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Cardinal: OpenDaylight Monitoring as a Service

This section describes how to use the Cardinal feature in OpenDaylight and contains configuration, administration, and management sections for the feature.


Cardinal (OpenDaylight Monitoring as a Service) enables OpenDaylight and the underlying software defined network to be remotely monitored by deployed Network Management Systems (NMS) or Analytics suite. In the Boron release, Cardinal will add:

  • OpenDaylight MIB.
  • Enable ODL diagnostics/monitoring to be exposed across SNMP (v2c, v3) and REST north-bound.
  • Extend ODL System health, Karaf parameter and feature info, ODL plugin scalability and network parameters.
  • Support autonomous notifications (SNMP Traps).
  • Cardinal Architecture

    The Cardinal architecture can be found at the below link:


    Configuring Cardinal feature

    To start Cardinal feature, start karaf and type the following command:

    feature:install odl-cardinal

    After this Cardinal should be up and working with SNMP daemon running on port 161.


    Below are tutorials for Cardinal.

    Using Cardinal

    These tutorials are intended for any user who wants to monitor three basic component in OpenDaylight

  • System Info in which controller is running.
  • Karaf Info
  • Project Specific Information.
  • Prerequisites

    There is no as such specific prerequisite. Cardinal can work without installing any third party software. However If one wants to see the output of a snmpget/snmpwalk on the CLI prompt, than one can install the SNMP using the below link:


    Using the above command line utility one can get the same result as the cardinal APIs will give for the snmpget/snmpwalk request.

    Target Environment

    This tutorial is developed considering the following environment:

    controller-Linux(Ubuntu 14.02).


    Install Cardinal feature

    Open karaf and install the cardinal feature using the following command:

    feature:install odl-cardinal

    Please verify that SNMP daemon is up on port 161 using the following command on the terminal window of Linux machine:

    netstat -anp | grep "161"
    netstat -anp | grep "2001"
    netstat -anp | grep "2003"

    If the grep on the ``snmpd`` port is successful than SNMP daemon is up and working.

    APIs Reference

    Please see Developer guide for usage of Cardinal APIs.

    CLI commands to do snmpget/walk

    One can do snmpget/walk on the ODL-CARDINAL-MIB. Open the linux terminal and type the below command:

    snmpget -v2c -c public localhost Oid_Of_the_mib_variable
    snmpget -v2c -c public localhost ODL-CARDINAL-MIB::mib_variable_name

    For snmpwalk use the below command:

    snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost SNMPv2-SMI::experimental

    For tabular data (netconf devices), snmpwalk use the below command:

    snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost:2001 SNMPv2-SMI::experimental

    For tabular data (openflow devices), snmpwalk use the below command:

    snmpwalk -v2c -c public localhost:2003 SNMPv2-SMI::experimental