  • 输入网页链接,自动生成快照
  • 标签化管理网页链接

Entity manager supposed to work with any entity, automatically find its repository and call its methods, whatever entity type are you passing.

Protected plain Object ToEntity Transformer

plain Object ToEntity Transformer : PlainObjectToNewEntityTransformer = new PlainObjectToNewEntityTransformer()
  • Defined in entity-manager/EntityManager.ts:71
  • Clears all the data from the given table (truncates/drops it).

    Note: this method uses TRUNCATE and may not work as you expect in transactions on some platforms.


    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string

    Returns Promise < void >


  • count<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , options ?: FindManyOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < number >
  • count<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , conditions ?: FindConditions < Entity > ) : Promise < number >
  • create<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > ) : Entity
  • create<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , plainObject : DeepPartial < Entity > ) : Entity
  • create<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , plainObjects : DeepPartial < Entity > [] ) : Entity []
  • Creates a new entity instance and copies all entity properties from this object into a new entity. Note that it copies only properties that present in entity schema.

    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    plainObject: DeepPartial < Entity >

    Returns Entity

    Creates a new entities and copies all entity properties from given objects into their new entities. Note that it copies only properties that present in entity schema.

    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    plainObjects: DeepPartial < Entity > []

    Returns Entity []

    create Query Builder

  • create Query Builder<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | Function | string , alias : string , queryRunner ?: QueryRunner ) : SelectQueryBuilder < Entity >
  • create Query Builder ( queryRunner ?: QueryRunner ) : SelectQueryBuilder < any >
  • Deletes entities by a given condition(s). Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. Executes fast and efficient DELETE query. Does not check if entity exist in the database. Condition(s) cannot be empty.

    Type parameters



    targetOrEntity: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    criteria: string | string [] | number | number [] | Date | Date [] | ObjectID | ObjectID [] | FindConditions < Entity >
    Optional options: RemoveOptions

    Returns Promise < DeleteResult >

  • find<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , options ?: FindManyOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity [] >
  • find<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , conditions ?: FindConditions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity [] >
  • find And Count

  • find And Count<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , options ?: FindManyOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < [ Entity [] , number ] >
  • find And Count<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , conditions ?: FindConditions < Entity > ) : Promise < [ Entity [] , number ] >
  • Finds entities that match given find options. Also counts all entities that match given conditions, but ignores pagination settings (from and take options).

    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    Optional options: FindManyOptions < Entity >

    Returns Promise < [ Entity [] , number ] >

    Finds entities that match given conditions. Also counts all entities that match given conditions, but ignores pagination settings (from and take options).

    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    Optional conditions: FindConditions < Entity >

    Returns Promise < [ Entity [] , number ] >

    find ByIds

  • find ByIds<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , ids : any [] , options ?: FindManyOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity [] >
  • find ByIds<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , ids : any [] , conditions ?: FindConditions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity [] >
  • find One

  • find One<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , id ?: string | number | Date | ObjectID , options ?: FindOneOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity | undefined >
  • find One<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , options ?: FindOneOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity | undefined >
  • find One<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , conditions ?: FindConditions < Entity > , options ?: FindOneOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity | undefined >
  • find One OrFail

  • find One OrFail<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , id ?: string | number | Date | ObjectID , options ?: FindOneOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity >
  • find One OrFail<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , options ?: FindOneOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity >
  • find One OrFail<Entity> ( entityClass : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , conditions ?: FindConditions < Entity > , options ?: FindOneOptions < Entity > ) : Promise < Entity >
  • Finds first entity that matches given find options or rejects the returned promise on error.

    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    Optional id: string | number | Date | ObjectID
    Optional options: FindOneOptions < Entity >

    Returns Promise < Entity >

    Finds first entity that matches given find options or rejects the returned promise on error.

    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    Optional options: FindOneOptions < Entity >

    Returns Promise < Entity >

    Finds first entity that matches given conditions or rejects the returned promise on error.

    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    Optional conditions: FindConditions < Entity >
    Optional options: FindOneOptions < Entity >

    Returns Promise < Entity >

    Gets repository for the given entity class or name. If single database connection mode is used, then repository is obtained from the repository aggregator, where each repository is individually created for this entity manager. When single database connection is not used, repository is being obtained from the connection.

    Type parameters



    target: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string

    Returns Repository < Entity >

    Gets tree repository for the given entity class or name. If single database connection mode is used, then repository is obtained from the repository aggregator, where each repository is individually created for this entity manager. When single database connection is not used, repository is being obtained from the connection.

    Type parameters



    target: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string

    Returns TreeRepository < Entity >

    Inserts a given entity into the database. Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. Executes fast and efficient INSERT query. Does not check if entity exist in the database, so query will fail if duplicate entity is being inserted. You can execute bulk inserts using this method.

    Type parameters



    target: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    entity: QueryPartialEntity < Entity > | Array
    Optional options: SaveOptions

    Returns Promise < InsertResult >

    Creates a new entity from the given plan javascript object. If entity already exist in the database, then it loads it (and everything related to it), replaces all values with the new ones from the given object and returns this new entity. This new entity is actually a loaded from the db entity with all properties replaced from the new object.

    Type parameters



    entityClass: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    entityLike: DeepPartial < Entity >

    Returns Promise < Entity | undefined >

    Releases all resources used by entity manager. This is used when entity manager is created with a single query runner, and this single query runner needs to be released after job with entity manager is done.

    Returns Promise < void >

  • remove<Entity> ( entity : Entity , options ?: RemoveOptions ) : Promise < Entity >
  • remove<Entity> ( targetOrEntity : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , entity : Entity , options ?: RemoveOptions ) : Promise < Entity >
  • remove<Entity> ( entity : Entity [] , options ?: RemoveOptions ) : Promise < Entity >
  • remove<Entity> ( targetOrEntity : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , entity : Entity [] , options ?: RemoveOptions ) : Promise < Entity [] >
  • save<Entity> ( entities : Entity [] , options ?: SaveOptions ) : Promise < Entity [] >
  • save<Entity> ( entity : Entity , options ?: SaveOptions ) : Promise < Entity >
  • save<Entity, T> ( targetOrEntity : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , entities : T [] , options ?: SaveOptions ) : Promise < T [] >
  • save<Entity, T> ( targetOrEntity : ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string , entity : T , options ?: SaveOptions ) : Promise < T >
  • Saves all given entities in the database. If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates.

    Type parameters



    entities: Entity []
    Optional options: SaveOptions

    Returns Promise < Entity [] >

    Saves all given entities in the database. If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates.

    Type parameters



    entity: Entity
    Optional options: SaveOptions

    Returns Promise < Entity >

    Saves all given entities in the database. If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates.

    Type parameters


    T : DeepPartial < Entity >


    targetOrEntity: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    entities: T []
    Optional options: SaveOptions

    Returns Promise < T [] >

    Saves all given entities in the database. If entities do not exist in the database then inserts, otherwise updates.

    Type parameters


    T : DeepPartial < Entity >


    targetOrEntity: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    entity: T
    Optional options: SaveOptions

    Returns Promise < T >

    Wraps given function execution (and all operations made there) in a transaction. All database operations must be executed using provided entity manager.

    Type parameters


    runInTransaction: function
  • ( entityManger : EntityManager ) : Promise < T >
  • Parameters

    entityManger: EntityManager

    Returns Promise < T >

    Updates entity partially. Entity can be found by a given condition(s). Unlike save method executes a primitive operation without cascades, relations and other operations included. Executes fast and efficient UPDATE query. Does not check if entity exist in the database. Condition(s) cannot be empty.

    Type parameters



    target: ObjectType < Entity > | EntitySchema < Entity > | string
    criteria: string | string [] | number | number [] | Date | Date [] | ObjectID | ObjectID [] | FindConditions < Entity >
    partialEntity: DeepPartial < Entity >
    Optional options: SaveOptions

    Returns Promise < UpdateResult >