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Published Aug 28, 2023
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The <rb> element designates the base text for ruby annotations in East Asian languages. It must be within <ruby> tags and is often paired with <rt> for pronunciation guides and <rp> for fallback rendering.

Note: The <rb> tag is deprecated, meaning it’s no longer recommended for use in new projects. Instead, characters can be written directly within the <ruby> tags.


<rb>Base text goes here</rb>
<rp>(</rp> <rt>Annotation text goes here</rt> <rp>)</rp>


The example below showcases how the <rb> tag is used to transliterate the Chinese characters meaning 'I like to write code' inside a <ruby> element.

<rb></rb><rt>I</rt> <rb>喜欢</rb><rt>like</rt> <rb></rb><rt>to write</rt>

This is what it looks like in the browser: