/ # grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo
Is this VM hosted on-premise or in a cloud vendor? If a vendor, which one?
This VM is hosted on-premise in a Proxmox cluster. I have admin rights on the cluster, so I was able to activate nested virtualization, with which it worked. The CPU is AMD Epyc Rome, if that matters.
Let me know if I can provide you with any other output. The VM is not in production so I can run what you like on it to get more debug output.
Launch the sysbox container
Start Docker inside of it (i.e., the inner Docker)
In a separate terminal, run the following strace command: sudo strace -f -p $(pidof sysbox-fs) -o sysboxfs-strace.txt
Reproduce the problem by launching an inner busybox container: docker run -it busybox
After this, the sysboxfs-strace.txt
file should have all syscalls made by sysbox-fs. Please send us this to see if we spot the problem.
We're using Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
, with apt install -y linux-generic-hwe-20.04 linux-tools-generic-hwe-20.04
I tried creating the trace, but now I can't reproduce the problem, even if I disable nested virtualization again. I guess what solved it then was the reboot, not my activating of nested virtualization (which naturally required a reboot).
I'll have to roll sysbox out on a few more servers that are pretty much identical, so I might be able to reproduce the problem again. If I do I'll post a stacktrace and reopen the ticket. Thank you for your quick responses at any rate!
Hi @href, thanks for the update and glad to know the issue was resolved.
Please let us know if you see it again. Also, feel free to join the Sysbox slack channel if you have any other inquiries.
Thanks again for giving Sysbox a shot!
@ctalledo I am running into the same issue. I assume nested virtualization on AMD is supported too? (grep -cw vmx /proc/cpuinfo is for Intel, grep -cw svm /proc/cpuinfo returns "48" in my case)
Hi @maltegrosse, in theory nested virtualization should not make a difference at all when running Sysbox, because Sysbox does not use VMs in any way. It's all pure OS-virtualization (i.e., container technology).
Can you provide more info on your host environment, and the command you issued that led to the error? The more info we get, the better. Thanks!
@ctalledo thank you. Iam running Ubuntu 22.04 on the Host system, and Ubuntu 22.04 inside the VM. svm is available inside the VM. K8s 1.25 is deployed. Actually this issue happens by using the normal dind rootless docker container (privileged), but with the same issue as the author of this issue reported. So I was wondering where this proc issue comes from...
Thanks @maltegrosse.
Actually this issue happens by using the normal dind rootless docker container (privileged)
Ah interesting, it's not a sysbox issue then but rather something more generic then.
What happens if inside the VM, you do a simple procfs
mount as follows:
sudo mkdir /root/proc
sudo mount -t proc proc /root/proc
Do you also see the permission denied? Of does procfs mount on /root/proc
You can cleanup with: