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Hello All,
I am trying to filter a split form using a combobox and a macro to apply the filter. When I first wrote the macro and applied and tested it - the filter worked great returning exactly what I asked each time. I saved the db and made a cup of tea and when I came back to my desk I got a msgbox asking to enter the Parameter Value
I have looked and checked the best I am able (I've been slowly learning Access by doing over the last few weeks) and can not for the life of me figure out what the issue is.
Can anyone out there help me? Let me know if you need more info to diagnose.
Thanks in advance! In the form design view check the filter property so see if that value got saved in the filter. It was saved in the filter for the Form. I deleted it (in one of my previous attempts to repair) and it has re-appeared. I'm also not sure if this should be here or not. Any direction is helpful. Thanks!
It has returned again - any thoughts about what I've done wrong on this one? The only way this can happen is if you are in design view and run the procedure that sets the filter. At this point the form is not saved. Then you save it. It will actually save that property. So I would delete your macro. Clear out the filter and save the form. Now add the macro back in.
What event is the macro in?
If the form is in a saved state and you set the filter, it will not be set permanently. Somehow this is happening when you are in an unsaved state. Also make sure when you delete to click somewhere else in the property and then hit the save icon. Updates often do not happen if you do not move off the row.
The only way this can happen is if you are in design view and run the procedure that sets the filter. At this point the form is not saved. Then you save it. It will actually save that property. So I would delete your macro. Clear out the filter and save the form. Now add the macro back in.
What event is the macro in? Thank you thank you! This worked and no longer receiving the enter parameter msg. The macro is in the On Click event. Thank you again.