySource source : result.getPropertySources()) {
                            Map<String, Object> map = translateOrigins(source.getName(),
                                                                       (Map<String, Object>) source.getSource());
                                new OriginTrackedMapPropertySource(source.getName(),
                    if (StringUtils.hasText(result.getState())
                        || StringUtils.hasText(result.getVersion())) {
                        HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
                        putValue(map, "config.client.state", result.getState());
                        putValue(map, "config.client.version", result.getVersion());
                            new MapPropertySource("configClient", map));
                    return composite;
            errorBody = String.format("None of labels %s found", Arrays.toString(labels));
        catch (HttpServerErrorException e) {
            error = e;
            if (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON
                .includes(e.getResponseHeaders().getContentType())) {
                errorBody = e.getResponseBodyAsString();
        catch (Exception e) {
            error = e;
        if (properties.isFailFast()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "Could not locate PropertySource and the fail fast property is set, failing"
                + (errorBody == null ? "" : ": " + errorBody),
        logger.warn("Could not locate PropertySource: "
                    + (error != null ? error.getMessage() : errorBody));
        return null;


    在此方法中发送http请求,获取config server中的配置信息,并返回 Environment

    private Environment getRemoteEnvironment(RestTemplate restTemplate,
                                             ConfigClientProperties properties, String label, String state) {
        String path = "/{name}/{profile}";
        // 获取服务名称
        String name = properties.getName();
        String profile = properties.getProfile();
        String token = properties.getToken();
        int noOfUrls = properties.getUri().length;
        if (noOfUrls > 1) {
            logger.info("Multiple Config Server Urls found listed.");
        Object[] args = new String[] { name, profile };
        if (StringUtils.hasText(label)) {
            // workaround for Spring MVC matching / in paths
            label = Environment.denormalize(label);
            args = new String[] { name, profile, label };
            path = path + "/{label}";
        ResponseEntity<Environment> response = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < noOfUrls; i++) {
            Credentials credentials = properties.getCredentials(i);
            // 获取URI
            String uri = credentials.getUri();
            String username = credentials.getUsername();
            String password = credentials.getPassword();
            logger.info("Fetching config from server at : " + uri);
            try {
                HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
                addAuthorizationToken(properties, headers, username, password);
                if (StringUtils.hasText(token)) {
                    headers.add(TOKEN_HEADER, token);
                if (StringUtils.hasText(state) && properties.isSendState()) {
                    headers.add(STATE_HEADER, state);
                final HttpEntity<Void> entity = new HttpEntity<>((Void) null, headers);
                // 发送http请求
                response = restTemplate.exchange(uri + path, HttpMethod.GET, entity,
                                                 Environment.class, args);
            catch (HttpClientErrorException e) {
                if (e.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) {
                    throw e;
            catch (ResourceAccessException e) {
                logger.info("Connect Timeout Exception on Url - " + uri
                            + ". Will be trying the next url if available");
                if (i == noOfUrls - 1) {
                    throw e;
                else {
            if (response == null || response.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.OK) {
                return null;
            Environment result = response.getBody();
            return result;
        return null;

    config client 端是通过发送 http 请求到 config server ,获取 Environment

    Environment 中的 PropertySources 添加到 client 的 Environment

    通过springboot的监听器加载 PropertySources

    Config Server获取配置过程

    在config server端我们通过http://[config-server-ip]:[config-server-port]/ 加以下URI获取Git中的配置。



    Spring Cloud Config Server提供了EnvironmentController,这样通过在浏览器访问即可从git中获取配

    在这个controller中,提供了很多的映射,最终会调用的是 getEnvironment

    @RequestMapping(path = "/{name}/{profiles:.*[^-].*}",
                    produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public Environment defaultLabel(@PathVariable String name,
                                    @PathVariable String profiles) {
        return getEnvironment(name, profiles, null, false);
    @RequestMapping(path = "/{name}/{profiles:.*[^-].*}",
                    produces = EnvironmentMediaType.V2_JSON)
    public Environment defaultLabelIncludeOrigin(@PathVariable String name,
                                                 @PathVariable String profiles) {
        return getEnvironment(name, profiles, null, true);


    	public Environment getEnvironment(String name, String profiles, String label,
    			boolean includeOrigin) {
    		name = Environment.normalize(name);
    		label = Environment.normalize(label);
    		Environment environment = this.repository.findOne(name, profiles, label,
    		if (!this.acceptEmpty
    				&& (environment == null || environment.getPropertySources().isEmpty())) {
    			throw new EnvironmentNotFoundException("Profile Not found");
    		return environment;

    this.repository.findOne ,调用某个repository存储组件来获得环境配置信息进行返回。

    repository是一个EnvironmentRepository 对象,它有很多实现,其中就包RedisEnvironmentRepositoryJdbcEnvironmentRepository等。

    默认实现是MultipleJGitEnvironmentRepository ,表示多个不同地址的git数据源。


    MultipleJGitEnvironmentRepository代理遍历每个 JGitEnvironmentRepository

    JGitEnvironmentRepository 下使用 NativeEnvironmentRepository代理读取本地文件

    	public Environment findOne(String application, String profile, String label,
    			boolean includeOrigin) {
    		// 遍历所有Git源
            for (PatternMatchingJGitEnvironmentRepository repository : this.repos.values()) {
    			if (repository.matches(application, profile, label)) {
    				for (JGitEnvironmentRepository candidate : getRepositories(repository,
    						application, profile, label)) {
    					try {
    						if (label == null) {
    							label = candidate.getDefaultLabel();
    						Environment source = candidate.findOne(application, profile,
    								label, includeOrigin);
    						if (source != null) {
    							return source;
    					catch (Exception e) {
    						if (this.logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    									"Cannot load configuration from " + candidate.getUri()
    											+ ", cause: (" + e.getClass().getSimpleName()
    											+ ") " + e.getMessage(),
    		JGitEnvironmentRepository candidate = getRepository(this, application, profile,
    		if (label == null) {
    			label = candidate.getDefaultLabel();
    		if (candidate == this) {
    			return super.findOne(application, profile, label, includeOrigin);
    		return candidate.findOne(application, profile, label, includeOrigin);




    使用 NativeEnvironmentRepository委托,来读取本地文件内容

    	public synchronized Environment findOne(String application, String profile,
    			String label, boolean includeOrigin) {
    		// 委托NativeEnvironmentRepository读取本地文件内容
            NativeEnvironmentRepository delegate = new NativeEnvironmentRepository(
    				getEnvironment(), new NativeEnvironmentProperties());
            // 从Git远程仓库到本地
    		Locations locations = getLocations(application, profile, label);
    		Environment result = delegate.findOne(application, profile, "", includeOrigin);
    		return this.cleaner.clean(result, getWorkingDirectory().toURI().toString(),


    	public synchronized Locations getLocations(String application, String profile,
    			String label) {
    		if (label == null) {
    			label = this.defaultLabel;
            // 刷新Git仓库中配置
    		String version = refresh(label);
    		return new Locations(application, profile, label, version,
    				getSearchLocations(getWorkingDirectory(), application, profile, label));


    public String refresh(String label) {
       Git git = createGitClient();
       checkout(git, label);
       merge(git, label);
  • controller 接收http请求,遍历所有Git仓库
  • 调用 Git 命令,从 Gitpull 配置信息
  • 委托 NativeEnvironmentRepository 读取本地配置信息
  • 通过上边的源码分析,开始的2个问题,几乎已经很明了了:

    config server 端之所以可以获取最新的配置,是因为每次访问都会到 git 中拉去配置信息。

    config client 需要 Actuator 触发 refresh 才能更新配置,是因为 client 通过 http 请求获取到的配置信息,在spring boot启动时加载到了 Environment 中,只有触发 refresh重启应用才能更新 Environment

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