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File metadata and controls


Duplicate code can be hard to find, especially in a large project. But PMD's Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) can find it for you!

CPD works with Java, JSP, C/C++, C#, Go, Kotlin, Ruby, Swift and many more languages . It can be used via command-line , or via an Ant task . It can also be run with Maven by using the cpd-check goal on the Maven PMD Plugin .

Your own language is missing? See how to add it here .

Why should you care about duplicates?

It's certainly important to know where to get CPD, and how to call it, but it's worth stepping back for a moment and asking yourself why you should care about this, being the occurrence of duplicate code blocks.

Assuming duplicated blocks of code are supposed to do the same thing, any refactoring, even simple, must be duplicated too -- which is unrewarding grunt work, and puts pressure on the developer to find every place in which to perform the refactoring. Automated tools like CPD can help with that to some extent.

However, failure to keep the code in sync may mean automated tools will no longer recognise these blocks as duplicates. This means the task of finding duplicates to keep them in sync when doing subsequent refactorings can no longer be entrusted to an automated tool -- adding more burden on the maintainer. Segments of code initially supposed to do the same thing may grow apart undetected upon further refactoring.

Now, if the code may never change in the future, then this is not a problem.

Otherwise, the most viable solution is to not duplicate. If the duplicates are already there, then they should be refactored out. We thus advise developers to use CPD to help remove duplicates , not to help keep duplicates in sync.

Refactoring duplicates

Once you have located some duplicates, several refactoring strategies may apply depending of the scope and extent of the duplication. Here's a quick summary:

  • If the duplication is local to a method or single class:
  • Extract the duplicated logic into a private method
  • If the duplication occurs in siblings within a class hierarchy:
  • Use the Template Method design pattern
  • If the duplication occurs consistently in unrelated hierarchies:
  • Novice as much as advanced readers may want to read on on Refactoring Guru for more in-depth strategies, use cases and explanations.

    Finding more duplicates

    For some languages, additional options are supported. E.g. Java supports --ignore-identifiers . This has the effect, that all identifiers are replaced with the same placeholder value before the comparing. This helps to identify structurally identical code that only differs in naming (different class names, different method names, different parameter names).

    There are other similar options: --ignore-annotations , --ignore-literals , --ignore-literal-sequences , --ignore-sequences , --ignore-usings .

    Note that these options are disabled by default (e.g. identifiers are not replaced with the same placeholder value). By default, CPD finds identical duplicates. Using these options, the found duplicates are not anymore exactly identical.

    CLI Usage

    CLI options reference

    {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--minimum-tokens" option_arg="count" description="The minimum token length which should be reported as a duplicate." required="yes" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--dir,-d" option_arg="path" description="Path to a source file, or directory containing source files to analyze. Zip and Jar files are also supported, if they are specified directly (archive files found while exploring a directory are not recursively expanded). This option can be repeated, and multiple arguments can be provided to a single occurrence of the option. One of `--dir`, `--file-list` or `--uri` must be provided." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--file-list" option_arg="filepath" description="Path to a file containing a list of files to analyze, one path per line. One of `--dir`, `--file-list` or `--uri` must be provided." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--language,-l" option_arg="lang" description="The source code language.

    See also [Supported Languages](#supported-languages). Using `--help` will display a full list of supported languages.

    " default="java" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--debug,--verbose,-D,-v" description="Debug mode. Prints more log output. See also [Logging](#logging)." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--encoding,-e" option_arg="charset" description="Specifies the character set encoding of the source code files PMD is reading. The valid values are the standard character sets of `java.nio.charset.Charset`." default="UTF-8" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--skip-duplicate-files" description="Ignore multiple copies of files of the same name and length in comparison." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--exclude" option_arg="path" description="Files to be excluded from the analysis" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--non-recursive" description="Don't scan subdirectories. By default, subdirectories are considered." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--skip-lexical-errors" description=" Deprecated Skip files which can't be tokenized due to invalid characters instead of aborting CPD. By default, CPD analysis is stopped on the first error. This is deprecated. Use `--fail-on-error` instead." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--format,-f" option_arg="format" description="Output format of the analysis report. The available formats are described [here](#available-report-formats)." default="text" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--relativize-paths-with,-z" option_arg="path" description="Path relative to which directories are rendered in the report. This option allows shortening directories in the report; without it, paths are rendered as mentioned in the source directory (option \"--dir\"). The option can be repeated, in which case the shortest relative path will be used. If the root path is mentioned (e.g. \"/\" or \"C:\\\"), then the paths will be rendered as absolute." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--[no-]fail-on-error" description="Specifies whether CPD exits with non-zero status if recoverable errors occurred. By default CPD exits with status 5 if recoverable errors occurred (whether there are duplications or not). Disable this option with `--no-fail-on-error` to exit with 0 instead. In any case, a report with the found duplications will be written." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--[no-]fail-on-violation" description="Specifies whether CPD exits with non-zero status if violations are found. By default CPD exits with status 4 if violations are found. Disable this feature with `--no-fail-on-violation` to exit with 0 instead and just output the report." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--ignore-literals" description="Ignore literal values such as numbers and strings when comparing text. By default, literals are not ignored." languages="Java" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--ignore-literal-sequences" description="Ignore sequences of literals such as list initializers. By default, such sequences of literals are not ignored." languages="C#, C++, Lua" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--ignore-identifiers" description="Ignore names of classes, methods, variables, constants, etc. when comparing text. By default, identifier names are not ignored." languages="Java" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--ignore-annotations" description="Ignore language annotations (Java) or attributes (C#) when comparing text. By default, annotations are not ignored." languages="C#, Java" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--ignore-sequences" description="Ignore sequences of identifier and literals. By default, such sequences are not ignored." languages="C++" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--ignore-usings" description="Ignore `using` directives in C# when comparing text. By default, using directives are not ignored." languages="C#" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--no-skip-blocks" description="Do not skip code blocks matched by `--skip-blocks-pattern`" languages="C++" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--skip-blocks-pattern" description="Pattern to find the blocks to skip. It is a string property and contains of two parts, separated by `|`. The first part is the start pattern, the second part is the ending pattern." default="#if 0|#endif" languages="C++" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--uri,-u" option_arg="uri" description="Database URI for sources. One of `--dir`, `--file-list` or `--uri` must be provided." languages="PLSQL" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="--help,-h" description="Print help text"


    Minimum required options: Just give it the minimum duplicate size and the source directory:

    {% include cli_example.html id="basic" linux="pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/java" windows="pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\java" %}

    You can also specify the language:

    {% include cli_example.html id="lang" linux="pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/cpp --language cpp" windows="pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\cpp --language cpp" %}

    You may wish to check sources that are stored in different directories:

    {% include cli_example.html id="multiple" linux="pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/java --dir src/test/java" windows="pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\java --dir src\test\java" %}

    There is no limit to the number of --dir , you may add.

    You may wish to ignore identifiers so that more duplications are found, that only differ in naming:

    {% include cli_example.html id="ignore_identifiers" linux="pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/java --ignore-identifiers" windows="pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\java --ignore-identifiers" %}

    And if you're checking a C source tree with duplicate files in different architecture directories you can skip those using --skip-duplicate-files :

    {% include cli_example.html id="duplicates" linux="pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/cpp --language cpp --skip-duplicate-files" windows="pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\cpp --language cpp --skip-duplicate-files" %}

    You can also specify the encoding to use when parsing files:

    {% include cli_example.html id="encoding" linux="pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/java --encoding utf-16le" windows="pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\java --encoding utf-16le" %}

    You can also specify a report format - here we're using the XML report:

    {% include cli_example.html id="report" linux="pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/java --format xml" windows="pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\java --format xml" %}

    The default format is a text report, but there are other supported formats

    Note that CPD's memory usage increases linearly with the size of the analyzed source code; you may need to give Java more memory to run it, like this: {% include cli_example.html id="memchange" linux="export PMD_JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/java" windows="set PMD_JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\java" %}

    If you specify a source directory but don't want to scan the sub-directories, you can use the non-recursive option:

    {% include cli_example.html id="nonrecursive" linux="pmd cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src/main/java --non-recursive" windows="pmd.bat cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --dir src\main\java --non-recursive" %}

    Exit status

    Please note that if CPD detects duplicated source code, it will exit with status 4 (since 5.0) or 5 (since 7.3.0). This behavior has been introduced to ease CPD integration into scripts or hooks, such as SVN hooks.

    {%include note.html content="If PMD exits with 5, then PMD had trouble lexing one or more files. That means, that no duplications for the entire file are reported. This can be considered as false-negative. In any case, the root cause should be investigated. If it's a problem in PMD itself, please create a bug report." %}


    PMD internally uses slf4j and ships with slf4j-simple as the logging implementation. Logging messages are printed to System.err.

    The configuration for slf4j-simple is in the file conf/simplelogger.properties . There you can enable logging of specific classes if needed. The --debug command line option configures the default log level to be "debug".

    Supported Languages

  • C/C++
  • EcmaScript (JavaScript)
  • Fortran
  • Gherkin (Cucumber)
  • Groovy
  • Julia
  • Kotlin
  • Matlab
  • Modelica
  • Objective-C
  • PL/SQL
  • Python
  • Salesforce.com Apex
  • Scala
  • Swift
  • T-SQL
  • TypeScript
  • Visualforce
  • vm (Apache Velocity)
  • POM (Apache Maven)
  • Available report formats

  • text : Default format
  • xml (and xslt)
  • csv_with_linecount_per_file
  • For details, see CPD Report Formats .

    Ant task

    Andy Glover wrote an Ant task for CPD; here's how to use it:

    <path id="pmd.classpath">
        <fileset dir="/home/joe/pmd-bin-{{site.pmd.version}}/lib">
            <include name="*.jar"/>
    <taskdef name="cpd" classname="net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.CPDTask" classpathref="pmd.classpath" />
    <target name="cpd">
        <cpd minimumTokenCount="100" outputFile="/home/tom/cpd.txt">
            <fileset dir="/home/tom/tmp/ant">
                <include name="**/*.java"/>

    Attribute reference

    {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="minimumtokencount" description="A positive integer indicating the minimum duplicate size." required="yes" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="encoding" description="The character set encoding (e.g., UTF-8) to use when reading the source code files, but also when producing the report. A piece of warning, even if you set properly the encoding value, let's say to UTF-8, but you are running CPD encoded with CP1252, you may end up with not UTF-8 file. Indeed, CPD copy piece of source code in its report directly, therefore, the source files keep their encoding.
    If not specified, CPD uses the system default encoding." {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="failOnError" description="Whether to fail the build if any errors occurred while processing the files. Since PMD 7.3.0." default="true" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="format" description="The format of the report (e.g. `csv`, `text`, `xml`)." default="text" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="ignoreLiterals" description="if `true`, CPD ignores literal value differences when evaluating a duplicate block. This means that `foo=42;` and `foo=43;` will be seen as equivalent. You may want to run PMD with this option off to start with and then switch it on to see what it turns up." default="false" languages="Java" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="ignoreIdentifiers" description="Similar to `ignoreLiterals` but for identifiers; i.e., variable names, methods names, and so forth." default="false" languages="Java" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="ignoreAnnotations" description="Ignore annotations. More and more modern frameworks use annotations on classes and methods, which can be very redundant and trigger CPD matches. With J2EE (CDI, Transaction Handling, etc) and Spring (everything) annotations become very redundant. Often classes or methods have the same 5-6 lines of annotations. This causes false positives." default="false" languages="Java" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="ignoreUsings" description="Ignore using directives in C#." default="false" languages="C#" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="skipDuplicateFiles" description="Ignore multiple copies of files of the same name and length in comparison." default="false" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="skipLexicalErrors" description=" Deprecated Skip files which can't be tokenized due to invalid characters instead of aborting CPD. This parameter is deprecated and ignored since PMD 7.3.0. It is now by default true. Use `failOnError` instead to fail the build." default="true" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="skipBlocks" description="Enables or disabled skipping of blocks like a pre-processor. See also option skipBlocksPattern." default="true" languages="C++" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="skipBlocksPattern" description="Configures the pattern, to find the blocks to skip. It is a string property and contains of two parts, separated by `|`. The first part is the start pattern, the second part is the ending pattern." default="#if 0|#endif" languages="C++" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="language" description="Flag to select the appropriate language (e.g. `c`, `cpp`, `cs`, `java`, `jsp`, `php`, `ruby`, `fortran` `ecmascript`, and `plsql`)." default="java" {% include custom/cli_option_row.html options="outputfile" description="The destination file for the report. If not specified the console will be used instead."

    Also, you can get verbose output from this task by running ant with the -v flag; i.e.:

    ant -v -f mybuildfile.xml cpd

    Also, you can get an HTML report from CPD by using the XSLT script in pmd/etc/xslt/cpdhtml.xslt. Just run the CPD task as usual and right after it invoke the Ant XSLT script like this:

    <xslt in="cpd.xml" style="etc/xslt/cpdhtml.xslt" out="cpd.html" />

    See section "xslt" in CPD Report Formats for more examples.

    CPD also comes with a simple GUI. You can start it through the unified CLI interface provided in the bin folder:

    {% include cli_example.html id="gui" linux="pmd cpd-gui" windows="pmd.bat cpd-gui" %}

    Here's a screenshot of CPD after running on the JDK 8 java.lang package:

    {% include image.html file="userdocs/screenshot_cpd.png" alt="CPD Screenshot after running on the JDK 8 java.lang package" %}


    Arbitrary blocks of code can be ignored through comments on Java, C/C++, Dart, Go, Groovy, Javascript, Kotlin, Lua, Matlab, Objective-C, PL/SQL, Python, Scala, Swift and C# by including the keywords CPD-OFF and CPD-ON.

    public Object someParameterizedFactoryMethod(int x) throws Exception {
        // some unignored code
        // tell cpd to start ignoring code - CPD-OFF
        // mission critical code, manually loop unroll
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        goDoSomethingAwesome(x + x / 2);
        // resume CPD analysis - CPD-ON
        // further code will *not* be ignored

    Additionally, Java allows to toggle suppression by adding the annotations @SuppressWarnings("CPD-START") and @SuppressWarnings("CPD-END") all code within will be ignored by CPD.

    This approach however, is limited to the locations were @SuppressWarnings is accepted. It is legacy and the new comment based approach should be favored.

    //enable suppression
    public Object someParameterizedFactoryMethod(int x) throws Exception {
        // any code here will be ignored for the duplication detection
    //disable suppression
    public void nextMethod() {

    Other languages currently have no support to suppress CPD reports. In the future, the comment based approach will be extended to those of them that can support it.


    CPD has been through three major incarnations:

    First we wrote it using a variant of Michael Wise's Greedy String Tiling algorithm (our variant is described here).

    Then it was completely rewritten by Brian Ewins using the Burrows-Wheeler transform.

    Finally, it was rewritten by Steve Hawkins to use the Karp-Rabin string matching algorithm.

  • Extract a local variable if the duplicated logic is not prohibitively long
  • Extract a method and pull it up in the class hierarchy, along with common fields
  • Introduce a common ancestor to those class hierarchies
  • title summary permalink author last_updated
    Learn how to use CPD, the copy-paste detector shipped with PMD.
    Tom Copeland <tom@infoether.com>
    June 2024 (7.3.0)
    Option Description Default Applies to
    0 Everything is fine, no code duplications found and no recoverable errors occurred.
    1 CPD exited with an exception.
    2 Usage error. Command-line parameters are invalid or missing.
    4 At least one code duplication has been detected unless --no-fail-on-violation is set.

    Since PMD 5.0.

    5 At least one recoverable error has occurred. There might be additionally zero or more duplications detected. To ignore recoverable errors, use --no-fail-on-error .

    Since PMD 7.3.0.

    Attribute Description Default Applies to