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I am trying to custom animate graphs I made in Origin7.5 and pasted into a powerpoint 2007 presentation. When I paste the graphs into powerpoint the resolution is fine, and if I do not animate my graph the resolution remains fine. However once the graph is animated the resolution gets very blurry and all the crisp lines appear bold and blurry. I tried to use the "paste special" command and paste in the graphs as a windows metafile or enhanced metafile but the problem still occurs. Do you know how to fix this problem? Here is my system/software info:
OS: Windows Vista Home Basic
Powerpoint 2007
Origin 7.5 SR7 v7.5886(B886) Serial number starts with: G

I tried Origin 7.5 and our latest version 8.5, and copy-pasted as OLE object and also as picture. And I could set custom animation such as "fly in entrance" or "diamond entrance" etc and the graph image in PPT looked just fine when playing a slide show.

My PPT version was Office 2003 SP3.

Maybe this has to do with what version of PPT you have? Perhaps try on another machine?

Also, Origin 8.1 and above has has a built-in favorites folder and slide show capability. So you can use Origin itself to view all graphs and layout pages as slides.


I have also experienced this annoying issue of Origin graphs pasted into Powerpoint becoming distorted after animation effects. The result is the same either pasted as the OLE object or as a Windows Metafile.

The distortion of the figure seems to arise from using "appear" animations in the slide. Even if another object other than the Origin graphic is animated to "appear", it will distort the Origin graphic when you run the slide show, after the animation occurs. However, if you put a white box over an object and use a "Disappear" animation, the Origin graphic doesn't change. I have only experienced this issue with Origin graphs/WMFs, no other picture types.

This may be a Powerpoint is a version issue but I will confirm on my Mac and an older version of Powerpoint for PC.

I am using Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 SP2 in Windows XP SP3, and Origin Pro 8.0 SR6 (v8.0988)

Any help with this annoying issue would be appreciated!
With Origin 8.0 SR6 + Powerpoint 2002 + Windows 7:
The text within Origin graphs becomes blurry if either
- the object itself is animated or
- is in a layer above any animated object

However, I dont see any difference for the curves itself - they are never antialiased for me.

One simple solution for the text: if the text is above a white rectangle (inside the Origin object), it is always antialiased.
However, the object is not transparent any more...
