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Hi there,
I'm struggling to get the save portion of the code below to work. Basically, the intention is to open a powerpoint file embedded in excel; copy, paste and format some ranges from excel as bulleted lists in some slides (All of this works fine), and then save the powerpoint to the user's desktop and close the file.
The error occurs at the Save PRESENTATION section at the very bottom, and I get a dialogue box in powerpoint that says "An error occurred while saving the powerpoint file", with and OK button. On clicking OK, and then viewing the code in the VBA editor, the attached error shows.
Using SaveAs, instead of SaveCopyAs makes no difference. I have read that this error can occur when the Powerpoint is opened as read only, but I am quite sure that it is not the case when the code is running.
If I comment out the save code everything else works fine.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Set myWorkbook = ActiveWorkbook '| Activate worksheet with embedded PowerPoint template and selct cell A1 | _ (Selection of A1 to ensure that the PowerPoint object is not active otherwise selection Verb below will not work.) myWorkbook.Worksheets("Embed").Visible = True myWorkbook.Worksheets("Embed").Select ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Select ActiveCell.Value = "OK" '| Open the embedded PowerPoint template, and set variable | ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("OutputTemplate")).Select Selection.Verb Verb:=3 Set ppApp = GetObject(, "Powerpoint.Application") Set myPresentation = ppApp.ActivePresentation '******************************** 'CLEAR SLIDES '| In the open template, clear each slide | For Each Slide In myPresentation.Slides For Each Shape In Slide.Shapes Shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "" Next Shape Next Slide '******************************** 'SET SLIDE INFORMATION '| Title Slide (Slide 1) | 'Set variables With myPresentation.Slides(1) Set TitleShape = .Shapes.Title Set SubTitleShape = .Shapes(1) End With 'Update Variables with information from Excel TitleShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Range("Customer").Text SubTitleShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Range("PowerPointTitle").Text '| Slide Hard Benefits | 'Set variables With myPresentation.Slides(Range("Hard_Direct_Benefits").Value) Set TitleShape = .Shapes.Title Set slideText = .Shapes(1) 'Title of Slide TitleShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Range("Hard_Direct_Benefits_Title").Text 'Set Text Frame as bulleted With slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet .Visible = True .Character = 8226 End With 'Text Lead In slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Range("Hard_Direct_Benefits_Lead_In").Text & vbNewLine 'Loop through Bulleted List For Each Cell In Range("Hard_Direct_Benefits_Bullets") slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter Cell.Value & vbNewLine 'Adjust indents With slideText.TextFrame.TextRange .Lines(Start:=1, Length:=1).ParagraphFormat.Bullet = msoFalse .Lines(Start:=3, Length:=1).IndentLevel = 2 End With End With '| Slide Hard Indirect Benefits | 'Set variables With myPresentation.Slides(Range("Hard_Indirect_Benefits").Value) Set TitleShape = .Shapes.Title Set slideText = .Shapes(1) 'Title of Slide TitleShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Range("Hard_Indirect_Benefits_Title").Text 'Set Text Frame as bulleted With slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet .Visible = True .Character = 8226 End With 'Text Lead In slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Range("Hard_Indirect_Benefits_Lead_In").Text & vbNewLine 'Loop through Bulleted List For Each Cell In Range("Hard_Indirect_Benefits_Bullets") slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter Cell.Value & vbNewLine 'Adjust indents With slideText.TextFrame.TextRange .Lines(Start:=1, Length:=1).ParagraphFormat.Bullet = msoFalse .Lines(Start:=3, Length:=1).IndentLevel = 2 End With End With '| Slide Soft Indirect Benefits | 'Set variables With myPresentation.Slides(Range("Soft_Indirect_Benefits").Value) Set TitleShape = .Shapes.Title Set slideText = .Shapes(1) 'Title of Slide TitleShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Range("Soft_Indirect_Benefits_Title").Text 'Set Text Frame as bulleted With slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.Bullet .Visible = True .Character = 8226 End With 'Text Lead In slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = Range("Soft_Indirect_Benefits_Lead_In").Text & vbNewLine 'Loop through Bulleted List For Each Cell In Range("Soft_Indirect_Benefits_Bullets") If Cell.Value <> 0 Then slideText.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter Cell.Value & vbNewLine End If 'Adjust indents With slideText.TextFrame.TextRange .Lines(Start:=1, Length:=1).ParagraphFormat.Bullet.Visible = False .Lines(Start:=3, Length:=1).IndentLevel = 2 End With End With '******************************** 'Save PRESENTATION fileNameString = "C:\Users\johnDoe\Desktop\TheFile.pptx" myPresentation.SaveCopyAs fileNameString, 1 '******************************** 'CLEAN UP myWorkbook.Worksheets("Embed").Visible = xlVeryHidden 'Hide the embedded file worksheet again myWorkbook.Worksheets("Results").Select 'Select summary worksheet Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'Screen updating on End Sub
Hi Shrivallabha - thanks for your reply.
The path does exist, and it is hard coded in the sub.
Have you checked this link ?