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  • 标签化管理网页链接
A value object used to represent cache configuration.

Construction Patterns

The recommended way of creating a Cache in Ehcache 2.0 and above is to create a CacheConfiguration object and pass it to the Cache constructor. See Cache.Cache(CacheConfiguration) . This class supports setter injection and also the fluent builder pattern. Cache cache = new Cache(new CacheConfiguration("test2", 1000).eternal(true).memoryStoreEvictionPolicy(MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy.FIFO)); Rather than proliferation of new constructors as new versions of Ehcache come out, it intended to add the new configuration to this class. Another way to set configuration is declaratively in the ehcache.xml configuration file.
<cache name="testCache1"

Dynamic Configuration

CacheConfiguration instances retrieved from Cache instances allow the dynamic modification of certain configuration properties. Currently the dynamic properties are:
  • Time To Idle
  • Time To Live
  • Max Entries in Local Heap
  • Max Entries on Local Disk
  • Dynamic changes are however not persistent across cache restarts. On restart the cache configuration will be reloaded from its original source, erasing any changes made previously at runtime. protected  CacheConfiguration.BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration bootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration           The BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration. protected  List<CacheConfiguration.CacheDecoratorFactoryConfiguration> cacheDecoratorConfigurations           The cache decorator factories added by BeanUtils. protected  List<CacheConfiguration.CacheEventListenerFactoryConfiguration> cacheEventListenerConfigurations           The event listener factories added by BeanUtils. protected  CacheConfiguration.CacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration cacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration           The CacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration. protected  List<CacheConfiguration.CacheExtensionFactoryConfiguration> cacheExtensionConfigurations           The cache extension factories added by BeanUtils. protected  List<CacheConfiguration.CacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration> cacheLoaderConfigurations           The cache loader factories added by BeanUtils. protected  long cacheLoaderTimeoutMillis           Timeout in milliseconds for CacheLoader related calls protected  CacheWriterConfiguration cacheWriterConfiguration           The CacheWriterConfiguration. protected  boolean clearOnFlush           Sets whether the MemoryStore should be cleared when flush() is called on the cache - true by default. static CacheWriterConfiguration DEFAULT_CACHE_WRITER_CONFIGURATION           The default cacheWriterConfiguration static boolean DEFAULT_CLEAR_ON_FLUSH           Default value for clearOnFlush static boolean DEFAULT_COPY_ON_READ           Default value for copyOnRead static boolean DEFAULT_COPY_ON_WRITE           Default value for copyOnRead static CopyStrategyConfiguration DEFAULT_COPY_STRATEGY_CONFIGURATION           Default copyStrategyConfiguration static int DEFAULT_DISK_ACCESS_STRIPES           Default number of diskAccessStripes. static boolean DEFAULT_DISK_PERSISTENT           Deprecated. The diskPersistent attribute has been replaced with persistence(PersistenceConfiguration). static boolean DEFAULT_ETERNAL_VALUE           Default eternal value static long DEFAULT_EXPIRY_THREAD_INTERVAL_SECONDS           The default interval between runs of the expiry thread. static boolean DEFAULT_LOGGING           Logging is off by default. static long DEFAULT_MAX_BYTES_OFF_HEAP           Default maxBytesOffHeap value static long DEFAULT_MAX_BYTES_ON_DISK           Default maxBytesOnDisk value static long DEFAULT_MAX_BYTES_ON_HEAP           Default maxBytesOnHeap value static int DEFAULT_MAX_ELEMENTS_ON_DISK           Default value for maxElementsOnDisk static MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy DEFAULT_MEMORY_STORE_EVICTION_POLICY           The default memory store eviction policy is LRU. static int DEFAULT_SPOOL_BUFFER_SIZE           Set a buffer size for the spool of approx 30MB. static boolean DEFAULT_STATISTICS           Default value for statistics static CacheConfiguration.TransactionalMode DEFAULT_TRANSACTIONAL_MODE           Default value for transactionalMode static long DEFAULT_TTI           Default value for tti static long DEFAULT_TTL           Default value for ttl protected  int diskAccessStripes           The number of concurrent disk access stripes. protected  long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds           The interval in seconds between runs of the disk expiry thread. protected  Boolean diskPersistent           Deprecated. The diskPersistent attribute has been replaced with persistence(PersistenceConfiguration). protected  int diskSpoolBufferSizeMB           The size of the disk spool used to buffer writes protected  boolean eternal           Sets whether elements are eternal. protected  Set<CacheConfigurationListener> listeners           The listeners for this configuration. protected  boolean logging           Indicates whether logging is enabled or not. protected  int maxElementsOnDisk           the maximum objects to be held in the DiskStore. protected  Integer maxEntriesLocalHeap           the maximum objects to be held in the MemoryStore. protected  MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy           The policy used to evict elements from the MemoryStore. protected  String           the name of the cache. protected  Boolean overflowToDisk           Deprecated. The overflowToDisk attribute has been replaced with PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy.LOCALTEMPSWAP. protected  Boolean overflowToOffHeap           whether elements can overflow to off heap memory when the in-memory cache has reached the set limit. protected  PinningConfiguration pinningConfiguration           The PinningConfiguration. protected  TerracottaConfiguration terracottaConfiguration           The TerracottaConfiguration. protected  long timeToIdleSeconds           the time to idle for an element before it expires. protected  long timeToLiveSeconds           Sets the time to idle for an element before it expires. addBootstrapCacheLoaderFactory(CacheConfiguration.BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration factory)           Allows BeanHandler to add the CacheManagerEventListener to the configuration. addCacheDecoratorFactory(CacheConfiguration.CacheDecoratorFactoryConfiguration factory)           Used by BeanUtils to add each cacheDecoratorFactory to the cache configuration. addCacheEventListenerFactory(CacheConfiguration.CacheEventListenerFactoryConfiguration factory)           Used by BeanUtils to add cacheEventListenerFactory elements to the cache configuration. addCacheExceptionHandlerFactory(CacheConfiguration.CacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration factory)           Add the CacheExceptionHandlerFactory to the configuration. addCacheExtensionFactory(CacheConfiguration.CacheExtensionFactoryConfiguration factory)           Used by BeanUtils to add cacheExtensionFactory elements to the cache configuration. addCacheLoaderFactory(CacheConfiguration.CacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration factory)           Used by BeanUtils to add each cacheLoaderFactory to the cache configuration. addCacheWriter(CacheWriterConfiguration cacheWriterConfiguration)           Allows BeanHandler to add the CacheWriterConfiguration to the configuration.  boolean addConfigurationListener(CacheConfigurationListener listener)           Add a listener to this cache configuration addCopyStrategy(CopyStrategyConfiguration copyStrategyConfiguration)           Sets the CopyStrategyConfiguration for this cache  boolean addDynamicSearchListener(DynamicSearchListener listener)           Add a dynamic extractor configuration listener addElementValueComparator(ElementValueComparatorConfiguration elementValueComparatorConfiguration)           Sets the ElementValueComparatorConfiguration for this cache addPersistence(PersistenceConfiguration persistenceConfiguration)           Sets the PersistenceConfiguration for this cache. addPinning(PinningConfiguration pinningConfiguration)           Allows BeanHandler to add the PinningConfiguration to the configuration. addSearchable(Searchable searchable)           Add configuration to make this cache searchable addSizeOfPolicy(SizeOfPolicyConfiguration sizeOfPolicyConfiguration)           Sets the SizeOfPolicyConfiguration for this cache. addTerracotta(TerracottaConfiguration terracottaConfiguration)           Allows BeanHandler to add the TerracottaConfiguration to the configuration.  CacheConfiguration bootstrapCacheLoaderFactory(CacheConfiguration.BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration factory)  CacheConfiguration.BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration getBootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration()           Accessor  List<CacheConfiguration.CacheDecoratorFactoryConfiguration> getCacheDecoratorConfigurations()           Accessor getCacheEventListenerConfigurations()           Accessor  CacheConfiguration.CacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration getCacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration()           Accessor getCacheExtensionConfigurations()           Accessor getCacheLoaderConfigurations()           Accessor getCacheLoaderTimeoutMillis()           Accessor  CacheWriterConfiguration getCacheWriterConfiguration()           Accessor  ReadWriteCopyStrategy<Element> getCopyStrategy()           Getter to the CopyStrategy set in the config (really? how?).  CopyStrategyConfiguration getCopyStrategyConfiguration()           Returns the copyStrategyConfiguration getDiskAccessStripes()           Accessor getDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds()           Accessor getDiskSpoolBufferSizeMB()           Accessor  DynamicAttributesExtractor getDynamicExtractor()           Accessor  ElementValueComparatorConfiguration getElementValueComparatorConfiguration()           Returns the elementComparatorConfiguration  boolean getLogging()           Only used when cache is clustered with Terracotta getMaxBytesLocalDisk()           The maximum amount of bytes the cache should occupy on disk  String getMaxBytesLocalDiskAsString()           The string form of the maximum amount of bytes the cache should occupy on disk  Integer getMaxBytesLocalDiskPercentage()           Getter for maximum bytes on disk expressed as a percentage getMaxBytesLocalHeap()           The maximum amount of bytes the cache should occupy on heap  String getMaxBytesLocalHeapAsString()           The string form of the maximum amount of bytes the cache should occupy on heap  Integer getMaxBytesLocalHeapPercentage()           Getter for maximum bytes on heap expressed as a percentage getMaxBytesLocalOffHeap()           The maximum amount of bytes the cache should occupy off heap  String getMaxBytesLocalOffHeapAsString()           The string form of the maximum amount of bytes the cache should occupy off heap  Integer getMaxBytesLocalOffHeapPercentage()           Getter for maximum bytes off heap expressed as a percentage getMaxElementsInMemory()           Deprecated. use getMaxEntriesLocalHeap() getMaxElementsOnDisk()           Accessor getMaxEntriesLocalDisk()           Configured maximum number of entries for the local disk store. getMaxEntriesLocalHeap()           Configured maximum number of entries for the local memory heap.  String getMaxMemoryOffHeap()           Deprecated. See getMaxBytesLocalOffHeapAsString() getMaxMemoryOffHeapInBytes()           Deprecated. getMaxBytesLocalOffHeap()  MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy()           Accessor  String getName()           Accessor  PersistenceConfiguration getPersistenceConfiguration()           Accessor  PinningConfiguration getPinningConfiguration()           Accessor  Searchable getSearchable()           Get the search configuration for this cache (if any)  Map<String,SearchAttribute> getSearchAttributes()           Get the defined search attributes indexed by attribute name  SizeOfPolicyConfiguration getSizeOfPolicyConfiguration()           Accessor  boolean getStatistics()           Gets whether the cache's statistics will be enabled at startup  TerracottaConfiguration getTerracottaConfiguration()           Accessor  TerracottaConfiguration.Consistency getTerracottaConsistency()           Accessor getTimeToIdleSeconds()           Accessor getTimeToLiveSeconds()           Accessor  CacheConfiguration.TransactionalMode getTransactionalMode()           To what transactionalMode was the Cache set internalSetDiskCapacity(int capacity)           Intended for internal use only, and subject to change. internalSetLogging(boolean logging)           Intended for internal use only, and subject to change. internalSetMemCapacity(int capacity)           Intended for internal use only, and subject to change. internalSetMemCapacityInBytes(long capacity)           Intended for internal use only, and subject to change. internalSetTimeToIdle(long timeToIdle)           Intended for internal use only, and subject to change. internalSetTimeToLive(long timeToLive)           Intended for internal use only, and subject to change.  boolean isClearOnFlush()           Accessor  boolean isCopyOnRead()           Whether the Cache should copy elements it returns  boolean isCopyOnWrite()           Whether the Cache should copy elements it gets  boolean isCountBasedTuned()           Whether this cache is Count based  boolean isDiskPersistent()           Deprecated. The diskPersistent attribute has been replaced with persistence(PersistenceConfiguration).  boolean isEternal()           Accessor  boolean isFrozen()  CacheConfiguration memoryStoreEvictionPolicy(MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy)           Builder which Sets the eviction policy.  CacheConfiguration memoryStoreEvictionPolicy(String memoryStoreEvictionPolicy)           Builder that sets the eviction policy.  CacheConfiguration name(String name)           Builder to set the name of the cache.  CacheConfiguration overflowToDisk(boolean overflowToDisk)           Deprecated. The overflowToDisk attribute has been replaced with PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy.LOCALTEMPSWAP.  CacheConfiguration overflowToOffHeap(boolean overflowToOffHeap)           Builder to enable or disable offheap store for the cache.  CacheConfiguration persistence(PersistenceConfiguration persistenceConfiguration)           Builder to set the PersistenceConfiguration for this cache.  CacheConfiguration pinning(PinningConfiguration pinningConfiguration) setMemoryStoreEvictionPolicyFromObject(MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy)           Sets the eviction policy. setName(String name)           Sets the name of the cache. setOverflowToDisk(boolean overflowToDisk)           Deprecated. The overflowToDisk attribute has been replaced with PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy.LOCALTEMPSWAP. setOverflowToOffHeap(boolean overflowToOffHeap)           Enables or disables offheap store for the cache. setStatistics(boolean enabled)           Sets whether the cache's statistics are enabled. setTimeToIdleSeconds(long timeToIdleSeconds)           Sets the time to idle for an element before it expires. setTimeToLiveSeconds(long timeToLiveSeconds)           Sets the time to idle for an element before it expires. setTransactionalMode(String transactionalMode)           Sets the transactionalMode setupFor(CacheManager cacheManager)           Sets up the CacheConfiguration for runtime consumption, also registers this cache configuration with the cache manager's configuration setupFor(CacheManager cacheManager, boolean register)           Sets up the CacheConfiguration for runtime consumption  CacheConfiguration sizeOfPolicy(SizeOfPolicyConfiguration sizeOfPolicyConfiguration)           Builder to set the SizeOfPolicyConfiguration for this cache.  CacheConfiguration statistics(boolean statistics)           Builder which sets whether the cache's statistics are enabled.  CacheConfiguration terracotta(TerracottaConfiguration terracottaConfiguration)  CacheConfiguration transactionalMode(CacheConfiguration.TransactionalMode transactionalMode)           Builder which sets the transactionalMode  CacheConfiguration transactionalMode(String transactionalMode)           Builder which sets the transactionalMode  Collection<ConfigError> validate(Configuration configuration)           Validates the configuration validateCompleteConfiguration()           Used to validate what should be a complete Cache Configuration. validateConfiguration()           Used to validate a Cache Configuration. DEFAULT_EXPIRY_THREAD_INTERVAL_SECONDS public static final long DEFAULT_EXPIRY_THREAD_INTERVAL_SECONDS
    The default interval between runs of the expiry thread.
    See Also:
    Constant Field Values
    public static final int DEFAULT_SPOOL_BUFFER_SIZE
    Set a buffer size for the spool of approx 30MB.
    See Also:
    Constant Field Values
    The default memory store eviction policy is LRU. DEFAULT_CACHE_WRITER_CONFIGURATION public static final CacheWriterConfiguration DEFAULT_CACHE_WRITER_CONFIGURATION
    The default cacheWriterConfiguration DEFAULT_TRANSACTIONAL_MODE public static final CacheConfiguration.TransactionalMode DEFAULT_TRANSACTIONAL_MODE
    Default value for transactionalMode public static final boolean DEFAULT_DISK_PERSISTENT
    Deprecated. The diskPersistent attribute has been replaced with persistence(PersistenceConfiguration) .
    Default value for diskPersistent
    See Also:
    Constant Field Values
    Default copyStrategyConfiguration protected volatile Integer maxEntriesLocalHeap
    the maximum objects to be held in the MemoryStore . 0 translates to no-limit. protected volatile int maxElementsOnDisk
    the maximum objects to be held in the DiskStore . 0 translates to no-limit. memoryStoreEvictionPolicy protected volatile MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy
    The policy used to evict elements from the MemoryStore . This can be one of:
  • LRU - least recently used
  • LFU - Less frequently used
  • FIFO - first in first out, the oldest element by creation time The default value is LRU
    protected volatile boolean clearOnFlush
    Sets whether the MemoryStore should be cleared when flush() is called on the cache - true by default. protected volatile boolean eternal
    Sets whether elements are eternal. If eternal, timeouts are ignored and the element is never expired. protected volatile long timeToIdleSeconds
    the time to idle for an element before it expires. Is only used if the element is not eternal.A value of 0 means do not check for idling. protected volatile long timeToLiveSeconds
    Sets the time to idle for an element before it expires. Is only used if the element is not eternal. This attribute is optional in the configuration. A value of 0 means do not check time to live. protected volatile Boolean overflowToDisk
    Deprecated. The overflowToDisk attribute has been replaced with PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy.LOCALTEMPSWAP .
    whether elements can overflow to disk when the in-memory cache has reached the set limit. protected volatile long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds
    The interval in seconds between runs of the disk expiry thread. 2 minutes is the default. This is not the same thing as time to live or time to idle. When the thread runs it checks these things. So this value is how often we check for expiry. protected volatile boolean logging
    Indicates whether logging is enabled or not. False by default. Only used when cache is clustered with Terracotta. protected volatile Boolean overflowToOffHeap
    whether elements can overflow to off heap memory when the in-memory cache has reached the set limit. cacheEventListenerConfigurations protected volatile List < CacheConfiguration.CacheEventListenerFactoryConfiguration > cacheEventListenerConfigurations
    The event listener factories added by BeanUtils. cacheExtensionConfigurations protected volatile List < CacheConfiguration.CacheExtensionFactoryConfiguration > cacheExtensionConfigurations
    The cache extension factories added by BeanUtils. bootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration protected CacheConfiguration.BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration bootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration
    The BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration. cacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration protected CacheConfiguration.CacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration cacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration
    The CacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration. cacheLoaderConfigurations protected volatile List < CacheConfiguration.CacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration > cacheLoaderConfigurations
    The cache loader factories added by BeanUtils. cacheDecoratorConfigurations protected volatile List < CacheConfiguration.CacheDecoratorFactoryConfiguration > cacheDecoratorConfigurations
    The cache decorator factories added by BeanUtils.
    Default constructor. Note that an empty Cache is not valid and must have extra configuration added which can be done through the fluent methods in this class. Call validateConfiguration() to check your configuration.
    See Also:
    Create a new cache configuration. Extra configuration can added after construction via the fluent methods in this class. Call validateConfiguration() to check your configuration.
    name - the name of the cache. Note that "default" is a reserved name for the defaultCache.
    maxEntriesLocalHeap - the maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted (0 == no limit)
  • See Also:
    name - the cache name. This must be unique. The / character is illegal. The # character does not work with RMI replication.
    this configuration instance
    See Also:
    Enables or disables logging for the cache This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating. Only used when cache is clustered with Terracotta overflowToOffHeap public CacheConfiguration overflowToOffHeap (boolean overflowToOffHeap)
    Builder to enable or disable offheap store for the cache. addSizeOfPolicy public void addSizeOfPolicy ( SizeOfPolicyConfiguration sizeOfPolicyConfiguration)
    Sets the SizeOfPolicyConfiguration for this cache. sizeOfPolicy public CacheConfiguration sizeOfPolicy ( SizeOfPolicyConfiguration sizeOfPolicyConfiguration)
    Builder to set the SizeOfPolicyConfiguration for this cache. addPersistence public void addPersistence ( PersistenceConfiguration persistenceConfiguration)
    Sets the PersistenceConfiguration for this cache. persistence public CacheConfiguration persistence ( PersistenceConfiguration persistenceConfiguration)
    Builder to set the PersistenceConfiguration for this cache. public final void setMaxMemoryOffHeap ( String maxMemoryOffHeap)
    Deprecated. See setMaxBytesLocalOffHeap(java.lang.String)

    Sets the max off heap memory size allocated for this cache. public CacheConfiguration maxMemoryOffHeap ( String maxMemoryOffHeap)
    Deprecated. See maxBytesLocalOffHeap(long, net.sf.ehcache.config.MemoryUnit)

    Builder to set the max off heap memory size allocated for this cache. public final CacheConfiguration logging (boolean enable)
    Builder to enable or disable logging for the cache This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating. Only used when cache is clustered with Terracotta public final void setMaxElementsInMemory (int maxElementsInMemory)
    Deprecated. use setMaxEntriesLocalHeap(long)

    Sets the maximum objects to be held in memory (0 = no limit). This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating. public final void setMaxEntriesLocalHeap (long maxEntriesInMemory)
    Sets the maximum objects to be held in local heap memory (0 = no limit). This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating. @Deprecated public final CacheConfiguration maxElementsInMemory (int maxElementsInMemory)
    Deprecated. use maxEntriesLocalHeap(int)

    Builder that sets the maximum objects to be held in memory (0 = no limit). This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating.
    maxElementsInMemory - The maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted (0 == no limit)
    this configuration instance
    maxEntriesLocalHeap public final CacheConfiguration maxEntriesLocalHeap (int maxElementsInMemory)
    Builder that sets the maximum objects to be held in memory (0 = no limit). This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating.
    maxElementsInMemory - The maximum number of elements in memory, before they are evicted (0 == no limit)
    this configuration instance
    setCacheLoaderTimeoutMillis public final void setCacheLoaderTimeoutMillis (long cacheLoaderTimeoutMillis)
    Sets the timeout for CacheLoader execution (0 = no timeout). setMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy public final void setMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy ( String memoryStoreEvictionPolicy)
    Sets the eviction policy. An invalid argument will set it to LRU. memoryStoreEvictionPolicy public final CacheConfiguration memoryStoreEvictionPolicy ( String memoryStoreEvictionPolicy)
    Builder that sets the eviction policy. An invalid argument will set it to null.
    memoryStoreEvictionPolicy - a String representation of the policy. One of "LRU", "LFU" or "FIFO".
    this configuration instance
    See Also:
    setMemoryStoreEvictionPolicyFromObject public final void setMemoryStoreEvictionPolicyFromObject ( MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy)
    Sets the eviction policy. This method has a strange name to workaround a problem with XML parsing. memoryStoreEvictionPolicy public final CacheConfiguration memoryStoreEvictionPolicy ( MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy memoryStoreEvictionPolicy)
    Builder which Sets the eviction policy. An invalid argument will set it to null. public final void setClearOnFlush (boolean clearOnFlush)
    Sets whether the MemoryStore should be cleared when flush() is called on the cache - true by default. public final CacheConfiguration clearOnFlush (boolean clearOnFlush)
    Builder which sets whether the MemoryStore should be cleared when flush() is called on the cache - true by default. public final void setTimeToIdleSeconds (long timeToIdleSeconds)
    Sets the time to idle for an element before it expires. Is only used if the element is not eternal. This can be overidden in Element This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating. timeToIdleSeconds public final CacheConfiguration timeToIdleSeconds (long timeToIdleSeconds)
    Builder which sets the time to idle for an element before it expires. Is only used if the element is not eternal. This default can be overridden in Element This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating.
    timeToIdleSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its last accessed or modified date
    this configuration instance
    See Also:
    public final void setTimeToLiveSeconds (long timeToLiveSeconds)
    Sets the time to idle for an element before it expires. Is only used if the element is not eternal. This default can be overridden in Element This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating. timeToLiveSeconds public final CacheConfiguration timeToLiveSeconds (long timeToLiveSeconds)
    Builder which sets the time to idle for an element before it expires. Is only used if the element is not eternal. This default can be overridden in Element This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating.
    timeToLiveSeconds - the default amount of time to live for an element from its creation date
    this configuration instance
    See Also:
    public final void setOverflowToDisk (boolean overflowToDisk)
    Deprecated. The overflowToDisk attribute has been replaced with PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy.LOCALTEMPSWAP .

    Sets whether elements can overflow to disk when the in-memory cache has reached the set limit. public final CacheConfiguration overflowToDisk (boolean overflowToDisk)
    Deprecated. The overflowToDisk attribute has been replaced with PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy.LOCALTEMPSWAP .

    Builder which sets whether elements can overflow to disk when the in-memory cache has reached the set limit. public final void setDiskPersistent (boolean diskPersistent)
    Deprecated. The diskPersistent attribute has been replaced with persistence(PersistenceConfiguration) .

    Sets whether the disk store persists between CacheManager instances. Note that this operates independently of overflowToDisk . public final CacheConfiguration diskPersistent (boolean diskPersistent)
    Deprecated. The diskPersistent attribute has been replaced with persistence(PersistenceConfiguration) .

    Builder which sets whether the disk store persists between CacheManager instances. Note that this operates independently of overflowToDisk . public void setDiskSpoolBufferSizeMB (int diskSpoolBufferSizeMB)
    Sets the disk spool size, which is used to buffer writes to the DiskStore. If not set it defaults to DEFAULT_SPOOL_BUFFER_SIZE diskSpoolBufferSizeMB public final CacheConfiguration diskSpoolBufferSizeMB (int diskSpoolBufferSizeMB)
    Builder which sets the disk spool size, which is used to buffer writes to the DiskStore. If not set it defaults to DEFAULT_SPOOL_BUFFER_SIZE public void setDiskAccessStripes (int stripes)
    Sets the number of disk stripes. RandomAccessFiles used to access the data file. By default there is one stripe. public final CacheConfiguration diskAccessStripes (int stripes)
    Builder which sets the number of disk stripes. RandomAccessFiles used to access the data file. By default there is one stripe. public void setMaxElementsOnDisk (int maxElementsOnDisk)
    Sets the maximum number elements on Disk. 0 means unlimited. This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating. public void setMaxEntriesLocalDisk (long maxEntriesOnDisk)
    Sets the maximum number elements on Disk. 0 means unlimited. This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating. maxElementsOnDisk public final CacheConfiguration maxElementsOnDisk (int maxElementsOnDisk)
    Builder which sets the maximum number elements on Disk. 0 means unlimited. This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating.
    maxElementsOnDisk - the maximum number of Elements to allow on the disk. 0 means unlimited.
    this configuration instance
    See Also:
    maxEntriesLocalDisk public final CacheConfiguration maxEntriesLocalDisk (int maxElementsOnDisk)
    Builder which sets the maximum number elements on Disk. 0 means unlimited. This property can be modified dynamically while the cache is operating.
    maxElementsOnDisk - the maximum number of Elements to allow on the disk. 0 means unlimited.
    this configuration instance
    See Also:
    setDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds public final void setDiskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds (long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds)
    Sets the interval in seconds between runs of the disk expiry thread. 2 minutes is the default. This is not the same thing as time to live or time to idle. When the thread runs it checks these things. So this value is how often we check for expiry. diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds public final CacheConfiguration diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds (long diskExpiryThreadIntervalSeconds)
    Builder which sets the interval in seconds between runs of the disk expiry thread. 2 minutes is the default. This is not the same thing as time to live or time to idle. When the thread runs it checks these things. So this value is how often we check for expiry. public ReadWriteCopyStrategy < Element > getCopyStrategy ()
    Getter to the CopyStrategy set in the config (really? how?). This will always return the same unique instance per cache addCopyStrategy public void addCopyStrategy ( CopyStrategyConfiguration copyStrategyConfiguration)
    Sets the CopyStrategyConfiguration for this cache addElementValueComparator public void addElementValueComparator ( ElementValueComparatorConfiguration elementValueComparatorConfiguration)
    Sets the ElementValueComparatorConfiguration for this cache setDynamicAttributesExtractor public void setDynamicAttributesExtractor ( DynamicAttributesExtractor extractor)
    Sets dynamic search attributes extractor dynamicAttributeExtractor public CacheConfiguration dynamicAttributeExtractor ( DynamicAttributesExtractor extractor)
    Sets dynamic search attributes extractor getCopyStrategyConfiguration public CopyStrategyConfiguration getCopyStrategyConfiguration ()
    Returns the copyStrategyConfiguration getElementValueComparatorConfiguration public ElementValueComparatorConfiguration getElementValueComparatorConfiguration ()
    Returns the elementComparatorConfiguration addCacheEventListenerFactory public final void addCacheEventListenerFactory ( CacheConfiguration.CacheEventListenerFactoryConfiguration factory)
    Used by BeanUtils to add cacheEventListenerFactory elements to the cache configuration. addCacheExtensionFactory public final void addCacheExtensionFactory ( CacheConfiguration.CacheExtensionFactoryConfiguration factory)
    Used by BeanUtils to add cacheExtensionFactory elements to the cache configuration. addBootstrapCacheLoaderFactory public final void addBootstrapCacheLoaderFactory ( CacheConfiguration.BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration factory)
    Allows BeanHandler to add the CacheManagerEventListener to the configuration. addCacheExceptionHandlerFactory public final void addCacheExceptionHandlerFactory ( CacheConfiguration.CacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration factory)
    Add the CacheExceptionHandlerFactory to the configuration. Note that this will not have any effect when creating a cache solely through its constructed. The exception handler will only be taken into account when ConfigurationHelper is used, for example through CacheManager . addCacheLoaderFactory public final void addCacheLoaderFactory ( CacheConfiguration.CacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration factory)
    Used by BeanUtils to add each cacheLoaderFactory to the cache configuration. addCacheDecoratorFactory public final void addCacheDecoratorFactory ( CacheConfiguration.CacheDecoratorFactoryConfiguration factory)
    Used by BeanUtils to add each cacheDecoratorFactory to the cache configuration. addTerracotta public final void addTerracotta ( TerracottaConfiguration terracottaConfiguration)
    Allows BeanHandler to add the TerracottaConfiguration to the configuration. addCacheWriter public final void addCacheWriter ( CacheWriterConfiguration cacheWriterConfiguration)
    Allows BeanHandler to add the CacheWriterConfiguration to the configuration. transactionalMode public final CacheConfiguration transactionalMode ( String transactionalMode)
    Builder which sets the transactionalMode transactionalMode public final CacheConfiguration transactionalMode ( CacheConfiguration.TransactionalMode transactionalMode)
    Builder which sets the transactionalMode getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy public MemoryStoreEvictionPolicy getMemoryStoreEvictionPolicy ()
    Accessor public boolean isOverflowToDisk ()
    Deprecated. The overflowToDisk attribute has been replaced with PersistenceConfiguration.Strategy.LOCALTEMPSWAP .

    Accessor public boolean isDiskPersistent ()
    Deprecated. The diskPersistent attribute has been replaced with persistence(PersistenceConfiguration) .

    Accessor getSizeOfPolicyConfiguration public SizeOfPolicyConfiguration getSizeOfPolicyConfiguration ()
    Accessor getPersistenceConfiguration public PersistenceConfiguration getPersistenceConfiguration ()
    Accessor getCacheDecoratorConfigurations public List < CacheConfiguration.CacheDecoratorFactoryConfiguration > getCacheDecoratorConfigurations ()
    Accessor getBootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration public CacheConfiguration.BootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration getBootstrapCacheLoaderFactoryConfiguration ()
    Accessor getCacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration public CacheConfiguration.CacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration getCacheExceptionHandlerFactoryConfiguration ()
    Accessor getCacheWriterConfiguration public CacheWriterConfiguration getCacheWriterConfiguration ()
    Accessor getTerracottaConsistency public TerracottaConfiguration.Consistency getTerracottaConsistency ()
    Accessor getTransactionalMode public final CacheConfiguration.TransactionalMode getTransactionalMode ()
    To what transactionalMode was the Cache set addConfigurationListener public boolean addConfigurationListener ( CacheConfigurationListener listener)
    Add a listener to this cache configuration addDynamicSearchListener public boolean addDynamicSearchListener ( DynamicSearchListener listener)
    Add a dynamic extractor configuration listener removeConfigurationListener public boolean removeConfigurationListener ( CacheConfigurationListener listener)
    Remove the supplied cache configuration listener. public void internalSetTimeToIdle (long timeToIdle)
    Intended for internal use only, and subject to change. This is required so that changes in store implementation's config (probably from other nodes) can propagate up to here