Is there a maximum character length for voucher number sequence numbers? I have read a number of blogs that say to keep this to 10, But I have found examples where more than 10 characters have been used without issues.
Does anyone know if these fields were extended as part of D365?
What is the maximum number sequence length for Voucher numbers?
Thanks for your assistance
Technically "maybe". But I think it would not be only about changing this one field's data type. Also all code in the system that handles those numbers would need to be checked / changed to support int64.
But is there really a customer requirement to have more than 2147483647 voucher numbers?
In AX2012 I think it could be theoretically possible to change the data type, but you would be unable to upgrade such change to Dynamics 365 for Finance. So it's definetely not recommended, and it would be a short term solution only.
Do you expect to use more than 2147483647 voucher numbers before AX2012 runs out of support?
Don't you reset your voucher numbers every year?
I personally would not recommend this kind of modification to a customer.
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