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  • rtDownload ( // serverId: 'MAIN-ARTIFACTORY', spec: '''{ "files": [{"pattern": "p1/p2/p3/${BUILD_ID}/n_iter.txt", "target": "./n_iter.txt"}] }''',

    where BUILD_ID = 'a/b' downloads file to a location $WORKSPACE/p2/p3/a/b/n_iter.txt rather then expected $WORKSPACE/n_iter.txt

    Also, very strange - why p1 is not in downloaded path?

    Accepted answer

    By default, artifacts are downloaded to the target path in the file system while maintaining their hierarchy in the source repository (not including the repository name - hence p1 is missing in your example).

    To download an artifact while ignoring the hierarchy, set "flat": "true" in your file spec.

    For a more advanced control of the resulting hierarchy, you may want to use Placeholders .

    See more information in the File Specs documentation .

    Please try with the below snippet, which means all the files in the com/my-files/ Artifactory repository-path will be downloaded into the my-folder directory on the Jenkins agent file system. For more details on this please do refer to our Declarative Pipeline Syntax wiki page here .

    rtDownload (
    serverId: 'Artifactory-1',
    spec: '''{
          "files": [
              "pattern": "com/my-files/",
              "target": "my-folder/"

    In addition to the above, you can refer to the rtDownload example referred to in our GitHub page here.

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