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  • Kafka Improvement Proposals
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This page describes a proposed Kafka Improvement Proposal (KIP) process for proposing a major change to Kafka.

Getting Started

If this is your first time contributing:

  1. Sign up for the Developer mailing list [email protected] . The instructions to sign up are here: http://kafka.apache.org/contact
  2. Create a wiki ID ( https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/signup.action self-service is currently not available: please request an manual account creating by leaving a comment on INFRA-25451 Getting issue details... STATUS until the issue is resolved)
  3. Create a Jira ID (It's a different system than the wiki) using the ASF Self-serve Portal ( https://selfserve.apache.org/jira-account.html )
  4. Send an email to the dev mailing list ( [email protected] ) containing your wiki ID and Jira ID requesting permissions to contribute to Apache Kafka.


We want to make Kafka a core architectural component for users. We also support a large number of integrations with other tools, systems, and clients. Keeping this kind of usage health requires a high level of compatibility between releases — core architectural elements can't break compatibility or shift functionality from release to release. As a result each new major feature or public api has to be done in a way that we can stick with it going forward.

This means when making this kind of change we need to think through what we are doing as best we can prior to release. And as we go forward we need to stick to our decisions as much as possible. All technical decisions have pros and cons so it is important we capture the thought process that lead to a decision or design to avoid flip-flopping needlessly.

Hopefully we can make these proportional in effort to their magnitude — small changes should just need a couple brief paragraphs, whereas large changes need detailed design discussions.

This process also isn't meant to discourage incompatible changes — proposing an incompatible change is totally legitimate. Sometimes we will have made a mistake and the best path forward is a clean break that cleans things up and gives us a good foundation going forward. Rather this is intended to avoid accidentally introducing half thought-out interfaces and protocols that cause needless heartburn when changed. Likewise the definition of "compatible" is itself squishy: small details like which errors are thrown when are clearly part of the contract but may need to change in some circumstances, likewise performance isn't part of the public contract but dramatic changes may break use cases. So we just need to use good judgement about how big the impact of an incompatibility will be and how big the payoff is.

What is considered a "major change" that needs a KIP?

Any of the following should be considered a major change:

  • Any major new feature, subsystem, or piece of functionality
  • Any change that impacts the public interfaces of the project

What are the "public interfaces" of the project?

All of the following are public interfaces that people build around:

  • Binary log format
  • The network protocol and api behavior
  • Any class for which the build generates Javadoc.  This includes (but is not limited to; look for javadoc {} sections in build.gradle for the complete list):
    • org/apache/kafka/common/serialization

    • org/apache/kafka/common

    • org/apache/kafka/common/errors

    • org/apache/kafka/clients/producer

    • org/apache/kafka/clients/consumer (eventually, once stable)

  • Configuration, especially client configuration
  • Monitoring
  • Command line tools and arguments

Not all compatibility commitments are the same. We need to spend significantly more time on log format and protocol as these break code in lots of clients, cause downtime releases, etc. Public apis are next as they cause people to rebuild code and lead to compatibility issues in large multi-dependency projects (which end up requiring multiple incompatible versions). Configuration, monitoring, and command line tools can be faster and looser — changes here will break monitoring dashboards and require a bit of care during upgrades but aren't a huge burden.

For the most part monitoring, command line tool changes, and configs are added with new features so these can be done with a single KIP.

What should be included in a KIP?

A KIP should contain the following sections:

  • Motivation : describe the problem to be solved
  • Proposed Change : describe the new thing you want to do. This may be fairly extensive and have large subsections of its own. Or it may be a few sentences, depending on the scope of the change.
  • New or Changed Public Interfaces : impact to any of the "compatibility commitments" described above. We want to call these out in particular so everyone thinks about them.
  • Migration Plan and Compatibility : if this feature requires additional support for a no-downtime upgrade describe how that will work
  • Rejected Alternatives : What are the other alternatives you considered and why are they worse? The goal of this section is to help people understand why this is the best solution now, and also to prevent churn in the future when old alternatives are reconsidered.

Who should initiate the KIP?

Anyone can initiate a KIP but you shouldn't do it unless you have an intention of getting the work done to implement it (otherwise it is silly).


Here is the process for making a KIP:

  1. Click Create KIP . Take the next available KIP number and give your proposal a descriptive heading. e.g. "KIP 42: Allow Infinite Retention With Bounded Disk Usage".
  2. Update the next available KIP number below.
  3. Fill in the sections as described above
  4. Also add an entry to the table KIPs under discussion (for Streams API KIPs, please also add it to Kafka Streams sub page ).
  5. Start a [DISCUSS] thread on the Apache mailing list. Please ensure that the subject of the thread is of the format [DISCUSS] KIP-{your KIP number} {your KIP heading} and the body contains a link to your new KIP. The discussion should happen on the mailing list, not on the wiki, since the wiki comment system doesn't work well for larger discussions. In the process of the discussion you may update the proposal. You should let people know the changes you are making. When you feel you have a finalized proposal
  6. Once the proposal is finalized call a [VOTE] to have the proposal adopted. These proposals are more serious than code changes and more serious even than release votes. The criteria for acceptance is lazy majority . The vote should remain open for at least 72 hours.
  7. Please update the KIP wiki page, and the index below, to reflect the current stage of the KIP after a vote. This acts as the permanent record indicating the result of the KIP (e.g., Accepted or Rejected). Also report the result of the KIP vote to the voting thread on the mailing list so the conclusion is clear.

KIP round-up

Next KIP Number: 1067

Use this number as the identifier for your KIP and increment this value.

A dopted KIPs

Please insert new rows in sorted order (descending by KIP number).

KIP (please keep this sorted by KIP number)


KIP-1056: Remove `default.` prefix for exception handler StreamsConfig

Accepted, targeting 4.0.0

KIP-1057: Add remote log metadata flag to the dump log tool

Accepted, targeting 3.9.0

KIP-1049: Add config log.summary.interval.ms to Kafka Streams

Accepted, targeting 3.9.0

KIP-1025: Optionally URL-encode clientID and clientSecret in authorization header

Accepted, targeting 3.9.0

KIP-1017: Health check endpoint for Kafka Connect


KIP-950: Tiered Storage Disablement


KRaft - 4.0

Zookeeper - 3.9.0 (question)

KIP-1047 Introduce new org.apache.kafka.tools.api.Decoder to replace kafka.serializer.Decoder

Accepted, targeting 3.8.0

KIP-1031: Control offset translation in MirrorSourceConnector

Accepted, targeting 3.9.0

KIP-1041: Drop `offsets.commit.required.acks` config in 4.0 (deprecate in 3.8)

3.8.0 (deprecation)

4.0.0 (removal)

KIP-1037: Allow WriteTxnMarkers API with Alter Cluster Permission

Accepted, targeting 3.8.0

KIP-1036: Extend RecordDeserializationException exception


KIP-1035: StateStore managed changelog offsets

Accepted, targeting 4.0.0

KIP-1033: Add Kafka Streams exception handler for exceptions occurring during processing

Accepted, targeting 4.0.0

KIP-1028: Docker Official Image for Apache Kafka

Accepted, targeting 3.8.0

KIP-1023: Follower fetch from tiered offset

Accepted, targeting 3.9.0

KIP-1022: Formatting and Updating Features

Accepted, targeting 3.9.0

KIP-1020: Move `window.size.ms` and `windowed.inner.serde.class` from `StreamsConfig` to TimeWindowedDe/Serializer class

Accepted, targeting 4.0.0

KIP-1019: Expose method to determine Metric Measurability


KIP-1018: Introduce max remote fetch timeout config for DelayedRemoteFetch requests

Accepted, targeting 3.8.0

KIP-1013: Drop broker and tools support for Java 11 in Kafka 4.0 (deprecate in 3.7)


KIP-1012: The need for a Kafka 3.8.x release


KIP-1005: Expose EarliestLocalOffset and TieredOffset


KIP-1004: Enforce tasks.max property in Kafka Connect


KIP-1001: Add CurrentControllerId Metric


KIP-1000: List Client Metrics Configuration Resources


KIP-996: Pre-Vote

TBD (targeting 3.8.0/4.0.0)

KIP-994: Minor Enhancements to ListTransactions and DescribeTransactions APIs

TBD (targeting 3.8.0)

KIP-993: Allow restricting files accessed by File and Directory ConfigProviders

KIP-992: Proposal to introduce IQv2 Query Types: TimestampedKeyQuery and TimestampedRangeQuery


KIP-989: Improved StateStore Iterator metrics for detecting leaks


KIP-988: Streams Standby Task Update Listener


KIP-985: Add reverseRange and reverseAll query over kv-store in IQv2


KIP-980: Allow creating connectors in a stopped state


KIP-979: Allow independently stop KRaft processes

TBD (targeting 3.7.0)

KIP-978: Allow dynamic reloading of certificates with different DN / SANs


KIP-977: Partition-level Throughput Metrics

TBD (targeting 3.8.0)

KIP-976: Cluster-wide dynamic log adjustment for Kafka Connect


KIP-975: Docker Image for Apache Kafka


KIP-974: Docker Image for GraalVM based Native Kafka Broker

Accepted (targeting 3.8.0)

KIP-970: Deprecate and remove Connect's redundant task configurations endpoint

3.7.0 (deprecation)

4.0.0 (removal)

KIP-968: Support single-key_multi-timestamp Interactive Queries (IQv2) for Versioned State Stores


KIP-966: Eligible Leader Replicas


KIP-963: Additional metrics in Tiered Storage


KIP-962: Relax non-null key requirement in Kafka Streams


KIP-960: Support single-key_single-timestamp Interactive Queries (IQv2) for Versioned State Stores


KIP-959: Add BooleanConverter to Kafka Connect


KIP-956 Tiered Storage Quotas

Accepted, Targeting 3.9.0

KIP-954: expand default DSL store configuration to custom types 3.7.0

KIP-951: Leader discovery optimisations for the client


KIP-949: Add flag to enable the usage of topic separator in MM2 DefaultReplicationPolicy

Adopted, targeting 3.6

KIP-942: Add Power(ppc64le) support


KIP-941: Range queries to accept null lower and upper bounds 3.6.0
KIP-938: Add more metrics for measuring KRaft performance TBD
KIP-937: Improve Message Timestamp Validation 3.6.0
KIP-932: Queues for Kafka Accepted, targeting 4.0 for early access
KIP-927: Improve the kafka-metadata-quorum output 3.6.0
KIP-925: Rack aware task assignment in Kafka Streams 3.7.0 (completed)
3.6.0 (partially implemented)
KIP-924: Introduce public config for Streams task assignor 3.8.0
KIP-923: Add A Grace Period to Stream Table Join 3.6.0

KIP-919: Allow AdminClient to Talk Directly with the KRaft Controller Quorum and add Controller Registration

KIP-917: Additional custom metadata for remote log segment 3.6.0
KIP-915: Txn and Group Coordinator Downgrade Foundation 3.5.0
KIP-914: DSL Processor Semantics for Versioned Stores 3.5.0
KIP-911: Add source tag to Mirror source metric 3.5.0
KIP-909: DNS Resolution Failure Should Not Fail the Client s TBD
KIP-907: Add Boolean Serde to public interface 3.5.0
KIP-906: Tools migration guidelines 3.5.0
KIP-904: Kafka Streams - Guarantee subtractor is called before adder if key has not changed 3.5.0
KIP-903: Replicas with stale broker epoch should not be allowed to join the ISR 3.5.0
KIP-902: Upgrade Zookeeper to 3.8.2 3.6.0
KIP-900: KRaft kafka-storage.sh API additions to support SCRAM for Kafka Brokers


KIP-899: Allow clients to rebootstrap


KIP-898: Modernize Connect plugin discovery 3.6.0
KIP-896: Remove old client protocol API versions in Kafka 4.0

3.7.0 - new metric & request log attribute

4.0.0 - actual removal

KIP-894: Use incrementalAlterConfig for syncing topic configurations 3.5.0
KIP-893: The Kafka protocol should support nullable structs 3.5.0
KIP-892: Transactional Semantics for StateStores

Accepted, targeting 4.0.0

KIP-890: Transactions Server-Side Defense part 1 - 3.7.0
part 2 - targeting 3.8.0
KIP-889: Versioned State Stores 3.5.0
KIP-887: Add ConfigProvider to make use of environment variables 3.5.0
KIP-884: Add config to configure KafkaClientSupplier in Kafka Streams 3.5.0
KIP-881: Rack-aware Partition Assignment for Kafka Consumers

3.4.0 (protocol)

3.5.0 (assignors)

KIP-878: Autoscaling for Stateless & Statically Partitioned Streams TBD
KIP-876: Time based cluster metadata snapshots 3.4.0
KIP-875: First-class offsets support in Kafka Connect

3.5.0 (STOPPED state, offsets read API)

3.6.0 (offsets alter/reset APIs)

KIP-872: Add Serializer#serializeToByteBuffer() to reduce memory copying Accepted
KIP-869: Improve Streams State Restoration Visibility 3.5.0 (partially implemented) / TDB
KIP-868 Metadata Transactions 3.6.0
KIP-866 ZooKeeper to KRaft Migration 3.4.0
KIP-865: Support --bootstrap-server in kafka-streams-application-reset 3.4.0
KIP-863: Reduce CompletedFetch#parseRecord() memory copy TBD
KIP-862: Self-join optimization for stream-stream joins 3.4.0
KIP-859: Add Metadata Log Processing Error Related Metrics 3.3.0
KIP-858: Handle JBOD broker disk failure in KRaft 3.7.0
KIP-854 Separate configuration for producer ID expiry 3.4.0
KIP-853: KRaft Controller Membership Changes Accepted. Targeting 3.8.0
KIP-852: Optimize calculation of size for log in remote tier Accepted. Targeting 3.6.0.
KIP-851: Add requireStable flag into ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions 3.3.0
KIP-848: The Next Generation of the Consumer Rebalance Protocol TBD
KIP-847: Add ProducerIdCount metrics 3.5.0
KIP-846: Source/sink node metrics for Consumed/Produced throughput in Streams 3.3.0
KIP-843: Adding addMetricIfAbsent method to Metrics 3.3.0
KIP-841: Fenced replicas should not be allowed to join the ISR in KRaft 3.3.0
KIP-840: Config file option for MessageReader/MessageFormatter in ConsoleProducer/ConsoleConsumer 3.4.0
KIP-837: Allow MultiCasting a Result Record. 3.4.0
KIP-836: Expose replication information of the cluster metadata 3.3.0
KIP-835: Monitor KRaft Controller Quorum Health 3.3.0
KIP-834: Pause / Resume KafkaStreams Topologies 3.3.0
KIP-833: Mark KRaft as Production Ready 3.3.0
KIP-831: Add metric for log recovery progress 3.3.0
KIP-830: Allow disabling JMX Reporter 3.4.0
KIP-827: Expose logdirs total and usable space via Kafka API 3.3.0
KIP-825: introduce a new API to control when aggregated results are produced 3.3.0
KIP-824: Allowing dumping segmentlogs limiting the batches in the output 3.3.0
KIP-821: Connect Transforms support for nested structures TBD
KIP-820: Extend KStream process with new Processor API 3.3.0
KIP-815: Support max-timestamp in GetOffsetShell 3.2.0
KIP-814: Static membership protocol should let the leader skip assignment 3.2.0
KIP-813: Shareable State Stores 3.8.0
KIP-812: Introduce another form of the `KafkaStreams.close()` API that forces the member to leave the consumer group 3.3.0
KIP-811: Add config repartition.purge.interval.ms to Kafka Streams 3.2.0

KIP-810: Allow producing records with null values in Kafka Console Producer

KIP-808: Add support for different unix precisions in TimestampConverter SMT 3.2.0
KIP-806: Add session and window query over kv-store in IQv2 3.2.0
KIP-805: Add range and scan query over kv-store in IQv2 3.2.0
KIP-801: Implement an Authorizer that stores metadata in __cluster_metadata 3.2.0
KIP-800: Add reason to JoinGroupRequest and LeaveGroupRequest 3.2.0
KIP-798: Add possibility to write kafka headers in Kafka Console Producer 3.2.0
KIP-797: Accept duplicate listener on port for IPv4/IPv6 3.6.0
KIP-796: Interactive Query v2 TBD
KIP-794: Strictly Uniform Sticky Partitioner 3.3.0
KIP-793: Allow sink connectors to be used with topic-mutating SMTs 3.6.0
KIP-792: Add "generation" field into consumer protocol 3.4.0
KIP-791: Add Record Metadata to StateStoreContext 3.2.0
KIP-788: Allow configuring num.network.threads per listener 3.2.0
KIP-787: MM2 manage Kafka resources with custom Admin implementation. 3.4.0
KIP-784: Add top-level error code field to DescribeLogDirsResponse 3.2.0
KIP-783: Add TaskId field to StreamsException 3.1.0
KIP-779: Allow Source Tasks to Handle Producer Exceptions 3.2.0
KIP-778: KRaft to KRaft Upgrades 3.3.0
KIP-775: Custom partitioners in foreign key joins 3.1.0
KIP-773: Differentiate consistently metric latency measured in millis and nanos 3.1.0
KIP 771: KRaft brokers without the "controller" role should not expose controller metrics 3.0.0
KIP-770: Replace "buffered.records.per.partition" with "input.buffer.max.bytes" Accepted, partially implemented in 3.4.0

KIP-769: Connect APIs to list all connector plugins and retrieve their configuration definitions

KIP-768: Extend SASL/OAUTHBEARER with Support for OIDC 3.1.0
KIP-766: fetch/findSessions queries with open endpoints for SessionStore/WindowStore 3.1.0
KIP-764: Configurable backlog size for creating Acceptor 3.2.0
KIP-763: Range Queries with Open Endpoints 3.1.0
KIP-761: Add Total Blocked Time Metric to Streams 3.1.0
KIP-751: Drop support for Scala 2.12 in Kafka 4.0 (deprecate in 3.0) 3.0.0 (deprecation notice), 4.0.0 (support withdrawal)
KIP-750: Drop support for Java 8 in Kafka 4.0 (deprecate in 3.0) 3.0.0 (deprecation notice), 4.0.0 (support withdrawal)
KIP-748: Add Broker Count Metrics 3.1.0
KIP-746: Revise KRaft Metadata Records 3.0.0
KIP-745: Connect API to restart connector and tasks 3.0.0
KIP-744: Migrate TaskMetadata and ThreadMetadata to an interface with internal implementation 3.0.0
KIP-743: Remove config value 0.10.0-2.4 of Streams built-in metrics version config 3.0.0
KIP-741: Change default serde to be null 3.0.0
KIP-740: Clean up public API in TaskId 3.0.0
KIP-738: Removal of Connect's internal converter properties 3.0.0
KIP-735: Increase default consumer session timeout 3.0.0
KIP-734: Improve AdminClient.listOffsets to return timestamp and offset for the record with the largest timestamp 3.0.0
KIP-733: change Kafka Streams default replication factor config 3.0.0
KIP-732: Deprecate eos-alpha and replace eos-beta with eos-v2 3.0.0
KIP-730: Producer ID generation in KRaft mode 3.0.0
KIP-726: Make the "cooperative-sticky, range" as the default assignor WIP
KIP-725: Streamlining configurations for WindowedSerializer and WindowedDeserializer. 3.0.0
KIP-724: Drop support for message formats v0 and v1

3.0.0 (deprecation)

4.0.0 (removal)

KIP-722: Enable connector client overrides by default 3.0.0
KIP-721: Enable connector log contexts in Connect Log4j configuration 3.0.0
KIP-720: Deprecate MirrorMaker v1 3.0.0
KIP-719: Deprecate Log4J Appender 3.8.0
KIP-716: Allow configuring the location of the offset-syncs topic with MirrorMaker2 3.0.0
KIP-715: Expose Committed offset in streams 3.0.0
KIP-714: Client metrics and observability 3.7.0
KIP-710: Full support for distributed mode in dedicated MirrorMaker 2.0 clusters 3.5.0
KIP-709: Extend OffsetFetch requests to accept multiple group ids. 3.3.0
KIP-708: Rack aware StandbyTask assignment for Kafka Streams 3.2.0
KIP-707: The future of KafkaFuture 3.0.0

KIP-704: Send a hint to the partition leader to recover the partition

KIP-700: Add Describe Cluster API 2.8.0

KIP-699: Update FindCoordinator to resolve multiple Coordinators at a time

KIP-698: Add Explicit User Initialization of Broker-side State to Kafka Streams WIP / inactive
KIP-696: Update Streams FSM to clarify ERROR state meaning 2.8.0
KIP-695: Further Improve Kafka Streams Timestamp Synchronization 3.0.0
KIP-691: Enhance Transactional Producer Exception Handling WIP / inactive
KIP-690: Add additional configuration to control MirrorMaker 2 internal topics naming convention 3.1.0
KIP-679: Producer will enable the strongest delivery guarantee by default 3.0.0
KIP-689: Extend `StreamJoined` to allow more store configs 2.8.0
KIP-684 - Support mutual TLS authentication on SASL_SSL listeners 2.8.0
KIP-680: TopologyTestDriver should not require a Properties argument 2.8.0
KIP-676: Respect logging hierarchy 2.8.0
KIP-673: Emit JSONs with new auto-generated schema 2.8.0
KIP-671: Introduce Kafka Streams Specific Uncaught Exception Handler 2.8.0
KIP-666: Add Instant-based methods to ReadOnlySessionStore 3.0.0
KIP-663: API to Start and Shut Down Stream Threads 2.8.0
KIP-662: Throw Exception when Source Topics of a Streams App are Deleted 2.7.0

KIP-661: Expose task configurations in Connect REST API

KIP-659: Improve TimeWindowedDeserializer and TimeWindowedSerde to handle window size 2.8.0
KIP-654: Aborted transaction with non-flushed data should throw a non-fatal exception 2.7.0
KIP-653: Upgrade log4j to log4j2 3.2.0 (WIP)
KIP-651 - Support PEM format for SSL certificates and private key 2.7.0
KIP-648 Renaming getter method for Interactive Queries 2.7.0
KIP-641 An new java interface to replace 'kafka.common.MessageReader' 3.5.0
KIP-635: GetOffsetShell: support for multiple topics and consumer configuration override 3.0
KIP-633: Deprecate 24-hour Default Grace Period for Windowed Operations in Streams 3.0.0
KIP-632: Add DirectoryConfigProvider 2.7.0
KIP-631: The Quorum-based Kafka Controller 2.8.0
KIP-630: Kafka Raft Snapshot 3.0.0
KIP-629: Use racially neutral terms in our codebase 3.0.0

KIP-627: Expose Trogdor-specific JMX Metrics for Tasks and Agents

KIP-626: Rename StreamsConfig config variable name 2.7.0
KIP-623: Add "internal-topics" option to streams application reset tool 3.0.0
KIP-622: Add currentSystemTimeMs and currentStreamTimeMs to ProcessorContext 3.0.0
KIP-621: Deprecate and replace DescribeLogDirsResult.all() and .values() 2.7.0
KIP-620 Deprecate ConsumerConfig#addDeserializerToConfig and ProducerConfig#addSerializerToConfig 2.7.0
KIP-618: Exactly-Once Support for Source Connectors

3.3.0 (almost everything)

3.2.0 (new admin client API)

KIP-617: Allow Kafka Streams State Stores to be iterated backwards 2.7.0
KIP-616: Rename implicit Serdes instances in kafka-streams-scala 2.7.0
KIP-614: Add Prefix Scan support for State Stores 2.8.0
KIP-613: Add end-to-end latency metrics to Streams 2.6.0 (INFO node-level metrics), remainder 2.7.0 (TRACE store-level metrics)
KIP-612: Ability to Limit Connection Creation Rate on Brokers 2.7.0 / 2.8.0
KIP-610: Error Reporting in Sink Connectors 2.6.0
KIP-608 - Expose Kafka Metrics in Authorizer WIP
KIP-607: Add Metrics to Kafka Streams to Report Properties of RocksDB 2.7.0
KIP-606: Add Metadata Context to MetricsReporter 2.6.0
KIP-605: Expand Connect Worker Internal Topic Settings 2.6.0
KIP-604: Remove ZooKeeper Flags from the Administrative Tools one part in 2.6.0, most parts scheduled for 3.0
KIP-602: Change default value for client.dns.lookup 2.6.0
KIP-601: Configurable socket connection timeout 2.7.0
KIP-599: Throttle Create Topic, Create Partition and Delete Topic Operations 2.7.0
KIP-597: MirrorMaker2 internal topics Formatters 2.7.0
KIP-594: Expose output topic names from TopologyTestDriver 2.6.0
KIP-591: Add Kafka Streams config to set default state store 3.2.0 (WIP)
KIP-590: Redirect Zookeeper Mutation Protocols to The Controller 2.8.0 (WIP)
KIP-589 Add API to update Replica state in Controller 2.8.0 (WIP)
KIP-588: Allow producers to recover gracefully from transaction timeouts 2.8.0 (WIP)
KIP-586: Deprecate commit records without record metadata 2.6.0
KIP-585: Filter and Conditional SMTs 2.6.0
KIP-584: Versioning scheme for features 2.7.0
KIP-581: Value of optional null field which has default value 3.5.0
KIP-580: Exponential Backoff for Kafka Clients 3.7.0
KIP-577: Allow HTTP Response Headers to be Configured for Kafka Connect 2.6.0
KIP-574: CLI Dynamic Configuration with file input 2.6.0
KIP-573: Enable TLSv1.3 by default 2.6.0
KIP-572: Improve timeouts and retries in Kafka Streams 2.8.0 (partially implemented in 2.7.0)
KIP-571: Add option to force remove members in StreamsResetter 2.6.0

KIP-570: Add leader epoch in StopReplicaRequest

KIP-569: DescribeConfigsResponse - Update the schema to include additional metadata information of the field 2.6.0
KIP-568: Explicit rebalance triggering on the Consumer 2.6.0
KIP-562: Allow fetching a key from a single partition rather than iterating over all the stores on an instance 2.5.0
KIP-559: Make the Kafka Protocol Friendlier with L7 Proxies 2.5.0
KIP-558: Track the set of actively used topics by connectors in Kafka Connect 2.5.0
KIP-557: Add emit on change support for Kafka Streams Implemented for KTable source nodes in 2.6.0, full implementation planned for subsequent releases.
KIP-555: Deprecate direct Zookeeper access in Kafka administrative tools 2.5.0
KIP-554: Add Broker-side SCRAM Config API 2.7.0
KIP-553: Disable all SSL protocols except TLSV1.2 by default. 2.5.0
KIP-551: Expose disk read and write metrics 2.6.0
KIP-546: Add Client Quota APIs to the Admin Client 2.6.0 (describe/alter), remainder pending (resolve)
KIP-545: support automated consumer offset sync across clusters in MM 2.0 2.7.0
KIP-544: Make metrics exposed via JMX configurable 2.5.0
KIP-543: Expand ConfigCommand's non-ZK functionality 2.5.0
KIP-541: Create a fetch.max.bytes configuration for the broker 2.5.0
KIP-538: Add a metric tracking the number of open connections with a given SSL cipher type 2.5.0
KIP-537: Increase default zookeeper session timeou t 2.5.0
KIP-535: Allow state stores to serve stale reads during rebalance 2.5.0
KIP-534: Reorganize checkpoint system in log cleaner to per partition 3.1.0
KIP-533: Add default api timeout to AdminClient 2.5.0

KIP-532: Broker Consumer Lag metrics in size and time

WIP / inactive
KIP-531: Drop support for Scala 2.11 in Kafka 2.5 Initial version in 2.5.0, remainder in later release (WIP)
KIP-530: Consider renaming 'UsePreviousTimeOnInvalidTimeStamp' class to 'UsePartitionTimeOnInvalidTimeStamp' 2.5.0
KIP-528: Deprecate PartitionGrouper configuration and interface 2.4.0
KIP-527: Add VoidSerde to Serdes 2.5.0
KIP-526: Reduce Producer Metadata Lookups for Large Number of Topics 2.5.0
KIP-525 - Return topic metadata and configs in CreateTopics response 2.4.0
KIP-524: Allow users to choose config source when describing configs 2.5.0
KIP-523: Add KStream#toTable to the Streams DSL 2.5.0
KIP-521: Enable redirection of Connect's log4j messages to a file by default 2.4.0
KIP-519: Make SSL context/engine configuration extensible 2.6.0
KIP-518: Allow listing consumer groups per state 2.6.0
KIP-517: Add consumer metrics to observe user poll behavior 2.4.0
KIP-516: Topic Identifiers & Topic Deletion State Improvements Some in 2.8.0, remainder WIP
KIP-515: Enable ZK client to use the new TLS supported authentication 2.5.0
KIP-514:Add a bounded flush() API to Kafka Producer 2.5.0
KIP-511: Collect and Expose Client's Name and Version in the Brokers 2.4.0 (protocol) / 2.5.0 (metric)
KIP-507: Securing Internal Connect REST Endpoints 2.4.0
KIP-504 - Add new Java Authorizer Interface 2.4.0
KIP-503: Add metric for number of topics marked for deletion 2.4.0
KIP-501: Avoid out-of-sync or offline partitions when follower fetch requests not processed in time WIP
KIP-500: Replace ZooKeeper with a Self-Managed Metadata Quorum
KIP-499 - Unify connection name flag for command line tool 2.5.0
KIP-497: Add inter-broker API to alter ISR 2.7.0
KIP-496: Administrative API to delete consumer offsets 2.4.0
KIP-495: Dynamically Adjust Log Levels in Connect 2.4.0
KIP-492: Add java security providers in Kafka Security config 2.4.0
KIP-488: Clean up Sum,Count,Total Metrics 2.4.0
KIP-484: Expose metrics for group and transaction metadata loading duration 2.4.0
KIP-482: The Kafka Protocol should Support Optional Tagged Fields 2.4.0
KIP-481: SerDe Improvements for Connect Decimal type in JSON 2.4.0
KIP-480: Sticky Partitioner 2.4.0
KIP-479: Add StreamJoined config object to Join 2.4.0
KIP-478 - Strongly typed Processor API


KIP-477: Add PATCH method for connector config in Connect REST API

3.8.0 (WIP)

KIP-476: Add Java AdminClient Interface 2.4.0
KIP-475: New Metrics to Measure Number of Tasks on a Connector 2.4.0
KIP-474: To deprecate WindowStore#put(key, value) 2.4.0
KIP-471: Expose RocksDB Metrics in Kafka Streams

2.4.0 (metrics blocked due to RocksDB version added in 3.2.0)

KIP-470: TopologyTestDriver test input and output usability improvements 2.4.0
KIP-467: Augment ProduceResponse error messaging for specific culprit records 2.4.0 (partially implemented) / 2.5.0
KIP-466: Add support for List<T> serialization and deserialization 3.0.0
KIP-465: Add Consolidated Connector Endpoint to Connect REST API 2.3.0
KIP-464: Defaults for AdminClient#createTopic 2.4.0
KIP-462: Use local thread id for KStreams 2.3.0
KIP-461: Improve Replica Fetcher behavior at handling partition failure 2.3.0
KIP-460: Admin Leader Election RPC 2.4.0
KIP-458: Connector Client Config Override Policy 2.3.0
KIP-455: Create an Administrative API for Replica Reassignment 2.4.0 (API/broker logic)
2.5.0 (tools changes)
KIP-454: Expansion of the ConnectClusterState interface 2.3.0
KIP-453: Add close() method to RocksDBConfigSetter 2.3.0
KIP-450: Sliding Window Aggregations in the DSL 2.7.0
KIP-449: Add connector contexts to log messages in Connect workers 2.3.0
KIP-447: Producer scalability for exactly once semantics 2.5.0  (broker, consumer, producer changes implemented) / 2.6.0
KIP-446: Add changelog topic configuration to KTable suppress 2.6.0
KIP-445: In-memory Session Store 2.3.0
KIP-444: Augment metrics for Kafka Streams 2.4.0 (partially implemented) / 2.5.0 (partially implemented) / 2.6.0

KIP-443: Return to default segment.ms and segment.index.bytes in Streams repartition topics

KIP-442: Return to default max poll interval in Streams 2.3.0
KIP-441: Smooth Scaling Out for Kafka Streams 2.6.0
KIP-440: Extend Connect Converter to support headers 2.4.0
KIP-437: Custom replacement for MaskField SMT 2.6.0
KIP-436: Add a metric indicating start time 2.3.0
KIP-434: Add Replica Fetcher and Log Cleaner Count Metrics 2.4.0
KIP-431: Support of printing additional ConsumerRecord fields in DefaultMessageFormatter 2.7.0
KIP-430 - Return Authorized Operations in Describe Responses 2.3.0
KIP-429: Kafka Consumer Incremental Rebalance Protocol 2.4.0
KIP-428: Add in-memory window store 2.3.0
KIP-427: Add AtMinIsr topic partition category (new metric & TopicCommand option) 2.3.0
KIP-425: Add some Log4J Kafka Appender Properties for Producing to Secured Brokers 2.3.0
KIP-421 : Support resolving externalized secrets in AbstractConfig 2.3.0
KIP-420: Add Single Value Fetch in Session Stores 2.2.0
KIP-418: A method-chaining way to branch KStream 2.8.0
KIP-417: Allow JmxTool to connect to a secured RMI port 2.3.0
KIP-415: Incremental Cooperative Rebalancing in Kafka Connect 2.3.0
KIP-414: Expose Embedded ClientIds in Kafka Streams 2.2.0
KIP-412: Extend Admin API to support dynamic application log levels 2.4.0

KIP-411: Make default Kafka Connect worker task client IDs distinct

KIP-405: Kafka Tiered Storage Accepted
KIP-402: Improve fairness in SocketServer processors 2.2.0 (partially implemented) / 2.3.0
KIP-401: TransformerSupplier/ProcessorSupplier StateStore connecting 2.6.0
KIP-399: Extend ProductionExceptionHandler to cover serialization exceptions 3.5.0
KIP-396: Add Commit/List Offsets Operations to AdminClient 2.5.0
KIP-394: Require member.id for initial join group request 2.2.0
KIP-393: Time windowed serde to properly deserialize changelog input topic 2.2.0
KIP-392: Allow consumers to fetch from closest replica 2.4.0
KIP-390: Support Compression Level 3.8.0
KIP-389: Introduce a configurable consumer group size limit 2.2.0
KIP-386: Standardize on Min/Avg/Max metrics' default value 2.2.0
KIP-382: MirrorMaker 2.0 2.4.0

KIP-379: Multiple Consumer Group Management

KIP-380: Detect outdated control requests and bounced brokers using broker generation 2.2.0
KIP-377: TopicCommand to use AdminClient 2.2.0
KIP-376: Implement AutoClosable on appropriate classes that want to be used in a try-with-resource statement 2.2.0
KIP-374: Add '--help' option to all available Kafka CLI commands 2.2.0
KIP-373: Allow users to create delegation tokens for other users 3.3.0
KIP-372: Naming Repartition Topics for Joins and Grouping 2.1.0
KIP-371: Add a configuration to build custom SSL principal name 2.2.0
KIP-369: Alternative Partitioner to Support "Always Round-Robin" Selection 2.4.0
KIP 368: Allow SASL Connections to Periodically Re-Authenticate 2.2.0
KIP-367 Introduce close(Duration) to Producer and AdminClient instead of close(long, TimeUnit) 2.2.0
KIP-366: Make FunctionConversions deprecated 2.1.0
KIP-365: Materialized, Serialized, Joined, Consumed and Produced with implicit Serde 2.1.0
K IP-361: Add Consumer Configuration to Disable Auto Topic Creation 2.3.0
KIP-360: Improve reliability of idempotent/transactional producer 2.4.0 (partially implemented) / 2.5.0
KIP-359: Verify leader epoch in produce requests 2.8.0 (WIP)
KIP-358: Migrate Streams API to Duration instead of long ms times 2.1.0
KIP-357: Add support to list ACLs per principal 2.1.0
KIP-356: Add withCachingDisabled() to StoreBuilder 2.1.0
KIP-354: Add a Maximum Log Compaction Lag 2.3.0
KIP-353: Improve Kafka Streams Timestamp Synchronization 2.1.0
KIP-352: Distinguish URPs caused by reassignment 2.5.0
KIP-351: Add --under-min-isr option to describe topics command 2.3.0
KIP-346: Improve LogCleaner behavior on error 2.1.0
KIP-345: Introduce static membership protocol to reduce consumer rebalances 2.4.0
KIP-342 Add support for custom SASL extensions in OAuthBearer authentication 2.1.0
KIP-341: Update Sticky Assignor's User Data Protocol 2.3.0
KIP-340: Allow kafka-reassign-partitions.sh and kafka-log-dirs.sh to take admin client property file 2.1.0
KIP-339: Create a new IncrementalAlterConfigs API 2.3.0
KIP-338 Support to exclude the internal topics in kafka-topics.sh command 2.1.0
KIP-336: Consolidate ExtendedSerializer/Serializer and ExtendedDeserializer/Deserializer 2.1.0
KIP-332: Update AclCommand to use AdminClient API 2.1.0
KIP-331 Add default implementation to close() and configure() for Serializer, Deserializer and Serde 2.3.0
KIP-330: Add retentionPeriod in SessionBytesStoreSupplier 2.1.0
KIP-328: Ability to suppress updates for KTables 2.1.0 (partially implemented; inactive)
KIP-324: Add method to get metrics() in AdminClient 2.1.0
KIP-322: Return new error code for DeleteTopics API when topic deletion disabled. 2.1.0
KIP-321: Update TopologyDescription to better represent Source and Sink Nodes 2.1.0
KIP-320: Allow fetchers to detect and handle log truncation 2.1.0 (partially implemented).  full implementation in 2.4.0
KIP-319: Replace segments with segmentInterval in WindowBytesStoreSupplier 2.1.0
KIP-313: Add KStream.flatTransform and KStream.flatTransformValues

2.2.0 (partially implemented)

/ 2.3.0

KIP-312 Add Overloaded StreamsBuilder Build Method to Accept java.util.Properties 2.1.0
KIP-309: Add toUpperCase support to sasl.kerberos.principal.to.local rule 2.4.0
KIP-308: Support dynamic update of max.connections.per.ip/max.connections.per.ip.overrides 2.1.0
KIP-307: Allow to define custom processor names with KStreams DSL 2.3.0 (partially implemented) / 2.4.0
KIP-306: Configuration for Delaying Response to Failed Authentication 2.1.0
KIP-305: Add Connect primitive number converters 2.0.0
KIP-303: Add Dynamic Routing in Streams Sink 2.0.0
KIP-302 - Enable Kafka clients to use all DNS resolved IP addresses 2.1.0
KIP-300: Add Windowed KTable API in StreamsBuilder not implemented; inactive
KIP-298: Error Handling in Connect 2.0.0
KIP-297: Externalizing Secrets for Connect Configurations 2.0.0
KIP-295 Add Streams Configuration Allowing for Optional Topology Optimization 2.0.0
KIP-294 - Enable TLS hostname verification by default 2.0.0

KIP-291: Separating controller connections and requests from the data plane

KIP-292: Add transformValues() method to KTable 2.0.0
KIP-290: Support for Prefixed ACLs 2.0.0
KIP-289: Improve the default group id behavior in KafkaConsumer 2.2.0
KIP-285: Connect Rest Extension Plugin 2.0.0
KIP-284: Set default retention ms for Streams repartition topics to Long.MAX_VALUE 2.0.0
KIP-283: Efficient Memory Usage for Down-Conversion 2.0.0
KIP-282: Add the listener name to the authentication context 2.0.0
KIP-281: ConsumerPerformance: Increase Polling Loop Timeout and Make It Reachable by the End User 2.0.0
KIP-280: Enhanced log compaction WIP
KIP-279: Fix log divergence between leader and follower after fast leader fail over 2.0.0
KIP-278 - Add version option to Kafka's commands 2.0.0
KIP-277 - Fine Grained ACL for CreateTopics API 2.0.0
KIP-276 - Add StreamsConfig prefix for different consumers 2.0.0
KIP-274: Kafka Streams Skipped Records Metrics 2.0.0
KIP-272: Add API version tag to broker's RequestsPerSec metric 2.0.0
KIP-270 - A Scala Wrapper Library for Kafka Streams 2.0.0
KIP-268: Simplify Kafka Streams Rebalance Metadata Upgrade 2.0.0
KIP-267: Add Processor Unit Test Support to Kafka Streams Test Utils 2.0.0
KIP-266: Fix consumer indefinite blocking behavior 2.0.0
KIP-265: Make Windowed Serde to public APIs 2.0.0
KIP-261: Add Single Value Fetch in Window Stores 2.0.0
KIP-258: Allow to Store Record Timestamps in RocksDB 2.3.0 (partially implemented; inactive)
KIP-257 - Configurable Quota Management 2.0.0
KIP-255: OAuth Authentication via SASL/OAUTHBEARER 2.0.0
KIP-251: Allow timestamp manipulation in Processor API 2.0.0
KIP-249: Add Delegation Token Operations to KafkaAdminClient 2.0.0
KIP-247: Add public test utils for Kafka Streams 1.1.0
KIP-245: Use Properties instead of StreamsConfig in KafkaStreams constructor 2.0.0
KIP-244: Add Record Header support to Kafka Streams Processor API 2.0.0
KIP-243: Make ProducerConfig and ConsumerConfig constructors public 1.1.0
KIP-239 Add queryableStoreName() to GlobalKTable 1.1.0
KIP-238: Expose Kafka cluster ID in Connect REST API 1.1.0
KIP-237: More Controller Health Metrics 2.0.0
KIP-235: Add DNS alias support for secured connection 2.1.0
KIP-233: Simplify StreamsBuilder#addGlobalStore 1.1.0
KIP-231: Improve the Required ACL of ListGroups API 2.1.0
KIP-229: DeleteGroups API 1.1.0
KIP-227 - Introduce Incremental FetchRequests to Increase Partition Scalability 1.1.0
KIP-226 - Dynamic Broker Configuration 1.1.0
KIP-225 - Use tags for consumer “records.lag” metrics 1.1.0
KIP-224: Add configuration parameter `retries` to Streams API 1.1.0
KIP-223 - Add per-topic min lead and per-partition lead metrics to KafkaConsumer 2.0.0
KIP-222 - Add Consumer Group operations to Admin API 2.0.0
KIP-221: Enhance DSL with Connecting Topic Creation and Repartition Hint 2.6.0
KIP-220: Add AdminClient into Kafka Streams' ClientSupplier 1.1.0
KIP-219: Improve quota communication 2.0.0
KIP-218: Make KafkaFuture.Function java 8 lambda compatible 1.1.0
KIP-216: IQ should throw different exceptions for different errors 2.8.0 (WIP)
KIP-215: Add topic regex support for Connect sinks 1.1.0
KIP-214: Add zookeeper.max.in.flight.requests config to the broker 1.1.0
KIP-213 Support non-key joining in KTable 2.4.0
KIP-212: Enforce set of legal characters for connector names 1.1.0
KIP-211: Revise Expiration Semantics of Consumer Group Offsets 2.1.0
KIP-210 - Provide for custom error handling when Kafka Streams fails to produce 1.1.0
KIP-208: Add SSL support to Kafka Connect REST interface 1.1.0
KIP-207: Offsets returned by ListOffsetsResponse should be monotonically increasing even during a partition leader change 2.2.0
KIP-206: Add support for UUID serialization and deserialization 2.1.0
KIP-205: Add all() and range() API to ReadOnlyWindowStore 1.1.0
KIP-204 : Adding records deletion operation to the new Admin Client API 1.1.0
KIP-203: Add toLowerCase support to sasl.kerberos.principal.to.local rule 1.1.0
KIP-202: Move merge() from StreamsBuilder to KStream 1.0.0
KIP-198: Remove ZK dependency from Streams Reset Tool 1.0.0
KIP-197 Connect REST API should include the connector type when describing a connector 1.0.0
KIP-196: Add metrics to Kafka Connect framework 1.0.0
KIP-195: AdminClient.createPartitions 1.0.0
KIP-192 : Provide cleaner semantics when idempotence is enabled 1.0.0
KIP-191: KafkaConsumer.subscribe() overload that takes just Pattern 1.0.0
KIP-190: Handle client-ids consistently between clients and brokers 1.0.0
KIP-189: Improve principal builder interface and add support for SASL 1.0.0
KIP-188 - Add new metrics to support health checks 1.0.0
KIP-187 - Add cumulative count metric for all Kafka rate metrics 1.0.0
KIP-186: Increase offsets retention default to 7 days 2.0.0
KIP-183 - Change PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionCommand to use AdminClient 2.2.0
KIP-182: Reduce Streams DSL overloads and allow easier use of custom storage engines 1.0.0
KIP-180: Add a broker metric specifying the number of consumer group rebalances in progress 1.1.0
KIP-177: Consumer perf tool should count rebalance time 1.0.0
KIP-176: Remove deprecated new-consumer option for tools 2.0.0
KIP-175: Additional '--describe' views for ConsumerGroupCommand 1.1.0
KIP-174 - Deprecate and remove internal converter configs in WorkerConfig 2.0.0
KIP-173: Add prefix to StreamsConfig to enable setting default internal topic configs 1.0.0
KIP-171 - Extend Consumer Group Reset Offset for Stream Application 1.1.0
KIP-168: Add GlobalTopicCount and GlobalPartitionCount metric per cluster 1.0.0
KIP-167: Add interface for the state store restoration process 1.0.0

KIP-164 - Add UnderMinIsrPartitionCount and per-partition UnderMinIsr metrics


KIP-163: Lower the Minimum Required ACL Permission of OffsetFetch

KIP-162: Enable topic deletion by default 1.0.0
KIP-161: streams deserialization exception handlers 1.0.0
KIP-160: Augment KStream.print(), KStream.writeAsText() to allow users pass in extra parameters in the printed string 1.0.0
KIP-158: Kafka Connect should allow source connectors to set topic-specific settings for new topics 2.6.0
KIP-157 - Add consumer config options to streams reset tool 1.0.0
KIP-156 Add option "dry run" to Streams application reset tool
KIP-155 - Add range scan for windowed state stores
KIP-154 Add Kafka Connect configuration properties for creating internal topics
KIP-153: Include only client traffic in BytesOutPerSec metric
KIP-152 - Improve diagnostics for SASL authentication failures 1.0.0
KIP-151 Expose Connector type in REST API
KIP-150 - Kafka-Streams Cogroup 2.5.0
KIP-149: Enabling key access in ValueTransformer, ValueMapper, and ValueJoiner 1.1.0 (partially implemented; inactive)
KIP-146 - Classloading Isolation in Connect

KIP-145 - Expose Record Headers in Kafka Connect 1.1.0
KIP-144: Exponential backoff for broker reconnect attempts
KIP-143: Controller Health Metrics
KIP-140: Add administrative RPCs for adding, deleting, and listing ACLs
KIP-138: Change punctuate semantics 1.0.0
KIP-137: Enhance TopicCommand --describe to show topics marked for deletion
KIP-136: Add Listener name to SelectorMetrics tags
KIP-134: Delay initial consumer group rebalance
KIP-133: Describe and Alter Configs Admin APIs
KIP-131 - Add access to OffsetStorageReader from SourceConnector 2.6.0
KIP-130: Expose states of active tasks to KafkaStreams public API 1.0.0
KIP-129: Streams Exactly-Once Semantics
KIP-128: Add ByteArrayConverter for Kafka Connect
KIP-126 - Allow KafkaProducer to split and resend oversized batches.
KIP-124 - Request rate quotas
KIP-123: Allow per stream/table timestamp extractor
KIP-122: Add Reset Consumer Group Offsets tooling
KIP-121: Add KStream peek method

KIP-120: Cleanup Kafka Streams builder API 1.0.0
KIP-119: Drop Support for Scala 2.10 in Kafka 0.11
KIP-118: Drop Support for Java 7 2.0.0
KIP-117: Add a public AdminClient API for Kafka admin operations
KIP-115: Enforce offsets.topic.replication.factor upon __consumer_offsets auto topic creation
KIP-114: KTable state stores and improved semantics
KIP-113: Support replicas movement between log directories 1.1.0
KIP-112: Handle disk failure for JBOD 1.0.0
KIP-110: Add Codec for ZStandard Compression 2.1.0
KIP-109: Old Consumer Deprecation
KIP-108: Create Topic Policy
KIP-107: Add deleteRecordsBefore() API in AdminClient

KIP-106 - Change Default unclean.leader.election.enabled from True to False
KIP-105: Addition of Record Level for Sensors
KIP-104: Granular Sensors for Streams
KIP-103: Separation of Internal and External traffic
KIP-102 - Add close with timeout for consumers
KIP-101 - Alter Replication Protocol to use Leader Epoch rather than High Watermark for Truncation
KIP-100 - Relax Type constraints in Kafka Streams API
KIP-99: Add Global Tables to Kafka Streams
KIP-98 - Exactly Once Delivery and Transactional Messaging
KIP-97: Improved Kafka Client RPC Compatibility Policy
KIP-96 - Add per partition metrics for in-sync and assigned replica count
KIP-94 Session Windows
KIP-93: Improve invalid timestamp handling in Kafka Streams
KIP-92 - Add per partition lag metrics to KafkaConsumer
KIP-91 Provide Intuitive User Timeouts in The Producer 2.1.0
KIP-90 - Remove zkClient dependency from Streams
KIP-89: Allow sink connectors to decouple flush and offset commit
KIP-88: OffsetFetch Protocol Update
KIP-86: Configurable SASL callback handlers 2.0.0
KIP-85: Dynamic JAAS configuration for Kafka clients
KIP-84: Support SASL SCRAM mechanisms
KIP-82 - Add Record Headers
KIP-81: Bound Fetch memory usage in the consumer 2.8.0 (WIP)
KIP-79 - ListOffsetRequest/ListOffsetResponse v1 and add timestamp search methods to the new consumer
KIP-78: Cluster Id
KIP-77: Improve Kafka Streams Join Semantics
KIP-75 - Add per-connector Converters
KIP-74: Add Fetch Response Size Limit in Bytes
KIP-73: Replication Quotas
KIP-72: Allow putting a bound on memory consumed by Incoming request 1.0.0
KIP-71: Enable log compaction and deletion to co-exist
KIP-70: Revise Partition Assignment Semantics on New Consumer's Subscription Change
KIP-67: Queryable state for Kafka Streams
KIP-66: Single Message Transforms for Kafka Connect /
KIP-65: Expose timestamps to Connect
KIP-63: Unify store and downstream caching in streams
KIP-62: Allow consumer to send heartbeats from a background thread
KIP-60 - Make Java client classloading more flexible
KIP-58 - Make Log Compaction Point Configurable
KIP-57 - Interoperable LZ4 Framing
KIP-56: Allow cross origin HTTP requests on all HTTP methods
KIP-55: Secure Quotas for Authenticated Users
KIP-54: Sticky Partition Assignment Strategy
KIP-52: Connector Control APIs
KIP-51 - List Connectors REST API
KIP-48 Delegation token support for Kafka 1.1.0
KIP-45 - Standardize all client sequence interaction on j.u.Collection.
KIP-43: Kafka SASL enhancements
KIP-42: Add Producer and Consumer Interceptors
KIP-41: Consumer Max Records
KIP-40: ListGroups and DescribeGroup
KIP-38: ZooKeeper Authentication
KIP-36 - Rack aware replica assignment
KIP-35 - Retrieving protocol version
KIP-33 - Add a time based log index
KIP-32 - Add timestamps to Kafka message
KIP-31 - Move to relative offsets in compressed message sets
KIP-28 - Add a processor client
KIP-26 - Add Kafka Connect framework for data import/export
KIP-25 - System test improvements
KIP-22 - Expose a Partitioner interface in the new producer
KIP-21 - Dynamic Configuration (WIP)
KIP-20 Enable log preallocate to improve consume performance under windows and some old Linux file system
KIP-19 - Add a request timeout to NetworkClient
KIP-16 - Automated Replica Lag Tuning
KIP-15 - Add a close method with a timeout in the producer
KIP-13 - Quota Design
KIP-12 - Kafka Sasl/Kerberos and SSL implementation
KIP-11 - Kafka Authorizer design
KIP-8 - Add a flush method to the producer API
KIP-4 - Metadata Protocol Changes
KIP-4 - Command line and centralized administrative operations,,
KIP-3 - Mirror Maker Enhancement
KIP-2 - Refactor brokers to allow listening on multiple ports and IPs
KIP-1 - Remove support of request.required.acks

KIPs under discussion

Please insert new rows in sorted order (ascending by KIP number). Please move the adopted/accepted KIPs to the "Adopted KIPs" table above.

KIP Comment
KIP-59: Proposal for a kafka broker command Sent emails to Dev discussion group. Work tracked under KAFKA-3663 .
KIP-125: ZookeeperConsumerConnector to KafkaConsumer Migration and Rollback
KIP-135 : Send of null key to a compacted topic should throw non-retriable error back to user
KIP 141 - ProducerRecord & SourceRecord: Add timestamp constructors
KIP-142: Add ListTopicsRequest to efficiently list all the topics in a cluster
KIP-148: Add a connect timeout for client
KIP-166 - Add a tool to make amounts of replicas and leaders on brokers balanced
KIP-169 - Lag-Aware Partition Assignment Strategy
KIP-178: Size-based log directory selection strategy

KIP-185: Make exactly once in order delivery the default producer setting

KIP-193: Add SchemaBuilder.from(Schema)
KIP-201: Rationalising Policy interfaces

KIP-209 - Connection String Support

KIP-217: Expose a timeout to allow an expired ZK session to be re-created
KIP-228 Negative record timestamp support Voting in progress
KIP-234: add support for getting topic defaults from AdminClient
KIP-236: Interruptible Partition Reassignment Discussion
KIP-240: AdminClient.listReassignments() AdminClient.describeReassignments()
KIP-242: Mask password in Kafka Connect Rest API response
KIP-250 Add Support for Quorum-based Producer Acknowledgment
KIP-252 - Extend ACLs to allow filtering based on ip ranges and subnets
KIP-253: Support in-order message delivery with partition expansion Discussion
KIP-254: JsonConverter Exception Handeling
KIP-264: Add a consumer metric to record raw fetch size Voting in progress
KIP-271: Add NetworkClient redirector Discussion
KIP-273: Kafka to support using ETCD beside Zookeeper Discussion
KIP-293 Add new metrics for consumer/replication fetch requests Voting in progress
KIP-296: Add connector level configurability for producer/consumer client configs Discussion
KIP-301: Schema Inferencing for JsonConverter Discussion
KIP-304: Connect runtime mode improvements for container platforms Discussion
KIP-315: Stream Join Sticky Assignor Discussion
KIP-316: Command-line overrides for ConnectDistributed worker properties Discussion
KIP-317: Add end-to-end data encryption functionality to Apache Kafka Discussion
KIP-325: Extend Consumer Group Command to Show Beginning Offsets Voting in Progress345
KIP-333: Add faster mode of rebalancing Discussion
KIP-334 - Include partitions in exceptions raised during consumer record deserialization/validation
KIP-348 Eliminate null from SourceTask#poll()
KIP-350: Allow kafka-topics.sh to take brokerid as parameter to show partitions associated with it
KIP-356: Add KafkaConsumer fetch-error-rate and fetch-error-total metrics Discussion
KIP-363: Allow performance tools to print final results to output file Discussion
KIP-370: Remove Orphan Partitions Discussion
KIP-375: Kafka Clients - make Metadata#TOPIC_EXPIRY_MS configurable Discussion
KIP-381: Connect: Tell about records that had their offsets flushed in callback

Voting in progress (restarted 18th January 2019, due to no votes in first attempt)

KIP-384: Add config for incompatible changes to persistent metadata Discussion
KIP-385: Avoid throwing away prefetched data Discussion
KIP-387: Fair Message Consumption Across Partitions in KafkaConsumer


KIP-388: Add observer interface to record request and response Discussion
KIP-395: Encypt-then-MAC Delegation token metadata
KIP-400: Improve exit status in case of errors in ConsoleProducer Discussion
KIP-403: Increase ProducerPerformance precision by using nanoTime Draft
KIP-406: GlobalStreamThread should honor custom offset policy. Blocked
KIP-407: Kafka Connect support override worker kafka api configuration with connector configuration that post by rest api

KIP-409: Allow creating under-replicated topics and partitions

KIP-410: Add metric for request handler thread pool utilization by request type

KIP-416: Notify SourceTask of ACK'd offsets, metadata Discussion
KIP-423: Add JoinReason to Consumer Join Group Protocol


KIP-424: Allow suppression of intermediate events based on wall clock time Discussion
KIP-426: Persist Broker Id to Zookeeper Discussion
KIP-435: Internal Partition Reassignment Batching Discussion
KIP-438: Expose task, connector IDs in Connect API Discussion
KIP-439: Cleanup built-in Store interfaces Discussion
KIP-448: Add State Stores Unit Test Support to Kafka Streams Test Utils Discussion
KIP-452: Tool to view cluster status Discussion, JIRA exists
KIP-468: Avoid decompression of record when validate record at server in the scene of inPlaceAssignment . Under discussion
KIP-473: Enable KafkaLog4JAppender to use SASL Authentication Callback Handlers Under Discussion
KIP-487: Automatic Topic Creation on Producer Under Discussion
KIP-489: Kafka Consumer Record Latency Metric Under Discussion
KIP-490: New metric to count offsets expired without being consumed by a consumer group Under discussion
KIP-491: Preferred Leader Deprioritized List (Temporary Blacklist) Under discussion
KIP-494: Connect REST Endpoint to get Transformations (SMTs)
KIP-498: Add client-side configuration for maximum response size to protect against OOM Sent emails to Dev discussion group. Work tracked under KAFKA-4090 .
KIP-502: Connect SinkTask.put(...) to specify ArrayList<SinkRecord> in Signature
KIP-505: Add new public method to only update assignment metadata in consumer Under discussion
KIP-506: Allow setting SCRAM password via Admin interface Under discussion
KIP-508: Make Suppression State Queriable Under discussion
KIP-509: Rebalance and restart Producers Under discussion
KIP-510: Metrics library upgrade Under discussion
KIP-512: Adding headers to RecordMetaData Sent mail to dev discussion group
KIP-513: Distinguish between Key and Value serdes in scala wrapper library for kafka streams Sent mail to dev discussion group
KIP-536: Propagate broker start time to Admin API Under discussion
KIP-539: Add mechanism to flush records out in low volume suppression buffers Under discussion.
KIP-540: Implement per key stream time tracking Draft (In Progress)
KIP-542: Partition Reassignment Throttling Draft
KIP-547: Extend ConsumerInterceptor to allow modification of Consumer Commits Under Discussion
KIP-548 Add Option to enforce rack-aware custom partition reassignment execution Under Discussion
KIP-549: Surface Consumer's Metadata in KafkaAdminClient#describeConsumerGroups Under Discussion
KIP-550: Mechanism to Delete Stray Partitions on Broker Draft
KIP-552: Suppress "unused config" warning

Under Discussion

KIP-560: Auto infer external topic partitions in stream reset tool

Under Discussion

KIP-561: Regex Support for ConsumerGroupCommand

Under Discussion
KIP-563: Add 'tail -n' feature for ConsoleConsumer Under Discussion
KIP-564: Add new cached authorizer:change the dim of cache Under Discussion
KIP-565: Using AclCommand,avoid call the global method loadcache in SimpleAclAuthorizer Under Discussion
KIP-566: Add rebalance callbacks to ConsumerInterceptor Under Discussion
KIP-567: Kafka Cluster Audit

Under Discussion

KIP-575: build a Kafka-Exporter by Java Under Discussion
KIP-576: Support dynamic update of more broker configs related to replication Under Discussion
KIP-578: Add configuration to limit number of partitions Voting
KIP-579: new exception on min.insync.replicas > replication.factor Voting in progress
KIP-582: Add a "continue" option for Kafka Connect error handling Under Discussion
KIP-583: add tag "partition" to BrokerTopicMetrics so as to observe the partition metrics on the same broker Under Discussion
KIP-587: Suppress detailed responses for handled exceptions in security-sensitive environments Under Discussion
KIP-592: Replicate mirrormaker topics from earliest Under Discussion
KIP-595: A Raft Protocol for the Metadata Quorum Under Discussion
KIP-596: Safely abort Producer transactions during application shutdown Under Discussion
KIP-598: Augment TopologyDescription with store and source / sink serde information Under Discussion
KIP-619: Add internal topic creation support Under Discussion
KIP-625: Richer encodings for integral-typed protocol fields Under Discussion

KIP-628: ConsumerPerformance's multi-thread implementation

Sent email to Dev discussion group. Work tracked under KAFKA-10136 .
KIP-636: Make RPC error codes and messages tagged fields Under Discussion
KIP-637: Include min.insync.replicas in MetadataResponse to make Producer smarter in partitioning events Draft
KIP-639: Move nodeLevelSensor and storeLevelSensor methods from StreamsMetricsImpl to StreamsMetrics Under Discussion
KIP-640: Add log compression analysis tool Under Discussion
KIP-649: Dynamic client configuration Under Discussion
KIP-655: Windowed Distinct Operation for Kafka Streams API Under Discussion
KIP-656: MirrorMaker2 Exactly-once Semantics Draft
KIP-665: Kafka Connect Hash SMT

Voting in progress

KIP-668: Expose REST endpoint to list converter plugins Under Discussion
KIP-669 Preserve Source Partition in Kafka Streams from context Draft

KIP-674: API to Aggregate Metrics in Kafka Streams

Under Discussion

KIP-675: Convert a KTable to a KStream using the previous value Under Discussion
KIP-678: New Kafka Connect SMT for plainText => struct with Regex Voting
KIP-681: Rename master key in delegation token feature Draft
KIP-682: Connect TimestampConverter support for multiple fields and multiple input formats Under Discussion
KIP-683: Add recursive support to Connect Cast and ReplaceField transforms, and support for casting complex types to either a native or JSON string Under Discussion
KIP-685: Loosen permission for listing reassignments Under Discussion
KIP-686: API to ensure Records policy on the broker Under Discussion
KIP-687: Automatic Reloading of Security Store Under Discussion
KIP-688: Support dynamic update of delete.topic.enable config

Under Discussion

KIP-692: Make AdminClient value object constructors public Under discussion

KIP-693: Client-side Circuit Breaker for Partition Write Errors

Voting in progress

KIP-694: Support Reducing Partitions for Topics

Under Discussion
KIP-697: Stricter parsing of addresses in configs Under Discussion
KIP-701: Add --override option to bin/connect-distributed.sh Under Discussion
KIP-702: The control plane needs to force the validation of requests from the controller Under Discussion
KIP-703: Add a metric for reporting idle connections closed

Under Discussion

KIP-705: Selectively Disable Topology Optimizations Draft
KIP-706: Add method "Producer#produce" to return CompletionStage instead of Future Under Discussion
KIP-711 Deprecate org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.BrokerNotFoundException Under Discussion
KIP-712: Shallow Mirroring Under Discussion
KIP-713: Validation of Enums in configuration Under Discussion
KIP-718: Make KTable Join on Foreign key unopinionated Under Discussion
KIP-723: Add socket.tcp.no.delay property to Kafka Config Under Discussion

KIP-727: Add --under-preferred-replica-partitions option to describe topics comman d

Under Discussion

KIP-729: Custom validation of records on the broker prior to log append

Under Discussion
KIP-731: Record Rate Limiting for Kafka Connect Under Discussion
KIP-736: Report the true end to end fetch latency Under Discussion
KIP-737: Add canTrackSource to ReplicationPolicy Under Discussion
KIP-739: Block Less on KafkaProducer#send Under Discussion
KIP-749: Add --files and --file-separator options to the ConsoleProducer Under Discussion
KIP-752: Support --bootstrap-server in ReplicaVerificationTool Under Discussion
KIP-754: Make Scala case class's final Under Discussion
KIP-755: Add new AUTO_CREATE ACL for auto topic creation Under Discussion
KIP-759: Unneeded repartition canceling Accepted
KIP-760: Minimum value for segment.ms and segment.bytes Under Discussion
KIP-762: Delete Committed Connect Records Under Discussion
KIP-767: Connect Latency Metrics Under Discussion
KIP-774: Deprecate public access to Admin client's *Result constructors

Under Discussion

KIP-777: Improved testability for Admin client Draft
KIP-780: Support fine-grained compression options Under Discussion
KIP-781: Improve MirrorMaker2's client configuration Under Discussion
KIP-782: Expandable batch size in producer Voting
KIP-785: Automatic storage formatting Under Discussion
KIP-786: Emit Metric Client Quota Values Under Discussion
KIP-789: Use localhost:9092 as default bootstrap-server/broker-list in client tools KIP page WIP
KIP-799: Align behaviour for producer callbacks with documented behaviour Under Discussion

KIP-802: Validation Support for Kafka Connect SMT Options

Under Discussion

KIP-803: Add Task ID and Connector Name to Connect Task Context Under Discussion
KIP-804: OfflinePartitionsCount Tagged by Topic Under Discussion
KIP-807: Refactor KafkaStreams exposed metadata hierarchy Under Discussion
KIP-809: Support live upgrades with dynamic addition/removal of modular topologies KIP page WIP
KIP-816: Topology changes without local state reset Under Discussion
KIP-817: Fix inconsistency in dynamic application log levels Under Discussion
KIP-819: Merge multiple KStreams in one operation Under Discussion
KIP-822: Optimize the semantics of KafkaConsumer#pause to be consistent between the two RebalanceProtocols Under Discussion
KIP-823: Update Admin::describeConfigs to allow fetching specific configurations KIP page WIP

KIP-826: Define platforms supported

Under Discussion
KIP-828: Add the corresponding validator to the configuration where the validator is missing Under Discussion
KIP-829: (console-consumer) add print.topic property Under Discussion
KIP-838 Simulate batching and compression Under Discussion

KIP-839: Provide builders for KafkaProducer/KafkaConsumer and KafkaStreams

Under Discussion
KIP-842: Add richer group offset reset mechanisms Under Discussion
KIP-849: Expose logdirs total and usable space via kafka-log-dirs.sh Under Discussion
KIP-855: Add schema.namespace parameter to SetSchemaMetadata SMT in Kafka Connect Under Discussion
KIP-857: Streaming recursion in Kafka Streams Under Discussion

KIP-860: Add client-provided option to guard against replication factor change during partition reassignments

Under Discussion
KIP-864: Add End-To-End Latency Metrics to Connectors Under Discussion
KIP-870: Retention policy based on record event time Under Discussion
KIP-873: ExceptionHandlingDeserializer, RetryDeserializer, PipeSerializer, PipeDeserializer Under Discussion

KIP-877: Mechanism for plugins and connectors to register metrics

Under Discussion
KIP-879: Multi-level Rack Awareness Under Discussion
KIP-880: X509 SAN based SPIFFE URI ACL within mTLS Client Certificates Under Discussion
KIP-882: Kafka Connect REST API configuration validation timeout improvements Under Discussion

KIP-883: Add isDeleted flag when stopping a connector

Under Discussion
KIP-885: Expose Broker's Name and Version to Clients Under Discussion
KIP-886: Add Client Producer and Consumer Builders Under Discussion

KIP-888: Batch describe ACLs and describe client quotas

Under Discussion

KIP-891: Running multiple versions of Connector plugins Under Discussion
KIP-895: Dynamically refresh partition count of __consumer_offsets Under Discussion

KIP-901: Add connectorDeleted flag when stopping tasks

Under Discussion

KIP-905: Broker interceptors

Under Discussion

KIP-910: Update Source offsets for Source Connectors without producing records

Under Discussion

KIP-912: Support decreasing send's block time without worrying about metadata's fetch

Under Discussion

KIP-913: add new method to provide possibility for accelerate first record's sending

Under Discussion

KIP-916: MM2 distributed mode flow log context

Under Discussion
KIP-917: Additional custom metadata for remote log segment Under Discussion

KIP-918: MM2 Topic And Group Listener

Under Discussion

KIP-921: OpenJDK CRaC support

Under Discussion

KIP-922: Add the traffic metric of the partition dimension

Under Discussion

KIP-926: introducing acks=min.insync.replicas config

Under Discussion

KIP-928: Making Kafka resilient to log directories becoming full

Under Discussion

KIP-930: Rename ambiguous Tiered Storage Metrics

Under Discussion

KIP-931: Flag to ignore unused message attribute field

Under Discussion

KIP-933: Publish metrics when source connector fails to poll data

Under Discussion

KIP-934: Add DeleteTopicPolicy

Under Discussion

KIP-935: Extend AlterConfigPolicy with existing configurations

Under Discussion

KIP-936: Throttle number of active PIDs

Under Discussion

KIP-939: Support Participation in 2PC

Under Discussion

KIP-940: Broker extension point for validating record contents at produce time

Under Discussion

KIP-943: Add independent “offset.storage.segment.bytes” for connect-distributed.properties

Under Discussion

KIP-945: Update threading model for Consumer WIP
KIP-946: Modify exceptions thrown by Consumer APIs WIP

KIP-948: Allow custom prefix for internal topic names in Kafka Streams

Under Discussion

KIP-952: Regenerate segment-aligned producer snapshots when upgrading to a Kafka version supporting Tiered Storage

Under Discussion

KIP-953: partition method to be overloaded to accept headers as well.


KIP-955: Add stream-table join on foreign key

Under Discussion

KIP-964 Have visibility when produce requests become "async"

Under discussion

KIP-965: Support disaster recovery between clusters by MirrorMaker

Under Discussion

KIP-969: Support range Interactive Queries (IQv2) for Versioned State Stores

KIP-971: Expose replication-record-lag MirrorMaker2 metric

Voting in progress

KIP-972: Add the metric of the current running version of kafka

Under Discussion

KIP-973: Expose per topic replication rate metrics

Under Discussion

KIP-981: Manage Connect topics with custom implementation of Admin

Under Discussion

KIP-982: Access SslPrincipalMapper and kerberosShortNamer in Custom KafkaPrincipalBuilder

Voting in progress

( PR is reviewed by Contributors )

KIP-983: Full speed async processing during rebalance


KIP-984: Add pluggable compression interface to Kafka

Under Discussion

KIP-986: Cross-Cluster Replication


KIP-987: Connect Static Assignments

Under Discussion

KIP-991: Allow DropHeaders SMT to drop headers by wildcard/regexp

Under Discussion

KIP-995: Allow users to specify initial offsets while creating connectors

Under Discussion

KIP-997: update WindowRangeQuery and unify WindowKeyQuery and WindowRangeQuery

Under Discussion

KIP-999: Server-side Consumer Lag Metrics


KIP-1002: Fetch remote segment indexes at once

Under Discussion

KIP-1003: Signal next segment when remote fetching

Under Discussion

KIP-1006: Remove SecurityManager Support


KIP-1008: ParKa - the Marriage of Parquet and Kafka

Under Discussion

KIP-1009: Add Broker-level Throttle Configurations

Under Discussion

KIP-1010: Topic Partition Quota

Under Discussion

KIP-1011: Use incrementalAlterConfigs when updating broker configs by kafka-configs.sh

Under Discussion

KIP-1014: Managing Unstable Features in Apache Kafka

Under Discussion

KIP-1015: Limit number of ssl connections in brokers

Under Discussion

KIP-1016 Make MM2 heartbeats topic name configurable

Under Discussion

KIP-1021: Allow to get last stable offset (LSO) in kafka-get-offsets.sh

Under Discussion

KIP-1027: Add MockFixedKeyProcessorContext and TestFixedKeyRecordFactory

Under Discussion

KIP-1028: Docker Official Image for Apache Kafka


KIP-1032: Upgrade to Jakarta and JavaEE 9 in Kafka 4.0

Under Discussion

KIP-1033: Add Kafka Streams exception handler for exceptions occurring during processing


KIP-1034: Dead letter queue in Kafka Streams

Under Discussion

KIP-1038: Add Custom Error Handler to Producer

Under Discussion

KIP-1040: Improve handling of nullable values in InsertField/ExtractField transformations


KIP-1042: Support for wildcard when creating new acls

Under Discussion

KIP-1043: Administration of groups


KIP-1044: A proposal to change idempotent producer -- server implementation


KIP-1045: Move MockAdminClient to public api

Under Discussion

KIP-1046: Expose producer.id.expiration.check.interval.ms as dynamic broker configuration

Under Discussion

KIP-1048: Improve kafka-consumer-perf-test to benchmark single partition

Under Discussion

KIP-1050: Consistent error handling for Transactions

Under Discussion

KIP-1051: Statically configured log replication throttling

Under Discussion

KIP-1052: Enable warmup in producer performance test

Under Discussion

KIP-1053: Align the naming convention for config and default variables in *Config classes

Under Discussion

KIP-1054: Support External schema in JSONConvertor

Voting in progress

KIP-1055: Introducing Round-Robin Assignment Strategy to ConnectorUtils

Under Discussion

KIP-1058: Txn consumer exerts pressure on remote storage when reading non-txn topic

Under Discussion

KIP-1059: The Producer flush() method should clear the latest error produced by send()

Under Discussion

KIP-1061: Allow exporting SCRAM credentials

Under Discussion

KIP-1062: Introduce Pagination for some requests used by Admin API

Under Discussion

KIP-1065: Add "retry" return-option to ProductionExceptionHandler

Under Discussion

KIP-1066: Mechanism to cordon brokers and log directories

Under Discussion

Go to link

Dormant/inactive KIPs

Please insert new rows in sorted order (ascending by KIP number).

KIP Comment
KIP-6 - New reassignment partition logic for rebalancing Needs more detail
KIP-10 - Running Producer, Consumers and Brokers on Mesos
KIP-14 - Tools standardization
KIP-17 - Add HighwaterMarkOffset to OffsetFetchResponse
KIP-23 - Add JSON/CSV output and looping options to ConsumerGroupCommand
KIP-27 - Conditional Publish
KIP-30 - Allow for brokers to have plug-able consensus and meta data storage sub systems
KIP-37 - Add Namespaces to Kafka
KIP-39: Pinning controller to broker
KIP-44 - Allow Kafka to have a customized security protocol
KIP-46 - Self Healing
KIP-47 - Add timestamp-based log deletion policy
KIP-49 - Fair Partition Assignment Strategy
KIP-53 - Add custom policies for reconnect attempts to NetworkdClient
KIP-59: Proposal for a kafka broker command
KIP-64 -Allow underlying distributed filesystem to take over replication depending on configuration
KIP-68 Add a consumed log retention before log retention
KIP-69 - Kafka Schema Registry Draft
KIP-76 Enable getting password from executable rather than passing as plaintext in config files
KIP-87 - Add Compaction Tombstone Flag Possibly displaced by KIP-82
KIP-95: Incremental Batch Processing for Kafka Streams
KIP-159: Introducing Rich functions to Streams
KIP-260: add primary join operation for Stream-Stream join (WIP) Draft

KIP-269: Substitution Within Configuration Values

KIP-311: Async processing with dynamic scheduling in Kafka Streams
KIP-314: KTable to GlobalKTable Bi-directional Join
KIP-326: Schedulable KTable as Graph source
KIP-349: Priorities for Source Topics

Functionality can be realized with existing API although at a lower level.

KIP-335: Consider configurations for KafkaStreams
K IP-362: Support Dynamic Session Window
KIP-378: Enable Dependency Injection for Kafka Streams handlers
KIP-408: Add asynchronous processing to Kafka Streams
KIP-419: Safely notify Kafka Connect SourceTask is stopped
KIP-422: Add support for client quota configuration in the Kafka Admin Client KIP-546 added the necessary APIs instead
KIP-457: Add DISCONNECTED status to Kafka Streams
KIP-459: Improve KafkaStreams#close
KIP-463: Auto-configure non-default Serdes passed alongside the TopologyBuilder
KIP-611: Improved Handling of Abandoned Connectors and Tasks
KIP-645: Replace Windows with a proper interface Still nice to have, just not as important as I thought.
KIP-634: Complementary support for headers and record metadata in Kafka Streams DSL KIP-820 offers a workaround, and potential DSL v2 could replace the proposal.

Discarded KIPs

Please insert new rows in sorted order (ascending by KIP number).

KIP Comment
KIP-5 - Broker Configuration Management Superseded by KIP-21
KIP-7 - Security - IP Filtering
KIP-9 - SSL Support Adopted via KAFKA-1690 but not via this KIP process
KIP-18 - JBOD Support Superseded by KIP-112 and KIP-113
KIP-24 - Remove ISR information from TopicMetadataRequest and add broker level metadata request
KIP-29 - Add an IsrPropagateIntervalMs configuration to KafkaConfig No longer need after KAFKA-2722

KIP-34 Add Partitioner Change Listener to Partitioner Interface for Multiple Use Case

Per feedback it is better do this parition() method and avoid Thread Coordination etc.
KIP-50 - Move Authorizer to o.a.k.common package Superseded by KIP-504
KIP-80: Kafka Rest Server
KIP-83 - Allow multiple SASL authenticated Java clients in a single JVM process After KIP-85, no interface changes, reduced to KAFKA-4180
KIP-111: Kafka should preserve the Principal generated by the PrincipalBuilder while processing the request received on socket channel, on the broker. Covered by KIP-189
KIP-116: Add State Store Checkpoint Interval Configuration Currently not needed as checkpointing can be done on commit interval.
KIP-127: Pluggable JAAS LoginModule configuration for SSL Similar functionality can be implemented using a custom PrincipalBuilder.
KIP-132: Augment KStream.print to allow extra parameters in the printed string

Duplicated by KIP-160

KIP-147: Add missing type parameters to StateStoreSupplier factories and KGroupedStream/Table methods Covered by KIP-182
KIP-165: Extend Interactive Queries for return latest update timestamp per key Covered by KIP-258
KIP-170: Enhanced TopicCreatePolicy and introduction of TopicDeletePolicy Superseded by KIP-201: Rationalising Policy interfaces
KIP 172: Add regular-expression topic support for sink connector Superseded by KIP-215: Add topic regex support for Connect sinks
KIP-179: Change ReassignPartitionsCommand to use AdminClient
KIP-184: Rename LogCleaner and related classes to LogCompactor A lot of configuration change will cause more trouble and doesn't seems to be worth it
KIP-199: Add Kafka Connect offset tool Superseded by KIP-875: First-class offsets support in Kafka Connect
KIP 230: Name Windowing Joins Covered by KIP-372: Naming Repartition Topics for Joins and Grouping
KIP-232: Detect outdated metadata using per-partition leaderEpoch field Merged into KIP-320: Allow fetchers to detect and handle log truncation
KIP-246: Connect producers and consumers should inherit worker configs Withdrawn because proposal could not be made backward compatible with existing behavior
KIP-248 - Create New ConfigCommand That Uses The New AdminClient Discarded by author as it's partly covered in KIP-339 and KIP-422
KIP-259: Improve Streams DSL Timestamp Propagation Semantics Change did not require a KIP.
KIP-262: Metadata should include number of state stores for task Rejected since metadata is no longer required.
KIP-263: Allow broker to skip sanity check of inactive segments on broker startup Withdrawn because the solution we agreed on does not require interface change
KIP-275 - Indicate "isClosing" in the SinkTaskContext
KIP-286: producer.send() should not block on metadata update Withdrawn because the benefit of not having to wait for metadata is probably not worth the complexity added in producer.
KIP-288: [DISCARDED] Consumer.poll() timeout semantic change and new waitForAssignment method Discarded in deference to KIP-266
KIP-310: Add a Kafka Source Connector to Kafka Connect Withdrawn in favor of KIP-382 .
KIP-327: Add describe all topics API to AdminClient Withdrawn in-favor of filter support in Metadata API and KIP-142
KIP-344: The auto-generated client id should be passed to MetricsReporter Bug fix so KIP not needed
KIP-347: Enable batching in FindCoordinatorRequest Replaced by KIP-699
KIP-364: Remove implicit Materialized, Consumed and Produced Subsumed by KIP-365
KIP-383:  Pluggable interface for SSL Factory Replaced by KIP-519
KIP-391: Allow Producing with Offsets for Cluster Replication Not enough interest in favour.
KIP-398: Support reading trust store from classpath

Not enough interest in favour. Can be implemented with mechanism in KAFKA-8191 Getting issue details... STATUS

KIP-404: Add Kafka Connect configuration parameter for disabling WADL output on OPTIONS request

Discarded, reported as a bug by KAFKA-7759 Getting issue details... STATUS

KIP-432: Additional Broker-Side Opt-In for Default, Unsecure SASL/OAUTHBEARER Implementation

A "security sanity check tool" is a more generic and appropriate solution.
KIP-451: Make TopologyTestDriver output iterable

Discarded in favor of KIP-456

KIP-456: Helper classes to make it simpler to write test logic with TopologyTestDriver Discarded in favor of KIP-470
KIP-472: Add header to RecordContext/ProducerRecord Discarded due to change being far more complex than necessary for a simple bug
KIP-485: Make topic optional when using through() operations in DSL Moved to KIP-221
KIP-486: Support custom way to load KeyStore and TrustStore Discarded in favor of KIP-519
KIP-522: Update BrokerApiVersionsCommand to use AdminClient Discarded as this KIP is likely to be misused
KIP-593: Enable --if-exists and --if-not-exists for AdminClient in TopicCommand Superseded by KIP-604
KIP-615: add ConstrainedCooperativeStickyAssignor Discarded in favor of modifying existing assignor
KIP-638: Deprecate DescribeLogDirsResponse.[LogDirInfo, ReplicaInfo]

Duplication of KIP-621

KIP-660: Pluggable ReplicaPlacer

KIP-667: Remove deprecated methods from ReadOnlyWindowStore No KIP needed
KIP-672: Introduce Kafka Streams Specific Uncaught Exception Handler

Combined with KIP-671

[DISCARD] KIP-658 Deprecate all setters of Headers
KIP-818: Introduce cache-size-bytes-total Task Level Metric Decided to add the new metric in KIP-770.
KIP-717: Deprecate batch-size config from console producer Change did not require a KIP
KIP-756: Move StreamsResetter tool outside of core Subsumed by KIP-906

KIP-795: Add public APIs for AbstractCoordinator

Discarded in favor of KIP-848
KIP-832: Allow creating a producer/consumer using a producer/consumer config Superseded by KIP-839
KIP-844: Transactional State Stores Discarded in favor of KIP-892
KIP-845: 'HasField' predicate for kafka connect Discarded in favor of improving existing SMTs
KIP 850: REST API for filtering Connector plugins by type Discarded as JIRA was obsolete
KIP-856: KRaft Disk Failure Recovery Discarded in favor of KIP-853: KRaft Controller Membership Changes
KIP-871: Fix ByteBufferSerializer#serialize(String, ByteBuffer) compatible problem Discard as it doesn't change any public API.
KIP-874: TopicRoundRobinAssignor Discard as it is too specific.
KIP-897: Publish a single kafka (aka core) Maven artifact in Apache Kafka 4.0 Taking a different approach.
KIP-908: Add description field to connector configuration Discarded as the benefits are too limited
KIP-947: Add support for consumer group protocol in Consumer Change did not require a KIP
KIP-944: Support async runtimes in consumer and KIP-957: Support Async runtimes Withdrawn because the committers do not seem to be convinced that you cannot control on what thread code runs with an async runtime
KIP-990: Capability to PAUSE Tasks on DeserializationException Rejected during the discussion, due to technical concerns.
KIP-1007: Introduce Remote Storage Not Ready Exception

Discarded as the change is not compatible with the consumer.

KIP-1060: Expose advertised.listeners for KRaft controllers

This is implemented as part of KIP-853: KRaft Controller Membership Changes

KIP Discussion Recordings

Date (link to recording) Summary
  • KIP-253 - partition expansion: We discussed a few things. (1) Is it useful to backfill a compacted topic? The main use case is to rebuild the application states. If the new partition has the existing data, rebuilding the state can be done easily by reading from a single partition. Otherwise, an application has to read both the child and the parent partition to rebuild the state. This is possible, but can be complicated. Jan will do an exercise to see how complicated this is. (2) What's the best way to add the backfilling support if we want to do it? We can do this on the server side or on the client side. The former potentially makes the coordination easier. The latter potentially reduces the memory footprint on the server for reshuffling. We need to think through how to support EOS message format and how to throttle the process to avoid overwhelming the cluster. (3) Linear hashing vs doubling partitions. It seems that Linear hashing is more general. (4) Partition splitting in Kinesis. This is done differently since it doesn't allow customized partitioning. It doesn't support compacted topic either. (5) Sticky partition assignment. It could be useful to support a partition assignment strategy where the child partition is assigned together with the parent partition to a consumer instance so that the local state doesn't have to be moved immediately. (6) Consumer callback on partition splitting. This could still be useful if the states are maintained globally.
  • KIP -112 - Handle disk failure for JBOD : We discussed whether we need to support JBOD directly in Kafka or just rely on the 1 disk per broker model. The general consensus is that direct JBOD support in Kafka is needed. There is some concern on the complexity added to Kafka. So, we have to be careful with the implementation details. We discussed how directory failure should be detected, where the failure state is kept, and whether the state should be reset on broker restart. There is a bit confusing on what's written in the wiki. Dong is going to clarify the proposal based on the feedback and we will follow up on the details in the mailing list.
  • KIP -82 - add record header: We agreed that there are use cases for third-party vendors building tools around Kafka. We haven't reached the conclusion whether the added complexity justifies the use cases. We will follow up on the mailing list with use cases, container format people have been using, and details on the proposal.
  • KIP-54 (Sticky Partition Assignment): aims to minimise partition movement so that resource reinitialisation (e.g. caches) is minimised. It is partially sticky and partially fair. Some concerns around the fact that user code for partitionsRevoked and partitionsAssigned would have to be changed to work correctly with this assignment strategy. Good: more complex usage of an assigner that takes advantage of the user data field. Vahid will start the vote.

  • KIP-72 (Allow Sizing Incoming Request Queue in Bytes): large requests can kill the broker, no control over how much memory is allocated. Client quotas don't help as damage may already have been done by the time they kick in. There was a discussion on whether it was worth it to avoid the immediate return from select when there was no memory available in the pool. Radai will update the KIP to describe this aspect in more detail as well as the config validation that is performed.

  • KIP-79 (ListOffsetRequest/ListOffsetResponse v1 and add timestamp search methods to the new consumer): we discussed the option of passing multiple timestamps for the same partition in the same request. Becket thinks it's a rare use case and not worth supporting. Gwen said that it would be nice to have, but not essential. We talked about validation of duplicate topics. Becket will check the approach taken by the create topics request and evaluate if it can be adopted here too. PR will be available today and Jason will evaluate if it's feasible to include it in the next release once it's available.

  • KIP48 (delegation tokens): Harsha will update the wiki with more details on how to use delegation tokens and how to configure it.
  • KIP-78 (cluster id): There was discussion on adding human readable tags later. No major concerns.
  • time-based release: No one seems to have objections. Ismael will follow up with a release wiki.
  • KIP-4: We discussed having separate ACL requests of add and delete. No one seems to object to it. We discussed the admin client. Grant will send a PR. We discussed how KStream can use the ACL api.  It seems that we will need some kind of regex or namespace support in ACL to make the authorization convenient in KStream.
  • KIP-50: There is some discussion for further changes in the PR. Ashish will reply to the KIP email thread with the recommended changes. Ashish/Grant plan to look into whether it's possible to make the authorizer api change backward compatible. However, it seems that people are in general ok with a non-compatible api change.
  • KIP-74: No objections on the current proposal.
  • Java 7 support timeline: The consensus is to defer dropping the Java 7 support until the next major release (which will be next year). Ismael will follow up on the email thread.
  • KIP-48 delegation token : Ashish will ping Harsh to see if this is still active.
  • Some of the KIPs have been idle. Grant will send a proposal on tagging them properly (e.g., blocked, inactive, no resource, etc).
  • KIP-58 - Make Log Compaction Point Configurable: We want to start with just a time-based configuration since there is no good usage for byte-based or message-based configuration. Eric will change the KIP and start the vote.
  • KIP-4 - Admin api: Grant will pick up the work. Initially, he plans to route the write requests from the admin clients to the controller directly to avoid having the broker forward the requests to the controller.
  • KIP-48 - Delegation tokens: Two of the remaining issues are (1) how to store the delegation tokens and (2) how token expiration works. Since Parth wasn't able to attend the meeting. We will follow up in the mailing list.
  • KIP-4: There is a slight debate on the metadata request schema, as well as the internal ZK based implementation, which we will wait for Jun to comment on the mailing list thread.
  • KIP -52: We decided to start a voting process for this.
  • KIP-35: Decided on renaming ApiVersionQuery api to ApiVersion. Consensus on using the api in java client to only check for availability of current versions. ApiVersion api's versions will not be deprecated. Update KIP-35 wiki will be updated with latest info and vote thread will be initiated.
  • KIP-33 - Add a time based log index to Kafka: We decided NOT to include this in 0.10.0 since the changes may have performance risks.
  • KIP-45 - Standardize all client sequence interaction on j.u.Collection: There is no consensus in the discussion. We will just put it to vote.
  • KIP-35 - Retrieving protocol version: This gets the longest discussion. There is still no consensus. Magnus thinks the current proposal of maintaining a global protocol version won't work and will try to submit a new proposal.
  • KIP-43 - Kafka SASL enhancements: Rajini will modify the KIP to only support native SASL mechanisms and leave the changes to Login and CallbackHandler to KIP-44 instead.
  • KIP -33 and KIP-47: No issues. Will start the voting thread.
  • KIP -43: We discussed whether there is a need to support multiple SASL mechanisms at the same time and what's the best way to implement this. Will discuss this in more details in the email thread.
  • KIP-4: Grant gave a comprehensive summary of the current state. We have gaps on how to make the admin request block on the broker, how to integrate admin requests with ACL (especially with respect to client config changes for throttling and ACL changes), how to do the alter topic request properly. Grant will update the KIP with an interim plan and a long term plan.
  • KIP-43: We briefly discussed on to support multiple sasl mechanisms on the broker. Harsha will follow up with more details on the email thread.
  • Everyone seems to be in favor of making the next major release 0.10.0, instead of 0.9.1.
  • KIP -42: We agreed to leave the broker side interceptor for another KIP. On the client side, people favor the 2nd option in Anna's proposal. Anna will update the wiki accordingly.
  • KIP -43: We discussed whether there is a need to support multiple SASL mechanisms at the same time and what's the best way to implement this. Will discuss this in more details in the email thread.
  • Jiangjie brought up an issue related to KIP-32 (adding timestamp field in the message). The issue is that currently there is no convenient way for the consumer to tell whether the timestamp in a message is the create time or the server time. He and Guozhang propose to use a bit in the message attribute to do that. Jiangjie will describe the proposal in the email thread.
  • KIP -41: Discussed whether the issue of long processing time between poll calls is a common issue and whether we should revisit the poll api. Also discussed whether the number of records returned in poll calls can be made more dynamic. In the end, we feel that just adding a config that controls the number records returned in poll() is the simplest approach at this moment.
  • KIP -36: Need to look into how to change the broker JSON representation in ZK w/o breaking rolling upgrades. Otherwise, ready for voting.
  • KIP-38: No concerns with this KIP. Flavio will initiate the voting on this.
  • KIP-37: There are questions on how ACL, configurations, etc will work, and whether we should support "move" or not. We will discuss the details more in the mailing list.
  • KIP-32/KIP-33: Jiangjie raised some concerns on the approach that Jay proposed. Guozhang and Jay will follow up on the mailing list.
  • 0.9.0 release: We discussed if KAFKA-2397 should be a blocker in 0.9.0. Jason and Guozhang will follow up on the jira.
  • KIP-32 and KIP-33: We discussed Jay's alternative proposal of just keeping CreateTime in the message and having a config to control how far off the CreateTime can be from the broker time. We will think a bit more on this and Jiangjie will update the KIP wiki.
  • KIP-36: We discussed an alternative approach of introducing a new broker property to designate the rack. It's simpler and potentially can work in the case when the broker to rack mapping is maintaining externally. We need to make sure that we have an upgrade plan for this change. Allen will update the KIP wiki
  • We only had the time to go through KIP-35. The consensus is that we will add a BrokerProtocolRequest that returns the supported versions for every type of requests. It's up to the client to decide how to use this. Magnus will update the KIP wiki with more details.
  • KIP-31: Need to figure out how to evolve inter.broker.protocol.version with multiple protocol changes within the same release, mostly for people who are deploying from trunk. Becket will update the wiki.
  • KIP-32/KIP-33: Having both CreateTime and LogAppendTime per message adds significant overtime. There are a couple of possibilities to improve this. Becket will follow up on this.
  • LinkedIn has been testing SSL in MirrorMaker (SSL is only enabled in the producer). So far, MirrorMaker can keep up with the load. LinkedIn folks will share some of the performance results.
  • KIP-28: Discussed the improved proposal including 2 layers of API (the higher layer is for streaming DSL), and stream time vs processor time. Ready for review.
  • KIP-31, KIP-32: (1) Discussed whether the timestamp should be from the client or the broker. (2) Discussed the migration path and whether this requires all consumers to upgrade before the new message format can be used. (3) Since this is too big a change, it will NOT be included in 0.9.0 release. Becket will update the wiki.
  • client-side assignment strategy: We discussed concerns about rebalancing time due to metadata inconsistency, especially when lots of topics are subscribed. Will discuss a bit more on the mailing list.
  • CopyCat data api: The discussions are in KAFKA-2367 for people who are interested.
  • We want to make this a low risk bug fix release since 0.8.3 is coming. So, will only include a small number of critical and small fixes.
  • 0.8.3: The main features will be security and the new consumer. We will be cutting a release branch when the major pieces for these new features have been committed.

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