Alteryx Analytics Cloud 平台发行说明
October 11, 2024
What's New
Global Search
Global Search allows you to quickly find and access specific assets, such as workflows, connections, and datasets, within your workspace through a unified search bar. See 平台登录页面 for more information.
Known Issues
New schedules created for flows in Trifacta Classic may not appear in the UI, even though they are successfully triggered and completed in the backend. This behavior is particularly noticeable when creating multiple schedules for the same flow. If a new schedule does not show up in the UI, you can verify the execution of the schedule by relying on email notifications for flow completion.
When attempting to schedule a flow in Trifacta Classic using the "File Watcher" (also called "Event Watcher") trigger type, users may encounter the error message "Scheduling service not available." This occurs even though the scheduling service is operational and available. At this time, no direct workaround exists for this issue. Users may need to monitor and manage their schedules through other parts of the platform.
October 04, 2024
What's New
The Default role no longer includes permissions to workflows. To grant access to Designer Cloud, administrators must assign users the Designer Cloud Creator or Designer Cloud Consumer roles.
Support of DesktopApp to CEfD section for Library . User with permission related to Analytic App:
Desktop Analytic App Author;
Create, update, share, execute, delete, and read Desktop Analytic Apps,
can upload, manage, and run Analytic app in the Library.
BQ billing project : As a user of AACP you can utilize a billing project to execute workflows, ensuring that the associated query costs are correctly attributed to the appropriate project. By working within the billing project context, operations like creating AACP datasets, samples, custom SQL queries, and running AACP jobs are billed to the default billing project.
Previously, the AACP files were stored in the root folder by default. You can now setup a base path when configuring AWS S3 as Private Data Storage. All the files created in AACP (uploaded files, workflow outputs and temporary files like samples) will be stored in folders after the base path. You can also block users from exploring data in S3 Private Data Storage in AACP by setting the flag in Admin Console > Storage > Hide Underlying file systems to Users to Enabled .
The Google Ads connector has been updated with the latest Cdata driver.
Read Support for XML file as an input :
XML file support released.
Support 500 MB size for direct upload and 1GB through file connectors.
Detect structure is off by default.
For Designer Cloud users it is recommended to switch detect structure off and use XML parse tool in workflows.
For Trifacta users it is recommended to switch detect structure on and then use it in flows.
End of Life Static Tokens on AAC . Going forward, all users should use OAuth tokens to access the Analytics Cloud API.
Capture audit logs for Scheduling . We have introduced Audit Events for Scheduling to enhance visibility and tracking of actions related to scheduling activities.
Account Admins now have the option to set up an audit connection to their AWS S3 bucket . For more information, see 管理员 .
September 27, 2024
What's New
You can now import values from Excel with and without formatting.
Workflow metadata tagging and Library (workflows) rebuild:
You can add tags to Designer Cloud and Designer Desktop workflows.
Library tables for Designer Cloud and Designer Desktop have new filtering options available.
For more information, go to “资产库”页面 .
The Email task in Plans is now available. Have your workspace admin set up the email server in their Workspace settings. Note that attachments are currently not supported.
New options are added for Dataset list page like Refresh, Delete, and Edit.
Trino connection upgraded to latest CData driver.
Gallery API Decommission
Gallery ( has been deprecated fully now. The site will be deleted soon. Gallery is now on Community !
September 13, 2024
What's New
Cloud Execution for Desktop: Update on the Designer Desktop Creator Role
An update that changes the name of the Designer Desktop Creator role to Cloud Execution for Desktop Creator . This is just a name change and the role maintains the same permissions necessary to upload, update, delete, run, schedule, and share desktop workflows.
New accounts will see the new Role name after promotion to production.
Existing accounts with the Designer Desktop Creator role will be migrated to the new role by September 26th or later.
September 06, 2024
What's New
You are now able to filter Jobs by Workflow name.
All Connection events are logged and available for Audit.
You can now schedule Plans from within Platform Library > Plans > More Options menu (3 dots).
Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) supports running queries with or without using BigQuery OAuth credentials. You can either use files as input and BigQuery as the output destination, or use BigQuery as the input and generate files as the output.
August 30, 2024
What's New
The HTTP task now supports the ability to delete the dataset created from an HTTP response after a Plan execution, using the dataset as an input in a downstream task, without creating new datasets in your workspace each time.
Output tool is completely redesigned to be represented as a popup modal. There are no changes in the capabilities of Output tool.
Cdata connector LinkedInd Ads has been upgrade to support latest APIs.
August 23, 2024
What's New
The platform now supports warm pools that helps dramatically reduce the time to create a dataset from a relational source during design time. With this improvement, the excel upload times have significantly reduced. Overall better platform performance for users during design.
Account Admins and Billing Account Admins can now see workflow run usage data on the product page in the Account Admin Console. Temporarily, data for EU1 and AU1 regions is limited to only reflect workflow runs completed after May 24th, 2024. US1 reflects comprehensive usage against contract quotas, and EU1 and AU1 regions will be updated to reflect comprehensive usage in Q4.
In Cloud Native mode, the
formula function now correctly identifies strings containing integer values with a decimal separator (e.g., "10.0") or in scientific notation (e.g., "1e3") as valid integers.
August 16, 2024
What's New
Workflow Sharing with Viewer
As a user with permission to share, you can now share a workflow with another user who has the View permission.
As a user with the View permission, you cannot share the workflow or edit the sharing options.
Workflow Sharing Enhancement
The workflow sharing functionality has been upgraded with a sleek, ONYX-based UI, along with minor enhancements to improve usability.
August 09, 2024
What's New
Dataproc Engine
This feature allows workspace administrators to configure Dataproc on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). With Dataproc, you can use it as an external engine to move data from any source to any destination. Note that jobs using the external GCS connector with Dataproc may encounter failures. For more information, go to Dataproc Engine and Dataproc Engine Setup Guide .
PKCE for OAuth 2.0 Support
We’ve improved the security of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow by implementing Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE). This enhancement is designed to protect against authorization code interception attacks, offering stronger security for public clients, including mobile and single-page applications.
August 02, 2024
What's New
IP Whitelisting
Account Admins can restrict user access to their account based on source IP.
The HTTP task now enables you to generate a dataset from an HTTP response. This feature also allows you to load the configuration for an HTTP request directly from a dataset, facilitating the chaining of HTTP requests. For this to work, the dataset must adhere to a specific schema, including the columns:
For more information, see 创建 HTTP 任务 . 创建 HTTP 任务
July 26, 2024
What's New
Power BI Connector Integration
With Power BI Connector Integration, you can now:
Publish directly into your Power BI Cloud datasets using the Power BI connector.
Map one table per Power BI dataset for each output tool.
Append new rows to an existing table in a Power BI dataset.
Overwrite existing tables in Power BI datasets. When overwriting, you can choose to update the columns/schema of the table, or retain the existing columns.
For more information, go to Microsoft Power BI Connections .
Cloud Execution for Desktop Role Requirement Update
All workspaces utilizing Cloud Execution for Desktop must ensure that users have the Desktop Creator role assigned. This new role requirement is necessary for accessing and using Cloud Execution for Desktop functionality. Verify and update user roles accordingly to maintain uninterrupted access and performance.
Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where the output data resulted as empty when using Snowflake to output data with at least one tool.
Previously, users had to manually refresh datasets connected to SharePoint files. Now, datasets based on files uploaded through this connection will update automatically. For example, if an app, software, or user updates "Sales.xlsx" in SharePoint, the "Revenue" workflow in Alteryx will now automatically pull the updated data without manual refreshes. This bug fix enables real-time data updates in the workflow.
July 18, 2024
What's New
Added a new Designer Cloud Consumer role with the permission to view and execute Designer Cloud workflows. To view the detailed permission, go to the Permissions Matrix .
You can now upload text files (.txt) on the Data page.
Supported column delimiters: comma (
, semicolon (;
), pipe (|
). -
Supported row delimiters: auto-infer
, or\r
July 11, 2024
What's New
Auto Insights datasets are now included in a new Library Assets page. The Assets page for Auto Insights provides visibility of Name, Shared with, Owner and Last Updated, and access to dataset-related menu actions, including...
Open the dataset in Auto Insights .
Share the dataset with other users.
View and edit refresh schedules related to the dataset.
Delete the dataset.
Auto Insights datasets are now available in the Schedules interface to create new refresh Schedules.
A new option is available in the Data page to Use an Analytics Cloud dataset in Auto Insights .
When creating an external S3 connection, you can now set a default directory path from your default S3 bucket.
Updated the look and feel of the Designer Cloud job history page.
New user registration now supports all RFC5332-supported email formats.
July 3, 2024
What's New
You can now preview the new Data page UI experience. To try it out, select the New Dataset Experience toggle on the Data page.
2024 年 6 月 27 日
更新了 Designer Cloud 创建者角色,以包含对数据集、连接器和规划的完整权限。要查看详细权限,请参阅 Permissions Matrix 。
管理员现在可以邀请电子邮件地址包含 ICANN 时代顶级域名的用户。
您现在可以在 AAC 内容中找到 Cloud Execution for Desktop 文档 。
Cloud Execution for Desktop 现在可用于 GCP 私有数据处理。如需了解详细信息,请前往 Cloud Execution for Desktop in GCP 。
2024 年 6 月 13 日
用于分配角色的 API 端点现在只需要
user id
和role id
2024 年 6 月 6 日
如果多次尝试文件路径错误的计划后仍失败, AAC 现在会自动禁用这些计划。
增加了对 OAuth 2.0 令牌的动态标识符支持。
是该账户的唯一标识符。 -
修复了工作表数量较多的 Excel 文件无法上传的问题。工作表数上限现在为 399。
2024 年 5 月 30 日
已启用 Databricks Spark 来处理 ADLS 与 ADLS 装载的 DBFS 表之间的数据输入和输出。
您不再需要为 OAuth 2.0 API 令牌包含
标头。 -
您不再需要为 OAuth 2.0 API 令牌包含
账户管理员 现在可以管理 工作区管理员 。 账户管理员 可以添加、移除、禁用、启用和重新邀请 工作区管理员 。
账户管理员 现在可以看到其账户下每个工作区有多少个用户。要查看每个工作区中的用户数,请查找“账户管理工作区”页面上的“用户数”列。
管理员现在应该能够邀请拥有 ICANN 时代顶级域名的用户。
2024 年 5 月 23 日
适用于 Google BigQuery 连接的 OAuth 2.0
为 Google BigQuery 连接添加了 OAuth 2.0 身份验证支持。如需了解详细信息,请前往 OAuth 2.0 for Google BigQuery 。
已更新外部 GCS 连接
您现在可以在设置外部 GCS 连接时提供默认存储桶。请注意,服务账户密钥必须至少包含对默认存储桶的列出和读取权限。
向 AAC 的库中添加了“最近”视图,它根据上次更新的时间来显示您的工作流。目前,此视图仅适用于 Designer Experience 工作流。
Plans 中提供了交互式结果网格
交互式结果网格 (IRG) 是 Plans 中的一项新功能,可让您查看 Designer Experience 工作流的输入和输出数据集预览,而无需离开 Plans 画布。如需了解详细信息,请前往 Plan Interactive Results Grid 。
计划 Location Intelligence 资产
现在可以直接从“计划”页面计划 Location Intelligence 资产。若要计划 Location Intelligence 资产:
前往“计划”页面,然后选择 新建计划 。
选择 保存 启用计划,以自动执行地理空间数据分析。
2024 年 5 月 9 日
Azure 中的 Cloud Execution for Desktop
新增了对设置了 Azure 私有数据处理的工作区的 Cloud Execution for Desktop (CEfD) 支持。要启用 CEfD,请转至 Cloud Execution for Desktop in Azure 。
Designer Experience 和 Designer Desktop 工作流的“资产详细信息”页面
现在,您可以查看与 Designer Experience 和 Designer Desktop 工作流关联的元数据。
查看与工作流关联的工作流依赖关系,包括连接和数据集。请注意, Designer Desktop 工作流不包括此部分。
要查看“资产详细信息”页面,请在“库”页面上选择工作流旁边的 3 点菜单,然后选择 查看资产详细信息 。
2024 年 5 月 2 日
上载大型 Excel 文件时,您可以继续完善您的工作流。
2024 年 4 月 25 日
管理员现在可以选择要为每个工作区部署哪些 AAC 应用程序。这样可以更好地控制私有数据处理环境中部署的基础设施和软件。
如需了解详细信息,请前往 Private Data Processing 。
AWS 用户模式:工作区中所有用户的默认根存储桶配置
通过减少设置用户的工作量,改善了 S3 中作为基本存储的用户模式的体验。
Snowflake 数据库的计划触发器
现在,您可以在 Snowflake 数据库发生修改时触发计划。请注意,触发器无法区分 Snowflake 表格是创建还是更新。
2024 年 4 月 19 日
添加了 Tableau 连接。
现在,您可以从 Designer Experience 工作流直接发布到 Tableau。如需详细了解如何设置此连接,请转至 Tableau 连接 。
在静态 API 访问令牌页面中添加了警告,说明这些令牌已被弃用。
修复了 API 令牌弃用警告链接打开 iframe 的问题。该链接现在可以正确重定向用户。
2024 年 4 月 12 日
已将账户管理控制台中的“用户”页面重命名为“管理员”页面。在此可以管理您的 AAC 账户的管理员访问权限。
为“输入数据”工具和您在“数据”页面上创建的数据集添加了对 Excel XLSM 文件的读取支持。
在账户管理页面添加了一个账户级别的单点登录 (SSO) 配置页面。
修复了当用户从 Plans 中运行工作流时, AAC 会在作业页面上显示
2024 年 4 月 2 日
对 AAC 的语言支持目前处于早期预览版阶段!在早期预览版阶段,您可以使用其中一种支持的语言预览 AAC 。要更改您的 UI 语言,请选择 配置文件菜单 ,然后转至 用户首选项 。
AAC 还提供多种语言的帮助文档!要查看支持语言的 ,请从每个页面底部的下拉列表中选择您的语言。
如需详细了解早期预览版阶段 AAC 支持的功能,请访问 语言支持早期预览版 。
更新了管理控制台中的 UI 元素样式。
您无权访问的产品设置现已隐藏。例如,如果您没有 Trifacta Classic , AAC 会隐藏这些设置。
2024 年 3 月 28 日
账户管理员可以根据谁拥有或缺少 1 个或多个角色来筛选用户。
账户管理员可以一次选择单个用户 1。
Designer Experience 输入和输出工具现会在共享工作流和数据集需要额外凭证时通知您。
添加了一个外部 GCS 连接器
您现在可以创建 外部 Google Cloud Storage (GCS) 连接 。对于已将 GCS 设置为私有数据存储的工作区,请使用此连接来连接到其他项目。
自动生成的崩溃报告使用从引擎运行中收集的排错信息。 Alteryx 使用该信息来分析问题并对产品进行改进。如需了解详情,请参阅 工作区设置页面 。
2024 年 3 月 14 日
修复了无法将包含货币符号或会计号码格式的Excel文件上载到 Designer Cloud 的问题。
2023 年 3 月 8 日
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)私有数据处理
为您的GCP项目添加了专用数据处理。您现在可以 AAC 在自己的GCP项目中创建数据处理群集。无需离开GCP项目即可运行分析工作负载。如需了解详细信息,请前往 Private Data Processing 。
更新了Auto Insights角色
Auto Insights Creator角色现在包括对...的完全权限。
Auto Insights Consumer角色现在包括对任务的完全权限以及对...的读取和执行权限。
帐户成员现在可以生成令牌以通过 AAC API访问帐户服务。要创建令牌,请转至 OAuth 2.0 API Tokens Page for Users 。
修复了 Designer Experience 工作流从运行时作业不显示的问题 Plans 。
2024 年 3 月 14 日
已更新的CDATA驱动程序 NetSuite Connections 。
为REST API连接添加了OAuth 2.0身份验证。有关详细信息,请转到 OAuth 2.0 for REST API 。
App Builder Creator角色现在包括对App Builder应用程序,数据集,连接和计划的权限。
用户不再需要提供GCP资源管理器API权限即可在中创建Big Query连接 AAC 。
2024 年 2 月 2 日