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Describe the bug
Passing valid JSON string to json() bicep function via parameter fails with following error:
Unable to evaluate the template language function 'json'. The argument provided is not a valid JSON string.

As per following documentation, this is a valid use case:

To Reproduce

  • Use following bicep to provision VM (it will fail):
  • param vmImageJson string = '{"publisher":"MicrosoftWindowsServer", "offer":"WindowsServer", "sku":"2016-Datacenter", "version":"latest"}'
    // Create the NIC...
    resource nic 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2018-10-01' = {
      name:  '${virtualMachineName}_nic'
      location: location
      properties: {
        ipConfigurations: [
            name: 'ipconfig1'
            properties: {
              subnet: {
                id: subnetRef
              privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
              primary: true
              privateIPAddressVersion: 'IPv4'
        enableAcceleratedNetworking: enableAcceleratedNetworking
      dependsOn: []
    // Create the VM, using the NIC we created earlier...
    resource vm 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2021-03-01' = {
      name: virtualMachineName
      location: location
      properties: {
        licenseType: hybridUseBenefit  
        hardwareProfile: {
          vmSize: virtualMachineSize
        storageProfile: {
          osDisk: {
            createOption: 'FromImage'
            managedDisk: {
              storageAccountType: osDiskType
          imageReference: json(vmImageJson)
        networkProfile: {
          networkInterfaces: [
              id: nic.id
        osProfile: {
          computerName: virtualMachineName
          adminUsername: adminUsername
          adminPassword: adminPassword
          windowsConfiguration: {
            enableAutomaticUpdates: true
            provisionVMAgent: true
            patchSettings: {
              enableHotpatching: enableHotpatching
              patchMode: patchMode
        diagnosticsProfile: {
          bootDiagnostics: {
            enabled: true
            storageUri: 'https://${diagnosticsStorageAccountName}.blob.core.windows.net/'
      identity: {
        type: 'SystemAssigned'
  • Replace imageReference: json(vmImageJson) with string equivalent (will work):
    imageReference: json('{"publisher":"MicrosoftWindowsServer", "offer":"WindowsServer", "sku":"2016-Datacenter", "version":"latest"}')
  • Hi all, can't reproduce at this time and original correlation ID is no longer available, unless there's a way for me to get it past the one week window.


    Thanks @alex-frankel. File is attached. Execute with the following (sry for formatting):

    az deployment group create `
    --template-file create_vm.bicep 
    --parameters virtualMachineName='myLinuxVm' `
                 adminUsername='sadmin' `
                 adminPassword='password123' `
                 virtualMachineSize='Standard_D4s_v5' `
                 domainJoinerUsername='useraccount1' `
                 domainJoinerPassword='userpassword1' `
                 licenseType='None' `
                 vmImagePublisher='center-for-internet-security-inc' `
                 vmImageOffer='cis-centos-7-v2-1-1-l1' `
                 vmImageSku='cis-centos7-l1' `
                 vmImageVersion='latest' `
                 subnetName='mySubnet' `
                 osType='linux' `
                 marketplacePlanJSON='{"name": "cis-centos7-l1", "publisher": "center-for-internet-security-inc", "product": "cis-centos-7-v2-1-1-l1"}' `
    --resource-group 'myRG' `
    --name 'create_vm.bicep-myLinuxVM'

    It will fail with:
    {'code': 'InvalidTemplate', 'message': "Deployment template validation failed: 'The template variable 'marketplacePlan' is not valid: Unable to evaluate the template language function 'json'. The argument provided is not a valid JSON string.. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-template-expressions for usage details.'.", 'additionalInfo': [{'type': 'TemplateViolation', 'info': {'lineNumber': 132, 'linePosition': 133, 'path': 'properties.template.variables.marketplacePlan'}}]}

    Upgraded to v0.4.1272 and still failing.



    In order to test this repro, we would also need all the module files. Can you provide those?

    I also tried to create a smaller repro using snippets from the code you provided, but everything I tried below deployed successfully:

    attempt 1:

    var foo = json('{"name": "cis-centos7-l1", "publisher": "center-for-internet-security-inc", "product": "cis-centos-7-v2-1-1-l1"}')
    output foo object = foo

    attempt 2:

    param bar string
    var foo = json(bar)
    output foo object = foo

    Deployed with command:

    az deployment group create -f ./scratch2.bicep -g brittle-hollow -p bar='{"name": "cis-centos7-l1", "publisher": "center-for-internet-security-inc", "product": "cis-centos-7-v2-1-1-l1"}'

    attempt 3:

    param marketplacePlanJSON string = ''
    var marketplacePlan = (length(marketplacePlanJSON) > 0) ? json('{"name": "cis-centos7-l1", "publisher": "center-for-internet-security-inc", "product": "cis-centos-7-v2-1-1-l1"}') : null

    I believe this an issue with PowerShell's escaping rules when invoking az cli, rather than Bicep.

    I experimented with the following file:

    targetScope = 'subscription'
    param marketplacePlanJSON string = ''
    var marketplacePlan = (length(marketplacePlanJSON) > 0) ? json(marketplacePlanJSON) : null

    When I use the following command in PowerShell, I get an error:

    az deployment sub validate --location westus --name foo --template-file create-vm.bicep --parameters marketplacePlanJSON='{"name": "cis-centos7-l1", "publisher": "center-for-internet-security-inc", "product": "cis-centos-7-v2-1-1-l1"}'

    If I instead double up the quotes in the JSON string, everything works as expected:

    az deployment sub validate --location westus --name foo --template-file create-vm.bicep --parameters marketplacePlanJSON='{""name"": ""cis-centos7-l1"", ""publisher"": ""center-for-internet-security-inc"", ""product"": ""cis-centos-7-v2-1-1-l1""}'

    In the first scenario, by inspecting the API call, I can see that PowerShell is stripping the double quotes from the JSON string:

    "parameters": { "marketplacePlanJSON": { "type": "String", "value": "{name: cis-centos7-l1, publisher: center-for-internet-security-inc, product: cis-centos-7-v2-1-1-l1}"

    Might be helpful to include a mention of this in the error returned? I see a lot of issues reported here that are due to PowerShell escaping.

    Appreciate the investigation nonetheless! Cheers.