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Ms. Sylvia Chang is considered as one of the most diversified artists in Hong Kong and Taiwan. She has been an actress since the 70’s and gradually developed to be a writer, singer, producer and director in the film industry and theatre productions. She is more than a movie star.

In the first semester, a group of HKU students has learned about the career and personal life of Sylvia under the guidance of Mr. Edward Lam, a renowned theatre director and playwright. In this semester, Sylvia will come to HKU to share her stories and life.

「覺得自己內心也住進一個張艾嘉。」——上集學生 李家怡

「由演員、歌星、變成幕後的導演、編劇是個漫長的過程。我欣賞她的是她涵蓋的主題跟生活的哲學息息相關,也透過每一次的參與把她想表達的重新打磨。」——上集學生 張亦能

「學習別人不過是為了教育自己。與張艾嘉的影像對話,聊事業,聊家庭,在一段段對話中,站在別人的故事裏思考自己的問題。」——上集學生 賈夢吟

很快,我也很快,就會到了60歲,會變成甚麼樣子呢?」——上集學生 孫思雅

「這6次約會,不只是了解張艾嘉,更是了解自己、明白社會的一場對話。期待接下來的6次約會,給我帶來更多的洗禮。」——上集學生 梁沁琳


Change of Schedule
Please note that the first session is on Feb 13 (Thu) instead of Feb 11 (Tue).  And the last session will be on Mar 6 (Thu) at CYP-P3.

Online Enrolment of free programme (Starts on 27 Jan 10:00am):
GE2013-37: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?EM=Y&UEID=28653 (For HKU students and staff)
https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&UEID=28653 (For public)

Ms. Sylvia Chang is considered as one of the most diversified artists in Hong Kong and Taiwan. She has been an actress since the 70’s and gradually developed to be a writer, singer, producer and director in the film industry and theatre productions. She is more than a movie star.

In the first semester, a group of HKU students has learned about the career and personal life of Sylvia under the guidance of Mr. Edward Lam, a renowned theatre director and playwright. In this semester, Sylvia will come to HKU to share her stories and life.

「覺得自己內心也住進一個張艾嘉。」——上集學生 李家怡

「由演員、歌星、變成幕後的導演、編劇是個漫長的過程。我欣賞她的是她涵蓋的主題跟生活的哲學息息相關,也透過每一次的參與把她想表達的重新打磨。」——上集學生 張亦能

「學習別人不過是為了教育自己。與張艾嘉的影像對話,聊事業,聊家庭,在一段段對話中,站在別人的故事裏思考自己的問題。」——上集學生 賈夢吟

很快,我也很快,就會到了60歲,會變成甚麼樣子呢?」——上集學生 孫思雅

「這6次約會,不只是了解張艾嘉,更是了解自己、明白社會的一場對話。期待接下來的6次約會,給我帶來更多的洗禮。」——上集學生 梁沁琳


Change of Schedule
Please note that the first session is on Feb 13 (Thu) instead of Feb 11 (Tue).  And the last session will be on Mar 6 (Thu) at CYP-P3.

Online Enrolment of free programme (Starts on 27 Jan 10:00am):
GE2013-37: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?EM=Y&UEID=28653 (For HKU students and staff)
https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&UEID=28653 (For public)

Speaker(s) 講師: 張艾嘉小姐 Ms. Sylvia Chang
林奕華先生Mr. Edward Lam
Medium 語言: Cantonese
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:

張艾嘉小姐 Ms. Sylvia Chang


林奕華先生 Mr. Edward Lam