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This is a (Bug Report / Feature Proposal)

I noticed that serverless 1.26.0 released and merged #4665 , so I hope I can deploy to cn-north-1 but still have some problems and the biggest problem is {"Message":null} responsed when I call the api.


Update to serverless 1.26.0 and change serverless code just as #4615 and change endpoint type to REGIONAL because EDGE is not supported in China. then run sls deploy and I finally success deploy it. But the outputs still error it should be something like https://xxx.execute-api.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn not https://xxx.execute-api.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com
For bug reports:

What went wrong?
When I click this link https://jnueoirgfe.execute-api.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn/dev/test I hope outputs is {"name":"chun"} but is {"Message":null} and no logs in cloudwatch, only log group created. Then I give the lambda role admin permission still not work.

What did you expect should have happened?
When click the link above should response {"name":"chun"}

What was the config you used?
service: api-ssyer

frameworkVersion: ">=1.1.0 <2.0.0"


  • serverless-offline
  • provider:
    name: aws
    runtime: nodejs6.10
    stage: dev # Set the default stage used. Default is dev
    region: cn-north-1 # cn-north-1 #us-west-2 # Overwrite the default region used. Default is us-east-1
    memorySize: 512 # Overwrite the default memory size. Default is 1024
    timeout: 10 # The default is 6 seconds. Note: API Gateway current maximum is 30 seconds


    handler: test.index
    - http:
    path: test
    method: get

  • What stacktrace or error message from your provider did you see?
    No error since cloudwatch no logs
  • Additional Data

  • Serverless Framework Version you're using : and change some code just as Support for China AWS region cn-north #4615 and change endpoint type to REGIONAL
  • Operating System :
    Manjaro Linux and all software up to date
  • *** Other Infomation***
    I noticed when call lambda by browser there is no logs in cloud watch but test at lambda console there is logs. And all api call return {"Message":null} It seems that api gateway no call the lambda but just return {"Message":null}
  • Since our company want to release this app within next weekend , so if any one known how to fix this please tell me, other region of aws is slow in China every api call may take almost 1-2 seconds.

    I notice that they haven't merge #4665 yet. I try to deploy with americansystems/serverless#sls-govcloud successful except API Gateway.

    I'm interesting how you resolve the api gateway issue in cn-north-1 region?

    It should response {"msg":"hello","code":100} but response {"Message":null} maybe it just aws China issue.

    What your problem by ask me how resolve the api gateway issue? @cncolder

    # method: get # path: hello

    I setup api gateway by AWS Console point my demo lambda. Then invoke by httpie :

    http https://l0b5oc706k.execute-api.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn/dev/hello
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 16
    Content-Type: application/json
    Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2018 05:16:10 GMT
    x-amzn-ErrorType: AccessDeniedException
    x-amzn-RequestId: 2e36be20-07d8-11e8-8650-2d6d077e32af
        "Message": null

    It seems {"message": null} is response body of 403.

    @cncolder 我的域名已经备案了,IAM 也已经指定,但是依然是 403 ,{ Message: null }


  • 关于备案要求的链接
  • 在您可以使用AWS中国(北京)区域或AWS中国(宁夏)区域托管公共内容之前,您可能会被要求出示您适用的 ICP备案或 ICP 许可证。

  • Feature Availability and Implementation Differences

    The following API Gateway features are either unavailable in the Beijing and Ningxia Regions or require an ICP license:

  • API Gateway serves unauthenticated API requests only if the API owner’s Amazon AWS account is associated with a valid ICP license. As a result, creating an API using a Lambda authorizer or no authorizer requires an ICP license.
  • You can configure an API using a custom authorizer or no authorizer, but the API can only be accessed if your Amazon AWS account is associated with an ICP license.
  • You cannot use Alias A records for custom domain names. You must create a CNAME that points to the regional custom domain endpoint.
  • 功能可用性和实施区别

    以下 API 网关 功能在 北京和宁夏区域 不可用或需要 ICP 许可证:

  • API 网关 仅在 API 所有者的 Amazon AWS 账户与有效的 ICP 许可证关联时才提供未经身份验证的 API 请求。因此,使用 Lambda 授权方或不使用授权方创建 API 时需要 ICP 许可证。
  • 您可以使用自定义授权方或不使用授权方配置 API,但只有 Amazon AWS 账户与 ICP 许可证关联时才能访问该 API。
  • 无法为自定义域名使用别名 A 记录。必须创建指向区域自定义域终端节点的 CNAME。
  • @ijustyce @wrluo @hengbenkeji 解决了,现在可以访问了。
    首先我花了一个月时间进行了ICP备案,但是备案完成后在依然是{"Message": null},说明和备案没有关系。

    后来我重新开工单问,AWS打电话来跟我说我们要使用APIGateway,他们会帮我申请开通,叫我等一下就行了,过了一个多小时就收到邮件开通了。然后就能正常访问了,而且不用自定义域名,用 invoke URL 就能访问。


    I encountered the typical issue of receiving a 403 error when accessing the HTTP gateway in the cn-northwest-1 region where I have deployed. Initially, I thought that adding authentication verification to the HTTP requests was necessary, so I spent two days troubleshooting without success. Eventually, I reached out to customer support for assistance, and received an email with the resolution after one hour. At this point, I was able to use the HTTP gateway without the need for authentication.
    我部署在中国的区域cn-northwest-1,我也遇到了通常http gateway访问返回403的问题,起初我以为需要为http加入auth验证,折腾2天无果。最后我联系了售后处理,1小时后收到处理结果的邮件,此时已经能在无需要验证的情况下正常使用。