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Hello, This is my first post in the forum, I can’t find a way to include library IRremote.h in my little extension iranalog.mext.
I was trying to do a simple copy of the various extensions I find for Arduino to use my infrared receiver on my car, I don’t find extensions that use the analogs pins for the input of the receiver and then I was doing one that can use analogs pins. But I always receive the same error can’t find the library file src/IRremote.h
I find a post from giannos who seems to have the same problem but I can’t understand how he resolve it.

I use Mlock V5.3.0 and the device I use is arduino uno.
I used the IR Remote Library by Ken Shirriff .The folder name is IRremote-3.0.0 but I include only the folder named src/ . It works fine in the arduino IDE.

After a lot of tries, I delete all the includes files in the section - Add source file of the Extension Builder, and then I add another extension for IR receiver that I find on the web and that I know it will include library without arrors. Then my sketch has compiled ( ok it dosen’t work yet … grrr) , but I don’t think is the correct way to avoid the problem.
I hope someone could give me some more information, thanks in advance.

Hi yanis,

I am also waiting for the solution because it interests me to include my own libraries.
I hope there will be a clear explanation.

Hi probably is some bug from the mBlock Extension Builder, cause when I first include the library I used a folder ( The download one) but after I was thinking it will be better to have all the folders and file in one directory and I moved all the project and the folder with libraries in another folder called Mblock projcts, but when I finished the extension and put in the sketch I find this problem. Perhaps the builder can’t change the include directory for some bugs ?