  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接
  • Director version (System - About):1.10.2
  • Icinga Web 2 version and modules (System - About):2.11.4
  • Icinga 2 version ( icinga2 --version ):r2.13.7-1
  • Operating System and version:Debian 11 Kernel 5.10.0-21-amd64
  • Webserver, PHP versions:Apache 2.4.54 PHP 8.2.3
  • Hi, firstly - this monitoring ecosystem is great, thank you for this!

    I prepairing single icinga monitor system in template virtual machine.
    Once I was almost done, I was made a virtual machine copy to test in real world.

    When I was change hostname I run into problems. Most of them I can trace and fix, but the last one is too deep inside. I have no idea.

    Command from Inspect :

    '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe' '-A' '/etc/icinga2/pki/cert_nrpe/ca.pem' '-C' '/etc/icinga2/pki/cert_nrpe/cli.pem' '-H' '' '-K' '/etc/icinga2/pki/cert_nrpe/cli.key' '-c' 'checkcpu' '-a' 'time=25m!!time=15s!!time=5!!crit=82%!!warn=60'

    Command is created in director from external script.
    The error come when service applying to host:

    free(): double free detected in tcache 2 <Terminated by signal 6 (Aborted).>

    What is most confusing - rendered comand by Inspect is working fine in cmd.
    Snímek obrazovky 2023-03-30 153455914×98 4.23 KB

    The same command work before I deleted old certificates and made new with icinga2 api setup
    I don’t have any glue… :sleepy:

    Thank for any help.

    Hi & welcome,

    Trying it manually means executing as user root, but icinga executes the check as user nagios or icinga (depending on your distribution). For testing I always recommend to switch to icinga’s user first e.g.:

    sudo -u nagios bash

    and try i again you’ll get the same result as with icingaweb.