  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Installation Order

Once the actual installation process begins, this is the order in which the various installation tasks are performed:

  • [InstallDelete] is processed.
  • The entries in [UninstallDelete] are stored in the uninstall log (which, at this stage, is stored in memory).
  • The application directory is created, if necessary.
  • [Dirs] is processed.
  • A filename for the uninstall log is reserved, if necessary.
  • [Files] is processed. (File registration does not happen yet.)
  • [Icons] is processed.
  • [INI] is processed.
  • [Registry] is processed.
  • Files that needed to be registered are now registered, unless the system needs to be restarted, in which case no files are registered until the system is restarted.
  • The Add/Remove Programs entry for the program is created, if necessary.
  • The entries in [UninstallRun] are stored in the uninstall log.
  • The uninstaller EXE and log are finalized and saved to disk. After this is done, the user is forbidden from cancelling the install, and any subsequent errors will not cause what was installed before to be rolled back.
  • [Run] is processed, except for entries with the postinstall flag, which get processed after the Setup Completed wizard page is shown.
  • If ChangesAssociations was set to yes , file associations are refreshed now.
  • If ChangesEnvironment was set to yes , other applications are notified at this point.

All entries are processed by the installer in the order they appear in a section.

Changes are undone by the uninstaller in the opposite order in which the installer made them. This is because the uninstall log is parsed from end to beginning.

In this example:

Filename: "{win}\MYPROG.INI"; Section: "InstallSettings"; Flags: uninsdeletesectionifempty
Filename: "{win}\MYPROG.INI"; Section: "InstallSettings"; Key: "InstallPath"; String: "{app}"; Flags: uninsdeleteentry

the installer will first record the data for first entry's uninsdeletesectionifempty flag in the uninstall log, create the key of the second entry, and then record the data for the uninsdeleteentry flag in the uninstall log. When the program is uninstalled, the uninstaller will first process the uninsdeleteentry flag, deleting the entry, and then the uninsdeletesectionifempty flag, deleting the section.

Note that the uninstaller processes [UninstallRun] and [UninstallDelete] entries in the same order they appear in the script (not in reverse order).

Installation OrderOnce the actual installation process begins, this is the order in which the various installation tasks are performed:[InstallDelete] is processed.The entries in [UninstallDel
[Run] & [UninstallRun] 段 [Run] 段是可选的,用来指定程序完成安装后、在安装程序显示最终对话框之前要执行的程序数,[UninstallRun] 段也可样是可选的,用来指定在卸载第一步要执行的程序数。除在下面有注释的外,两个段用相同的语法。 程序按它们在脚本中的出现顺序执行。按默认,当处理 [Run]/[UninstallRun] 段条目安装程序/卸载程序...
最近想制作一个安装软件,能顺序安装多个安装软件的安装软件,即多个安装软件的打包软件。工作内容除了用MFC生成的exe以及需要的配置文件制作一个安装文件,还想安装程序依赖的环境的其他安装软件,一共分为两大步: 一,先制作MFC生成exe以及其依赖库的安装文件(打包文件) 此安装文件用Setup Factory比较方便,默认加载完文件夹后(若想把exe文件安装后生成快捷方式,选中此界面的要生成快捷方式的文件-右键-文件属性-里面的快捷方式标签页-第一栏位置设置即可),发布-生成,然后默认执行就可以
1、在http://www.jrsoftware.org/isdl.php下载Inno Setup安装文件,建议下载安装unicode版本,以5.5.1版本为例,分别下载isetup-5.5.1-unicode.exe和ispack-5.5.1-unicode.exe文件分别安装,在安装第二个文件的候会提示安装IDE 2、打开安装目录,将根目录中的Default.isl(文本文件)拷...
Inno Setup是一种使用比较广泛的免费安装制作工具,提供了一个易于使用的安装界面。 在Inno Setup安装界面中,可以自定义安装过程中的各种设置和选项。首先,可以设置安装程序的名称和版本号,以及安装程序的标题和描述。这些信息会在安装过程中显示给用户,帮助他们更好地理解正在进行的安装操作。 其次,可以自定义安装向导的页面布局。可以添加自定义页面,如欢迎页面、许可协议页面和完成页面等,用于显示相关信息和接收用户的输入。在欢迎页面,可以向用户展示一些安装相关的信息,比如软件的特点和功能。在许可协议页面,用户需要同意软件的使用协议才能继续安装。在完成页面,用户可以看到安装过程的总结信息,并选择是否启动安装后的程序。 此外,Inno Setup还支持自定义安装选项。可以设置是否创建桌面快捷方式,是否在开始菜单中创建程序组,以及是否运行安装后的程序等。用户可以根据自己的需求选择不同的安装选项,以定制化他们的安装过程。 总的来说,Inno Setup安装界面简单明了,易于使用,并且提供了丰富的自定义选项,使用户可以根据自己的需求进行个性化的安装设置。