Analysis of research status and development trend of rare earth elements application based on CiteSpace
LIU Xuan
YAN Yonggeng
WANG Yuehu
ZHANG Shujun
21世纪以来, 全球对自然资源, 尤其是不可再生资源的需求与日俱增。稀土元素是一种十分重要的不可再生战略资源, 特别的价电子排布让其拥有普通元素无法逾越的优势, 使其几乎应用于国民经济的各个行业, 尤其是在冶金、石油化工和新材料制备等领域的影响与日俱增。从20世纪90年代起, 我国对稀土资源的不断开采, 以及境外新矿床的发现导致了我国稀土资源在世界中的占比越来越低, 在一定程度上给我国稀土相关产业带来了严峻挑战, 因此亟需深入了解稀土元素应用情况。以CNKI数据库为依据, 在2022年6月12日使用高级检索方式, 检索关键词稀土应用及稀土元素应用, 经过筛选、去重后获取了2010—2022年上半年与稀土元素应用研究相关论文499篇, 通过CiteSpace6.1.R1软件从各年发文量、核心发文作者、核心发文机构、各年关键词爆发及关键词聚类五个方面对该领域的研究现状和发展趋势进行分析。通过研究结果发现, 稀土元素在储氢材料、发光材料、永磁材料、絮凝材料等领域的应用较热门, 并且展望了稀土元素的未来科研方向与研究前景。
Since the 21st century, the global demand for natural resources is increasing, especially non-renewable resources.As a very significant non-renewable strategic resource, rare earth elements have an increasing influence on metallurgy, petrochemical industry and new material preparation.The special arrangement of valence electrons gives it an insurmountable advantage over ordinary elements, which makes its application almost spread across all industries of the national economy.Since the 1990s, the continuous exploitation of rare earth resources and the discovery of new mineral deposits abroad have led to a decreasing proportion of rare earth resources in the world, which has brought severe challenges to rare earth related industries in China, and it is urgent to learn more about the application of rare earth elements.Based on CNKI database, on June 12, 2022, advanced retrieval method is used to search keywords rare earth application and rare earth elements application.After screening and de-weighting, 499 papers related to the application research of rare earth elements from 2010 to the first half of 2022 are obtained.Based on CiteSpace6.1.R1 software, the current application research status and development trend of this field are analyzed from five aspects that the number of published papers in each year, the core authors of published papers, the core institutions of published papers, the outbreak of keywords in each year and keyword clustering.The results show that rare earth elements are popular in hydrogen storage materials, luminescent materials, permanent magnet materials, flocculation materials and other fields.The future research direction and prospect of rare earth element industry are also prospected.