Hello F5 Experts,
I am getting fatal ssl handshake failure(40) right after the server hello message from the Citrix Netscaler which sits and the vendor location. I can see in wireshark that the TLS protocol & ciphers between the F5 and Netscaler are matching so not sure what else it could be. The serverssl profile is failing and the party on the other side has Citrix netscaler. We have F5 LTM at our end.Also, the citrix netscaler presents a wildcard cert to us as part of SSL termination. Could that be a problem for the F5?
Below are few logs from the ssldump output:
New TCP connection 7: <->
7 1 1529673027.5089 (0.0001) C>SV3.1(121) Handshake
Version 3.3
46 f9 98 03 10 6c 14 84 4f 11 4e 81 f0 a0 92 dd
15 07 84 70 8c c4 94 c4 4d 2c ee 76 df d3 34 32
cipher suites
Unknown value 0xc02f
Unknown value 0xc030
Unknown value 0x9c
Unknown value 0x9d
Unknown value 0xc027
Unknown value 0xc028
Unknown value 0xc013
Unknown value 0xc014
Unknown value 0xc012
Unknown value 0xff
compression methods
3 2 1529673027.5333 (0.0299) S>CV3.3(74) Handshake
Version 3.3
5b 2c f5 46 8d 5d 9a 7e 02 10 6e 1c 90 3f d6 02
cb 4c be 17 cb 7c 0c 1f 55 c8 77 fc bd 85 21 88
73 0d 48 68 8d da 73 e5 77 07 3a dc 47 a2 51 40
88 32 a2 3e d6 5c 3a 6b 4e dc c8 2c 28 d2 3c 27
cipherSuite TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
compressionMethod NULL
3 3 1529673027.5333 (0.0000) C>SV3.3(2) Alert
level fatal
value handshake_failure