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The TypeScript instanceof operator checks if an object is an instance of a specified class or constructor function at runtime. It returns a boolean value: `true` if the object is an instance of the type, and `false` otherwise, ensuring robust type checking during execution.


objectName instanceof typeEntity


  • objectName: It is the object whose type will be checked at the run time.
  • typeEntity: It is the type for which the object is checked.

Return Value:

It returns true if the object is an instance of the passed type entity. Otherwise, it will return true.

Example 1: Using instanceof with TypeScript Classes

This example demonstrates the basic usage of the instanceof operator with TypeScript classes.

class Person {
    name: string;
    age: number;
    constructor(name: string, age: number) {
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
const person1 = new Person("Pankaj", 20);
console.log(person1 instanceof Person);
const randomObject: { name: string, job: string } =
    { name: "Neeraj", job: "Developer" };
console.log(randomObject instanceof Person);



Example 2: Using instanceof with TypeScript Constructor Functions

This example demonstrates the usage of the instanceof operator with constructor functions in TypeScript.

function Company
    (name: string, est: number) {
    this.name = name;
    this.est = est;
const GFG =
    new Company("GeeksforGeeks", 2009);
const cmpny2 = {
    name: "Company2",
    est: 2010
console.log(GFG instanceof Company);
console.log(cmpny2 instanceof Company);



The instanceof operator is a powerful tool in TypeScript for type checking at runtime. It allows you to verify if an object is an instance of a specific class or constructor function, which can be useful in various scenarios such as type assertions and debugging. By understanding and using instanceof, you can ensure more robust type safety in your TypeScript applications.

FAQs-TypeScript Instanceof Operator

When should you use the instanceof operator?

You should use the instanceof operator when you need to determine the specific class or constructor function an object instance belongs to, particularly in type checks and conditional logic.

Can instanceof be used with interfaces in TypeScript?

No, instanceof cannot be used with interfaces because interfaces do not exist at runtime. instanceof only works with classes and constructor functions that have runtime representations.

What types can be checked using the instanceof operator?

The instanceof operator can check objects against classes and constructor functions. It does not work with primitive types or interfaces.

How does instanceof differ from the typeof operator?

instanceof checks if an object is an instance of a class or constructor function, while typeof checks the type of a primitive value or the type of an object (e.g., “number”, “string”, “object”). typeof cannot distinguish between instances of different classes.

What are the limitations of the instanceof operator?

The instanceof operator only works with objects that have a valid prototype chain. It cannot be used to check primitive values or interfaces, and its functionality depends on the correct prototype linkage.

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