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IGWN Conda Distribution

The IGWN Conda Distribution is a programme to manage and distribute software and environments used by the International Gravitational-Wave Observatory Network (IGWN) using the conda package manager, the conda-forge community, and the CernVM File System (CVMFS) .

The distribution consists of a curated list of packages that are rendered into highly-specified software environment files that can then be downloaded and installed on most machines. For Linux, the environments are created and updated automatically and distributed globally using CVMFS.

What is Conda?

Conda is an open source package management system. It enables users of Windows, macOS, or Linux, to create, save, load, and switch between software environments on your computer.

What environments are available?

For full details of what environments are included in the distribution, and their contents, see Environments .

How do I use the IGWN Conda Distribution?

For instructions on how to use Conda and the IGWN Conda Distribution, see Usage .

More helpful hints

See Tips and tricks for more useful hints to help you best utilise the IGWN Conda Distribution.


If you would like to improve the IGWN Conda distributions, please consider one of the following actions:

  • Report a problem
  • Request a new/updated package