This topic describes SQL errors, their trigger conditions, and solutions.

Format of SQL error messages:
ODPS-01CCCCX: General description - Context-related description
SQL errors are related to the following modules: META (CCCC ranges from 1000 to 1999), PROCESSOR (CCCC ranges from 2000 to 2999), PARSER (CCCC ranges from 3000 to 3999), and PLANNER (CCCC ranges from 4000 to 4999). The following sections describe the SQL errors.

ODPS-0110011:Authorization exception

  • Module: META.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform this operation.
  • Solution: Contact the project owner to grant the required permissions as prompted. For more information about MaxCompute permissions, see MaxCompute permissions .

ODPS-0110021:Invalid parameters

  • Module: META.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the parameters are invalid.
  • Solution: Check and modify the input parameters to ensure that the input parameters meet the business requirements.

ODPS-0110031:Invalid object type

  • Module: META.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the object type is invalid.
  • Solution: Check and modify the input object to ensure that the object type meets the business requirements.

ODPS-0110041:Invalid meta operation - AlreadyExistsException(message:Partition already exists, existed values:)

  • Module: META.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because MaxCompute does not have the locking mechanism on the table. This error is caused by competition for metadata. This type of error may occur when you perform multiple read/write operations on a partition at the same time.
  • Solution: If the locking mechanism is unavailable in MaxCompute, we recommend that you do not perform multiple read/write operations on a table at the same time.

ODPS-0110061: Failed to run ddltask - AlreadyExistsException(message:Partition already exists, existed values:)

  • Module: META.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because MaxCompute does not have the locking mechanism on the table. This error is caused by competition for metadata. This type of error may occur when you perform multiple read/write operations on a partition at the same time.
  • Solution: If the locking mechanism is unavailable in MaxCompute, we recommend that you do not perform multiple read/write operations on a table at the same time.

ODPS-0110061:Failed to run ddltask - SimpleLock conflict failure, add partition is already on-going

  • Module: META.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because you run multiple commands to add the same partition at the same time. MaxCompute runs only the first command to add the partition and ignores the subsequent commands.
  • Solution: Do not perform operations on the same partition at the same time.

ODPS-0110061: Failed to run ddltask - Your project is not allowed to install the package

  • Module: META.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because you run the install package aegis.aegis_package; command when you perform dynamic data masking on the MaxCompute project before you add the project to the projects whose data you want to mask .
  • Solution: Before you run the install package aegis.aegis_package; command, add the MaxCompute project on which you want to perform dynamic data masking to the projects whose data you want to mask. For more information, see Step 2: Enable the dynamic data masking feature for the MaxCompute project .

ODPS-0110999: Critical! Internal error happened in commit operation and rollback failed, possible breach of atomicity - Rename directory failed during DDLTask.

  • Module: META.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because MaxCompute does not support concurrency control. Therefore, the table may be modified by multiple tasks. In this case, a concurrency conflict occurs at a very low probability when an operation on the META module is performed. This results in an exception. The exception also occurs when the ALTER or INSERT operation is performed.
  • Solution: We recommend that you change the table to a partitioned table. This way, data that is inserted by each SQL statement can be written to a separate partition of the table. This implements concurrent operations.

ODPS-0120011:Authorization exception

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform this operation.
  • Solution: Contact the project owner to grant the required permissions as prompted. For more information about MaxCompute permissions, see MaxCompute permissions .

ODPS-0120021:the delimitor must be the same in wm_concat

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the delimiters in a group are different.
  • Solution: Modify the delimiters to make sure that the delimiters in a group are the same.

ODPS-0120031:Instance has been cancelled

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the instance is canceled.
  • Solution: Run the status <instance_id>; command on the MaxCompute client to check the instance status.

ODPS-0121011:Invalid regular expression pattern

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the regular expression processing function of built-in functions has received a regular expression that cannot be identified.
  • Solution: Modify the regular expression to be identified. For more information about regular expressions, see Regular expressions .

ODPS-0121021:Regexec call failed

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because an error occurs during regular expression matching.
  • Solution: Make sure that the regular expression complies with the standards. For more information about regular expressions, see Regular expressions .

ODPS-0121035:Illegal implicit type cast

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the data type conversion is invalid. In most cases, this error is caused by a violation of implicit data type conversion rules.
  • Solution: For more information about implicit data type conversions, see Implicit conversion and its application scope .

ODPS-0121045:Unsupported return type

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the return value is unsupported.
  • Solution: Change the return value to a supported value.

ODPS-0121055:Empty argument value

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the input parameter is empty or NULL.
  • Solution: Modify the input parameter.

ODPS-0121065:Argument value out of range

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the parameter value exceeds the value range.
  • Solution: Change the parameter value.

ODPS-0121075:Invalid number of arguments

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the number of parameters is invalid.
  • Solution: Change the number of parameters.

ODPS-0121081:Illegal argument type

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the basic parameter type is invalid.
  • Solution: Change the parameter type.

ODPS-0121095:Invalid arguments

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the input parameters are invalid.
  • Solution: Modify the input parameters.

ODPS-0121105:Constant argument value expected

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because a column name is specified instead of a constant.
  • Solution: Change the column name to a constant.

ODPS-0121115:Column reference expected

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because a constant is specified instead of a column name.
  • Solution: Change the constant to a column name.

ODPS-0121125:Unsupported function or operation

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the user-defined function (UDF) or operation is not supported.
  • Solution: Modify the UDF or change the operation.

ODPS-0121145:Data overflow

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because data overflow has occurred. The value is invalid for the current data type. In most cases, this error occurs because of an aggregate function. For example, a SUM function causes data overflow.
  • Solution: Modify the operation that causes data overflow.

ODPS-0123049: buffer overflow

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 9.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because memory overflow has occurred.
  • Solution: Check whether the data is normal. For example, if a large amount of data with duplicate keys is used in a JOIN operation, this error occurs.

ODPS-0123055:Script exception

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the script is abnormal.
  • Solution: If a UDF error occurs, troubleshoot the error by following the instructions provided in "Class- or dependency-related issues" in Class- or dependency-related issues .

ODPS-0123065:Join exception

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the JOIN operation is abnormal.
  • Solution: Modify the JOIN operation.

ODPS-0123081:Invalid datetime string

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the DATETIME string is abnormal.
  • Solution: Modify the DATETIME string.

ODPS-0123091:Illegal type cast

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the data type conversion is invalid. In most cases, this error is caused by invalid explicit data type conversions.
  • Solution: Modify the data type conversion mechanism. For more information about data type conversions, see Type conversions .

ODPS-0123105:Job got killed

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the job is terminated.
  • Solution: Run the status <instance_id>; command on the MaxCompute client to check the instance status.

ODPS-0123111:Format string does not match datetime string

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the format string does not match the DATETIME string. The format of the date that you entered in the SQL statement does not meet the MaxCompute format requirements, or DATETIME-related built-in functions are improperly used.
  • Solution: Modify the date format.

ODPS-0123121:Mapjoin exception

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because a MAPJOIN error occurs. In most cases, this error occurs because the size of the small table on which the MAPJOIN operation is performed exceeds 512 MB.
  • Solution: Modify the MAPJOIN operation.

ODPS-0123131:User defined function exception

  • Module: PROCESSOR.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the UDF is abnormal.
  • Solution: Modify the UDF.

ODPS-0130013:Authorization exception

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 3.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because you are not authorized to perform this operation. The security check fails.
  • Solution: Contact the project owner to grant the required permissions as prompted. For more information about MaxCompute permissions, see MaxCompute permissions .

ODPS-0130031:Failed to drop table

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the source table does not exist when the table is deleted.
  • Solution: Run the show tables; command on the MaxCompute client to check whether the source table exists and whether the name of the table is valid.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - Invalid table alias or column reference

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the column name is invalid and the required column cannot be found.
  • Solution: Run the desc <table_name>; command on the MaxCompute client to obtain the valid column name.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - Invalid column reference

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the column reference is invalid and the required column cannot be found.
  • Solution: Run the desc <table_name>; command on the MaxCompute client to obtain the valid column name.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - Expression not in GROUP BY key

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because a syntax parsing exception has occurred. In the SELECT statement, the columns from which you read data are not exactly consistent with the columns that are specified in GROUP BY.
  • Solution: Modify the SELECT statement to ensure that the statement meets the syntax requirements. For more information about GROUP BY, see GROUP BY (col_list) .

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - Partition not found

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because a syntax parsing exception has occurred. The partition that is specified by the value of the partition key column is not found.
  • Solution: Run the show partitions <table_name>; command on the MaxCompute client to query existing partition values and change the partition in the statement to an existing partition.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - SELECT DISTINCT and GROUP BY can not be in the same query

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because DISTINCT and GROUP BY are included in the same SELECT statement.
  • Solution: Modify the statement and make sure that DISTINCT and GROUP BY are not included in the same SELECT statement.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - Cannot insert into target table because column number/types are different

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the number of columns in the source table or the data types of columns in the source table is different from those in the destination table when you try to insert data into the destination table.
  • Solution: Modify the statement and make sure that the number of the columns or the data types of the columns in the source table is the same as the number of the columns or the data types of the columns in the destination table.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - physical plan generation failed: java.lang.RuntimeException: Table(xxxx) is full scan with all partitions, please specify partition predicates

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because a full table scan is disabled for a partitioned table of the project to which the table belongs. The partition that you want to scan must be specified.
  • Solution: If you want to scan a full table by using the current SQL statement, you can add set odps.sql.allow.fullscan=true to the current SQL statement and commit the command together with the SQL statement. A full table scan increases data inputs and costs.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - physical plan generation failed: com.aliyun.odps.lot.cbo.FailFastException: instance count exceeds limit 99999

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the number of instances in a job exceeds the upper limit. The maximum number of instances in a job is 100,000.
  • Solution: Adjust the split size to reduce the number of instances. You can add set odps.sql.mapper.split.size=4096; before the SQL statement that you want to execute and commit and execute them together. Adjust the size of the table data that can be read by each mapper. The default size unit is MB. You can configure this variable to manage the inputs of mappers.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - X type is not enabled in current mode

  • Problem description: When a built-in function is called, the following error message appears:
    FAILED: ODPS-0130071:[1,27] Semantic analysis exception - TIMESTAMP type is not enabled in current mode. Please set odps.sql.type.system.odps2=true to use it.
  • Cause: The built-in function that you use in the SQL statement involves new data types of the MaxCompute V2.0 data type edition, such as TINYINT, SMALLINT, INT, FLOAT, VARCHAR, TIMESTAMP, or BINARY. However, the MaxCompute V2.0 data type edition is not enabled. As a result, MaxCompute fails to process the data.
  • Solution: You can use one of the following methods to enable the MaxCompute V2.0 data type edition on the MaxCompute client :
    • Session level: To enable the MaxCompute V2.0 data type edition at the session level, you must insert set odps.sql.type.system.odps2=true; before the SQL statement. Then, commit and execute them together.
    • Project level: The project owner can enable the MaxCompute V2.0 data type edition at the project level based on the business requirements. The configuration takes effect after 10 to 15 minutes. To enable the MaxCompute V2.0 data type edition at the project level, run the following command:
      setproject odps.sql.type.system.odps2=true;

      After the command takes effect, execute the SQL statement again.

      For more information about setproject , see Project operations . For more information about the precautions that you must take when you enable the MaxCompute V2.0 data type edition at the project level, see Data type editions .

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - wrong columns count X in data source, requires Y columns (includes dynamic partitions if any)

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because an external table fails to be created when the number of columns in the external table is different from the number of columns in the source table that is mapped to the external table.
  • Solution: Check the statement for creating the external table and make sure that the number of columns in the external table is the same as the number of columns in the source table. For more information about the syntax for creating external tables, see External tables .

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - column X in source has incompatible type A with destination column Y, which has type B

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because an external table fails to be created when the data type of a column in the external table is different from the data type of a column in the source table that is mapped to the external table.
  • Solution: Check the statement for creating the external table and make sure that the data types of columns in the external table are the same as the data types of columns in the source table. For more information about the syntax for creating external tables, see External tables .

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - max depth of expression is xxxx, which exceeds limit of 5000

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the expression is complex. As a result, the number of nodes in the tree that is constructed by using this expression exceeds 5,000.
  • Solution: We recommend that you optimize the expression.

ODPS-0130071:Semantic analysis exception - function or view Y cannot be resolved

  • Problem description: When a built-in function is called, the following error message appears:
    FAILED: ODPS-0130071:[1,8] Semantic analysis exception - function or view 'row_number' cannot be resolved
  • Cause: The name of the built-in function that is used in the SQL statement is invalid or the built-in function does not have input parameters. As a result, MaxCompute fails to process the data.
  • Solution: Check the function name and input parameter names and add input parameters based on the function syntax requirements. Make sure that the names and syntax format are valid, and then execute the SQL statement again.

ODPS-0130081:Invalid UDF reference

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the UDF signature is invalid.
  • Solution: Modify the signature information in the UDF code.

ODPS-0130091:Invalid parameters

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the input parameter of the UDF is invalid.
  • Solution: Modify the input parameter of the UDF to ensure that the input parameter meets the business requirements.

ODPS-0130101:Ambiguous data type

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the data type is invalid.
  • Solution: Change the data type.

ODPS-0130111: Fuxi job failed - Data Set should contains exactly one row

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the dataset from which data is read does not meet the requirements. The dataset can contain only one row of data.
  • Solution: Modify the dataset to ensure that the dataset contains only one row of data.

ODPS-0130111:Subquery partition pruning exception

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because dynamic partition optimization in the subquery in the IN conditional statement is abnormal.
  • Solution: Modify the IN conditional statement.

ODPS-0130121:Invalid argument type

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the parameter type is invalid. In most cases, this error occurs because the built-in functions receive an invalid parameter type.
  • Solution: Change the parameter type.

ODPS-0130121:Invalid argument type- invalid type X of argument m for function Y

  • Problem description: When a built-in function is called, the following error message appears:
    FAILED: ODPS-0130121:[1,18] Invalid argument type - invalid type STRING of argument 1 for function all_match, expect ARRAY<T>
  • Cause: The actual data types of input parameters of the built-in function that is used in the SQL statement does not meet the function syntax requirements. As a result, MaxCompute fails to process the data.
  • Solution: Modify the input parameters to ensure that the data types meet the function syntax requirements. Then, execute the SQL statement again.

ODPS-0130131:Table not found

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the table does not exist when you execute a DDL or DML statement.
  • Solution: Run the show tables; command on the MaxCompute client to obtain the name of the table.

ODPS-0130141:Illegal implicit type cast

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the implicit data type conversion is not allowed.
  • Solution: For more information about implicit data type conversions, see Implicit conversion and its application scope .

ODPS-0130151:Illegal data type

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the data type is invalid.
  • Solution: Change the data type.

ODPS-0130171:Creating view exception

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because an exception has occurred when you create a view.
  • Solution: Check and modify the statement for creating a view. For more information about the syntax for creating a view, see Create or update a view .

ODPS-0130181:Window function exception

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the window function is abnormal.
  • Solution: Confirm that the window function meets the syntax requirements.

ODPS-0130191:Invalid column or partition key

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the column or partition key is invalid.
  • Solution: Run the desc <table_name>; or show partitions <table_name>; command on the MaxCompute client to check the validity of the column or partition.

ODPS-0130201:View not found

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the view does not exist.
  • Solution: Run the show tables; command on the MaxCompute client to check the name of the view.

ODPS-0130211:Table or view already exists

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the table or view already exists.
  • Solution: Change the name of the table or view that you want to create.

ODPS-0130221:Invalid number of arguments

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the number of parameters is invalid.
  • Solution: Change the number of input parameters.

ODPS-0130221:Invalid number of arguments - function Y needs m parameters, actually have n

  • Problem description: When a built-in function is called, the following error message appears:
    FAILED: ODPS-0130221:[1,8] Invalid number of arguments - function from_utc_timestamp needs 2 parameters, actually have 1
  • Cause: The actual number of input parameters of the built-in function that is used in the SQL statement does not meet the function syntax requirements. As a result, MaxCompute fails to process the data.
  • Solution: Check the number of input parameters of the built-in function, and add or reduce parameters based on the check result to meet the function syntax requirements. Then, execute the SQL statement again.

ODPS-0130231:Invalid view

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the view is invalid.
  • Solution: Run the show tables; command on the MaxCompute client to check the name of the view.

ODPS-0130241:Illegal union operation

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the UNION operation is invalid. In most cases, this error occurs because the numbers or data types of columns on both sides of the UNION clause are inconsistent.
  • Solution: Modify the UNION statement to meet the UNION syntax requirements. For more information about the UNION statement, see UNION .

ODPS-0130252:Cartesian product is not allowed

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 2.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the Cartesian product is not supported.
  • Solution: MaxCompute does not support non-equi joins for ON conditions in JOIN clauses.

ODPS-0130261:Invalid schema

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the schema is invalid.
  • Solution: Modify the schema.

ODPS-0130271:Partition does not exist

  • Module: PARSER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the partition does not exist.
  • Solution: Run the show partitions <table_name>; command on the MaxCompute client to query existing partition values and change the partition in the statement to an existing partition.

ODPS-0140011:Illegal type cast

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the explicit data type conversion is not allowed.
  • Solution: Modify the data type conversion mechanism. For more information about explicit data type conversions, see Explicit conversion .

ODPS-0140021:Illegal implicit type cast

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the implicit data type conversion is not allowed.
  • Solution: Modify the data type conversion mechanism. For more information about implicit data type conversions, see Implicit conversion and its application scope .

ODPS-0140031:Invalid column reference

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the column name is invalid.
  • Solution: Run the desc <table_name>; command on the MaxCompute client to obtain the valid column name.

ODPS-0140041:Invalid UDF reference

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the UDF does not exist.
  • Solution: Run the list functions; command on the MaxCompute client to view the valid UDF name.

ODPS-0140051:Invalid function

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because a function is invalid.
  • Solution: Run the show functions; or list functions; command on the MaxCompute client to view the valid function name.

ODPS-0140061:Invalid parameters

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the input parameters are invalid.
  • Solution: Modify the input parameters.

ODPS-0140071:Unsupported operator

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the operator is not supported.
  • Solution: Change the operator to a supported operator. For more information about operators, see Operator .

ODPS-0140081:Unsupported join type

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the left table in the LEFT OUTER JOIN operation is a small table but the right table in this operation is a large table, or the left table in the RIGHT OUTER JOIN operation is a large table but the right table in this operation is a small table.
  • Solution: Change the join sequence.

ODPS-0140105:Invalid multiple I/O

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 5.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because multiple outputs have caused a conflict.
  • Solution: Adjust the job to avoid the conflict between multiple outputs.

ODPS-0140111:Unsupported col type in EXTRACT now

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the column type is not supported by EXTRACT.
  • Solution: Change the column type to a supported type.

ODPS-0140133:Invalid structure

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 3.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the data structure cannot be identified.
  • Solution: Confirm that the data structure meets the standards.

ODPS-0140151:Can not do topologic sort, the stages is not a DAG

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 1.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because an error has occurred in the sorting algorithm.
  • Solution: Check the accuracy of the sorting algorithm.

ODPS-0140178: Internal system failure

  • Module: PLANNER.
  • Severity: 8.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because a system exception has occurred.
  • Solution: Perform the operation again.

ODPS-1800001: Session exception - Failed to submit sub-query in session because:Prepaid project run out of free query quota

  • Module: not involved.
  • Severity: not involved.
  • Trigger condition: The error message returned because the number of tasks exceeds 500 when you use the MaxCompute Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) driver to connect to tasks that run subscription resources and the Query Acceleration (MCQA) feature is enabled.
  • Solution: Modify the configuration for the MCQA feature that is enabled by using the MaxCompute JDBC driver and set the value of the alwaysFallback parameter to true. For more information, see FAQ