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Hello! I must be doing something wrong but forgive me. I want to strip all metadata/exif info from a video. This is what I am using:

stream = ffmpeg.input("./" + ranFilename + ".mp4").
stream = ffmpeg.output(stream, "./" + ranFilename + "2.mp4")
ffmpeg.run(stream).extra_args('-map_metadata', -1)

I dont get how to pass extra arguments but essentially I need to pass this:
ffmpeg -i in.mov -map_metadata -1 -c:v copy -c:a copy out.mov

Gotten from here: https://superuser.com/questions/441361/strip-metadata-from-all-formats-with-ffmpeg

How am i supposed to pass the "-map_metadata -1" into the argument?

@SingitBatch40 try this in your output declaration:

ffmpeg.output(stream, "./" + ranFilename + "2.mp4", map_metadata=-1)

Complete example at https://github.com/spirulence/ffmpeg-issues/blob/master/279-strip-metadata/279.py

If you do a before and after with a tool like ExifTool, you should find less metadata in your output file.

I say less because there's still a lot of information there. If you're interested in providing even less metadata, you might consider changing the video format you're transcoding to. I know that OGV files, for example, have only about 10 fields of metadata readable by ExifTool if you process them this way.