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Getting Started with WPF GridControl

16 Oct 2023 5 minutes to read

This section is designed to help you understand and quickly get started using Essential Grid in your WPF application.

Syncfusion WPF suite comes up with a package of powerful grid controls that provides cell-oriented features and acts as an efficient display engine for tabular data that can be customized down to the cell level. It also offers excellent performance characteristics, such as a virtual mode and high-frequency updates, which makes the grid suitable for real-time applications.

The Essential Studio for WPF is comprised of following three types of grid controls:

  • Grid Control
  • SfDataGrid and GridDataControl (classic) SfTreeGrid and GridTreeControl (classic)


    Refer Choose between different Grid’s to take closer look at the characteristics of each of these controls.

    Adding the Grid Control to a WPF Application

    In this section, we will see how to add the Grid control to a WPF application and load random data. The Grid control can be added to an application through one of the following methods: through a designer or programmatically.

    Adding the Grid Control through a Designer

    Please follow the steps below to add the Grid control through a designer.

    Create new WPF application.

    Open the Designer window.

    Drag ScrollViewer from the Toolbox and drop it in the Designer window (Since the Grid control doesn’t have a built-in ScrollViewer, to make the grid flow based on data, the grid should be placed inside the ScrollViewer control.

    <Window xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
            Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
       <Grid Name="layoutRoot" />  
    //ScrollViewer defined here
    ScrollViewer ScrollViewer = new ScrollViewer();
    //GridControl defined here
    GridControl gridControl = new GridControl();
    //GridControl set as the content of the ScrollViewer
    ScrollViewer.Content = gridControl;     
    //To bring the Grid control to the view, ScrollViewer should be set as a child of LayoutRoot      
    //Specifying row and column count
    gridControl.Model.RowCount = 100;
    gridControl.Model.ColumnCount = 20;
    //Looping through the cells and assigning the values based on row and column index
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
            gridControl.Model[i, j].CellValue = string.Format("{0}/{1}", i, j);
    //Specifying row and column count
    gridControl.Model.RowCount = 100;
    gridControl.Model.ColumnCount = 20;
    this.gridControl.QueryCellInfo += new Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Grid.GridQueryCellInfoEventHandler(gridControl_QueryCellInfo);
    //Assigning values by handling the QueryCellInfo event
    void gridControl_QueryCellInfo(object sender, Syncfusion.Windows.Controls.Grid.GridQueryCellInfoEventArgs e)
        e.Style.CellValue=string.Format("{0}/{1}", e.Cell.RowIndex, e.Cell.ColumnIndex);